ia2AccessibleComponent::get_locationInParent(long* aX, long* aY)

  *aX = 0;
  *aY = 0;

  AccessibleWrap* acc = static_cast<AccessibleWrap*>(this);
  if (acc->IsDefunct())

  // If the object is not on any screen the returned position is (0,0).
  uint64_t state = acc->State();
  if (state & states::INVISIBLE)
    return S_OK;

  int32_t x = 0, y = 0, width = 0, height = 0;
  nsresult rv = acc->GetBounds(&x, &y, &width, &height);
  if (NS_FAILED(rv))
    return GetHRESULT(rv);

  Accessible* parentAcc = acc->Parent();

  // The coordinates of the returned position are relative to this object's
  // parent or relative to the screen on which this object is rendered if it
  // has no parent.
  if (!parentAcc) {
    *aX = x;
    *aY = y;
    return S_OK;

  // The coordinates of the bounding box are given relative to the parent's
  // coordinate system.
  int32_t parentx = 0, parenty = 0;
  rv = acc->GetBounds(&parentx, &parenty, &width, &height);
  if (NS_FAILED(rv))
    return GetHRESULT(rv);

  *aX = x - parentx;
  *aY = y - parenty;
  return S_OK;
