/** * Decrypts the actual text using the password * @param password Password * @return Decrypted text */ QByteArray MainWindow::decrypt(QString password) { AES crypto; QString hashedPassword = QString( QCryptographicHash::hash(( password.toUtf8() ),QCryptographicHash::Md5).toHex() ); QByteArray key = crypto.hexStringToByte(hashedPassword); QByteArray data = QByteArray::fromBase64( ui->textEdit_mainWindow_surface->toPlainText().toUtf8() ); QByteArray decrypted = crypto.decrypt(data, key); return decrypted; }
/** * Encrypts the actual text using the password * @param password Password * @return Encrypted text */ QByteArray MainWindow::encrypt(QString password) { AES crypto; QString hashedPassword = QString( QCryptographicHash::hash(( password.toUtf8() ),QCryptographicHash::Md5).toHex() ); QByteArray key = crypto.hexStringToByte(hashedPassword); QByteArray data = ui->textEdit_mainWindow_surface->toHtml().toUtf8(); QByteArray encrypted = crypto.encrypt(data, key); return encrypted; }