Esempio n. 1
// Action_DihedralScan::DoAction()
Action::RetType Action_DihedralScan::DoAction(int frameNum, ActionFrame& frm) {
  switch (mode_) {
    case RANDOM: RandomizeAngles(frm.ModifyFrm()); break;
    case INTERVAL: IntervalAngles(frm.ModifyFrm()); break;
  // Check the resulting structure
  int n_problems = checkStructure_.CheckOverlap( frameNum+1, frm.Frm(), *CurrentParm_ );
  //mprintf("%i\tResulting structure has %i problems.\n",frameNum,n_problems);
  number_of_problems_->Add(frameNum, &n_problems);

  return Action::OK;
Esempio n. 2
// Action_Rmsd::DoAction()
Action::RetType Action_Rmsd::DoAction(int frameNum, ActionFrame& frm) {
  // Perform any needed reference actions
  REF_.ActionRef( frm.Frm(), fit_, useMass_ );
  // Calculate RMSD
  double rmsdval;
  Action::RetType err;
  // Set selected frame atoms. Masses have already been set.
  tgtFrame_.SetCoordinates(frm.Frm(), tgtMask_);
  if (!fit_) {
    rmsdval = tgtFrame_.RMSD_NoFit(REF_.SelectedRef(), useMass_);
    err = Action::OK;
  } else {
    rmsdval = tgtFrame_.RMSD_CenteredRef(REF_.SelectedRef(), rot_, tgtTrans_, useMass_);
    if (rmatrices_ != 0) rmatrices_->Add(frameNum, rot_.Dptr());
    if (rotate_)
      frm.ModifyFrm().Trans_Rot_Trans(tgtTrans_, rot_, REF_.RefTrans());
    else {
      tgtTrans_ += REF_.RefTrans();
    err = Action::MODIFY_COORDS;
  rmsd_->Add(frameNum, &rmsdval);

  // ---=== Per Residue RMSD ===---
  // Set reference and selected frame for each residue using the previously
  // set-up masks in refResMask and tgtResMask. Use SetFrame instead
  // of SetCoordinates since each residue can be a different size.
  if (perres_) {
    for (perResArray::const_iterator PerRes = ResidueRMS_.begin();
                                     PerRes != ResidueRMS_.end(); ++PerRes)
      if ( PerRes->isActive_ ) {
        ResRefFrame_.SetFrame(REF_.RefFrame(), PerRes->refResMask_);
        ResTgtFrame_.SetFrame(frm.Frm(),       PerRes->tgtResMask_);
        if (perrescenter_) {
          ResTgtFrame_.CenterOnOrigin( useMass_ );
          ResRefFrame_.CenterOnOrigin( useMass_ );
        double R = ResTgtFrame_.RMSD_NoFit(ResRefFrame_, useMass_);
        PerRes->data_->Add(frameNum, &R);

  if (REF_.Previous())
    REF_.SetRefStructure( frm.Frm(), fit_, useMass_ );

  return err;
Esempio n. 3
// Action_Principal::DoAction()
Action::RetType Action_Principal::DoAction(int frameNum, ActionFrame& frm) {
  Matrix_3x3 Inertia;
  Vec3 Eval;

  frm.Frm().CalculateInertia( mask_, Inertia );

  // NOTE: Diagonalize_Sort_Chirality places sorted eigenvectors in rows.
  Inertia.Diagonalize_Sort_Chirality( Eval, debug_ );
  if (outfile_ != 0) {
    int fn = frameNum+1; 
    outfile_->Printf("%i EIGENVALUES: %f %f %f\n%i EIGENVECTOR 0: %f %f %f\n%i EIGENVECTOR 1: %f %f %f\n%i EIGENVECTOR 2: %f %f %f\n", 
      fn, Eval[0], Eval[1], Eval[2],
      fn, Inertia[0], Inertia[1], Inertia[2],
      fn, Inertia[3], Inertia[4], Inertia[5],
      fn, Inertia[6], Inertia[7], Inertia[8]);
    //Inertia.Print("PRINCIPAL EIGENVECTORS (Rows)");
  if (vecData_ != 0) {
    vecData_->AddMat3x3( Inertia );
    valData_->AddVxyz( Eval );
  // Rotate - since Evec is already transposed (eigenvectors
  // are returned in rows) just do plain rotation to affect an
  // inverse rotation.
  if (doRotation_) {
    frm.ModifyFrm().Rotate( Inertia );
    return Action::MODIFY_COORDS;
  return Action::OK;
Esempio n. 4
// Action_Unwrap::DoAction()
Action::RetType Action_Unwrap::DoAction(int frameNum, ActionFrame& frm) {
  Matrix_3x3 ucell, recip;
  // Set reference structure if not already set
  if (RefFrame_.empty()) {
    RefFrame_ = frm.Frm();
    return Action::OK;
  if (orthogonal_)
    Image::UnwrapOrtho( frm.ModifyFrm(), RefFrame_, imageList_, center_, true );
  else {
    frm.Frm().BoxCrd().ToRecip( ucell, recip );
    Image::UnwrapNonortho( frm.ModifyFrm(), RefFrame_, imageList_, ucell, recip, center_, true );

  return Action::MODIFY_COORDS;
Esempio n. 5
/** Center coordinates in frame according to specified mode. */
Action::RetType Action_Center::DoAction(int frameNum, ActionFrame& frm) {
  Vec3 center;
  if (useMass_)
    center = frm.Frm().VCenterOfMass(Mask_);
    center = frm.Frm().VGeometricCenter(Mask_);
  //mprinterr("  FRAME CENTER: %lf %lf %lf\n",center[0],center[1],center[2]); //DEBUG
  switch (centerMode_) {
    case ORIGIN: // Shift to coordinate origin (0,0,0)
      center.Neg(); break;
    case BOXCTR: // Shift to box center
      center = frm.Frm().BoxCrd().Center() - center; break;
    case POINT:  // Shift to specified point
    case REF:    // Shift to reference point
      center = refCenter_ - center; break;

