Esempio n. 1
zyre_peer_test (bool verbose)
    printf (" * zyre_peer: ");

    zsock_t *mailbox = zsock_new_dealer ("@tcp://");
    zhash_t *peers = zhash_new ();
    zuuid_t *you = zuuid_new ();
    zuuid_t *me = zuuid_new ();
    zyre_peer_t *peer = zyre_peer_new (peers, you);
    assert (!zyre_peer_connected (peer));
    zyre_peer_connect (peer, me, "tcp://");
    assert (zyre_peer_connected (peer));
    zyre_peer_set_name (peer, "peer");
    assert (streq (zyre_peer_name (peer), "peer"));

    zre_msg_t *msg = zre_msg_new (ZRE_MSG_HELLO);
    zre_msg_set_endpoint (msg, "tcp://");
    int rc = zyre_peer_send (peer, &msg);
    assert (rc == 0);

    msg = zre_msg_recv (mailbox);
    assert (msg);
    if (verbose)
        zre_msg_print (msg);
    zre_msg_destroy (&msg);

    //  Destroying container destroys all peers it contains
    zhash_destroy (&peers);
    zuuid_destroy (&me);
    zuuid_destroy (&you);
    zsock_destroy (&mailbox);

    printf ("OK\n");
Esempio n. 2
zuuid_test (bool verbose)
    printf (" * zuuid: ");

    //  @selftest
    //  Simple create/destroy test
    zuuid_t *uuid = zuuid_new ();
    assert (uuid);
    assert (zuuid_size (uuid) == 16);
    assert (strlen (zuuid_str (uuid)) == 32);
    zuuid_t *copy = zuuid_dup (uuid);
    assert (streq (zuuid_str (uuid), zuuid_str (copy)));

    //  Check set/set_str/export methods
    const char *myuuid = "8CB3E9A9649B4BEF8DE225E9C2CEBB38";
    zuuid_set_str (uuid, myuuid);
    assert (streq (zuuid_str (uuid), myuuid));
    byte copy_uuid [16];
    zuuid_export (uuid, copy_uuid);
    zuuid_set (uuid, copy_uuid);
    assert (streq (zuuid_str (uuid), myuuid));

    zuuid_destroy (&uuid);
    zuuid_destroy (&copy);
    //  @end

    printf ("OK\n");
Esempio n. 3
zuuid_test (bool verbose)
    printf (" * zuuid: ");

    //  @selftest
    //  Simple create/destroy test
    assert (ZUUID_LEN == 16);
    assert (ZUUID_STR_LEN == 32);

    zuuid_t *uuid = zuuid_new ();
    assert (uuid);
    assert (zuuid_size (uuid) == ZUUID_LEN);
    assert (strlen (zuuid_str (uuid)) == ZUUID_STR_LEN);
    zuuid_t *copy = zuuid_dup (uuid);
    assert (streq (zuuid_str (uuid), zuuid_str (copy)));

    //  Check set/set_str/export methods
    const char *myuuid = "8CB3E9A9649B4BEF8DE225E9C2CEBB38";
    const char *myuuid2 = "8CB3E9A9-649B-4BEF-8DE2-25E9C2CEBB38";
    const char *myuuid3 = "{8CB3E9A9-649B-4BEF-8DE2-25E9C2CEBB38}";
    const char *myuuid4 = "8CB3E9A9649B4BEF8DE225E9C2CEBB3838";
    int rc = zuuid_set_str (uuid, myuuid);
    assert (rc == 0);
    assert (streq (zuuid_str (uuid), myuuid));
    rc = zuuid_set_str (uuid, myuuid2);
    assert (rc == 0);
    assert (streq (zuuid_str (uuid), myuuid));
    rc = zuuid_set_str (uuid, myuuid3);
    assert (rc == 0);
    assert (streq (zuuid_str (uuid), myuuid));
    rc = zuuid_set_str (uuid, myuuid4);
    assert (rc == -1);
    byte copy_uuid [ZUUID_LEN];
    zuuid_export (uuid, copy_uuid);
    zuuid_set (uuid, copy_uuid);
    assert (streq (zuuid_str (uuid), myuuid));

    //  Check the canonical string format
    assert (streq (zuuid_str_canonical (uuid),

    zuuid_destroy (&uuid);
    zuuid_destroy (&copy);
    //  @end

    printf ("OK\n");
Esempio n. 4
zproto_example_set_identifier (zproto_example_t *self, zuuid_t *uuid)
    assert (self);
    zuuid_destroy (&self->identifier);
    self->identifier = zuuid_dup (uuid);
Esempio n. 5
xrap_traffic_set_sender (xrap_traffic_t *self, zuuid_t *uuid)
    assert (self);
    zuuid_destroy (&self->sender);
    self->sender = zuuid_dup (uuid);
Esempio n. 6
zuuid_t *
zuuid_new (void)
    zuuid_t *self = (zuuid_t *) zmalloc (sizeof (zuuid_t));
    assert (self);

#if defined (__WINDOWS__)
    //  Windows always has UUID support
    UUID uuid;
    assert (sizeof (uuid) == ZUUID_LEN);
    UuidCreate (&uuid);
    zuuid_set (self, (byte *) &uuid);
#elif defined (__UTYPE_ANDROID) || !defined (HAVE_UUID)
    //  No UUID system calls, so generate a random string
    byte uuid [ZUUID_LEN];

    int fd = open ("/dev/urandom", O_RDONLY);
    if (fd != -1) {
        ssize_t bytes_read = read (fd, uuid, ZUUID_LEN);
        assert (bytes_read == ZUUID_LEN);
        close (fd);
        zuuid_set (self, uuid);
    else {
        //  We couldn't read /dev/urandom and we have no alternative
        //  strategy
        zsys_error (strerror (errno));
        assert (false);
#elif defined (__UTYPE_OPENBSD) || defined (__UTYPE_FREEBSD) || defined (__UTYPE_NETBSD)
    uuid_t uuid;
    uint32_t status = 0;
    uuid_create (&uuid, &status);
    if (status != uuid_s_ok) {
        zuuid_destroy (&self);
        return NULL;
    byte buffer [ZUUID_LEN];
    uuid_enc_be (&buffer, &uuid);
    zuuid_set (self, buffer);
#elif defined (__UTYPE_LINUX) || defined (__UTYPE_OSX) || defined (__UTYPE_SUNOS) || defined (__UTYPE_SUNSOLARIS) || defined (__UTYPE_GNU)
    uuid_t uuid;
    assert (sizeof (uuid) == ZUUID_LEN);
    uuid_generate (uuid);
    zuuid_set (self, (byte *) uuid);
#   error "Unknown UNIX TYPE"
    return self;
Esempio n. 7
zyre_group_test (bool verbose)
    printf (" * zyre_group: ");
    zsock_t *mailbox = zsock_new (ZMQ_DEALER);
    zsock_bind (mailbox, "tcp://");

    zhash_t *groups = zhash_new ();
    zyre_group_t *group = zyre_group_new ("tests", groups);

    zhash_t *peers = zhash_new ();
    zuuid_t *you = zuuid_new ();
    zuuid_t *me = zuuid_new ();
    zyre_peer_t *peer = zyre_peer_new (peers, you);
    assert (!zyre_peer_connected (peer));
    zyre_peer_connect (peer, me, "tcp://");
    assert (zyre_peer_connected (peer));

