//------------------------------------------------------------------------------- void MetarWidgetFactory::read_metar_list () { char buf [512]; ZUFILE *f; Airport a; mapAirports.clear (); mapCountries.clear (); mapStates.clear (); f = zu_open (qPrintable(Util::pathGis()+"stations_metar.txt.gz"), "rb"); if (f != NULL) { while (zu_fgets(buf, 512, f)) { if (strlen(buf)>0) { QString line = QString (buf); QStringList ls = line.split(";"); if (ls.size() >= 7) { a.icao = ls[0].trimmed(); a.country = ls[1].trimmed(); a.state = ls[2].trimmed(); a.lat = ls[3].toDouble(); a.lon = ls[4].toDouble(); a.altitude = ls[5].toDouble(); a.name = ls[6].trimmed(); mapAirports.insert (a.icao, a); } } } zu_close(f); } f = zu_open (qPrintable(Util::pathGis()+"countries_en.txt.gz"), "rb"); if (f != NULL) { while (zu_fgets(buf, 512, f)) { if (strlen(buf)>0) { QString line = QString (buf); QStringList ls = line.split(";"); if (ls.size() >= 2) { mapCountries.insert (ls[0].trimmed(), ls[1].trimmed()); } } } zu_close(f); } f = zu_open (qPrintable(Util::pathGis()+"states_en.txt.gz"), "rb"); if (f != NULL) { while (zu_fgets(buf, 512, f)) { if (strlen(buf)>0) { QString line = QString (buf); QStringList ls = line.split(";"); if (ls.size() >= 3) { mapStates.insert (QPair<QString,QString>(ls[0].trimmed(),ls[1].trimmed()), ls[2].trimmed()); } } } zu_close(f); } }
//----------------------------------------------------------------------- void GshhsReader::setQuality(int quality_) // 5 levels: 0=low ... 4=full { std::string fname; ZUFILE *file; bool ok; quality = quality_; if (quality < 0) quality = 0; else if (quality > 4) quality = 4; gshhsRangsReader->setQuality(quality); if (!isUsingRangsReader) { readGshhsFiles(); } // Frontières politiques if (lsPoly_boundaries[quality]->size() == 0) { // on ne lit qu'une fois le fichier fname = getFileName_boundaries(quality); file = zu_open(fname.c_str(), "rb"); if (file != NULL) { ok = true; while (ok) { GshhsPolygon *poly = new GshhsPolygon_WDB(file); ok = poly->isOk(); if (ok) { if (poly->getLevel() < 2) lsPoly_boundaries[quality]->push_back(poly); } } zu_close(file); } } // Rivières if (lsPoly_rivers[quality]->size() == 0) { // on ne lit qu'une fois le fichier fname = getFileName_rivers(quality); file = zu_open(fname.c_str(), "rb"); if (file != NULL) { ok = true; while (ok) { GshhsPolygon *poly = new GshhsPolygon_WDB(file); ok = poly->isOk(); if (ok) { lsPoly_rivers[quality]->push_back(poly); } } zu_close(file); } } }
//----------------------------------------------------------------------- void GshhsReader::readGshhsFiles() { std::string fname; ZUFILE *file; bool ok; // Bordures des continents (4 niveaux) (gshhs_[clihf].b) if (lsPoly_level1[quality]->size() == 0) { // on ne lit qu'une fois le fichier fname = getFileName_gshhs(quality); file = zu_open(fname.c_str(), "rb"); if (file != NULL) { ok = true; while (ok) { GshhsPolygon *poly = new GshhsPolygon(file); ok = poly->isOk(); if (ok) { switch (poly->getLevel()) { case 1: lsPoly_level1[quality]->push_back(poly); break; case 2: lsPoly_level2[quality]->push_back(poly); break; case 3: lsPoly_level3[quality]->push_back(poly); break; case 4: lsPoly_level4[quality]->push_back(poly); break; } } } zu_close(file); } //printf("GshhsReader::readGshhsFiles(%d)\n", quality); } }
//---------------------------------------------------- int zu_can_read_file(const char *fname) { ZUFILE *f; f = zu_open(fname, "rb"); if (f == NULL) { return 0; } else { zu_close(f); return 1; } }
