Esempio n. 1
zmonitor_test (bool verbose)
    printf (" * zmonitor: ");
    if (verbose)
        printf ("\n");

#if defined (ZMQ_EVENT_ALL)
    //  @selftest
    zsock_t *client = zsock_new (ZMQ_DEALER);
    assert (client);
    zactor_t *clientmon = zactor_new (zmonitor, client);
    assert (clientmon);
    if (verbose)
        zstr_sendx (clientmon, "VERBOSE", NULL);
    zstr_sendx (clientmon, "LISTEN", "LISTENING", "ACCEPTED", NULL);
    zstr_sendx (clientmon, "START", NULL);
    zsock_wait (clientmon);

    zsock_t *server = zsock_new (ZMQ_DEALER);
    assert (server);
    zactor_t *servermon = zactor_new (zmonitor, server);
    assert (servermon);
    if (verbose)
        zstr_sendx (servermon, "VERBOSE", NULL);
    zstr_sendx (servermon, "LISTEN", "CONNECTED", "DISCONNECTED", NULL);
    zstr_sendx (servermon, "START", NULL);
    zsock_wait (servermon);

    //  Allow a brief time for the message to get there...
    zmq_poll (NULL, 0, 200);

    //  Check client is now listening
    int port_nbr = zsock_bind (client, "tcp://*");
    assert (port_nbr != -1);
    s_assert_event (clientmon, "LISTENING");

    //  Check server connected to client
    zsock_connect (server, "tcp://", port_nbr);
    s_assert_event (servermon, "CONNECTED");

    //  Check client accepted connection
    s_assert_event (clientmon, "ACCEPTED");

    zactor_destroy (&clientmon);
    zactor_destroy (&servermon);
    zsock_destroy (&client);
    zsock_destroy (&server);
    //  @end
    printf ("OK\n");
Esempio n. 2
static void
s_bind_proxy_sockets (zactor_t *proxy, char **frontend, char **backend)
    if (*frontend)
        zstr_free (frontend);
    if (*backend)
        zstr_free (backend);
    *frontend = zsys_sprintf (LOCALENDPOINT, s_get_available_port ());
    *backend = zsys_sprintf (LOCALENDPOINT, s_get_available_port ());
    zstr_sendx (proxy, "FRONTEND", "PULL", *frontend, NULL);
    zsock_wait (proxy);
    zstr_sendx (proxy, "BACKEND", "PUSH", *backend, NULL);
    zsock_wait (proxy);
Esempio n. 3
File: zyre.c Progetto: sphaero/zyre
zyre_stop (zyre_t *self)
    assert (self);
    zstr_sendx (self->actor, "STOP", NULL);
    zsock_wait (self->actor);
Esempio n. 4
File: zyre.c Progetto: VanL/zyre
zyre_start (zyre_t *self)
    assert (self);
    zstr_sendx (self->actor, "START", NULL);
    return zsock_wait (self->actor) == 0? 0: -1;
Esempio n. 5
zactor_t *
zactor_new (zactor_fn *actor, void *args)
    zactor_t *self = (zactor_t *) zmalloc (sizeof (zactor_t));
    if (!self)
        return NULL;
    self->tag = ZACTOR_TAG;

    shim_t *shim = (shim_t *) zmalloc (sizeof (shim_t));
    if (!shim)
        return NULL;

    //  Create front-to-back pipe pair
    self->pipe = zsock_new (ZMQ_PAIR);
    assert (self->pipe);
    char endpoint [32];
    while (true) {
        sprintf (endpoint, "inproc://zactor-%04x-%04x\n",
                 randof (0x10000), randof (0x10000));
        if (zsock_bind (self->pipe, "%s", endpoint) == 0)
    shim->pipe = zsock_new (ZMQ_PAIR);
    assert (shim->pipe);
    int rc = zsock_connect (shim->pipe, "%s", endpoint);
    assert (rc != -1);

    shim->handler = actor;
    shim->args = args;

#if defined (__UNIX__)
    pthread_t thread;
    pthread_create (&thread, NULL, s_thread_shim, shim);
    pthread_detach (thread);

#elif defined (__WINDOWS__)
    HANDLE handle = (HANDLE) _beginthreadex (
        NULL,                   //  Handle is private to this process
        0,                      //  Use a default stack size for new thread
        &s_thread_shim,         //  Start real thread function via this shim
        shim,                   //  Which gets arguments shim
        CREATE_SUSPENDED,       //  Set thread priority before starting it
        NULL);                  //  We don't use the thread ID
    assert (handle);

    //  Set child thread priority to same as current
    int priority = GetThreadPriority (GetCurrentThread ());
    SetThreadPriority (handle, priority);

    //  Start thread & release resources
    ResumeThread (handle);
    CloseHandle (handle);

    //  Mandatory handshake for new actor so that constructor returns only
    //  when actor has also initialized. This eliminates timing issues at
    //  application start up.
    zsock_wait (self->pipe);
    return self;
Esempio n. 6
int main (void)
    zactor_t *server = zactor_new (zccp_server, "zccpd");
    zsock_send (server, "s", "VERBOSE");
    zsock_send (server, "ss", "BIND", "ipc://@/zccp");
    zsock_wait (server);
    zactor_destroy (&server);
    return 0;
Esempio n. 7
main (int argc, char *argv[])
    setvbuf(stdout, NULL, _IONBF, 0);

    char executors_uri[256];
    if (argc == 3)
        snprintf (executors_uri, 256, "tcp://%s:%s", argv[1], argv[2]);
        snprintf (executors_uri, 256, "tcp://", argv[1]);

    zactor_t *executor = zactor_new (executor_actor, (void *) executors_uri);
    zstr_send (executor, "START");
    zsock_wait (executor);

    // Wait for interrupted
    zsock_wait (executor);
    zactor_destroy (&executor);
Esempio n. 8
static int twps_create_ticket_printer(twps_server_t *self, zmsg_t *msg) {
    char *type = zmsg_popstr(msg);
    char *id = zmsg_popstr(msg);
    char *path = zmsg_popstr(msg);
    char *model = zmsg_popstr(msg);
    wchar_t *manufacture = (wchar_t *) zmsg_popstr(msg);
    wchar_t *product = (wchar_t *) zmsg_popstr(msg);
    zactor_t *printer = NULL;
    if (streq(type, "HID")) {
        printer = zactor_new(ticket_hid_printer, path);
#ifdef __WIN32__
    else if (streq(type, "SERIAL")) {
        printer = zactor_new(ticket_serial_printer, path);
    if (printer != NULL) {
        if (self->verbose) {
            zstr_send(printer, "VERBOSE");
        if (self->diagnostic)
            zstr_sendx(printer, "SETDIAGNOSTIC", NULL);
        zstr_sendx(printer, "START", TICKET_STORE_REP_ENDPOINT, NULL);
        zsys_info("twps server: started ticket printer %s manufacturer|product|model %ls|%ls|%s", type, manufacture,
                  product, model);
        zlistx_add_end(self->ticket_printers, printer);
    } else {
        zsys_warning("twps server: printer not added %s, %s", type, path);
    zstr_free((char **) &manufacture);
    zstr_free((char **) &product);
    return 0;
Esempio n. 9
File: zyre.c Progetto: sphaero/zyre
zyre_set_endpoint (zyre_t *self, const char *format, ...)
    assert (self);
    va_list argptr;
    va_start (argptr, format);
    char *string = zsys_vprintf (format, argptr);
    va_end (argptr);

    zstr_sendx (self->actor, "SET ENDPOINT", string, NULL);
    free (string);
    return zsock_wait (self->actor) == 0? 0: -1;
Esempio n. 10
static twps_server_t *twps_new(bool verbose, bool proxy_log) {
    zsys_info("twps: TWPS is initializing.");
    twps_server_t *self = (twps_server_t *) calloc(1, sizeof(twps_server_t));
    self->verbose = verbose;
    self->ticket_printers = zlistx_new();
    self->ticket_store = zactor_new(ticket_store, NULL);
    self->printer_store = zactor_new(printer_store, NULL);
    self->client_proxy = zactor_new(client_proxy, NULL);
    zsys_info("twps: actors created.");
    if (verbose) {
        zstr_send(self->ticket_store, "VERBOSE");
        zstr_send(self->printer_store, "VERBOSE");
    if (proxy_log)
        zstr_send(self->client_proxy, "VERBOSE");
    zsys_info("twps: ticket store started listening on %s and publishing on %s", TICKET_STORE_REP_ENDPOINT,
    zsys_info("twps: printer store started listening on %s and publishing on %s", PRINTER_STORE_REP_ENDPOINT,
    zsys_info("twps: client proxy started listening on %s and publishing on %s", CLIENT_PROXY_ROUTE_ENDPOINT,