    zyre_group_join (group, peer);
    zre_msg_t *msg = zre_msg_new (ZRE_MSG_HELLO);
    zre_msg_set_endpoint (msg, "tcp://");
    zyre_group_send (group, &msg);

    msg = zre_msg_recv (mailbox);
    assert (msg);
    if (verbose)
        zre_msg_print (msg);
    zre_msg_destroy (&msg);

    zuuid_destroy (&me);
    zuuid_destroy (&you);
    zhash_destroy (&peers);
    zhash_destroy (&groups);
    zsock_destroy (&mailbox);
    printf ("OK\n");
Esempio n. 8
zyre_peer_destroy (zyre_peer_t **self_p)
    assert (self_p);
    if (*self_p) {
        zyre_peer_t *self = *self_p;
        zyre_peer_disconnect (self);
        zhash_destroy (&self->headers);
        zuuid_destroy (&self->uuid);
        free (self->name);
        free (self->origin);
        free (self);
        *self_p = NULL;
Esempio n. 9
shelf_add_book (shelf_t *self, const char *author, const char *title)
  zuuid_t *uuid = zuuid_new ();
  const char *str_uuid = zuuid_str (uuid);
  const char* sql = "INSERT INTO book(id,author,title) VALUES($1,$2,$3);"; 
  zpgutil_session_sql (self->session, sql);
  zpgutil_session_set (self->session, str_uuid);
  zpgutil_session_set (self->session, author);
  zpgutil_session_set (self->session, title);
  zpgutil_session_execute (self->session);
  zpgutil_session_commit (self->session);     
  book_t *book = book_new (str_uuid,author,title);
  zuuid_destroy (&uuid); 
  return book;
Esempio n. 10
xrap_traffic_destroy (xrap_traffic_t **self_p)
    assert (self_p);
    if (*self_p) {
        xrap_traffic_t *self = *self_p;

        //  Free class properties
        zframe_destroy (&self->routing_id);
        zmsg_destroy (&self->content);
        zuuid_destroy (&self->sender);

        //  Free object itself
        free (self);
        *self_p = NULL;
Esempio n. 11
static void
zyre_node_destroy (zyre_node_t **self_p)
    assert (self_p);
    if (*self_p) {
        zyre_node_t *self = *self_p;
        zuuid_destroy (&self->uuid);
        zhash_destroy (&self->peers);
        zhash_destroy (&self->peer_groups);
        zhash_destroy (&self->own_groups);
        zhash_destroy (&self->headers);
        zbeacon_destroy (&self->beacon);
        zyre_log_destroy (&self->log);
        free (self);
        *self_p = NULL;
Esempio n. 12
static void
zsync_node_destroy (zsync_node_t **self_p)
    assert (self_p);

    if (*self_p) {
        zsync_node_t *self = *self_p;
        zuuid_destroy (&self->own_uuid);
        // TODO destroy all zsync_peers
        zlist_destroy (&self->peers);
        zhash_destroy (&self->zyre_peers);
        zyre_destroy (&self->zyre);

        free (self);
        self_p = NULL;
Esempio n. 13
static int
zyre_node_recv_beacon (zyre_node_t *self)
    //  Get IP address and beacon of peer
    char *ipaddress = zstr_recv (zbeacon_socket (self->beacon));
    zframe_t *frame = zframe_recv (zbeacon_socket (self->beacon));

    //  Ignore anything that isn't a valid beacon
    bool is_valid = true;
    beacon_t beacon;
    if (zframe_size (frame) == sizeof (beacon_t)) {
        memcpy (&beacon, zframe_data (frame), zframe_size (frame));
        if (beacon.version != BEACON_VERSION)
            is_valid = false;
        is_valid = false;

    //  Check that the peer, identified by its UUID, exists
    if (is_valid) {
        zuuid_t *uuid = zuuid_new ();
        zuuid_set (uuid, beacon.uuid);
        if (beacon.port) {
            char endpoint [30];
            sprintf (endpoint, "tcp://%s:%d", ipaddress, ntohs (beacon.port));
            zyre_peer_t *peer = zyre_node_require_peer (self, uuid, endpoint);
            zyre_peer_refresh (peer);
        else {
            //  Zero port means peer is going away; remove it if
            //  we had any knowledge of it already
            zyre_peer_t *peer = (zyre_peer_t *) zhash_lookup (
                self->peers, zuuid_str (uuid));
            if (peer)
                zyre_node_remove_peer (self, peer);
        zuuid_destroy (&uuid);
    zstr_free (&ipaddress);
    zframe_destroy (&frame);
    return 0;
Esempio n. 14
static void
zyre_node_recv_beacon (zyre_node_t *self)
    //  Get IP address and beacon of peer
    char *ipaddress = zstr_recv (self->beacon);
    zframe_t *frame = zframe_recv (self->beacon);
    if (ipaddress == NULL)
        return;                 //  Interrupted

    //  Ignore anything that isn't a valid beacon
    beacon_t beacon;
    memset (&beacon, 0, sizeof (beacon_t));
    if (zframe_size (frame) == sizeof (beacon_t))
        memcpy (&beacon, zframe_data (frame), zframe_size (frame));
    zframe_destroy (&frame);
    if (beacon.version != BEACON_VERSION)
        return;                 //  Garbage beacon, ignore it

    zuuid_t *uuid = zuuid_new ();
    zuuid_set (uuid, beacon.uuid);
    if (beacon.port) {
        char endpoint [100];
        const char *iface = zsys_interface ();

        if (zsys_ipv6 () && iface && !streq (iface, "") && !streq (iface, "*"))
            sprintf (endpoint, "tcp://%s%%%s:%d", ipaddress, iface, ntohs (beacon.port));
            sprintf (endpoint, "tcp://%s:%d", ipaddress, ntohs (beacon.port));
        zyre_peer_t *peer = zyre_node_require_peer (self, uuid, endpoint);
        zyre_peer_refresh (peer, self->evasive_timeout, self->expired_timeout);
    else {
        //  Zero port means peer is going away; remove it if
        //  we had any knowledge of it already
        zyre_peer_t *peer = (zyre_peer_t *) zhash_lookup (
            self->peers, zuuid_str (uuid));
        if (peer)
            zyre_node_remove_peer (self, peer);
    zuuid_destroy (&uuid);
    zstr_free (&ipaddress);
Esempio n. 15
static void client_destroy (client_t *c)
    subscription_t *sub;
    ctx_t *ctx = c->ctx;

    if (c->disconnect_notify) {
        struct disconnect_notify *d;

        d = zhash_first (c->disconnect_notify);
        while (d) {
            disconnect_destroy (c, d);
            d = zhash_next (c->disconnect_notify);
        zhash_destroy (&c->disconnect_notify);
    if (c->subscriptions) {
        while ((sub = zlist_pop (c->subscriptions)))
            subscription_destroy (ctx->h, sub);
        zlist_destroy (&c->subscriptions);
    if (c->uuid)
        zuuid_destroy (&c->uuid);
    if (c->outqueue) {
        flux_msg_t *msg;
        while ((msg = zlist_pop (c->outqueue)))
            flux_msg_destroy (msg);
        zlist_destroy (&c->outqueue);
    flux_fd_watcher_stop (ctx->h, c->outw);
    flux_fd_watcher_destroy (c->outw);
    flux_msg_iobuf_clean (&c->outbuf);

