Esempio n. 1
/* collapse labels; remove nodata regions */
detectEdgeNodata::relabelNodata() {
  AMI_err ae;
  nodataType *pt;

  /* sort by label */
  if (stats)
    NODATA_DEBUG *stats << "sort nodataStream (by nodata label): ";
  AMI_STREAM<nodataType> *sortedInStream;
  sortedInStream = sort(nodataStream, labelCmpNodataType());
  delete nodataStream;

  nodataStream = new AMI_STREAM<nodataType>();

  while((ae = sortedInStream->read_item(&pt)) == AMI_ERROR_NO_ERROR) {
	cclabel_type root = colTree.findNextRoot(pt->label);
	assert(root <= pt->label);
	pt->label = root;
	ae = nodataStream->write_item(*pt);
	assert(ae == AMI_ERROR_NO_ERROR);

  delete sortedInStream;
Esempio n. 2
flow_waterWindower::processWindow(dimension_type i, dimension_type j, 
				  waterWindowBaseType *a,
				  waterWindowBaseType *b,
				  waterWindowBaseType *c) {
  elevation_type el1[3], el2[3], el3[3];
  toporank_type ac1[3], ac2[3], ac3[3];
  if (is_nodata(b[1].el)) {
    /*sweep_str does not include nodata */
	sweepItem win = sweepItem(i, j, a, b, c);
  for (int k=0; k<3; k++) {
    el1[k] = a[k].el;
    ac1[k] = -a[k].depth; /*WEIRD */
    el2[k] = b[k].el;
    ac2[k] = -b[k].depth; /*WEIRD*/
    el3[k] = c[k].el;
    ac3[k] = -c[k].depth; /*WEIRD*/
	genericWindow<elevation_type> e_win(el);
	genericWindow<toporank_type> a_win(ac);
	sweepItem win = sweepItem(i, j, b[1].dir, e_win, a_win);
  sweepItem win = sweepItem(i, j, b[1].dir, el1, el2, el3, ac1, ac2, ac3);
  /* #endif */
  AMI_err ae = sweep_str->write_item(win);
  assert(ae == AMI_ERROR_NO_ERROR);
Esempio n. 3
void ccforest<T>::findAllRoots(int depth) {
  if(foundAllRoots) return;
  foundAllRoots = 1;
  Rtimer rt;

  if(depth > 5) {
	cerr << "WARNING: excessive recursion in ccforest (ignored)" << endl;

  int explicitRootCount = 0;
  superTree = new ccforest<T>();

  if (stats)
    DEBUG_CCFOREST *stats << "sort edgeStream (by cclabel)): ";
  keyCmpKeyvalueType<T> fo;
  sort(&edgeStream, fo); /* XXX -changed this to use a cmp obj  */

  /* time forward processing */
  EMPQueueAdaptive<cckeyvalue,T> *pq =
	new EMPQueueAdaptive<cckeyvalue,T>();	/* parent queue */

  size_t streamLength = edgeStream->stream_len();
  T prevSrc = T(-1);
  T parent = T(-1);
  ccedge prevEdge;
  for(unsigned int i=0; i<streamLength; i++) {
	ccedge *e;
	AMI_err ae = edgeStream->read_item(&e);
	assert(ae == AMI_ERROR_NO_ERROR);

	if (stats) {
	    DEBUG_CCFOREST *stats << "------------------------------" << endl;
	    DEBUG_CCFOREST *stats << "processing edge " << *e << endl;
	DEBUG_CCFOREST pq->print();

	if(*e == prevEdge) {
	  if (stats)
	    DEBUG_CCFOREST *stats << "\tduplicate " << *e << " removed\n";
	  continue; /* already have this done */
	prevEdge = *e;

	if (stats)
	  DEBUG_CCFOREST *stats << "processing edge " << *e << endl;

	/* find root (assign parent) */
	if(e->src() != prevSrc) {
	  prevSrc = e->src();
	  cckeyvalue kv;
	  /* check if we have a key we don't use. */
	  while(pq->min(kv) && (kv.getPriority() < e->src())) {
		assert(kv.src() >= kv.dst());
		removeDuplicates(kv.src(), kv.dst(), *pq);
		ae = rootStream->write_item(kv); /* save root */
		assert(ae == AMI_ERROR_NO_ERROR);	
	  /* try to find our root */
	  if(pq->min(kv) && ((e->src() == kv.getPriority()))) {
		parent = kv.getValue();
		removeDuplicates(e->src(), parent, *pq);
	  } else {
		parent = e->src();		/* we are root */
		/* technically, we could skip this part. the lookup function
           automatically assumes that values without parents are roots */

	  /* save result */
	  cckeyvalue kroot(e->src(), parent);
	  assert(kroot.src() >= kroot.dst());
	  ae = rootStream->write_item(kroot);
	  assert(ae == AMI_ERROR_NO_ERROR);
#ifndef NDEBUG
	cckeyvalue kv2;
	assert(pq->is_empty() || (pq->min(kv2) && kv2.getPriority() > e->src()));

	/* insert */
	cckeyvalue kv(e->dst(), parent);
	assert(kv.src() >= kv.dst());