    self->printer_store_sub = zsock_new_sub(PRINTER_STORE_PUB_ENDPOINT, "");
    zsys_info("twps: initialized with ticket store, printer store and client proxy");
    zsys_info("twps: scanning for printers");
    return self;
Esempio n. 11
someactor_test (bool verbose)
    printf (" * someactor: ");

    int rc = 0;
    //  @selftest
    //  Simple create/destroy test
    zactor_t *someactor = zactor_new (someactor_actor, NULL);

    zstr_send (someactor, "START");
    rc = zsock_wait (someactor);                   //  Wait until actor started
    assert (rc == 0);

    zstr_send (someactor, "STOP");
    rc = zsock_wait (someactor);                   //  Wait until actor stopped
    assert (rc == 0);

    zactor_destroy (&someactor);
    //  @end

    printf ("OK\n");
Esempio n. 12
void MessageProcessor::init(int port, zcert_t* transportKey)
    if (port == 0) {
    if (!zsys_has_curve()) {
        Log::vError("Error: libzmq has no libsodium support");
    zstr_sendx(zmqAuth_, "CURVE", CURVE_ALLOW_ANY, NULL);
    zsock_set_zap_domain(zmqSocket_, "global");
    zsock_set_curve_server(zmqSocket_, 1);
    zcert_apply(transportKey, zmqSocket_);
    zsock_bind(zmqSocket_, "tcp://*:%d", port);
Esempio n. 13
zactor_t *
zactor_new (zactor_fn *actor, void *args)
    zactor_t *self = (zactor_t *) zmalloc (sizeof (zactor_t));
    if (!self)
        return NULL;
    self->tag = ZACTOR_TAG;

    shim_t *shim = (shim_t *) zmalloc (sizeof (shim_t));
    if (!shim) {
        zactor_destroy (&self);
        return NULL;
    shim->pipe = zsys_create_pipe (&self->pipe);
    shim->handler = actor;
    shim->args = args;

#if defined (__UNIX__)
    pthread_t thread;
    pthread_create (&thread, NULL, s_thread_shim, shim);
    pthread_detach (thread);

#elif defined (__WINDOWS__)
    HANDLE handle = (HANDLE) _beginthreadex (
        NULL,                   //  Handle is private to this process
        0,                      //  Use a default stack size for new thread
        &s_thread_shim,         //  Start real thread function via this shim
        shim,                   //  Which gets arguments shim
        CREATE_SUSPENDED,       //  Set thread priority before starting it
        NULL);                  //  We don't use the thread ID
    assert (handle);

    //  Set child thread priority to same as current
    int priority = GetThreadPriority (GetCurrentThread ());
    SetThreadPriority (handle, priority);

    //  Start thread & release resources
    ResumeThread (handle);
    CloseHandle (handle);

    //  Mandatory handshake for new actor so that constructor returns only
    //  when actor has also initialized. This eliminates timing issues at
    //  application start up.
    zsock_wait (self->pipe);
    return self;
Esempio n. 14
zactor_destroy (zactor_t **self_p)
    assert (self_p);
    if (*self_p) {
        zactor_t *self = *self_p;
        assert (zactor_is (self));

        //  Signal the actor to end and wait for the thread exit code
        zstr_send (self->pipe, "$TERM");
        zsock_wait (self->pipe);
        zsock_destroy (&self->pipe);
        self->tag = 0xDeadBeef;
        free (self);
        *self_p = NULL;
Esempio n. 15
static void
s_send_proxy_command (zactor_t *proxy, const char *command, int selected_sockets, const char *string, ...)
    zmsg_t *msg = zmsg_new ();
    if (!msg)
        assert (false);
    va_list args;
    va_start (args, string);
    while (string) {
        zmsg_addstr (msg, string);
        string = va_arg (args, char *);
    va_end (args);
    for (int index = 0; index < SOCKETS; index++) {
        if (selected_sockets & (1 << index)) {
            s_send_proxy_msg (proxy, command, (proxy_socket)index, zmsg_dup (msg));
            zsock_wait (proxy);
    zmsg_destroy (&msg);
Esempio n. 16
int main(int argc, char* argv[]) {

    broker_t *broker = broker_new (
        "ipc://contexts.ipc", "ipc://executors.ipc");
    pthread_t broker_thread = broker_run_in_thread (&broker);

    zactor_t *executor = zactor_new (executor_actor, NULL);
    zstr_send (executor, "START");
    zsock_wait (executor);

    sprk_ctx_t *ctx = sprk_ctx_new("ipc://contexts.ipc");
    sprk_dataset_t *dataset = sprk_ctx_load_dense (ctx, "/tmp/gen.dat", 400);
    sleep (3);

    pthread_cancel (broker_thread);
    pthread_join (broker_thread, NULL);
    sprk_dataset_destroy (&dataset);
    zactor_destroy (&executor);
Esempio n. 17
zactor_destroy (zactor_t **self_p)
    assert (self_p);
    if (*self_p) {
        zactor_t *self = *self_p;
        assert (zactor_is (self));

        //  Signal the actor to end and wait for the thread exit code
        //  If the pipe isn't connected any longer, assume child thread
        //  has already quit due to other reasons and don't collect the
        //  exit signal.
        zsock_set_sndtimeo (self->pipe, 0);
        if (zstr_send (self->pipe, "$TERM") == 0)
            zsock_wait (self->pipe);
        zsock_destroy (&self->pipe);
        self->tag = 0xDeadBeef;
        free (self);
        *self_p = NULL;
Esempio n. 18
static void
s_create_test_sockets (zactor_t **proxy, zsock_t **faucet, zsock_t **sink, bool verbose)
    if (*faucet)
        zsock_destroy (faucet);
    if (*sink)
        zsock_destroy (sink);
    if (*proxy)
        zactor_destroy (proxy);

    *faucet = zsock_new (ZMQ_PUSH);
    assert (*faucet);
    *sink = zsock_new (ZMQ_PULL);
    assert (*sink);
    *proxy = zactor_new (zproxy, NULL);
    assert (*proxy);
    if (verbose) {
        zstr_sendx (*proxy, "VERBOSE", NULL);
        zsock_wait (*proxy);
Esempio n. 19
zauth_test (bool verbose)
    printf (" * zauth: ");
    if (verbose)
        printf ("\n");

    //  @selftest
    //  Create temporary directory for test files
#   define TESTDIR ".test_zauth"
    zsys_dir_create (TESTDIR);

    //  Check there's no authentication
    zsock_t *server = zsock_new (ZMQ_PUSH);
    assert (server);
    zsock_t *client = zsock_new (ZMQ_PULL);
    assert (client);
    bool success = s_can_connect (&server, &client);
    assert (success);

    //  Install the authenticator
    zactor_t *auth = zactor_new (zauth, NULL);
    assert (auth);
    if (verbose) {
        zstr_sendx (auth, "VERBOSE", NULL);
        zsock_wait (auth);
    //  Check there's no authentication on a default NULL server
    success = s_can_connect (&server, &client);
    assert (success);

    //  When we set a domain on the server, we switch on authentication
    //  for NULL sockets, but with no policies, the client connection
    //  will be allowed.
    zsock_set_zap_domain (server, "global");
    success = s_can_connect (&server, &client);
    assert (success);

    //  Blacklist, connection should fail
    zsock_set_zap_domain (server, "global");
    zstr_sendx (auth, "DENY", "", NULL);
    zsock_wait (auth);
    success = s_can_connect (&server, &client);
    assert (!success);

    //  Whitelist our address, which overrides the blacklist
    zsock_set_zap_domain (server, "global");
    zstr_sendx (auth, "ALLOW", "", NULL);
    zsock_wait (auth);
    success = s_can_connect (&server, &client);
    assert (success);

    //  Try PLAIN authentication
    zsock_set_plain_server (server, 1);
    zsock_set_plain_username (client, "admin");
    zsock_set_plain_password (client, "Password");
    success = s_can_connect (&server, &client);
    assert (!success);