    flux_fd_watcher_stop (ctx->h, c->inw);
    flux_fd_watcher_destroy (c->inw);
    flux_msg_iobuf_clean (&c->inbuf);

    if (c->fd != -1)
        close (c->fd);

    free (c);
Esempio n. 16
static void module_destroy (module_t *p)
    assert (p->magic == MODULE_MAGIC);
    int errnum;

    if (p->t) {
        errnum = pthread_join (p->t, NULL);
        if (errnum)
            errn_exit (errnum, "pthread_join");

    assert (p->h == NULL);

    flux_watcher_stop (p->broker_w);
    flux_watcher_destroy (p->broker_w);
    zsocket_destroy (p->zctx, p->sock);

    dlclose (p->dso);
    zuuid_destroy (&p->uuid);
    free (p->digest);
    if (p->argz)
        free (p->argz);
    if (p->name)
        free (p->name);
    if (p->rmmod_cb)
        p->rmmod_cb (p, p->rmmod_arg);
    if (p->rmmod) {
        flux_msg_t *msg;
        while ((msg = zlist_pop (p->rmmod)))
            flux_msg_destroy (msg);
    if (p->subs) {
        char *s;
        while ((s = zlist_pop (p->subs)))
            free (s);
        zlist_destroy (&p->subs);
    zlist_destroy (&p->rmmod);
    p->magic = ~MODULE_MAGIC;
    free (p);
Esempio n. 17
static void
zyre_node_destroy (zyre_node_t **self_p)
    assert (self_p);
    if (*self_p) {
        zyre_node_t *self = *self_p;
        zpoller_destroy (&self->poller);
        zuuid_destroy (&self->uuid);
        zhash_destroy (&self->peers);
        zhash_destroy (&self->peer_groups);
        zhash_destroy (&self->own_groups);
        zhash_destroy (&self->headers);
        zsock_destroy (&self->inbox);
        zsock_destroy (&self->outbox);
        zbeacon_destroy (&self->beacon);
        zstr_free (&self->endpoint);
        free (self->name);
        free (self);
        *self_p = NULL;
Esempio n. 18
zproto_example_destroy (zproto_example_t **self_p)
    assert (self_p);
    if (*self_p) {
        zproto_example_t *self = *self_p;

        //  Free class properties
        zframe_destroy (&self->routing_id);
        free (self->data);
        if (self->aliases)
            zlist_destroy (&self->aliases);
        zhash_destroy (&self->headers);
        zchunk_destroy (&self->public_key);
        zuuid_destroy (&self->identifier);
        zframe_destroy (&self->address);
        zmsg_destroy (&self->content);

        //  Free object itself
        free (self);
        *self_p = NULL;
Esempio n. 19
static void
zyre_node_recv_gossip (zyre_node_t *self)
    //  Get IP address and beacon of peer
    char *command = NULL, *uuidstr, *endpoint;
    zstr_recvx (self->gossip, &command, &uuidstr, &endpoint, NULL);
    if (command == NULL)
        return;                 //  Interrupted

    //  Any replies except DELIVER would signify an internal error; these
    //  messages come from zgossip, not an external source
    assert (streq (command, "DELIVER"));

    //  Require peer, if it's not us
    if (strneq (endpoint, self->endpoint)) {
        zuuid_t *uuid = zuuid_new ();
        zuuid_set_str (uuid, uuidstr);
        zyre_node_require_peer (self, uuid, endpoint);
        zuuid_destroy (&uuid);
    zstr_free (&command);
    zstr_free (&uuidstr);
    zstr_free (&endpoint);
Esempio n. 20
//  Destructor
QZuuid::~QZuuid ()
    zuuid_destroy (&self);
Esempio n. 21
static void
client_terminate (client_t *self)
    zuuid_destroy (&self->id);
Esempio n. 22
xrap_traffic_recv (xrap_traffic_t *self, zsock_t *input)
    assert (input);

    if (zsock_type (input) == ZMQ_ROUTER) {
        zframe_destroy (&self->routing_id);
        self->routing_id = zframe_recv (input);
        if (!self->routing_id || !zsock_rcvmore (input)) {
            zsys_warning ("xrap_traffic: no routing ID");
            return -1;          //  Interrupted or malformed
    zmq_msg_t frame;
    zmq_msg_init (&frame);
    int size = zmq_msg_recv (&frame, zsock_resolve (input), 0);
    if (size == -1) {
        zsys_warning ("xrap_traffic: interrupted");
        goto malformed;         //  Interrupted
    //  Get and check protocol signature
    self->needle = (byte *) zmq_msg_data (&frame);
    self->ceiling = self->needle + zmq_msg_size (&frame);

    uint16_t signature;
    GET_NUMBER2 (signature);
    if (signature != (0xAAA0 | 9)) {
        zsys_warning ("xrap_traffic: invalid signature");
        //  TODO: discard invalid messages and loop, and return
        //  -1 only on interrupt
        goto malformed;         //  Interrupted
    //  Get message id and parse per message type
    GET_NUMBER1 (self->id);

    switch (self->id) {
                char protocol [256];
                GET_STRING (protocol);
                if (strneq (protocol, "MALAMUTE")) {
                    zsys_warning ("xrap_traffic: protocol is invalid");
                    goto malformed;
                uint16_t version;
                GET_NUMBER2 (version);
                if (version != 1) {
                    zsys_warning ("xrap_traffic: version is invalid");
                    goto malformed;
            GET_STRING (self->address);




            GET_NUMBER4 (self->timeout);
            //  Get zero or more remaining frames
            zmsg_destroy (&self->content);
            if (zsock_rcvmore (input))
                self->content = zmsg_recv (input);
                self->content = zmsg_new ();

            GET_STRING (self->route);
            GET_STRING (self->method);

            if (self->needle + ZUUID_LEN > (self->ceiling)) {
                zsys_warning ("xrap_traffic: sender is invalid");
                goto malformed;
            zuuid_destroy (&self->sender);
            self->sender = zuuid_new_from (self->needle);
            self->needle += ZUUID_LEN;
            //  Get zero or more remaining frames
            zmsg_destroy (&self->content);
            if (zsock_rcvmore (input))
                self->content = zmsg_recv (input);
                self->content = zmsg_new ();

        case XRAP_TRAFFIC_OK:
            GET_NUMBER2 (self->status_code);
            GET_STRING (self->status_reason);

        case XRAP_TRAFFIC_FAIL:
            GET_NUMBER2 (self->status_code);
            GET_STRING (self->status_reason);

        case XRAP_TRAFFIC_ERROR:
            GET_NUMBER2 (self->status_code);
            GET_STRING (self->status_reason);

            zsys_warning ("xrap_traffic: bad message ID");
            goto malformed;
    //  Successful return
    zmq_msg_close (&frame);
    return 0;

    //  Error returns
        zsys_warning ("xrap_traffic: xrap_traffic malformed message, fail");
        zmq_msg_close (&frame);
        return -1;              //  Invalid message
Esempio n. 23
static int
zyre_node_recv_peer (zyre_node_t *self)
    //  Router socket tells us the identity of this peer
    zre_msg_t *msg = zre_msg_recv (self->inbox);
    if (msg == NULL)
        return 0;               //  Interrupted

    //  First frame is sender identity, holding binary UUID
    zuuid_t *uuid = zuuid_new ();
    zuuid_set (uuid, zframe_data (zre_msg_address (msg)));

