Esempio n. 1
bool CAddonInstallJob::Install(const std::string &installFrom, const AddonPtr& repo)
  ADDONDEPS deps = m_addon->GetDeps();

  unsigned int totalSteps = static_cast<unsigned int>(deps.size());
  if (ShouldCancel(0, totalSteps))
    return false;

  // The first thing we do is install dependencies
  for (ADDONDEPS::iterator it = deps.begin(); it != deps.end(); ++it)
    if (it->first != "xbmc.metadata")
      const std::string &addonID = it->first;
      const AddonVersion &version = it->second.first;
      bool optional = it->second.second;
      AddonPtr dependency;
      bool haveAddon = CAddonMgr::GetInstance().GetAddon(addonID, dependency, ADDON_UNKNOWN, false);
      if ((haveAddon && !dependency->MeetsVersion(version)) || (!haveAddon && !optional))
        // we have it but our version isn't good enough, or we don't have it and we need it

        // dependency is already queued up for install - ::Install will fail
        // instead we wait until the Job has finished. note that we
        // recall install on purpose in case prior installation failed
        if (CAddonInstaller::GetInstance().HasJob(addonID))
          while (CAddonInstaller::GetInstance().HasJob(addonID))

          if (!CAddonMgr::GetInstance().IsAddonInstalled(addonID))
            CLog::Log(LOGERROR, "CAddonInstallJob[%s]: failed to install dependency %s", m_addon->ID().c_str(), addonID.c_str());
            ReportInstallError(m_addon->ID(), m_addon->ID(), g_localizeStrings.Get(24085));
            return false;
        // don't have the addon or the addon isn't new enough - grab it (no new job for these)
        else if (IsModal())
          RepositoryPtr repoForDep;
          AddonPtr addon;
          std::string hash;
          if (!CAddonInstaller::GetRepoForAddon(addonID, repoForDep) ||
              !CAddonInstallJob::GetAddonWithHash(addonID, repoForDep->ID(), addon, hash))
            CLog::Log(LOGERROR, "CAddonInstallJob[%s]: failed to find dependency %s", m_addon->ID().c_str(), addonID.c_str());
            ReportInstallError(m_addon->ID(), m_addon->ID(), g_localizeStrings.Get(24085));
            return false;

          CAddonInstallJob dependencyJob(addon, repoForDep, hash);

          // pass our progress indicators to the temporary job and don't allow it to
          // show progress or information updates (no progress, title or text changes)
          dependencyJob.SetProgressIndicators(GetProgressBar(), GetProgressDialog(), false, false);

          if (!dependencyJob.DoModal())
            CLog::Log(LOGERROR, "CAddonInstallJob[%s]: failed to install dependency %s", m_addon->ID().c_str(), addonID.c_str());
            ReportInstallError(m_addon->ID(), m_addon->ID(), g_localizeStrings.Get(24085));
            return false;
        else if (!CAddonInstaller::GetInstance().InstallOrUpdate(addonID, false))
          CLog::Log(LOGERROR, "CAddonInstallJob[%s]: failed to install dependency %s", m_addon->ID().c_str(), addonID.c_str());
          ReportInstallError(m_addon->ID(), m_addon->ID(), g_localizeStrings.Get(24085));
          return false;

    if (ShouldCancel(std::distance(deps.begin(), it), totalSteps))
      return false;


  // now that we have all our dependencies, we can install our add-on
  if (repo != NULL)
    CFileItemList dummy;
    std::string s = StringUtils::Format("plugin://%s/?action=install&package=%s&version=%s", repo->ID().c_str(),
                                        m_addon->ID().c_str(), m_addon->Version().asString().c_str());
    if (!CDirectory::GetDirectory(s, dummy))
      CLog::Log(LOGERROR, "CAddonInstallJob[%s]: installation of repository failed", m_addon->ID().c_str());
      ReportInstallError(m_addon->ID(), m_addon->ID());
      return false;
    std::string addonFolder = installFrom;
    addonFolder = URIUtils::AddFileToFolder("special://home/addons/", URIUtils::GetFileName(addonFolder));