    FILE *password = fopen (TESTDIR "/password-file", "w");
    assert (password);
    fprintf (password, "admin=Password\n");
    fclose (password);
    zsock_set_plain_server (server, 1);
    zsock_set_plain_username (client, "admin");
    zsock_set_plain_password (client, "Password");
    zstr_sendx (auth, "PLAIN", TESTDIR "/password-file", NULL);
    zsock_wait (auth);
    success = s_can_connect (&server, &client);
    assert (success);

    zsock_set_plain_server (server, 1);
    zsock_set_plain_username (client, "admin");
    zsock_set_plain_password (client, "Bogus");
    success = s_can_connect (&server, &client);
    assert (!success);

    if (zsys_has_curve ()) {
        //  Try CURVE authentication
        //  We'll create two new certificates and save the client public
        //  certificate on disk; in a real case we'd transfer this securely
        //  from the client machine to the server machine.
        zcert_t *server_cert = zcert_new ();
        assert (server_cert);
        zcert_t *client_cert = zcert_new ();
        assert (client_cert);
        char *server_key = zcert_public_txt (server_cert);

        //  Test without setting-up any authentication
        zcert_apply (server_cert, server);
        zcert_apply (client_cert, client);
        zsock_set_curve_server (server, 1);
        zsock_set_curve_serverkey (client, server_key);
        success = s_can_connect (&server, &client);
        assert (!success);

        //  Test CURVE_ALLOW_ANY
        zcert_apply (server_cert, server);
        zcert_apply (client_cert, client);
        zsock_set_curve_server (server, 1);
        zsock_set_curve_serverkey (client, server_key);
        zstr_sendx (auth, "CURVE", CURVE_ALLOW_ANY, NULL);
        zsock_wait (auth);
        success = s_can_connect (&server, &client);
        assert (success);

        //  Test full client authentication using certificates
        zcert_apply (server_cert, server);
        zcert_apply (client_cert, client);
        zsock_set_curve_server (server, 1);
        zsock_set_curve_serverkey (client, server_key);
        zcert_save_public (client_cert, TESTDIR "/mycert.txt");
        zstr_sendx (auth, "CURVE", TESTDIR, NULL);
        zsock_wait (auth);
        success = s_can_connect (&server, &client);
        assert (success);

        zcert_destroy (&server_cert);
        zcert_destroy (&client_cert);
    //  Remove the authenticator and check a normal connection works
    zactor_destroy (&auth);
    success = s_can_connect (&server, &client);
    assert (success);

    zsock_destroy (&client);
    zsock_destroy (&server);

    //  Delete all test files
    zdir_t *dir = zdir_new (TESTDIR, NULL);
    assert (dir);
    zdir_remove (dir, true);
    zdir_destroy (&dir);
    //  @end
    printf ("OK\n");
Esempio n. 20
//  Wait on a signal. Use this to coordinate between threads, over pipe  
//  pairs. Blocks until the signal is received. Returns -1 on error, 0 or
//  greater on success. Accepts a zsock_t or a zactor_t as argument.     
//  Takes a polymorphic socket reference.                                
int QZsock::wait ()
    int rv = zsock_wait (self);
    return rv;
Esempio n. 21
int main (int argc, char *argv [])
    //  Let's start a new Malamute broker
    zactor_t *broker = zactor_new (mlm_server, NULL);

    //  Switch on verbose tracing... this gets a little overwhelming so you
    //  can comment or delete this when you're bored with it:
    zsock_send (broker, "s", "VERBOSE");

    //  We control the broker by sending it commands. It's a CZMQ actor, and
    //  we can talk to it using the zsock API (or zstr, or zframe, or zmsg).
    //  To get things started, let's tell the broker to bind to an endpoint:
//     zsock_send (broker, "ss", "BIND", "tcp://*:12345");

    //  This is how we configure a server from an external config file, which
    //  is in format:
    zstr_sendx (broker, "LOAD", "src/malamute.cfg", NULL);

    //  We can also, or alternatively, set server properties by sending it
    //  SET commands like this (see malamute.cfg for details):
    zsock_send (broker, "sss", "SET", "server/timeout", "5000");

    //  For PLAIN authentication, we start a zauth instance. This handles
    //  all client connection requests by checking against a password file
    zactor_t *auth = zactor_new (zauth, NULL);
    assert (auth);

    //  We can switch on verbose tracing to debug authentication errors
    zstr_sendx (auth, "VERBOSE", NULL);
    zsock_wait (auth);

    //  Now specify the password file; each line says 'username=password'
    zstr_sendx (auth, "PLAIN", "src/passwords.cfg", NULL);
    zsock_wait (auth);

    //  The broker is now running. Let's start two clients, one to publish
    //  messages and one to receive them. We're going to test the stream
    //  pattern with some natty wildcard patterns.
    mlm_client_t *reader = mlm_client_new ();
    assert (reader);
    int rc = mlm_client_set_plain_auth (reader, "reader", "secret");
    assert (rc == 0);
    rc = mlm_client_connect (reader, "tcp://", 1000, "reader");
    assert (rc == 0);

    mlm_client_t *writer = mlm_client_new ();
    assert (writer);
    rc = mlm_client_set_plain_auth (writer, "writer", "secret");
    assert (rc == 0);
    rc = mlm_client_connect (writer, "tcp://", 1000, "writer");
    assert (rc == 0);

    //  The writer publishes to the "weather" stream
    mlm_client_set_producer (writer, "weather");

    //  The reader consumes temperature messages off the "weather" stream
    mlm_client_set_consumer (reader, "weather", "temp.*");

    //  The writer sends a series of messages with various subjects. The
    //  sendx method sends string data to the stream (we send the subject,
    //  then one or more strings):
    mlm_client_sendx (writer, "", "1", NULL);
    mlm_client_sendx (writer, "", "2", NULL);
    mlm_client_sendx (writer, "", "3", NULL);
    mlm_client_sendx (writer, "", "4", NULL);
    mlm_client_sendx (writer, "", "5", NULL);
    mlm_client_sendx (writer, "", "6", NULL);

    //  The simplest way to receive a message is via the recvx method,
    //  which stores multipart string data:
    char *subject, *content;
    mlm_client_recvx (reader, &subject, &content, NULL);
    assert (streq (subject, ""));
    assert (streq (content, "1"));
    zstr_free (&subject);
    zstr_free (&content);

    //  The last-received message has other properties:
    assert (streq (mlm_client_subject (reader), ""));
    assert (streq (mlm_client_command (reader), "STREAM DELIVER"));
    assert (streq (mlm_client_sender (reader), "writer"));
    assert (streq (mlm_client_address (reader), "weather"));

    //  Let's get the other two messages:
    mlm_client_recvx (reader, &subject, &content, NULL);
    assert (streq (subject, ""));
    assert (streq (content, "3"));
    zstr_free (&subject);
    zstr_free (&content);

    mlm_client_recvx (reader, &subject, &content, NULL);
    assert (streq (subject, ""));
    assert (streq (content, "5"));
    zstr_free (&subject);
    zstr_free (&content);

    //  Great, it all works. Now to shutdown, we use the destroy method,
    //  which does a proper deconnect handshake internally:
    mlm_client_destroy (&reader);
    mlm_client_destroy (&writer);

    //  Finally, shut down the broker by destroying the actor; this does
    //  a proper shutdown so that all memory is freed as you'd expect.
    zactor_destroy (&broker);
    zactor_destroy (&auth);
    return 0;
Esempio n. 22
File: zproxy.c Progetto: claws/czmq
zproxy_test (bool verbose)
    printf (" * zproxy: ");
    if (verbose)
        printf ("\n");

    //  @selftest
    //  Create and configure our proxy
    zactor_t *proxy = zactor_new (zproxy, NULL);
    assert (proxy);
    if (verbose) {
        zstr_sendx (proxy, "VERBOSE", NULL);
        zsock_wait (proxy);
    zstr_sendx (proxy, "FRONTEND", "PULL", "inproc://frontend", NULL);
    zsock_wait (proxy);
    zstr_sendx (proxy, "BACKEND", "PUSH", "inproc://backend", NULL);
    zsock_wait (proxy);