    //  On HELLO we may create the peer if it's unknown
    //  On other commands the peer must already exist
    zyre_peer_t *peer = (zyre_peer_t *) zhash_lookup (self->peers, zuuid_str (uuid));
    if (zre_msg_id (msg) == ZRE_MSG_HELLO) {
        peer = zyre_node_require_peer (self, uuid, zre_msg_ipaddress (msg), zre_msg_mailbox (msg));
        assert (peer);
        zyre_peer_set_ready (peer, true);
    //  Ignore command if peer isn't ready
    if (peer == NULL || !zyre_peer_ready (peer)) {
        zre_msg_destroy (&msg);
        zuuid_destroy (&uuid);
        return 0;
    if (!zyre_peer_check_message (peer, msg)) {
        zclock_log ("W: [%s] lost messages from %s", zuuid_str (self->uuid), zuuid_str (uuid));
        assert (false);

    //  Now process each command
    if (zre_msg_id (msg) == ZRE_MSG_HELLO) {
        //  Tell the caller about the peer
        zstr_sendm (self->pipe, "ENTER");
        zstr_sendm (self->pipe, zuuid_str (uuid));
        zframe_t *headers = zhash_pack (zre_msg_headers (msg));
        zframe_send (&headers, self->pipe, 0);
        //  Join peer to listed groups
        char *name = zre_msg_groups_first (msg);
        while (name) {
            zyre_node_join_peer_group (self, peer, name);
            name = zre_msg_groups_next (msg);
        //  Hello command holds latest status of peer
        zyre_peer_set_status (peer, zre_msg_status (msg));
        //  Store peer headers for future reference
        zyre_peer_set_headers (peer, zre_msg_headers (msg));

        //  If peer is a ZRE/LOG collector, connect to it
        char *collector = zre_msg_headers_string (msg, "X-ZRELOG", NULL);
        if (collector)
            zyre_log_connect (self->log, collector);
    if (zre_msg_id (msg) == ZRE_MSG_WHISPER) {
        //  Pass up to caller API as WHISPER event
        zstr_sendm (self->pipe, "WHISPER");
        zstr_sendm (self->pipe, zuuid_str (uuid));
        zmsg_t *content = zmsg_dup (zre_msg_content (msg));
        zmsg_send (&content, self->pipe);
    if (zre_msg_id (msg) == ZRE_MSG_SHOUT) {
        //  Pass up to caller as SHOUT event
        zstr_sendm (self->pipe, "SHOUT");
        zstr_sendm (self->pipe, zuuid_str (uuid));
        zstr_sendm (self->pipe, zre_msg_group (msg));
        zmsg_t *content = zmsg_dup (zre_msg_content (msg));
        zmsg_send (&content, self->pipe);
    if (zre_msg_id (msg) == ZRE_MSG_PING) {
        zre_msg_t *msg = zre_msg_new (ZRE_MSG_PING_OK);
        zyre_peer_send (peer, &msg);
    if (zre_msg_id (msg) == ZRE_MSG_JOIN) {
        zyre_node_join_peer_group (self, peer, zre_msg_group (msg));
        assert (zre_msg_status (msg) == zyre_peer_status (peer));
    if (zre_msg_id (msg) == ZRE_MSG_LEAVE) {
        zyre_node_leave_peer_group (self, peer, zre_msg_group (msg));
        assert (zre_msg_status (msg) == zyre_peer_status (peer));
    zuuid_destroy (&uuid);
    zre_msg_destroy (&msg);
    //  Activity from peer resets peer timers
    zyre_peer_refresh (peer);
    return 0;
Esempio n. 24
xrap_traffic_test (bool verbose)
    printf (" * xrap_traffic:");

    if (verbose)
        printf ("\n");

    //  @selftest
    //  Simple create/destroy test
    xrap_traffic_t *self = xrap_traffic_new ();
    assert (self);
    xrap_traffic_destroy (&self);
    //  Create pair of sockets we can send through
    //  We must bind before connect if we wish to remain compatible with ZeroMQ < v4
    zsock_t *output = zsock_new (ZMQ_DEALER);
    assert (output);
    int rc = zsock_bind (output, "inproc://selftest-xrap_traffic");
    assert (rc == 0);

    zsock_t *input = zsock_new (ZMQ_ROUTER);
    assert (input);
    rc = zsock_connect (input, "inproc://selftest-xrap_traffic");
    assert (rc == 0);

    //  Encode/send/decode and verify each message type
    int instance;
    self = xrap_traffic_new ();
    xrap_traffic_set_id (self, XRAP_TRAFFIC_CONNECTION_OPEN);

    xrap_traffic_set_address (self, "Life is short but Now lasts for ever");
    //  Send twice
    xrap_traffic_send (self, output);
    xrap_traffic_send (self, output);

    for (instance = 0; instance < 2; instance++) {
        xrap_traffic_recv (self, input);
        assert (xrap_traffic_routing_id (self));
        assert (streq (xrap_traffic_address (self), "Life is short but Now lasts for ever"));
    xrap_traffic_set_id (self, XRAP_TRAFFIC_CONNECTION_PING);

    //  Send twice
    xrap_traffic_send (self, output);
    xrap_traffic_send (self, output);

    for (instance = 0; instance < 2; instance++) {
        xrap_traffic_recv (self, input);
        assert (xrap_traffic_routing_id (self));
    xrap_traffic_set_id (self, XRAP_TRAFFIC_CONNECTION_PONG);

    //  Send twice
    xrap_traffic_send (self, output);
    xrap_traffic_send (self, output);

    for (instance = 0; instance < 2; instance++) {
        xrap_traffic_recv (self, input);
        assert (xrap_traffic_routing_id (self));
    xrap_traffic_set_id (self, XRAP_TRAFFIC_CONNECTION_CLOSE);

    //  Send twice
    xrap_traffic_send (self, output);
    xrap_traffic_send (self, output);

    for (instance = 0; instance < 2; instance++) {
        xrap_traffic_recv (self, input);
        assert (xrap_traffic_routing_id (self));
    xrap_traffic_set_id (self, XRAP_TRAFFIC_XRAP_SEND);

    xrap_traffic_set_timeout (self, 123);
    zmsg_t *xrap_send_content = zmsg_new ();
    xrap_traffic_set_content (self, &xrap_send_content);
    zmsg_addstr (xrap_traffic_content (self), "Captcha Diem");
    //  Send twice
    xrap_traffic_send (self, output);
    xrap_traffic_send (self, output);

    for (instance = 0; instance < 2; instance++) {
        xrap_traffic_recv (self, input);
        assert (xrap_traffic_routing_id (self));
        assert (xrap_traffic_timeout (self) == 123);
        assert (zmsg_size (xrap_traffic_content (self)) == 1);
        char *content = zmsg_popstr (xrap_traffic_content (self));
        assert (streq (content, "Captcha Diem"));
        zstr_free (&content);
        if (instance == 1)
            zmsg_destroy (&xrap_send_content);
    xrap_traffic_set_id (self, XRAP_TRAFFIC_XRAP_OFFER);

    xrap_traffic_set_route (self, "Life is short but Now lasts for ever");
    xrap_traffic_set_method (self, "Life is short but Now lasts for ever");
    //  Send twice
    xrap_traffic_send (self, output);
    xrap_traffic_send (self, output);

