Esempio n. 1
void AISTargetQueryDialog::UpdateText()
    wxString html;

    if( !m_pQueryTextCtl ) return;

    DimeControl( this );
    wxColor bg = GetBackgroundColour();
    m_pQueryTextCtl->SetBackgroundColour( bg );
    SetBackgroundColour( bg );

//    if( m_MMSI == 0 ) { //  Faulty MMSI could be reported as 0
    AIS_Target_Data *td = g_pAIS->Get_Target_Data_From_MMSI( m_MMSI );
    if( td )
        if( td->b_PersistTrack )
            m_createTrkBtn->SetLabel(_("Stop Tracking"));
            m_createTrkBtn->SetLabel(_("Record Track"));
        wxFont *dFont = FontMgr::Get().GetFont( _("AISTargetQuery") );
        wxString face = dFont->GetFaceName();
        int sizes[7];
        for( int i=-2; i<5; i++ ) {
            sizes[i+2] = dFont->GetPointSize() + i + (i>0?i:0);

        html.Printf( _T("<html><body bgcolor=#%02x%02x%02x><center>"), bg.Red(), bg.Green(), bg.Blue() );

        html << td->BuildQueryResult();
        html << _T("</center></font></body></html>");

        m_pQueryTextCtl->SetFonts( face, face, sizes );
        m_pQueryTextCtl->SetPage( html );

        // Try to create a min size that works across font sizes.
        wxSize sz;
        if( ! IsShown() ) {
            sz = m_pQueryTextCtl->GetVirtualSize();
            sz.x = 300;
            m_pQueryTextCtl->SetSize( sz );
        wxSize ir(m_pQueryTextCtl->GetInternalRepresentation()->GetWidth(),
                  m_pQueryTextCtl->GetInternalRepresentation()->GetHeight() );
        sz.x = wxMax( m_pQueryTextCtl->GetSize().x, ir.x );
        sz.y = wxMax( m_pQueryTextCtl->GetSize().y, ir.y );
        m_pQueryTextCtl->SetMinSize( sz );
        sz -= wxSize( 200, 200 );
        m_pQueryTextCtl->SetMinSize( sz );

        m_createWptBtn->Enable( td->b_positionOnceValid );
        m_createTrkBtn->Enable( td->b_show_track );
    //  }
void AISTargetQueryDialog::OnIdTrkCreateClick( wxCommandEvent& event )
    if( m_MMSI != 0 ) { //  Faulty MMSI could be reported as 0
        AIS_Target_Data *td = g_pAIS->Get_Target_Data_From_MMSI( m_MMSI );
        if( td )
            if ( td->b_PersistTrack ) //The target was tracked and the user wants to stop it
                td->b_PersistTrack = false;
                m_createTrkBtn->SetLabel(_("Record Track"));
                RoutePoint *rp = NULL;
                RoutePoint *rp1 = NULL;
                Track *t = new Track();

                t->m_RouteNameString = wxString::Format( _T("AIS %s (%u) %s %s"), td->GetFullName().c_str(), td->MMSI, wxDateTime::Now().FormatISODate().c_str(), wxDateTime::Now().FormatISOTime().c_str() );
                wxAISTargetTrackListNode *node = td->m_ptrack->GetFirst();
                while( node )
                    AISTargetTrackPoint *ptrack_point = node->GetData();
                    vector2D point( ptrack_point->m_lon, ptrack_point->m_lat );
                    rp1 = t->AddNewPoint( point, wxDateTime(ptrack_point->m_time).ToUTC() );
                    if( rp )
                        pSelect->AddSelectableTrackSegment( rp->m_lat, rp->m_lon, rp1->m_lat,
                            rp1->m_lon, rp, rp1, t );
                    rp = rp1;
                    node = node->GetNext();
                pRouteList->Append( t );
                pConfig->AddNewRoute( t, -1 );
                t->RebuildGUIDList(); // ensure the GUID list is intact and good

                if( pRouteManagerDialog && pRouteManagerDialog->IsShown() )
                Refresh( false );
                if( wxID_YES == OCPNMessageBox(NULL,
                    _("The recently captured track of this target has been recorded.\nDo you want to continue recording until the end of the current OpenCPN session?"),
                    _("OpenCPN Info"), wxYES_NO | wxCENTER, 60 ) )
                    td->b_PersistTrack = true;
                    g_pAIS->m_persistent_tracks[td->MMSI] = t;
Esempio n. 3
void AISTargetQueryDialog::UpdateText()
    wxString html;

    if( !m_pQueryTextCtl ) return;

    int scroll_x, scroll_y;
    m_pQueryTextCtl->GetViewStart(&scroll_x, &scroll_y);
    DimeControl( this );
    wxColor bg = GetBackgroundColour();
    m_pQueryTextCtl->SetBackgroundColour( bg );
    SetBackgroundColour( bg );

//    if( m_MMSI == 0 ) { //  Faulty MMSI could be reported as 0
        AIS_Target_Data *td = g_pAIS->Get_Target_Data_From_MMSI( m_MMSI );
        if( td )
            if( td->b_PersistTrack )
                m_createTrkBtn->SetLabel(_("Stop Tracking"));
                m_createTrkBtn->SetLabel(_("Record Track"));
            wxFont *dFont = FontMgr::Get().GetFont( _("AISTargetQuery") );
            wxString face = dFont->GetFaceName();
            int sizes[7];
            for( int i=-2; i<5; i++ ) {
                sizes[i+2] = dFont->GetPointSize() + i + (i>0?i:0);

            html.Printf( _T("<html><body bgcolor=#%02x%02x%02x><center>"), bg.Red(), bg.Green(), bg.Blue() );

            html << td->BuildQueryResult();
            html << _T("</center></font></body></html>");

            m_pQueryTextCtl->SetFonts( face, face, sizes );

            wxCharBuffer buf = html.ToUTF8();
            if( )                            // string OK?
                 m_pQueryTextCtl->SetPage( html );

                m_bsize_set = true;
            m_createWptBtn->Enable( td->b_positionOnceValid );
            m_createTrkBtn->Enable( td->b_show_track );
  //  }
#ifdef __WXQT__ 
    SetColorScheme( m_colorscheme );
    m_pQueryTextCtl->Scroll(scroll_x, scroll_y);