    //  Connect application sockets to proxy
    zsock_t *faucet = zsock_new_push (">inproc://frontend");
    assert (faucet);
    zsock_t *sink = zsock_new_pull (">inproc://backend");
    assert (sink);

    //  Send some messages and check they arrived
    char *hello, *world;
    zstr_sendx (faucet, "Hello", "World", NULL);
    zstr_recvx (sink, &hello, &world, NULL);
    assert (streq (hello, "Hello"));
    assert (streq (world, "World"));
    zstr_free (&hello);
    zstr_free (&world);

    //  Test pause/resume functionality
    zstr_sendx (proxy, "PAUSE", NULL);
    zsock_wait (proxy);
    zstr_sendx (faucet, "Hello", "World", NULL);
    zsock_set_rcvtimeo (sink, 100);
    zstr_recvx (sink, &hello, &world, NULL);
    assert (!hello && !world);

    zstr_sendx (proxy, "RESUME", NULL);
    zsock_wait (proxy);
    zstr_recvx (sink, &hello, &world, NULL);
    assert (streq (hello, "Hello"));
    assert (streq (world, "World"));
    zstr_free (&hello);
    zstr_free (&world);

    //  Test capture functionality
    zsock_t *capture = zsock_new_pull ("inproc://capture");
    assert (capture);

    //  Switch on capturing, check that it works
    zstr_sendx (proxy, "CAPTURE", "inproc://capture", NULL);
    zsock_wait (proxy);
    zstr_sendx (faucet, "Hello", "World", NULL);
    zstr_recvx (sink, &hello, &world, NULL);
    assert (streq (hello, "Hello"));
    assert (streq (world, "World"));
    zstr_free (&hello);
    zstr_free (&world);

    zstr_recvx (capture, &hello, &world, NULL);
    assert (streq (hello, "Hello"));
    assert (streq (world, "World"));
    zstr_free (&hello);
    zstr_free (&world);

    zsock_destroy (&faucet);
    zsock_destroy (&sink);
    zsock_destroy (&capture);
    zactor_destroy (&proxy);
    //  @end
    printf ("OK\n");
Esempio n. 23
static rsRetVal initCZMQ(instanceData* pData) {

	/* tell czmq to not use it's own signal handler */
	putenv ("ZSYS_SIGHANDLER=false");

	/* create new auth actor */
	DBGPRINTF ("omczmq: starting auth actor...\n");
	pData->authActor = zactor_new (zauth, NULL);
	if (!pData->authActor) {
		errmsg.LogError (0, RS_RET_NO_ERRCODE,
				"omczmq: could not create auth service");

	/* create our zeromq socket */
	DBGPRINTF ("omczmq: creating zeromq socket...\n");
	pData->sock = zsock_new (pData->sockType);
	if (!pData->sock) {
		errmsg.LogError (0, RS_RET_NO_ERRCODE,
				"omczmq: new socket failed for endpoints: %s",

	bool is_server = false;

	/* if we are a CURVE server */
	if (!strcmp(pData->authType, "CURVESERVER")) {
		DBGPRINTF("omczmq: we are a curve server...\n");
		is_server = true;

		/* set global auth domain */
		zsock_set_zap_domain(pData->sock, "global");

		/* set that we are a curve server */
		zsock_set_curve_server(pData->sock, 1);

		/* get and set our server cert */
		DBGPRINTF("omczmq: server cert is %s...\n", pData->serverCertPath);
		pData->serverCert = zcert_load(pData->serverCertPath);
		if (!pData->serverCert) {
			errmsg.LogError(0, NO_ERRCODE, "could not load server cert");

		zcert_apply(pData->serverCert, pData->sock);

		/* set allowed clients */
		DBGPRINTF("omczmq: allowed clients are %s...\n", pData->clientCertPath);
		zstr_sendx(pData->authActor, "CURVE", pData->clientCertPath, NULL);

	/* if we are a CURVE client */
	if (!strcmp(pData->authType, "CURVECLIENT")) {
		DBGPRINTF("omczmq: we are a curve client...\n");

		is_server = false;

		/* get our client cert */
		pData->clientCert = zcert_load(pData->clientCertPath);
		if (!pData->clientCert) {
			errmsg.LogError(0, NO_ERRCODE, "could not load client cert");

		/* apply the client cert to the socket */
		zcert_apply(pData->clientCert, pData->sock);

		/* get the server cert */
		DBGPRINTF("omczmq: server cert is %s...\n", pData->serverCertPath);
		pData->serverCert = zcert_load(pData->serverCertPath);
		if (!pData->serverCert) {
			errmsg.LogError(0, NO_ERRCODE, "could not load server cert");

		/* get the server public key and set it for the socket */
		char *server_key = zcert_public_txt(pData->serverCert);
		DBGPRINTF("omczmq: server public key is %s...\n", server_key);
		zsock_set_curve_serverkey (pData->sock, server_key);

	/* we default to CONNECT unless told otherwise */
	int rc = zsock_attach(pData->sock, (const char*)pData->sockEndpoints, is_server);
	if (rc == -1) {
		errmsg.LogError(0, NO_ERRCODE, "zsock_attach to %s failed",

Esempio n. 24
static rsRetVal rcvData(){
	if(!listenerList) {
		listenerList = zlist_new();
		if(!listenerList) {
			errmsg.LogError(0, NO_ERRCODE, "could not allocate list");

	zactor_t *authActor;
	zcert_t *serverCert;

	if(runModConf->authenticator == 1) {
		authActor = zactor_new(zauth, NULL);
		zstr_sendx(authActor, "CURVE", runModConf->clientCertPath, NULL);

	instanceConf_t *inst;
	for(inst = runModConf->root; inst != NULL; inst=inst->next) {
	zpoller_t *poller = zpoller_new(NULL);
	if(!poller) {
		errmsg.LogError(0, NO_ERRCODE, "could not create poller");
	DBGPRINTF("imczmq: created poller\n");

	struct listener_t *pData;

	pData = zlist_first(listenerList);
	if(!pData) {
		errmsg.LogError(0, NO_ERRCODE, "imczmq: no listeners were "
						"started, input not activated.\n");

	while(pData) {
		int rc = zpoller_add(poller, pData->sock);
		if(rc != 0) {
			errmsg.LogError(0, NO_ERRCODE, "imczmq: could not add "
						"socket to poller, input not activated.\n");
		pData = zlist_next(listenerList);

	zframe_t *frame;
	zsock_t *which = (zsock_t *)zpoller_wait(poller, -1);
	while(which) {
		if (zpoller_terminated(poller)) {
		pData = zlist_first(listenerList);
		while(pData->sock != which) {
			pData = zlist_next(listenerList);
		if(which == pData->sock) {
			DBGPRINTF("imczmq: found matching socket\n");

		frame = zframe_recv(which);
		char *buf = zframe_strdup(frame);

		if(buf == NULL) {
			DBGPRINTF("imczmq: null buffer\n");
		smsg_t *pMsg;
		if(msgConstruct(&pMsg) == RS_RET_OK) {
			MsgSetRawMsg(pMsg, buf, strlen(buf));
			MsgSetInputName(pMsg, s_namep);
			MsgSetHOSTNAME(pMsg, glbl.GetLocalHostName(), ustrlen(glbl.GetLocalHostName()));
			MsgSetRcvFrom(pMsg, glbl.GetLocalHostNameProp());
			MsgSetRcvFromIP(pMsg, glbl.GetLocalHostIP());
			MsgSetMSGoffs(pMsg, 0);
			MsgSetFlowControlType(pMsg, eFLOWCTL_NO_DELAY);
			MsgSetRuleset(pMsg, pData->ruleset);

		which = (zsock_t *)zpoller_wait(poller, -1);
	pData = zlist_first(listenerList);
	while(pData) {
		pData = zlist_next(listenerList);
Esempio n. 25
zsock_test (bool verbose)
    printf (" * zsock: ");

    //  @selftest
    zsock_t *writer = zsock_new_push ("@tcp://");
    assert (writer);
    assert (zsock_resolve (writer) != writer);
    assert (streq (zsock_type_str (writer), "PUSH"));

    int rc;
    //  Check unbind
    rc = zsock_unbind (writer, "tcp://", 5560);
    assert (rc == 0);

