START_TEST (test_element_selector)
  const char* s = wrapMathML
    "  <apply>"
    "    <selector/>"
    "    <ci> A </ci>"
    "    <ci> i </ci>"
    "  </apply>"

  N = readMathMLFromStringWithNamespaces(s, NS);

  fail_unless( N != NULL );
  fail_unless( N->getType() == AST_ORIGINATES_IN_PACKAGE);
  fail_unless( N->getExtendedType() == AST_LINEAR_ALGEBRA_SELECTOR);
  fail_unless( N->getNumChildren() == 2);
  fail_unless( N->getPackageName() == "arrays");

  ASTNode * child = N->getChild(0);

  fail_unless( child != NULL );
  fail_unless( child->getType() == AST_NAME);
  fail_unless( child->getExtendedType() == AST_NAME);
  fail_unless( strcmp(child->getName(), "A") == 0);
  fail_unless( child->getNumChildren() == 0);
  fail_unless( child->getPackageName() == "core");

  child = N->getChild(1);

  fail_unless( child != NULL );
  fail_unless( child->getType() == AST_NAME);
  fail_unless( child->getExtendedType() == AST_NAME);
  fail_unless( strcmp(child->getName(), "i") == 0);
  fail_unless( child->getNumChildren() == 0);

  ArraysASTPlugin* plugin = static_cast<ArraysASTPlugin*>(N->getPlugin("arrays"));
  fail_unless(plugin != NULL);
  fail_unless(plugin->getASTType() == AST_LINEAR_ALGEBRA_SELECTOR);

Esempio n. 2
ArraysASTPlugin::hasCorrectNumberArguments(int type) const
  bool correctNumArgs = true;

  ASTBase* function = const_cast<ASTBase*>(getMath());

  // so getMath will only return teh node if it is a vector or matrix
  if (function == NULL)
    function = const_cast<ASTBase*>(getParentASTObject());
    if (function == NULL) 
      return false;

      // cast the function to an ASTNode
  ASTNode * newAST = dynamic_cast<ASTNode*>(function);

  // double check we are working with the right thing
  if (newAST == NULL)
    return false;
  else if (newAST->getExtendedType() != type)
    return false;

  unsigned int numChildren = newAST->getNumChildren();
  switch (type)
    if (numChildren < 1 || numChildren > 3)
      correctNumArgs = false;


  return correctNumArgs;
Esempio n. 3
ArraysASTPlugin::isWellFormedNode(int type) const
  bool valid = hasCorrectNumberArguments(type);
  ASTBase* function = const_cast<ASTBase*>(getMath());

  // so getMath will only return teh node if it is a vector or matrix
  if (function == NULL)
    function = const_cast<ASTBase*>(getParentASTObject());
    if (function == NULL) 
      return false;

      // cast the function to an ASTNode
  ASTNode * newAST = dynamic_cast<ASTNode*>(function);

  // double check we are working with the right thing
  if (newAST == NULL)
    return false;
  else if (newAST->getExtendedType() != type)
    return false;

  unsigned int numChildren = newAST->getNumChildren();
  unsigned int i = 0;

  // check number of arguments
  while (valid && i < numChildren)
    valid = newAST->getChild(i)->isWellFormedNode();
  return valid;

START_TEST (test_element_vector)
  const char* s = wrapMathML
    "  <apply>"
    "    <cos/>"
    "    <cn type=\"integer\"> 5 </cn>"
    "  </apply>"
    "  <ci> y </ci>"

  N = readMathMLFromStringWithNamespaces(s, NS);

  fail_unless( N != NULL );
  fail_unless( N->getType() == AST_ORIGINATES_IN_PACKAGE);
  fail_unless( N->getExtendedType() == AST_LINEAR_ALGEBRA_VECTOR_CONSTRUCTOR);
  fail_unless( N->getNumChildren() == 2);
  fail_unless( N->getPackageName() == "arrays");