    for (instance = 0; instance < 2; instance++) {
        xrap_traffic_recv (self, input);
        assert (xrap_traffic_routing_id (self));
        assert (streq (xrap_traffic_route (self), "Life is short but Now lasts for ever"));
        assert (streq (xrap_traffic_method (self), "Life is short but Now lasts for ever"));
    xrap_traffic_set_id (self, XRAP_TRAFFIC_XRAP_DELIVER);

    zuuid_t *xrap_deliver_sender = zuuid_new ();
    xrap_traffic_set_sender (self, xrap_deliver_sender);
    zmsg_t *xrap_deliver_content = zmsg_new ();
    xrap_traffic_set_content (self, &xrap_deliver_content);
    zmsg_addstr (xrap_traffic_content (self), "Captcha Diem");
    //  Send twice
    xrap_traffic_send (self, output);
    xrap_traffic_send (self, output);

    for (instance = 0; instance < 2; instance++) {
        xrap_traffic_recv (self, input);
        assert (xrap_traffic_routing_id (self));
        assert (zuuid_eq (xrap_deliver_sender, zuuid_data (xrap_traffic_sender (self))));
        if (instance == 1)
            zuuid_destroy (&xrap_deliver_sender);
        assert (zmsg_size (xrap_traffic_content (self)) == 1);
        char *content = zmsg_popstr (xrap_traffic_content (self));
        assert (streq (content, "Captcha Diem"));
        zstr_free (&content);
        if (instance == 1)
            zmsg_destroy (&xrap_deliver_content);
    xrap_traffic_set_id (self, XRAP_TRAFFIC_OK);

    xrap_traffic_set_status_code (self, 123);
    xrap_traffic_set_status_reason (self, "Life is short but Now lasts for ever");
    //  Send twice
    xrap_traffic_send (self, output);
    xrap_traffic_send (self, output);

    for (instance = 0; instance < 2; instance++) {
        xrap_traffic_recv (self, input);
        assert (xrap_traffic_routing_id (self));
        assert (xrap_traffic_status_code (self) == 123);
        assert (streq (xrap_traffic_status_reason (self), "Life is short but Now lasts for ever"));
    xrap_traffic_set_id (self, XRAP_TRAFFIC_FAIL);

    xrap_traffic_set_status_code (self, 123);
    xrap_traffic_set_status_reason (self, "Life is short but Now lasts for ever");
    //  Send twice
    xrap_traffic_send (self, output);
    xrap_traffic_send (self, output);

    for (instance = 0; instance < 2; instance++) {
        xrap_traffic_recv (self, input);
        assert (xrap_traffic_routing_id (self));
        assert (xrap_traffic_status_code (self) == 123);
        assert (streq (xrap_traffic_status_reason (self), "Life is short but Now lasts for ever"));
    xrap_traffic_set_id (self, XRAP_TRAFFIC_ERROR);

    xrap_traffic_set_status_code (self, 123);
    xrap_traffic_set_status_reason (self, "Life is short but Now lasts for ever");
    //  Send twice
    xrap_traffic_send (self, output);
    xrap_traffic_send (self, output);

    for (instance = 0; instance < 2; instance++) {
        xrap_traffic_recv (self, input);
        assert (xrap_traffic_routing_id (self));
        assert (xrap_traffic_status_code (self) == 123);
        assert (streq (xrap_traffic_status_reason (self), "Life is short but Now lasts for ever"));

    xrap_traffic_destroy (&self);
    zsock_destroy (&input);
    zsock_destroy (&output);
    //  @end

    printf ("OK\n");
Esempio n. 25
static void
zyre_node_recv_peer (zyre_node_t *self)
    //  Router socket tells us the identity of this peer
    zre_msg_t *msg = zre_msg_recv (self->inbox);
    if (!msg)
        return;                 //  Interrupted

    //  First frame is sender identity
    byte *peerid_data = zframe_data (zre_msg_routing_id (msg));
    size_t peerid_size = zframe_size (zre_msg_routing_id (msg));

    //  Identity must be [1] followed by 16-byte UUID
    if (peerid_size != ZUUID_LEN + 1) {
        zre_msg_destroy (&msg);
    zuuid_t *uuid = zuuid_new ();
    zuuid_set (uuid, peerid_data + 1);

    //  On HELLO we may create the peer if it's unknown
    //  On other commands the peer must already exist
    zyre_peer_t *peer = (zyre_peer_t *) zhash_lookup (self->peers, zuuid_str (uuid));
    if (zre_msg_id (msg) == ZRE_MSG_HELLO) {
        if (peer) {
            //  Remove fake peers
            if (zyre_peer_ready (peer)) {
                zyre_node_remove_peer (self, peer);
                assert (!(zyre_peer_t *) zhash_lookup (self->peers, zuuid_str (uuid)));
            if (streq (zyre_peer_endpoint (peer), self->endpoint)) {
                //  We ignore HELLO, if peer has same endpoint as current node
                zre_msg_destroy (&msg);
                zuuid_destroy (&uuid);
        peer = zyre_node_require_peer (self, uuid, zre_msg_endpoint (msg));
        assert (peer);
        zyre_peer_set_ready (peer, true);
    //  Ignore command if peer isn't ready
    if (peer == NULL || !zyre_peer_ready (peer)) {
        zre_msg_destroy (&msg);
        zuuid_destroy (&uuid);
    if (zyre_peer_messages_lost (peer, msg)) {
        zsys_warning ("(%s) messages lost from %s", self->name, zyre_peer_name (peer));
        zyre_node_remove_peer (self, peer);
        zre_msg_destroy (&msg);
        zuuid_destroy (&uuid);
    //  Now process each command
    if (zre_msg_id (msg) == ZRE_MSG_HELLO) {
        //  Store properties from HELLO command into peer
        zyre_peer_set_name (peer, zre_msg_name (msg));
        zyre_peer_set_headers (peer, zre_msg_headers (msg));

        //  Tell the caller about the peer
        zstr_sendm (self->outbox, "ENTER");
        zstr_sendm (self->outbox, zyre_peer_identity (peer));
        zstr_sendm (self->outbox, zyre_peer_name (peer));
        zframe_t *headers = zhash_pack (zyre_peer_headers (peer));
        zframe_send (&headers, self->outbox, ZFRAME_MORE);
        zstr_send (self->outbox, zre_msg_endpoint (msg));

        if (self->verbose)
            zsys_info ("(%s) ENTER name=%s endpoint=%s",
                self->name, zyre_peer_name (peer), zyre_peer_endpoint (peer));