    //  In some cases and especially when running under Valgrind, doing
    //  a bind immediately after an unbind causes an EADDRINUSE error.
    //  Even a short sleep allows the OS to release the port for reuse.
    zclock_sleep (100);

    //  Bind again
    rc = zsock_bind (writer, "tcp://", 5560);
    assert (rc == 5560);
    assert (streq (zsock_endpoint (writer), "tcp://"));

    zsock_t *reader = zsock_new_pull (">tcp://");
    assert (reader);
    assert (zsock_resolve (reader) != reader);
    assert (streq (zsock_type_str (reader), "PULL"));

    zstr_send (writer, "Hello, World");
    zmsg_t *msg = zsock_recv (reader);
    assert (msg);
    char *string = zmsg_popstr (msg);
    assert (streq (string, "Hello, World"));
    free (string);
    zmsg_destroy (&msg);

    //  Test binding to ephemeral ports, sequential and random
    int port = zsock_bind (writer, "tcp://*");
    assert (port >= DYNAMIC_FIRST && port <= DYNAMIC_LAST);
    port = zsock_bind (writer, "tcp://*[50000-]");
    assert (port >= 50000 && port <= DYNAMIC_LAST);
    port = zsock_bind (writer, "tcp://*[-50001]");
    assert (port >= DYNAMIC_FIRST && port <= 50001);
    port = zsock_bind (writer, "tcp://*[60000-60010]");
    assert (port >= 60000 && port <= 60010);
    port = zsock_bind (writer, "tcp://!");
    assert (port >= DYNAMIC_FIRST && port <= DYNAMIC_LAST);
    port = zsock_bind (writer, "tcp://![50000-]");
    assert (port >= 50000 && port <= DYNAMIC_LAST);
    port = zsock_bind (writer, "tcp://![-50001]");
    assert (port >= DYNAMIC_FIRST && port <= 50001);
    port = zsock_bind (writer, "tcp://![60000-60010]");
    assert (port >= 60000 && port <= 60010);

    //  Test zsock_endpoint method
    rc = zsock_bind (writer, "inproc://test.%s", "writer");
    assert (rc == 0);
    assert (streq (zsock_endpoint (writer), "inproc://test.writer"));
    //  Test error state when connecting to an invalid socket type
    //  ('txp://' instead of 'tcp://', typo intentional)
    rc = zsock_connect (reader, "txp://");
    assert (rc == -1);

    rc = zsock_signal (writer, 123);
    assert (rc == 0);
    rc = zsock_wait (reader);
    assert (rc == 123);

    zsock_destroy (&reader);
    zsock_destroy (&writer);

    //  Test zsock_attach method
    zsock_t *server = zsock_new (ZMQ_DEALER);
    rc = zsock_attach (server, "@inproc://myendpoint,tcp://,inproc://others", true);
    assert (rc == 0);
    rc = zsock_attach (server, "", false);
    assert (rc == 0);
    rc = zsock_attach (server, NULL, true);
    assert (rc == 0);
    rc = zsock_attach (server, ">a,@b, c,, ", false);
    assert (rc == -1);
    zsock_destroy (&server);
    //  @end

    printf ("OK\n");
Esempio n. 26
Java_org_zeromq_czmq_Zsock__1_1wait (JNIEnv *env, jclass c, jlong self)
    jint wait_ = (jint) zsock_wait ((zsock_t *) (intptr_t) self);
    return wait_;
Esempio n. 27
static rsRetVal addListener(instanceConf_t* iconf){
	struct lstn_s* pData;

	CHKmalloc(pData=(struct lstn_s*)MALLOC(sizeof(struct lstn_s)));
	pData->next = NULL;
	pData->pRuleset = iconf->pBindRuleset;

	/* Create the zeromq socket */
	/* ------------------------ */

	pData->sock = zsock_new(iconf->sockType);
	if (!pData->sock) {
		errmsg.LogError(0, RS_RET_NO_ERRCODE,
				"imczmq: new socket failed for endpoints: %s",

	DBGPRINTF ("imczmq: created socket...\n");

	/* Create the beacon actor if configured */
	/* ------------------------------------- */

	if((iconf->beacon != NULL) && (iconf->beaconPort > 0)) {
		DBGPRINTF ("imczmq: starting beacon actor...\n");

		pData->beaconActor = zactor_new(zbeacon, NULL);
		if (!pData->beaconActor) {
			errmsg.LogError(0, RS_RET_NO_ERRCODE,
					"imczmq: could not create beacon service");

		zsock_send(pData->beaconActor, "si", "CONFIGURE", iconf->beaconPort);
		char *hostname = zstr_recv(pData->beaconActor);
		if (!*hostname) {
			errmsg.LogError(0, RS_RET_NO_ERRCODE,
					"imczmq: no UDP broadcasting available");

				"sbi", "PUBLISH", pData->beaconActor, strlen(iconf->beacon));

		DBGPRINTF ("omczmq: beacon is lit: hostname: '%s', port: '%d'...\n", 
			hostname, iconf->beaconPort);

	DBGPRINTF("imczmq: authtype is: %s\n", iconf->authType);

	if (iconf->authType != NULL) {

		/* ----------- */

		if (!strcmp(iconf->authType, "CURVESERVER")) {

			zsock_set_zap_domain(pData->sock, "global");
			zsock_set_curve_server(pData->sock, 1);

			pData->serverCert = zcert_load(iconf->serverCertPath);
			if (!pData->serverCert) {
				errmsg.LogError(0, NO_ERRCODE, "could not load server cert");

			zcert_apply(pData->serverCert, pData->sock);

			zstr_sendx(authActor, "CURVE", iconf->clientCertPath, NULL);

			DBGPRINTF("imczmq: CURVESERVER: serverCertPath: '%s'\n", iconf->serverCertPath);
			DBGPRINTF("mczmq: CURVESERVER: clientCertPath: '%s'\n", iconf->clientCertPath);

		/* ----------- */

		else if (!strcmp(iconf->authType, "CURVECLIENT")) {
			if (!strcmp(iconf->clientCertPath, "*")) {
				pData->clientCert = zcert_new();
			else {
				pData->clientCert = zcert_load(iconf->clientCertPath);
			if (!pData->clientCert) {
				errmsg.LogError(0, NO_ERRCODE, "could not load client cert");

			zcert_apply(pData->clientCert, pData->sock);
			pData->serverCert = zcert_load(iconf->serverCertPath);
			if (!pData->serverCert) {
				errmsg.LogError(0, NO_ERRCODE, "could not load server cert");

			char *server_key = zcert_public_txt(pData->serverCert);
			zsock_set_curve_serverkey (pData->sock, server_key);

			DBGPRINTF("imczmq: CURVECLIENT: serverCertPath: '%s'\n", iconf->serverCertPath);
			DBGPRINTF("imczmq: CURVECLIENT: clientCertPath: '%s'\n", iconf->clientCertPath);
			DBGPRINTF("imczmq: CURVECLIENT: server_key: '%s'\n", server_key);
		else {
			errmsg.LogError(0, NO_ERRCODE, "unrecognized auth type: '%s'", iconf->authType);

	/* subscribe to topics */
	/* ------------------- */

	if (iconf->sockType == ZMQ_SUB) {
		char topic[256], *list = iconf->topicList;
		while (list) {
			char *delimiter = strchr(list, ',');
			if (!delimiter) {
				delimiter = list + strlen (list);

			if (delimiter - list > 255) {
				errmsg.LogError(0, NO_ERRCODE,
						"iconf->topicList must be under 256 characters");
			memcpy(topic, list, delimiter - list);
			topic[delimiter - list] = 0;

			zsock_set_subscribe(pData->sock, topic);

			if (*delimiter == 0) {

			list = delimiter + 1;

	switch (iconf->sockType) {
		case ZMQ_SUB:
			iconf->serverish = false;
		case ZMQ_PULL:
		case ZMQ_ROUTER:
			iconf->serverish = true;

	int rc = zsock_attach(pData->sock, (const char*)iconf->sockEndpoints,
	if (rc == -1) {
		errmsg.LogError(0, NO_ERRCODE, "zsock_attach to %s",

	/* add this struct to the global */
	/* ----------------------------- */

	if(lcnfRoot == NULL) {
		lcnfRoot = pData;
	if(lcnfLast == NULL) {
		lcnfLast = pData;
	} else {
		lcnfLast->next = pData;
		lcnfLast = pData;