  ASTNode * child = N->getChild(0);

  fail_unless( child != NULL );
  fail_unless( child->getType() == AST_FUNCTION_COS);
  fail_unless( child->getExtendedType() == AST_FUNCTION_COS);
  fail_unless( child->getNumChildren() == 1);
  fail_unless( child->getPackageName() == "core");

  ASTNode *c1 = child->getChild(0);

  fail_unless( c1 != NULL );
  fail_unless( c1->getType() == AST_INTEGER);
  fail_unless( c1->getExtendedType() == AST_INTEGER);
  fail_unless( c1->getNumChildren() == 0);
  fail_unless( c1->getInteger() == 5);

  child = N->getChild(1);

  fail_unless( child != NULL );
  fail_unless( child->getType() == AST_NAME);
  fail_unless( child->getExtendedType() == AST_NAME);
  fail_unless( strcmp(child->getName(), "y") == 0);
  fail_unless( child->getNumChildren() == 0);

  ArraysASTPlugin* plugin = static_cast<ArraysASTPlugin*>(N->getPlugin("arrays"));
  fail_unless(plugin != NULL);
  fail_unless(plugin->getASTType() == AST_LINEAR_ALGEBRA_VECTOR_CONSTRUCTOR);

  plugin = static_cast<ArraysASTPlugin*>(child->getPlugin("arrays"));
  fail_unless(plugin != NULL);
  fail_unless(plugin->getASTType() == AST_ARRAYS_UNKNOWN);


START_TEST (test_element_matrix)
  const char* s = wrapMathML
    "<cn type=\"integer\"> 5 </cn>"
    "<ci> y </ci>"
    "<cn type=\"integer\"> 2 </cn>"
    "<cn type=\"integer\"> 5 </cn>"

  N = readMathMLFromStringWithNamespaces(s, NS);

  fail_unless( N != NULL );
  fail_unless( N->getType() == AST_ORIGINATES_IN_PACKAGE);
  fail_unless( N->getExtendedType() == AST_LINEAR_ALGEBRA_MATRIX_CONSTRUCTOR);
  fail_unless( N->getNumChildren() == 2);
  fail_unless( N->getPackageName() == "arrays");

  ASTNode * child = N->getChild(0);

  fail_unless( child != NULL );
  fail_unless( child->getType() == AST_ORIGINATES_IN_PACKAGE);
  fail_unless( child->getExtendedType() == AST_LINEAR_ALGEBRA_MATRIXROW_CONSTRUCTOR);
  fail_unless( child->getNumChildren() == 2);
  fail_unless( child->getPackageName() == "arrays");

  ASTNode *c1 = child->getChild(0);

  fail_unless( c1 != NULL );
  fail_unless( c1->getType() == AST_FUNCTION_COS);
  fail_unless( c1->getExtendedType() == AST_FUNCTION_COS);
  fail_unless( c1->getNumChildren() == 1);
  fail_unless( c1->getPackageName() == "core");

  child = N->getChild(1);

  fail_unless( child != NULL );
  fail_unless( child->getType() == AST_ORIGINATES_IN_PACKAGE);
  fail_unless( child->getExtendedType() == AST_LINEAR_ALGEBRA_MATRIXROW_CONSTRUCTOR);
  fail_unless( child->getNumChildren() == 2);
  fail_unless( child->getPackageName() == "arrays");

  c1 = child->getChild(0);

  fail_unless( c1 != NULL );
  fail_unless( c1->getType() == AST_INTEGER);
  fail_unless( c1->getExtendedType() == AST_INTEGER);
  fail_unless( c1->getNumChildren() == 0);
  fail_unless( c1->getInteger() == 2);
  ArraysASTPlugin* plugin = static_cast<ArraysASTPlugin*>(N->getPlugin("arrays"));
  fail_unless(plugin != NULL);
  fail_unless(plugin->getASTType() == AST_LINEAR_ALGEBRA_MATRIX_CONSTRUCTOR);