        //  Join peer to listed groups
        const char *name = zre_msg_groups_first (msg);
        while (name) {
            zyre_node_join_peer_group (self, peer, name);
            name = zre_msg_groups_next (msg);
        //  Now take peer's status from HELLO, after joining groups
        zyre_peer_set_status (peer, zre_msg_status (msg));
    if (zre_msg_id (msg) == ZRE_MSG_WHISPER) {
        //  Pass up to caller API as WHISPER event
        zstr_sendm (self->outbox, "WHISPER");
        zstr_sendm (self->outbox, zuuid_str (uuid));
        zstr_sendm (self->outbox, zyre_peer_name (peer));
        zmsg_t *content = zmsg_dup (zre_msg_content (msg));
        zmsg_send (&content, self->outbox);
    if (zre_msg_id (msg) == ZRE_MSG_SHOUT) {
        //  Pass up to caller as SHOUT event
        zstr_sendm (self->outbox, "SHOUT");
        zstr_sendm (self->outbox, zuuid_str (uuid));
        zstr_sendm (self->outbox, zyre_peer_name (peer));
        zstr_sendm (self->outbox, zre_msg_group (msg));
        zmsg_t *content = zmsg_dup (zre_msg_content (msg));
        zmsg_send (&content, self->outbox);
    if (zre_msg_id (msg) == ZRE_MSG_PING) {
        zre_msg_t *msg = zre_msg_new (ZRE_MSG_PING_OK);
        zyre_peer_send (peer, &msg);
    if (zre_msg_id (msg) == ZRE_MSG_JOIN) {
        zyre_node_join_peer_group (self, peer, zre_msg_group (msg));
        assert (zre_msg_status (msg) == zyre_peer_status (peer));
    if (zre_msg_id (msg) == ZRE_MSG_LEAVE) {
        zyre_node_leave_peer_group (self, peer, zre_msg_group (msg));
        assert (zre_msg_status (msg) == zyre_peer_status (peer));
    zuuid_destroy (&uuid);
    zre_msg_destroy (&msg);

    //  Activity from peer resets peer timers
    zyre_peer_refresh (peer, self->evasive_timeout, self->expired_timeout);
Esempio n. 26
zproto_example_test (bool verbose)
    printf (" * zproto_example:");

    if (verbose)
        printf ("\n");

    //  @selftest
    //  Simple create/destroy test
    zproto_example_t *self = zproto_example_new ();
    assert (self);
    zproto_example_destroy (&self);
    //  Create pair of sockets we can send through
    //  We must bind before connect if we wish to remain compatible with ZeroMQ < v4
    zsock_t *output = zsock_new (ZMQ_DEALER);
    assert (output);
    int rc = zsock_bind (output, "inproc://selftest-zproto_example");
    assert (rc == 0);

    zsock_t *input = zsock_new (ZMQ_ROUTER);
    assert (input);
    rc = zsock_connect (input, "inproc://selftest-zproto_example");
    assert (rc == 0);

    //  Encode/send/decode and verify each message type
    int instance;
    self = zproto_example_new ();
    zproto_example_set_id (self, ZPROTO_EXAMPLE_LOG);

    zproto_example_set_sequence (self, 123);
    zproto_example_set_level (self, 2);
    zproto_example_set_event (self, 3);
    zproto_example_set_node (self, 45536);
    zproto_example_set_peer (self, 65535);
    zproto_example_set_time (self, 1427261426);
    zproto_example_set_host (self, "localhost");
    zproto_example_set_data (self, "This is the message to log");
    //  Send twice
    zproto_example_send (self, output);
    zproto_example_send (self, output);

    for (instance = 0; instance < 2; instance++) {
        zproto_example_recv (self, input);
        assert (zproto_example_routing_id (self));
        assert (zproto_example_sequence (self) == 123);
        assert (zproto_example_level (self) == 2);
        assert (zproto_example_event (self) == 3);
        assert (zproto_example_node (self) == 45536);
        assert (zproto_example_peer (self) == 65535);
        assert (zproto_example_time (self) == 1427261426);
        assert (streq (zproto_example_host (self), "localhost"));
        assert (streq (zproto_example_data (self), "This is the message to log"));
    zproto_example_set_id (self, ZPROTO_EXAMPLE_STRUCTURES);

    zproto_example_set_sequence (self, 123);
    zlist_t *structures_aliases = zlist_new ();
    zlist_append (structures_aliases, "First alias");
    zlist_append (structures_aliases, "Second alias");
    zlist_append (structures_aliases, "Third alias");
    zproto_example_set_aliases (self, &structures_aliases);
    zhash_t *structures_headers = zhash_new ();
    zhash_insert (structures_headers, "endpoint", "tcp://*****:*****");
    zproto_example_set_supplier_forename (self, "Leslie");
    zproto_example_set_supplier_surname (self, "Lamport");
    zproto_example_set_supplier_mobile (self, "01987654321");
    zproto_example_set_supplier_email (self, "*****@*****.**");
    //  Send twice
    zproto_example_send (self, output);
    zproto_example_send (self, output);

    for (instance = 0; instance < 2; instance++) {
        zproto_example_recv (self, input);
        assert (zproto_example_routing_id (self));
        assert (zproto_example_sequence (self) == 123);
        assert (streq (zproto_example_client_forename (self), "Lucius Junius"));
        assert (streq (zproto_example_client_surname (self), "Brutus"));
        assert (streq (zproto_example_client_mobile (self), "01234567890"));
        assert (streq (zproto_example_client_email (self), "*****@*****.**"));
        assert (streq (zproto_example_supplier_forename (self), "Leslie"));
        assert (streq (zproto_example_supplier_surname (self), "Lamport"));
        assert (streq (zproto_example_supplier_mobile (self), "01987654321"));
        assert (streq (zproto_example_supplier_email (self), "*****@*****.**"));

    zproto_example_destroy (&self);
    zsock_destroy (&input);
    zsock_destroy (&output);
    //  @end

    printf ("OK\n");
Esempio n. 27
zproto_example_recv (zproto_example_t *self, zsock_t *input)
    assert (input);

    if (zsock_type (input) == ZMQ_ROUTER) {
        zframe_destroy (&self->routing_id);
        self->routing_id = zframe_recv (input);
        if (!self->routing_id || !zsock_rcvmore (input)) {
            zsys_warning ("zproto_example: no routing ID");
            return -1;          //  Interrupted or malformed
    zmq_msg_t frame;
    zmq_msg_init (&frame);
    int size = zmq_msg_recv (&frame, zsock_resolve (input), 0);
    if (size == -1) {
        zsys_warning ("zproto_example: interrupted");
        goto malformed;         //  Interrupted
    //  Get and check protocol signature
    self->needle = (byte *) zmq_msg_data (&frame);
    self->ceiling = self->needle + zmq_msg_size (&frame);

    uint16_t signature;
    GET_NUMBER2 (signature);
    if (signature != (0xAAA0 | 0)) {
        zsys_warning ("zproto_example: invalid signature");
        //  TODO: discard invalid messages and loop, and return
        //  -1 only on interrupt
        goto malformed;         //  Interrupted
    //  Get message id and parse per message type
    GET_NUMBER1 (self->id);

    switch (self->id) {
        case ZPROTO_EXAMPLE_LOG:
            GET_NUMBER2 (self->sequence);
                uint16_t version;
                GET_NUMBER2 (version);
                if (version != 3) {
                    zsys_warning ("zproto_example: version is invalid");
                    goto malformed;
            GET_NUMBER1 (self->level);
            GET_NUMBER1 (self->event);
            GET_NUMBER2 (self->node);
            GET_NUMBER2 (self->peer);
            GET_NUMBER8 (self->time);
            GET_STRING (self->host);
            GET_LONGSTR (self->data);

            GET_NUMBER2 (self->sequence);
                size_t list_size;
                GET_NUMBER4 (list_size);
                self->aliases = zlist_new ();
                zlist_autofree (self->aliases);
                while (list_size--) {
                    char *string = NULL;
                    GET_LONGSTR (string);
                    zlist_append (self->aliases, string);
                    free (string);
                size_t hash_size;
                GET_NUMBER4 (hash_size);
                self->headers = zhash_new ();
                zhash_autofree (self->headers);
                while (hash_size--) {
                    char key [256];
                    char *value = NULL;
                    GET_STRING (key);
                    GET_LONGSTR (value);
                    zhash_insert (self->headers, key, value);
                    free (value);