Esempio n. 28
zgossip_test (bool verbose)
    printf (" * zgossip: ");
    if (verbose)
        printf ("\n");

    //  @selftest
    //  Test basic client-to-server operation of the protocol
    zactor_t *server = zactor_new (zgossip, "server");
    assert (server);
    if (verbose)
        zstr_send (server, "VERBOSE");
    zstr_sendx (server, "BIND", "inproc://zgossip", NULL);

    zsock_t *client = zsock_new (ZMQ_DEALER);
    assert (client);
    zsock_set_rcvtimeo (client, 2000);
    int rc = zsock_connect (client, "inproc://zgossip");
    assert (rc == 0);

    //  Send HELLO, which gets no message
    zgossip_msg_t *message = zgossip_msg_new ();
    zgossip_msg_set_id (message, ZGOSSIP_MSG_HELLO);
    zgossip_msg_send (message, client);

    //  Send PING, expect PONG back
    zgossip_msg_set_id (message, ZGOSSIP_MSG_PING);
    zgossip_msg_send (message, client);
    zgossip_msg_recv (message, client);
    assert (zgossip_msg_id (message) == ZGOSSIP_MSG_PONG);
    zgossip_msg_destroy (&message);

    zactor_destroy (&server);
    zsock_destroy (&client);

    //  Test peer-to-peer operations
    zactor_t *base = zactor_new (zgossip, "base");
    assert (base);
    if (verbose)
        zstr_send (base, "VERBOSE");
    //  Set a 100msec timeout on clients so we can test expiry
    zstr_sendx (base, "SET", "server/timeout", "100", NULL);
    zstr_sendx (base, "BIND", "inproc://base", NULL);

    zactor_t *alpha = zactor_new (zgossip, "alpha");
    assert (alpha);
    zstr_sendx (alpha, "CONNECT", "inproc://base", NULL);
    zstr_sendx (alpha, "PUBLISH", "inproc://alpha-1", "service1", NULL);
    zstr_sendx (alpha, "PUBLISH", "inproc://alpha-2", "service2", NULL);

    zactor_t *beta = zactor_new (zgossip, "beta");
    assert (beta);
    zstr_sendx (beta, "CONNECT", "inproc://base", NULL);
    zstr_sendx (beta, "PUBLISH", "inproc://beta-1", "service1", NULL);
    zstr_sendx (beta, "PUBLISH", "inproc://beta-2", "service2", NULL);

    //  got nothing
    zclock_sleep (200);

    zstr_send (alpha, "STATUS");
    char *command, *status, *key, *value;

    zstr_recvx (alpha, &command, &key, &value, NULL);
    assert (streq (command, "DELIVER"));
    assert (streq (key, "inproc://alpha-1"));
    assert (streq (value, "service1"));
    zstr_free (&command);
    zstr_free (&key);
    zstr_free (&value);

    zstr_recvx (alpha, &command, &key, &value, NULL);
    assert (streq (command, "DELIVER"));
    assert (streq (key, "inproc://alpha-2"));
    assert (streq (value, "service2"));
    zstr_free (&command);
    zstr_free (&key);
    zstr_free (&value);

    zstr_recvx (alpha, &command, &key, &value, NULL);
    assert (streq (command, "DELIVER"));
    assert (streq (key, "inproc://beta-1"));
    assert (streq (value, "service1"));
    zstr_free (&command);
    zstr_free (&key);
    zstr_free (&value);

    zstr_recvx (alpha, &command, &key, &value, NULL);
    assert (streq (command, "DELIVER"));
    assert (streq (key, "inproc://beta-2"));
    assert (streq (value, "service2"));
    zstr_free (&command);
    zstr_free (&key);
    zstr_free (&value);

    zstr_recvx (alpha, &command, &status, NULL);
    assert (streq (command, "STATUS"));
    assert (atoi (status) == 4);
    zstr_free (&command);
    zstr_free (&status);

    zactor_destroy (&base);
    zactor_destroy (&alpha);
    zactor_destroy (&beta);

    //  DRAFT-API: Security
    // curve
    if (zsys_has_curve()) {
        if (verbose)
            printf("testing CURVE support");
        zclock_sleep (2000);
        zactor_t *auth = zactor_new(zauth, NULL);
        assert (auth);
        if (verbose) {
            zstr_sendx (auth, "VERBOSE", NULL);
            zsock_wait (auth);
        zstr_sendx (auth, "CURVE", CURVE_ALLOW_ANY, NULL);
        zsock_wait (auth);

        server = zactor_new (zgossip, "server");
        if (verbose)
            zstr_send (server, "VERBOSE");
        assert (server);

        zcert_t *client1_cert = zcert_new ();
        zcert_t *server_cert = zcert_new ();

        zstr_sendx (server, "SET PUBLICKEY", zcert_public_txt (server_cert), NULL);
        zstr_sendx (server, "SET SECRETKEY", zcert_secret_txt (server_cert), NULL);
        zstr_sendx (server, "ZAP DOMAIN", "TEST", NULL);

        zstr_sendx (server, "BIND", "tcp://*", NULL);
        zstr_sendx (server, "PORT", NULL);
        zstr_recvx (server, &command, &value, NULL);
        assert (streq (command, "PORT"));
        int port = atoi (value);
        zstr_free (&command);
        zstr_free (&value);
        char endpoint [32];
        sprintf (endpoint, "tcp://", port);

        zactor_t *client1 = zactor_new (zgossip, "client");
        if (verbose)
            zstr_send (client1, "VERBOSE");
        assert (client1);

        zstr_sendx (client1, "SET PUBLICKEY", zcert_public_txt (client1_cert), NULL);
        zstr_sendx (client1, "SET SECRETKEY", zcert_secret_txt (client1_cert), NULL);
        zstr_sendx (client1, "ZAP DOMAIN", "TEST", NULL);

        const char *public_txt = zcert_public_txt (server_cert);
        zstr_sendx (client1, "CONNECT", endpoint, public_txt, NULL);
        zstr_sendx (client1, "PUBLISH", "tcp://", "service1", NULL);

        zclock_sleep (500);

        zstr_send (server, "STATUS");
        zclock_sleep (500);

        zstr_recvx (server, &command, &key, &value, NULL);
        assert (streq (command, "DELIVER"));
        assert (streq (value, "service1"));

        zstr_free (&command);
        zstr_free (&key);
        zstr_free (&value);

        zstr_sendx (client1, "$TERM", NULL);
        zstr_sendx (server, "$TERM", NULL);


        zcert_destroy (&client1_cert);
        zcert_destroy (&server_cert);

        zactor_destroy (&client1);
        zactor_destroy (&server);
        zactor_destroy (&auth);

#if defined (__WINDOWS__)

    //  @end
    printf ("OK\n");
Esempio n. 29
// Authentication test procedure for zproxy sockets - matches zauth_test steps
static void
zproxy_test_authentication (int selected_sockets, bool verbose)
#   define TESTDIR ".test_zproxy"
#   define TESTPWDS TESTDIR "/password-file"
#   define TESTCERT TESTDIR "/mycert.txt"
#   define TESTFRONTEND (selected_sockets & FRONTEND_SOCKET)
#   define TESTBACKEND (selected_sockets & BACKEND_SOCKET)

    // Demarcate test boundaries
    zsys_info ("zproxy: TEST authentication type=%s%s%s", 
        TESTFRONTEND && TESTBACKEND? "+": "", 
        TESTBACKEND? "BACKEND": "");

    //  Create temporary directory for test files
    zsys_dir_create (TESTDIR);

    // Clear out any test files from previous run
    if (zsys_file_exists (TESTPWDS))
        zsys_file_delete (TESTPWDS);
    if (zsys_file_exists (TESTCERT))
        zsys_file_delete (TESTCERT);

    zactor_t *proxy = NULL;
    zsock_t *faucet = NULL;
    zsock_t *sink = NULL;
    char *frontend = NULL;
    char *backend = NULL;

    //  Check there's no authentication
    s_create_test_sockets (&proxy, &faucet, &sink, verbose);
    s_bind_proxy_sockets (proxy, &frontend, &backend);
    bool success = s_can_connect (&proxy, &faucet, &sink, frontend, backend, verbose);
    assert (success);