//------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Lecture complète d'un fichier GRIB //------------------------------------------------------------------------------- void GribReader::openFile(const wxString fname) { debug("Open file: %s", (const char *)fname.mb_str()); fileName = fname; ok = false; clean_all_vectors(); //-------------------------------------------------------- // Open the file //-------------------------------------------------------- file = zu_open((const char *)fname.mb_str(), "rb", ZU_COMPRESS_AUTO); if (file == NULL) { erreur("Can't open file: %s", (const char *)fname.mb_str()); return; } readGribFileContent(); // Look for compressed files with alternate extensions if (! ok) { if (file != NULL) zu_close(file); file = zu_open((const char *)fname.mb_str(), "rb", ZU_COMPRESS_BZIP); if (file != NULL) readGribFileContent(); } if (! ok) { if (file != NULL) zu_close(file); file = zu_open((const char *)fname.mb_str(), "rb", ZU_COMPRESS_GZIP); if (file != NULL) readGribFileContent(); } if (! ok) { if (file != NULL) zu_close(file); file = zu_open((const char *)fname.mb_str(), "rb", ZU_COMPRESS_NONE); if (file != NULL) readGribFileContent(); } }
//--------------------------------------------------- void MbzFile::read_MbzFile (const char *fname, LongTaskProgress *taskProgress) { ok = true; vlines.clear (); vcodes.clear (); ZUFILE *fin = zu_open (fname, "rb"); if (!fin) { DBG ("Error: Can't open file %s", fname); ok = false; return; } read_header (fin); if (!ok) { //DBG ("Error: Can't read header from %s", fname); zu_close (fin); return; } read_data_codes (fin); if (!ok) { DBG ("Error: Can't read data codes from %s", fname); zu_close (fin); return; } // DBG("version mbz %d", version); read_data_lines (fin, taskProgress); if (!ok) { DBG ("Error: Can't read data lines from %s", fname); zu_close (fin); return; } zu_close (fin); }
bool BoatPlan::Open(const char *filename, wxString &message) { wind_speeds.clear(); degree_steps.clear(); if(filename[0] == 0) return false; int linenum = 0; ZUFILE *f = zu_open(filename, "r"); char line[1024]; double lastentryW = -1; char *token, *saveptr; const char delim[] = ";, \t\r\n"; if(!f) PARSE_ERROR(_("Failed to open.")); // polar file has optional first line which is description for(;;) { if(!zu_gets(f, line, sizeof line)) PARSE_ERROR(_("Failed to read.")); token = strtok_r(line, delim, &saveptr); linenum++; /* chomp invisible bytes */ while(*token < 0) token++; if(!strcasecmp(token, "twa/tws") || !strcasecmp(token, "twa\\tws") || !strcasecmp(token, "twa")) break; if(linenum == 2) PARSE_ERROR(_("Unrecognized format.")); } while((token = strtok_r(NULL, delim, &saveptr))) { wind_speeds.push_back(SailingWindSpeed(strtod(token, 0))); if(wind_speeds.size() > MAX_WINDSPEEDS_IN_TABLE) PARSE_ERROR(_("Too many wind speeds.")); } wind_speed_step = (int)round(wind_speeds.back().VW / wind_speeds.size()); while(zu_gets(f, line, sizeof line)) { linenum++; #if 0 /* strip newline/linefeed */ for(unsigned int i=0; i<strlen(line); i++) if(line[i] == '\r' || line[i] == '\n') line[i] = '\0'; #endif if(!(token = strtok_r(line, delim, &saveptr))) break; double W = strtod(token, 0); if(W < 0 || W > 180) { PARSE_WARNING(_("Wind direction out of range.")); continue; } if(W <= lastentryW) { PARSE_WARNING(_("Wind direction out of order.")); continue; } // add zero speed for all wind speeds going against wind if not specified if(degree_steps.empty() && W > 0) { degree_steps.push_back(0); for(int VWi = 0; VWi < (int)wind_speeds.size(); VWi++) wind_speeds[VWi].speeds.push_back(SailingWindSpeed::SailingSpeed(0, 0)); } degree_steps.push_back(W); lastentryW = W; { for(int VWi = 0; VWi < (int)wind_speeds.size(); VWi++) { double s = 0; if((token = strtok_r(NULL, delim, &saveptr))) s = strtod(token, 0); else PARSE_WARNING(_("Too few tokens.")); wind_speeds[VWi].speeds.push_back (SailingWindSpeed::SailingSpeed(s, W)); } if(strtok_r(NULL, delim, &saveptr)) PARSE_WARNING(_("Too many tokens.")); } } zu_close(f); /* fill in port tack assuming symmetric */ { int Win = degree_steps.size()-1; if(degree_steps[Win] == 180) Win--; for(; Win >= 0; Win--) { if(degree_steps[Win] == 0) break; degree_steps.push_back(DEGREES - degree_steps[Win]); for(unsigned int VWi = 0; VWi < wind_speeds.size(); VWi++) wind_speeds[VWi].speeds.push_back(wind_speeds[VWi].speeds[Win]); } } UpdateDegreeStepLookup(); wind_degree_step = degree_steps.size() ? 