	/* cout << "identified: " << kroot << endl; */

  /* drain the priority queue */
  if (stats)
    DEBUG_CCFOREST *stats << "draining priority queue" << endl;
  while (!pq->is_empty()) {
	cckeyvalue kv;
	assert(kv.src() >= kv.dst());
	if (stats)
	  DEBUG_CCFOREST *stats << "processing edge " << kv << endl;

	removeDuplicates(kv.src(), kv.dst(), *pq);
	AMI_err ae = rootStream->write_item(kv);
	assert(ae == AMI_ERROR_NO_ERROR);
  delete pq;

  /* note that rootStream is naturally ordered by src */

  if(superTree->size()) {
        if (stats) {
	    DEBUG_CCFOREST *stats << "resolving cycles..." << endl;
	    /* printStream(rootStream); */
	    DEBUG_CCFOREST *stats << "sort rootStream: ";

	AMI_STREAM<cckeyvalue> *sortedRootStream; 
	dstCmpKeyvalueType<T> dstfo;
	sortedRootStream = sort(rootStream, dstfo); 
	/* XXX replaced this to use a cmp object -- laura
	   AMI_STREAM<cckeyvalue>*sortedRootStream=new AMI_STREAM<cckeyvalue>();
	   AMI_err ae = AMI_sort(rootStream, sortedRootStream, valueCmp); 
	   assert(ae == AMI_ERROR_NO_ERROR);
	delete rootStream;

	cckeyvalue *kv;
	T parent;
	AMI_err ae;
	AMI_STREAM<cckeyvalue>* relabeledRootStream
	  = new AMI_STREAM<cckeyvalue>();
	ae = sortedRootStream->seek(0);
	while((ae = sortedRootStream->read_item(&kv)) == AMI_ERROR_NO_ERROR) {
	  parent = superTree->findNextRoot(kv->dst());
	  ae = relabeledRootStream->write_item(cckeyvalue(kv->src(), parent));
	  assert(ae == AMI_ERROR_NO_ERROR);
	delete sortedRootStream;

        if (stats)
	    DEBUG_CCFOREST *stats << "sort relabeledRootStream: ";
	rootStream = sort(relabeledRootStream, fo);
	/* laura: changed  this
	   rootStream = new AMI_STREAM<cckeyvalue>();
	   ae = AMI_sort(relabeledRootStream, rootStream);
	   assert(ae == AMI_ERROR_NO_ERROR);
	delete relabeledRootStream;

        if (stats)
	    DEBUG_CCFOREST *stats << "resolving cycles... done." << endl;

  if (stats){
    DEBUG_CCFOREST *stats << "Rootstream length="
					  << rootStream->stream_len() << endl;
    DEBUG_CCFOREST printStream(*stats, rootStream);
    DEBUG_CCFOREST *stats << "Explicit root count=" << explicitRootCount << endl;

  if (stats)
    stats->recordTime("ccforest::findAllRoots",  (long int)rt_seconds(rt));
Esempio n. 4
detectEdgeNodata::processWindow(dimension_type row, dimension_type col,
				elevation_type &point,
				elevation_type *a,
				elevation_type *b,
				elevation_type *c) {
  AMI_err ae;
  static nodataType prevCell;	/* cell on left (gets initialized) */


  /* create window and write out */
  ElevationWindow win(a, b, c);
  fillPit(win);          /* fill pit in window */
  ae = elevStream->write_item(win.get());
  assert(ae == AMI_ERROR_NO_ERROR);

  /* only interested in nodata in this pass */
  if(win.get() !=  nodata) {
	prevCell.label = LABEL_UNDEF;

  if(col == 0) prevCell.label = LABEL_UNDEF; /* no left cell */

  /* now check for continuing plateaus */
  nodataType *ptarr = 
	getNodataForward(row-1, col-1, nr, nc);

  /* make sure we use boundary label if appropriate */
  cclabel_type crtlabel;
  crtlabel = (IS_BOUNDARY(row,col,nr, nc) ? LABEL_BOUNDARY : LABEL_UNDEF);

  for(int i=0; i<4; i++) {
	if(win.get(i) != win.get()) continue; /* only interesting if same elev */

	/* determine label for cell */
	cclabel_type label = LABEL_UNDEF;
	if(i<3) {
	  if(ptarr[i].valid) label = ptarr[i].label;
	} else {
	  if(prevCell.valid) label = prevCell.label;

	/* check for collisions */
	if(label != LABEL_UNDEF) {
	  if (crtlabel == LABEL_UNDEF) {
		crtlabel = label;
	  } else if(crtlabel != label) {  		  /* collision!! */
		/* pick smaller label, but prefer nodata */
		if(crtlabel==LABEL_BOUNDARY || crtlabel<label) { 
		  colTree.insert(crtlabel, label);
		} else {
		  colTree.insert(label, crtlabel);
		  crtlabel = label;
  /* assign label if required */
  if(crtlabel == LABEL_UNDEF) {
	crtlabel = labelFactory::getNewLabel();

  /* write this plateau point to the plateau stream */
  nodataType pt;
  prevCell = pt = nodataType(row, col, crtlabel);

  /* NODATA_DEBUG *stats << "inserting " << pt << endl; */
  nodataStream->write_item(pt);	/*  save to file for later use */