    // Install the authenticator
    zactor_t *auth = zactor_new (zauth, NULL);
    assert (auth);
    if (verbose) {
        zstr_sendx (auth, "VERBOSE", NULL);
        zsock_wait (auth);

    // Check there's no authentication on a default NULL server
    s_bind_proxy_sockets (proxy, &frontend, &backend);
    success = s_can_connect (&proxy, &faucet, &sink, frontend, backend, verbose);
    assert (success);

    // When we set a domain on the server, we switch on authentication
    // for NULL sockets, but with no policies, the client connection
    // will be allowed.
    s_send_proxy_command (proxy, "DOMAIN", selected_sockets, "global", NULL);
    s_bind_proxy_sockets (proxy, &frontend, &backend);
    success = s_can_connect (&proxy, &faucet, &sink, frontend, backend, verbose);
    assert (success);

    // Blacklist, connection should fail
    s_send_proxy_command (proxy, "DOMAIN", selected_sockets, "global", NULL);
    s_bind_proxy_sockets (proxy, &frontend, &backend);
    zstr_sendx (auth, "DENY", "", NULL);
    zsock_wait (auth);
    success = s_can_connect (&proxy, &faucet, &sink, frontend, backend, verbose);
    assert (!success);

    // Whitelist our address, which overrides the blacklist
    s_send_proxy_command (proxy, "DOMAIN", selected_sockets, "global", NULL);
    s_bind_proxy_sockets (proxy, &frontend, &backend);
    zstr_sendx (auth, "ALLOW", "", NULL);
    zsock_wait (auth);
    success = s_can_connect (&proxy, &faucet, &sink, frontend, backend, verbose);
    assert (success);

    // Try PLAIN authentication

    // Test negative case (no server-side passwords defined)
    s_send_proxy_command (proxy, "PLAIN", selected_sockets, NULL);
    s_bind_proxy_sockets (proxy, &frontend, &backend);
    s_configure_plain_auth (faucet, sink, selected_sockets, "admin", "Password");
    success = s_can_connect (&proxy, &faucet, &sink, frontend, backend, verbose);
    assert (!success);

    // Test positive case (server-side passwords defined)
    FILE *password = fopen (TESTPWDS, "w");
    assert (password);
    fprintf (password, "admin=Password\n");
    fclose (password);
    s_send_proxy_command (proxy, "PLAIN", selected_sockets, NULL);
    s_bind_proxy_sockets (proxy, &frontend, &backend);
    s_configure_plain_auth (faucet, sink, selected_sockets, "admin", "Password");
    zstr_sendx (auth, "PLAIN", TESTPWDS, NULL);
    zsock_wait (auth);
    success = s_can_connect (&proxy, &faucet, &sink, frontend, backend, verbose);
    assert (success);

    // Test negative case (bad client password)
    s_send_proxy_command (proxy, "PLAIN", selected_sockets, NULL);
    s_bind_proxy_sockets (proxy, &frontend, &backend);
    s_configure_plain_auth (faucet, sink, selected_sockets, "admin", "Bogus");
    success = s_can_connect (&proxy, &faucet, &sink, frontend, backend, verbose);
    assert (!success);

    if (zsys_has_curve ()) {
        // We'll create two new certificates and save the client public
        // certificate on disk
        zcert_t *server_cert = zcert_new ();
        assert (server_cert);
        zcert_t *client_cert = zcert_new ();
        assert (client_cert);
        char *public_key = zcert_public_txt (server_cert);
        char *secret_key = zcert_secret_txt (server_cert);

        // Try CURVE authentication

        // Test without setting-up any authentication
        s_send_proxy_command (proxy, "CURVE", selected_sockets, public_key, secret_key, NULL);
        s_bind_proxy_sockets (proxy, &frontend, &backend);
        s_configure_curve_auth (faucet, sink, selected_sockets, client_cert, public_key);
        success = s_can_connect (&proxy, &faucet, &sink, frontend, backend, verbose);
        assert (!success);

        // Test CURVE_ALLOW_ANY
        s_send_proxy_command (proxy, "CURVE", selected_sockets, public_key, secret_key, NULL);
        s_bind_proxy_sockets (proxy, &frontend, &backend);
        s_configure_curve_auth (faucet, sink, selected_sockets, client_cert, public_key);
        zstr_sendx (auth, "CURVE", CURVE_ALLOW_ANY, NULL);
        zsock_wait (auth);
        success = s_can_connect (&proxy, &faucet, &sink, frontend, backend, verbose);
        assert (success);

        // Test with client certificate file in authentication folder
        s_send_proxy_command (proxy, "CURVE", selected_sockets, public_key, secret_key, NULL);
        s_bind_proxy_sockets (proxy, &frontend, &backend);
        s_configure_curve_auth (faucet, sink, selected_sockets, client_cert, public_key);
        zcert_save_public (client_cert, TESTCERT);
        zstr_sendx (auth, "CURVE", TESTDIR, NULL);
        zsock_wait (auth);
        success = s_can_connect (&proxy, &faucet, &sink, frontend, backend, verbose);
        assert (success);

        zcert_destroy (&server_cert);
        zcert_destroy (&client_cert);

    // Remove the authenticator and check a normal connection works
    zactor_destroy (&auth);
    s_bind_proxy_sockets (proxy, &frontend, &backend);
    success = s_can_connect (&proxy, &faucet, &sink, frontend, backend, verbose);
    assert (success);

    zsock_destroy (&faucet);
    zsock_destroy (&sink);
    zactor_destroy (&proxy);
    zstr_free (&frontend);
    zstr_free (&backend);
Esempio n. 30
File: zyre.c Progetto: sphaero/zyre
zyre_test (bool verbose)
    printf (" * zyre: ");
    if (verbose)
        printf ("\n");

    //  @selftest
    //  We'll use inproc gossip discovery so that this works without networking

    uint64_t version = zyre_version ();
    assert ((version / 10000) % 100 == ZYRE_VERSION_MAJOR);
    assert ((version / 100) % 100 == ZYRE_VERSION_MINOR);
    assert (version % 100 == ZYRE_VERSION_PATCH);

    //  Create two nodes
    zyre_t *node1 = zyre_new ("node1");
    assert (node1);
    assert (streq (zyre_name (node1), "node1"));
    zyre_set_header (node1, "X-HELLO", "World");
    if (verbose)
        zyre_set_verbose (node1);

    //  Set inproc endpoint for this node
    int rc = zyre_set_endpoint (node1, "inproc://zyre-node1");
    assert (rc == 0);
    //  Set up gossip network for this node
    zyre_gossip_bind (node1, "inproc://gossip-hub");
    rc = zyre_start (node1);
    assert (rc == 0);

    zyre_t *node2 = zyre_new ("node2");
    assert (node2);
    assert (streq (zyre_name (node2), "node2"));
    if (verbose)
        zyre_set_verbose (node2);

    //  Set inproc endpoint for this node
    //  First, try to use existing name, it'll fail
    rc = zyre_set_endpoint (node2, "inproc://zyre-node1");
    assert (rc == -1);
    //  Now use available name and confirm that it succeeds
    rc = zyre_set_endpoint (node2, "inproc://zyre-node2");
    assert (rc == 0);

    //  Set up gossip network for this node
    zyre_gossip_connect (node2, "inproc://gossip-hub");
    rc = zyre_start (node2);
    assert (rc == 0);
    assert (strneq (zyre_uuid (node1), zyre_uuid (node2)));

    zyre_join (node1, "GLOBAL");
    zyre_join (node2, "GLOBAL");

    //  Give time for them to interconnect
    zclock_sleep (250);
    if (verbose)
        zyre_dump (node1);

    zlist_t *peers = zyre_peers (node1);
    assert (peers);
    assert (zlist_size (peers) == 1);
    zlist_destroy (&peers);

    zyre_join (node1, "node1 group of one");
    zyre_join (node2, "node2 group of one");

    // Give them time to join their groups
    zclock_sleep (250);

    zlist_t *own_groups = zyre_own_groups (node1);
    assert (own_groups);
    assert (zlist_size (own_groups) == 2);
    zlist_destroy (&own_groups);

    zlist_t *peer_groups = zyre_peer_groups (node1);
    assert (peer_groups);
    assert (zlist_size (peer_groups) == 2);
    zlist_destroy (&peer_groups);

    char *value = zyre_peer_header_value (node2, zyre_uuid (node1), "X-HELLO");
    assert (streq (value, "World"));
    zstr_free (&value);