    CFileItemList install;
    install.Add(CFileItemPtr(new CFileItem(installFrom, true)));

    AddonPtr addon;
    if (!DoFileOperation(CFileOperationJob::ActionReplace, install, "special://home/addons/", false) ||
        !CAddonMgr::GetInstance().LoadAddonDescription(addonFolder, addon))
      // failed extraction or failed to load addon description

      std::string addonID = URIUtils::GetFileName(addonFolder);
      CLog::Log(LOGERROR, "CAddonInstallJob[%s]: could not read addon description of %s", addonID.c_str(), addonFolder.c_str());
      ReportInstallError(addonID, addonID);
      return false;

  return true;
Esempio n. 2
bool CAddonInstallJob::Install(const std::string &installFrom, const AddonPtr& repo)
  ADDONDEPS deps = m_addon->GetDeps();

  unsigned int totalSteps = static_cast<unsigned int>(deps.size());
  if (ShouldCancel(0, totalSteps))
    return false;

  // The first thing we do is install dependencies
  for (ADDONDEPS::iterator it = deps.begin(); it != deps.end(); ++it)
    if (it->first != "xbmc.metadata")
      const std::string &addonID = it->first;
      const AddonVersion &version = it->second.first;
      bool optional = it->second.second;
      AddonPtr dependency;
      bool haveAddon = CAddonMgr::GetInstance().GetAddon(addonID, dependency, ADDON_UNKNOWN, false);
      if ((haveAddon && !dependency->MeetsVersion(version)) || (!haveAddon && !optional))
        // we have it but our version isn't good enough, or we don't have it and we need it

        // dependency is already queued up for install - ::Install will fail
        // instead we wait until the Job has finished. note that we
        // recall install on purpose in case prior installation failed
        if (CAddonInstaller::GetInstance().HasJob(addonID))
          while (CAddonInstaller::GetInstance().HasJob(addonID))

          if (!CAddonMgr::GetInstance().IsAddonInstalled(addonID))
            CLog::Log(LOGERROR, "CAddonInstallJob[%s]: failed to install dependency %s", m_addon->ID().c_str(), addonID.c_str());
            ReportInstallError(m_addon->ID(), m_addon->ID(), g_localizeStrings.Get(24085));
            return false;
        // don't have the addon or the addon isn't new enough - grab it (no new job for these)
        else if (IsModal())
          RepositoryPtr repoForDep;
          AddonPtr addon;
          std::string hash;
          if (!CAddonInstallJob::GetAddonWithHash(addonID, repoForDep, addon, hash))
            CLog::Log(LOGERROR, "CAddonInstallJob[%s]: failed to find dependency %s", m_addon->ID().c_str(), addonID.c_str());
            ReportInstallError(m_addon->ID(), m_addon->ID(), g_localizeStrings.Get(24085));
            return false;

          CAddonInstallJob dependencyJob(addon, repoForDep, hash, false);

          // pass our progress indicators to the temporary job and don't allow it to
          // show progress or information updates (no progress, title or text changes)
          dependencyJob.SetProgressIndicators(GetProgressBar(), GetProgressDialog(), false, false);

          if (!dependencyJob.DoModal())
            CLog::Log(LOGERROR, "CAddonInstallJob[%s]: failed to install dependency %s", m_addon->ID().c_str(), addonID.c_str());
            ReportInstallError(m_addon->ID(), m_addon->ID(), g_localizeStrings.Get(24085));
            return false;
        else if (!CAddonInstaller::GetInstance().InstallOrUpdate(addonID, false))
          CLog::Log(LOGERROR, "CAddonInstallJob[%s]: failed to install dependency %s", m_addon->ID().c_str(), addonID.c_str());
          ReportInstallError(m_addon->ID(), m_addon->ID(), g_localizeStrings.Get(24085));
          return false;

    if (ShouldCancel(std::distance(deps.begin(), it), totalSteps))
      return false;


  CFilesystemInstaller fsInstaller;
  if (!fsInstaller.InstallToFilesystem(installFrom, m_addon->ID()))
    ReportInstallError(m_addon->ID(), m_addon->ID());
    return false;


  return true;