360 / degree_steps.size() : 0; for(unsigned int VWi = 0; VWi < wind_speeds.size(); VWi++) CalculateVMG(VWi); fileFileName = wxString::FromUTF8(filename); polarmethod = FROM_FILE; return true; failed: wind_speeds.clear(); degree_steps.clear(); zu_close(f); return false; }
CelestialNavigationDialog::CelestialNavigationDialog(wxWindow *parent) : CelestialNavigationDialogBase(parent), m_FixDialog(this), m_ClockCorrectionDialog(this) { wxFileConfig *pConf = GetOCPNConfigObject(); pConf->SetPath( _T("/PlugIns/CelestialNavigation") ); //#ifdef __WXGTK__ // Move(0, 0); // workaround for gtk autocentre dialog behavior //#endif // Move(pConf->Read ( _T ( "DialogPosX" ), 20L ), pConf->Read ( _T ( "DialogPosY" ), 20L )); wxPoint p = GetPosition(); pConf->Read ( _T ( "DialogX" ), &p.x, p.x); pConf->Read ( _T ( "DialogY" ), &p.y, p.y); SetPosition(p); wxSize s = GetSize(); pConf->Read ( _T ( "DialogWidth" ), &s.x, s.x); pConf->Read ( _T ( "DialogHeight" ), &s.y, s.y); SetSize(s); // create a image list for the list with just the eye icon wxImageList *imglist = new wxImageList(20, 20, true, 1); imglist->Add(wxBitmap(eye)); m_lSights->AssignImageList(imglist, wxIMAGE_LIST_SMALL); m_lSights->InsertColumn(rmVISIBLE, wxT("")); m_lSights->SetColumnWidth(0, 28); m_lSights->InsertColumn(rmTYPE, _("Type")); m_lSights->InsertColumn(rmBODY, _("Body")); m_lSights->InsertColumn(rmTIME, _("Time (UT)")); m_lSights->InsertColumn(rmMEASUREMENT, _("Measurement")); m_lSights->InsertColumn(rmCOLOR, _("Color")); m_sights_path = celestial_navigation_pi::StandardPath() + _T("Sights.xml"); if(!OpenXML(m_sights_path, false)) { /* create directory for plugin files if it doesn't already exist */ wxFileName fn(m_sights_path); wxFileName fn2 = fn.GetPath(); if(!fn.DirExists()) { fn2.Mkdir(); fn.Mkdir(); } } wxString filename = DataDirectory() + "vsop87d.txt"; wxFileName fn(filename); if(!fn.Exists()) filename = UserDataDirectory() + "vsop87d.txt"; astrolabe::globals::vsop87d_text_path = (const char *)filename.mb_str(); #ifndef WIN32 // never hit because data is distribued easier to not compile compression support wxMessageDialog mdlg(this, _("Astrolab data unavailable.\n") + _("\nWould you like to download?"), _("Failure Alert"), wxYES | wxNO | wxICON_ERROR); if(mdlg.ShowModal() == wxID_YES) { wxString url = "https://cfhcable.dl.sourceforge.net/project/opencpnplugins/celestial_navigation_pi/"; wxString path = UserDataDirectory(); wxString fn = "vsop87d.txt.gz"; _OCPN_DLStatus status = OCPN_downloadFile( url+fn, path+fn, _("downloading celestial navigation data file"), "downloading...", *_img_celestial_navigation, this, OCPN_DLDS_CAN_ABORT|OCPN_DLDS_ELAPSED_TIME|OCPN_DLDS_ESTIMATED_TIME|OCPN_DLDS_REMAINING_TIME|OCPN_DLDS_SPEED|OCPN_DLDS_SIZE|OCPN_DLDS_URL|OCPN_DLDS_AUTO_CLOSE, 20); if(status == OCPN_DL_NO_ERROR) { // now decompress downloaded file ZUFILE *f = zu_open(path+fn.mb_str(), "rb", ZU_COMPRESS_AUTO); if(f) { FILE *out = fopen(path+"vsop87d.txt", "w"); if(out) { char buf[1024]; for(;;) { size_t size = zu_read(f, buf, sizeof buf); fwrite(buf, size, 1, out); if(size != sizeof buf) break; } fclose(out); } zu_close(f); } } } #endif #ifdef __OCPN__ANDROID__ GetHandle()->setStyleSheet( qtStyleSheet); Move(0, 0); #endif }