    //  One node shouts to GLOBAL
    zyre_shouts (node1, "GLOBAL", "Hello, World");

    //  Second node should receive ENTER, JOIN, and SHOUT
    zmsg_t *msg = zyre_recv (node2);
    assert (msg);
    char *command = zmsg_popstr (msg);
    assert (streq (command, "ENTER"));
    zstr_free (&command);
    assert (zmsg_size (msg) == 4);
    char *peerid = zmsg_popstr (msg);
    char *name = zmsg_popstr (msg);
    assert (streq (name, "node1"));
    zstr_free (&name);
    zframe_t *headers_packed = zmsg_pop (msg);

    char *address = zmsg_popstr (msg);
    char *endpoint = zyre_peer_address (node2, peerid);
    assert (streq (address, endpoint));
    zstr_free (&peerid);
    zstr_free (&endpoint);
    zstr_free (&address);

    assert (headers_packed);
    zhash_t *headers = zhash_unpack (headers_packed);
    assert (headers);
    zframe_destroy (&headers_packed);
    assert (streq ((char *) zhash_lookup (headers, "X-HELLO"), "World"));
    zhash_destroy (&headers);
    zmsg_destroy (&msg);

    msg = zyre_recv (node2);
    assert (msg);
    command = zmsg_popstr (msg);
    assert (streq (command, "JOIN"));
    zstr_free (&command);
    assert (zmsg_size (msg) == 3);
    zmsg_destroy (&msg);

    msg = zyre_recv (node2);
    assert (msg);
    command = zmsg_popstr (msg);
    assert (streq (command, "JOIN"));
    zstr_free (&command);
    assert (zmsg_size (msg) == 3);
    zmsg_destroy (&msg);

    msg = zyre_recv (node2);
    assert (msg);
    command = zmsg_popstr (msg);
    assert (streq (command, "SHOUT"));
    zstr_free (&command);
    zmsg_destroy (&msg);

    zyre_stop (node2);

    msg = zyre_recv (node2);
    assert (msg);
    command = zmsg_popstr (msg);
    assert (streq (command, "STOP"));
    zstr_free (&command);
    zmsg_destroy (&msg);

    zyre_stop (node1);

    zyre_destroy (&node1);
    zyre_destroy (&node2);

    printf ("OK\n");

    if (zsys_has_curve()){

        printf (" * zyre-curve: ");
        if (verbose)
            printf ("\n");

        if (verbose)
            zsys_debug("----------------TESTING CURVE --------------");

        zactor_t *speaker = zactor_new (zbeacon, NULL);
        assert (speaker);
        if (verbose)
            zstr_sendx (speaker, "VERBOSE", NULL);

        // ensuring we have a broadcast address
        zsock_send (speaker, "si", "CONFIGURE", 9999);
        char *hostname = zstr_recv (speaker);
        if (!*hostname) {
            printf ("OK (skipping test, no UDP broadcasting)\n");
            zactor_destroy (&speaker);
            freen (hostname);
        freen (hostname);
        zactor_destroy (&speaker);

        // zap setup
        zactor_t *auth = zactor_new(zauth, NULL);
        assert (auth);

        if (verbose) {
            zstr_sendx(auth, "VERBOSE", NULL);

        zstr_sendx (auth, "CURVE", CURVE_ALLOW_ANY, NULL);
        zsock_wait (auth);

        zyre_t *node3 = zyre_new ("node3");
        zyre_t *node4 = zyre_new ("node4");

        assert (node3);
        assert (node4);

        zyre_set_verbose (node3);
        zyre_set_verbose (node4);

        zyre_set_zap_domain(node3, "TEST");
        zyre_set_zap_domain(node4, "TEST");

        zsock_set_rcvtimeo(node3->inbox, 10000);
        zsock_set_rcvtimeo(node4->inbox, 10000);

        zcert_t *node3_cert = zcert_new ();
        zcert_t *node4_cert = zcert_new ();

        assert (node3_cert);
        assert (node4_cert);

        zyre_set_zcert(node3, node3_cert);
        zyre_set_zcert(node4, node4_cert);

        zyre_set_header(node3, "X-PUBLICKEY", "%s", zcert_public_txt(node3_cert));
        zyre_set_header(node4, "X-PUBLICKEY", "%s", zcert_public_txt(node4_cert));

        // test beacon
        if (verbose)
            zsys_debug ("----------------TESTING BEACON----------------");

        rc = zyre_start(node3);
        assert (rc == 0);

        rc = zyre_start(node4);
        assert (rc == 0);

        zyre_join (node3, "GLOBAL");
        zyre_join (node4, "GLOBAL");

        zclock_sleep (1500);

        if (verbose) {
            zyre_dump (node3);
            zyre_dump (node4);

        zyre_shouts (node3, "GLOBAL", "Hello, World");

        //  Second node should receive ENTER, JOIN, and SHOUT
        msg = zyre_recv (node4);
        assert (msg);
        command = zmsg_popstr (msg);
        assert (streq (command, "ENTER"));
        zstr_free (&command);

        char *peerid = zmsg_popstr (msg);
        assert (peerid);
        name = zmsg_popstr (msg);
        assert (streq (name, "node3"));
        zmsg_destroy (&msg);

        msg = zyre_recv (node4);
        assert (msg);
        command = zmsg_popstr (msg);
        assert (streq (command, "JOIN"));
        zstr_free (&command);

        msg = zyre_recv (node4);
        assert (msg);
        command = zmsg_popstr (msg);
        assert (streq (command, "SHOUT"));
        zstr_free (&command);

        zyre_leave(node3, "GLOBAL");
        zyre_leave(node4, "GLOBAL");

        zstr_free (&name);
        zstr_free (&peerid);
        zstr_free (&command);

        zyre_stop (node3);
        zyre_stop (node4);

        // give things a chance to settle...
        zclock_sleep (250);



        // test gossip
        if (verbose)
            zsys_debug ("----------------TESTING GOSSIP----------------");

        zyre_t *node5 = zyre_new ("node5");
        zyre_t *node6 = zyre_new ("node6");

        assert (node5);
        assert (node6);

        if (verbose) {
            zyre_set_verbose (node5);
            zyre_set_verbose (node6);

        // if it takes more than 10s, something probably went terribly wrong
        zsock_set_rcvtimeo(node5->inbox, 10000);
        zsock_set_rcvtimeo(node6->inbox, 10000);

        zcert_t *node5_cert = zcert_new ();
        zcert_t *node6_cert = zcert_new ();

        assert (node5_cert);
        assert (node6_cert);

        zyre_set_zcert(node5, node5_cert);
        zyre_set_zcert(node6, node6_cert);

        zyre_set_header(node5, "X-PUBLICKEY", "%s", zcert_public_txt(node5_cert));
        zyre_set_header(node6, "X-PUBLICKEY", "%s", zcert_public_txt(node6_cert));

        const char *gossip_cert = zcert_public_txt (node5_cert);

        // TODO- need to add zyre_gossip_port functions to get port from gossip bind(?)
        zyre_gossip_bind(node5, "tcp://");
        zyre_gossip_connect_curve(node6, gossip_cert, "tcp://");


        zyre_join (node5, "GLOBAL");
        zyre_join (node6, "GLOBAL");

        // give things a chance to settle...
        zclock_sleep (1500);

        if (verbose) {
            zyre_dump (node5);
            zyre_dump (node6);

        zyre_shouts (node5, "GLOBAL", "Hello, World");

        //  Second node should receive ENTER, JOIN, and SHOUT
        msg = zyre_recv (node6);
        assert (msg);
        command = zmsg_popstr (msg);
        assert (streq (command, "ENTER"));
        zstr_free (&command);

        peerid = zmsg_popstr (msg);
        assert (peerid);
        name = zmsg_popstr (msg);
        zmsg_destroy (&msg);

        assert (streq (name, "node5"));
        zstr_free (&name);

        zyre_leave(node5, "GLOBAL");
        zyre_leave(node6, "GLOBAL");

        zyre_stop (node5);
        zyre_stop (node6);

        // give things a chance to settle...
        zclock_sleep (250);

        zstr_free (&peerid);

        zcert_destroy (&node5_cert);
        zcert_destroy (&node6_cert);


        printf ("OK\n");