            GET_NUMBER2 (self->sequence);
            GET_OCTETS (self->flags, 4);
                size_t chunk_size;
                GET_NUMBER4 (chunk_size);
                if (self->needle + chunk_size > (self->ceiling)) {
                    zsys_warning ("zproto_example: public_key is missing data");
                    goto malformed;
                zchunk_destroy (&self->public_key);
                self->public_key = zchunk_new (self->needle, chunk_size);
                self->needle += chunk_size;
            if (self->needle + ZUUID_LEN > (self->ceiling)) {
                zsys_warning ("zproto_example: identifier is invalid");
                goto malformed;
            zuuid_destroy (&self->identifier);
            self->identifier = zuuid_new_from (self->needle);
            self->needle += ZUUID_LEN;
            //  Get next frame off socket
            if (!zsock_rcvmore (input)) {
                zsys_warning ("zproto_example: address is missing");
                goto malformed;
            zframe_destroy (&self->address);
            self->address = zframe_recv (input);
            //  Get zero or more remaining frames
            zmsg_destroy (&self->content);
            if (zsock_rcvmore (input))
                self->content = zmsg_recv (input);
                self->content = zmsg_new ();

            GET_NUMBER2 (self->sequence);
            GET_STRING (self->client_forename);
            GET_STRING (self->client_surname);
            GET_STRING (self->client_mobile);
            GET_STRING (self->client_email);
            GET_STRING (self->supplier_forename);
            GET_STRING (self->supplier_surname);
            GET_STRING (self->supplier_mobile);
            GET_STRING (self->supplier_email);

            zsys_warning ("zproto_example: bad message ID");
            goto malformed;
    //  Successful return
    zmq_msg_close (&frame);
    return 0;

    //  Error returns
        zsys_warning ("zproto_example: zproto_example malformed message, fail");
        zmq_msg_close (&frame);
        return -1;              //  Invalid message
Esempio n. 28
int main (int argc, char *argv [])
    puts (PRODUCT);
    puts (COPYRIGHT);
    puts (NOWARRANTY);

    int argn = 1;
    bool verbose = false;
    if (argn < argc && streq (argv [argn], "-h")) {
        puts ("syntax: hydrad [ directory ]");
        puts (" -- defaults to .hydra in current directory");
        exit (0);
    if (argn < argc && streq (argv [argn], "-v")) {
        verbose = true;
    //  By default, current node runs in .hydra directory; create this if
    //  it's missing (don't create directory passed as argument);
    char *workdir = ".hydra";
    if (argn < argc)
        workdir = argv [argn++];
        zsys_dir_create (workdir);

    //  ----------------------------------------------------------------------
    //  This code eventually goes into a reusable hydra actor class

    //  Switch to working directory
    zsys_info ("hydrad: data store in %s directory", workdir);
    if (zsys_dir_change (workdir)) {
        zsys_error ("hydrad: cannot access %s: %s", workdir, strerror (errno));
        return 1;
    //  Check we are the only process currently running here
    if (zsys_run_as ("hydrad.lock", NULL, NULL)) {
        zsys_error ("hydrad: cannot start process safely, exiting");
        return 1;
    //  Get node identity from config file, or generate new identity
    zconfig_t *config = zconfig_load ("hydra.cfg");
    if (!config) {
        //  Set defaults for Hydra service
        config = zconfig_new ("root", NULL);
        zconfig_put (config, "/server/timeout", "5000");
        zconfig_put (config, "/server/background", "0");
        zconfig_put (config, "/server/verbose", "0");
    char *identity = zconfig_resolve (config, "/hydra/identity", NULL);
    if (!identity) {
        zuuid_t *uuid = zuuid_new ();
        zconfig_put (config, "/hydra/identity", zuuid_str (uuid));
        zconfig_put (config, "/hydra/nickname", "Anonymous");
        zconfig_save (config, "hydra.cfg");
        zuuid_destroy (&uuid);
    //  Create store structure, if necessary
    zsys_dir_create ("content");
    zsys_dir_create ("posts");
    //  Start server and bind to ephemeral TCP port. We can run many
    //  servers on the same box, for testing.
    zactor_t *server = zactor_new (hydra_server, NULL);
    if (verbose)
        zstr_send (server, "VERBOSE");

    //  Bind Hydra service to ephemeral port and get that port number
    char *command;
    int port_nbr;
    zsock_send (server, "ss", "CONFIGURE", "hydra.cfg");
    zsock_send (server, "ss", "BIND", "tcp://*:*");
    zsock_send (server, "s", "PORT");
    zsock_recv (server, "si", &command, &port_nbr);
    zsys_info ("hydrad: TCP server started on port=%d", port_nbr);
    assert (streq (command, "PORT"));
    free (command);

    //  We're going to use Zyre for discovery and presence, and our own
    //  Hydra protocol for content exchange
    zyre_t *zyre = zyre_new (NULL);
    if (verbose)
        zyre_set_verbose (zyre);

    char *hostname = zsys_hostname ();
    char *endpoint = zsys_sprintf ("tcp://%s:%d", hostname, port_nbr);
    zyre_set_header (zyre, "X-HYDRA", "%s", endpoint);
    zstr_free (&endpoint);
    zstr_free (&hostname);
    if (zyre_start (zyre)) {
        zsys_info ("hydrad: can't start Zyre discovery service");
        zactor_destroy (&server);
        zyre_destroy (&zyre);
        return 1;
    //  When we get a new peer, handle it
    zpoller_t *poller = zpoller_new (zyre_socket (zyre), NULL);
    while (!zpoller_terminated (poller)) {
        void *which = zpoller_wait (poller, -1);
        if (which == zyre_socket (zyre)) {
            zyre_event_t *event = zyre_event_new (zyre);
            if (zyre_event_type (event) == ZYRE_EVENT_ENTER) {
                zsys_debug ("hydrad: new peer name=%s endpoint=%s",
                            zyre_event_name (event),
                            zyre_event_header (event, "X-HYDRA"));
                s_handle_peer (zyre_event_header (event, "X-HYDRA"), verbose);
            zyre_event_destroy (&event);
    zsys_info ("hydrad: shutting down...");
    zpoller_destroy (&poller);

    //  Shutdown all services
    zactor_destroy (&server);
    zyre_destroy (&zyre);
    zconfig_destroy (&config);
    return 0;
Esempio n. 29
static void
send_email (client_t *self)

 assert (self);
 assert (self->message);
 zsys_info ("sending email !");

 CURL *curl;
 CURLcode res = CURLE_OK;
 struct curl_slist *recipients = NULL;

 zuuid_t *uuid = zuuid_new ();
 const char *uuid_s = zuuid_str (uuid);
 char filename[256];
 sprintf (filename, "./data/mail-%s.txt", uuid_s);
 zuuid_destroy (&uuid);

 char fn[200];
 sprintf (fn, "mail-%s.txt", uuid_s); 
 zfile_t *zf = zfile_new ("./data", fn);
 zfile_output (zf);
 FILE *pFile = zfile_handle (zf);
 //FILE *pFile = fopen (filename,"w");
 // date --------
 time_t timer;
 char buffer[256];
 struct tm* tm_info;
 time (&timer);
 tm_info = localtime (&timer);
 strftime (buffer, 60, "%a, %d %b %Y %T %z\r\n", tm_info);
 fprintf (pFile, "Date: %s", buffer);
 zsys_info ("To: %s \r\n", zmailer_msg_to(self->message));
 fprintf (pFile,"To: %s\r\n", zmailer_msg_to(self->message));
 fprintf (pFile, "From: %s\r\n", zmailer_msg_from (self->message));
 fprintf (pFile, "Subject: %s \r\n", zmailer_msg_subject (self->message));
 fprintf (pFile, "\r\n");
 fprintf (pFile, "%s Thank you. \r\n", zmailer_msg_request(self->message));
 fclose (pFile);

 FILE * pMail;
 pMail = fopen (filename,"r");
 assert (pMail); 
 curl = curl_easy_init();
 if(curl) {
    /* Set username and password */ 
    curl_easy_setopt(curl, CURLOPT_USERNAME, zconfig_get (self->server->config, "zmailer_server/user", ""));
    curl_easy_setopt(curl, CURLOPT_PASSWORD, zconfig_get (self->server->config, "zmailer_server/password", ""));
    /* This is the URL for your mailserver. Note the use of port 587 here,
     * instead of the normal SMTP port (25). Port 587 is commonly used for
     * secure mail submission (see RFC4403), but you should use whatever
     * matches your server configuration. */ 
    curl_easy_setopt(curl, CURLOPT_URL, zconfig_get (self->server->config, "zmailer_server/server", ""));

    /* In this example, we'll start with a plain text connection, and upgrade
     * to Transport Layer Security (TLS) using the STARTTLS command. Be careful
     * of using CURLUSESSL_TRY here, because if TLS upgrade fails, the transfer
     * will continue anyway - see the security discussion in the libcurl
     * tutorial for more details. */ 
    curl_easy_setopt(curl, CURLOPT_USE_SSL, (long)CURLUSESSL_ALL);
    /* If your server doesn't have a valid certificate, then you can disable
     * part of the Transport Layer Security protection by setting the
     * CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER and CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYHOST options to 0 (false).*/
     curl_easy_setopt(curl, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER, 0L);
     curl_easy_setopt(curl, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYHOST, 0L); 
    /* Note that this option isn't strictly required, omitting it will result in
     * libcurl sending the MAIL FROM command with empty sender data. All
     * autoresponses should have an empty reverse-path, and should be directed
     * to the address in the reverse-path which triggered them. Otherwise, they
     * could cause an endless loop. See RFC 5321 Section 4.5.5 for more details.
    curl_easy_setopt(curl, CURLOPT_MAIL_FROM, zmailer_msg_from (self->message));

    /* Add two recipients, in this particular case they correspond to the
     * To: and Cc: addressees in the header, but they could be any kind of
     * recipient. */ 
    recipients = curl_slist_append(recipients, zmailer_msg_to (self->message));
    curl_easy_setopt(curl, CURLOPT_MAIL_RCPT, recipients);
    /* We're using a callback function to specify the payload (the headers and
     * body of the message). You could just use the CURLOPT_READDATA option to
     * specify a FILE pointer to read from. */ 
    curl_easy_setopt(curl, CURLOPT_READDATA, pMail);
    curl_easy_setopt(curl, CURLOPT_UPLOAD, 1L);
    /* Since the traffic will be encrypted, it is very useful to turn on debug
     * information within libcurl to see what is happening during the transfer.
    curl_easy_setopt(curl, CURLOPT_VERBOSE, 1L);
    /* Send the message */ 
    res = curl_easy_perform(curl);
    /* Check for errors */ 
    if(res != CURLE_OK)
      fprintf(stderr, "curl_easy_perform() failed: %s\n",
    /* Free the list of recipients */ 
    /* Always cleanup */ 

  fclose (pMail);

Esempio n. 30
zwr_client_test (bool verbose)
    printf (" * zwr_client: ");
    if (verbose)
        printf ("\n");

    //  @selftest
    zwr_client_verbose = verbose;

    //  Start a server to test against, and bind to endpoint
    zactor_t *server = zactor_new (zwr_server, "zwr_client_test");
    if (verbose)
        zstr_send (server, "VERBOSE");
    zstr_sendx (server, "LOAD", "src/zwr_client.cfg", NULL);

    //  Create clients for testing
    zwr_client_t *client = zwr_client_new ();
    zwr_client_t *handler = zwr_client_new ();
    assert (client);
    assert (handler);

    //  Connect clients to server
    int rc = zwr_client_connect (client, "tcp://", 1000, "client");
    assert (rc == 0);
    assert (zwr_client_connected (client) == true);

    rc = zwr_client_connect (handler, "tcp://", 1000, "handler");
    assert (rc == 0);
    assert (zwr_client_connected (handler) == true);

    //  Provide Rubbish Offering
    rc = zwr_client_set_handler (handler, "GET", "///");
    assert (rc != 0);
    assert (zwr_client_status (handler) == XRAP_TRAFFIC_CONFLICT);

    //  Provide Offering
    rc = zwr_client_set_handler (handler, "GET", "/foo/{[^/]}");
    assert (rc == 0);

    //  Send Request
    xrap_msg_t *xmsg = xrap_msg_new (XRAP_MSG_GET);
    xrap_msg_set_resource (xmsg, "%s", "/foo/bar");
    zmsg_t *msg = xrap_msg_encode (&xmsg);
    rc = zwr_client_request (client, 0, &msg);
    assert (rc == 0);

    //  Receive Request
    msg = zwr_client_recv (handler);
    xmsg = xrap_msg_decode (&msg);
    assert (xrap_msg_id (xmsg) == XRAP_MSG_GET);
    assert (streq ("/foo/bar", xrap_msg_resource (xmsg)));
    xrap_msg_destroy (&xmsg);

    //  Send Response
    xmsg = xrap_msg_new (XRAP_MSG_GET_OK);
    xrap_msg_set_status_code (xmsg, 200);
    xrap_msg_set_content_type (xmsg, "text/hello");
    xrap_msg_set_content_body (xmsg, "Hello World!");
    msg = xrap_msg_encode (&xmsg);
    zwr_client_deliver (handler, handler->sender, &msg);
    zuuid_t *sender = zwr_client_sender (handler);
    zuuid_destroy (&sender);

    //  Receive Response
    msg = zwr_client_recv (client);
    xmsg = xrap_msg_decode (&msg);
    assert (xrap_msg_id (xmsg) == XRAP_MSG_GET_OK);
    assert (xrap_msg_status_code (xmsg) == 200);
    assert (streq ("text/hello", xrap_msg_content_type (xmsg)));
    assert (streq ("Hello World!", xrap_msg_content_body (xmsg)));
    xrap_msg_destroy (&xmsg);
    sender = zwr_client_sender (client);
    zuuid_destroy (&sender);

    //  Send Request 2
    xmsg = xrap_msg_new (XRAP_MSG_GET);
    xrap_msg_set_resource (xmsg, "%s", "/fou/baz");
    msg = xrap_msg_encode (&xmsg);
    rc = zwr_client_request (client, 0, &msg);
    assert (rc == XRAP_TRAFFIC_NOT_FOUND);

    zwr_client_destroy (&client);
    zwr_client_destroy (&handler);

    //  Done, shut down
    zactor_destroy (&server);
    //  @end
    printf ("OK\n");