  return Action::MODIFY_COORDS;
Esempio n. 6
// Action_Esander::DoAction()
Action::RetType Action_Esander::DoAction(int frameNum, ActionFrame& frm) {
  if (refFrame_.empty()) {
    refFrame_ = frm.Frm();
    if ( InitForRef() ) return Action::ERR;
  if (save_forces_) {
    newFrame_.SetCoordAndBox( frm.Frm() );
    SANDER_.CalcEnergyForces( newFrame_ );
    frm.SetFrame( &newFrame_ );
  } else
    // FIXME: Passing in ModifyFrm() to give CalcEnergy access to non-const pointers
    SANDER_.CalcEnergy( frm.ModifyFrm() );

  for (int ie = 0; ie != (int)Energy_Sander::N_ENERGYTYPES; ie++) {
    if (Esets_[ie] != 0)
      Esets_[ie]->Add(frameNum, SANDER_.Eptr((Energy_Sander::Etype)ie));

  return ret_;
Esempio n. 7
/** Modify the current frame based on the atom map.
Action::RetType Action_AtomMap::DoAction(int frameNum, ActionFrame& frm) {
    if (maponly_) return Action::OK;

    // Perform RMS fit on mapped atoms only
    if (rmsfit_) {
        // Set target frame up according to atom map.
        rmsTgtFrame_.ModifyByMap(frm.Frm(), AMap_);
        Matrix_3x3 Rot;
        Vec3 Trans, refTrans;
        double R = rmsTgtFrame_.RMSD(rmsRefFrame_, Rot, Trans, refTrans, false);
        frm.ModifyFrm().Trans_Rot_Trans(Trans, Rot, refTrans);
        if (rmsdata_!=0)
            rmsdata_->Add(frameNum, &R);
        return Action::OK;

    // Modify the current frame
    // TODO: Fix this since its probably busted for unmapped atoms
    newFrame_->SetCoordinatesByMap(frm.Frm(), AMap_);
    frm.SetFrame( newFrame_ );
    return Action::MODIFY_COORDS;
Esempio n. 8
// Action_SymmetricRmsd::DoAction()
Action::RetType Action_SymmetricRmsd::DoAction(int frameNum, ActionFrame& frm) {
  // Perform any needed reference actions
  REF_.ActionRef( frm.Frm(), SRMSD_.Fit(), SRMSD_.UseMass() );
  // Calculate symmetric RMSD
  selectedTgt_.SetCoordinates( frm.Frm(), tgtMask_ );
  double rmsdval = SRMSD_.SymmRMSD_CenteredRef( selectedTgt_, REF_.SelectedRef() );
  rmsd_->Add(frameNum, &rmsdval);
  if (remap_) {
    // Now re-map the target frame
    for (int atom = 0; atom < (int)targetMap_.size(); atom++)
      targetMap_[atom] = atom;
    SymmetricRmsdCalc::Iarray const& AMap = SRMSD_.AMap();
    for (unsigned int ref = 0; ref < AMap.size(); ++ref)
      targetMap_[ tgtMask_[ref] ] = tgtMask_[AMap[ref]];
    remapFrame_.SetCoordinatesByMap( frm.Frm(), targetMap_ );
    frm.SetFrame( &remapFrame_ );
  if ( SRMSD_.Fit() )
    frm.ModifyFrm().Trans_Rot_Trans( SRMSD_.TgtTrans(), SRMSD_.RotMatrix(), REF_.RefTrans() );

  return action_return_;
Esempio n. 9
// Action_RandomizeIons::DoAction()
Action::RetType Action_RandomizeIons::DoAction(int frameNum, ActionFrame& frm) {
  Matrix_3x3 ucell, recip;

  if (image_.ImageType() == NONORTHO)
    frm.Frm().BoxCrd().ToRecip(ucell, recip);
  // Loop over all solvent molecules and mark those that are too close to the solute
  int n_active_solvent = 0;
  for (int idx = 0; idx != n_solvent_; idx++) {
    solvent_[idx] = true;
    if (around_.MaskStringSet()) {
      const double* solventXYZ = frm.Frm().XYZ( solventStart_[idx] );
      // Is solvent molecule too close to any atom in the around mask?
      for (AtomMask::const_iterator atom = around_.begin(); atom != around_.end(); ++atom)
        double dist = DIST2( solventXYZ, frm.Frm().XYZ(*atom), image_.ImageType(),
                             frm.Frm().BoxCrd(), ucell, recip);
        if (dist < min_) {
          solvent_[idx] = false;
          //mprintf("RANDOMIZEIONS: water %i only %.2f ang from around @%i\n",
          //        smolnum, sqrt(dist), *atom+1);
    if (solvent_[idx]) ++n_active_solvent;
  if (n_active_solvent < ions_.Nselected()) {
    mprinterr("Error: Fewer active solvent molecules (%i) than ions (%i)\n",
              n_active_solvent, ions_.Nselected());
    return Action::ERR;

  // DEBUG - print solvent molecule mask
  if (debug_ > 2) {
    mprintf("RANDOMIZEIONS: The following waters are ACTIVE so far:\n");
    int smoltot = 0;
    for (int idx = 0; idx != n_solvent_; idx++) {
      if (solvent_[idx]) {
        mprintf(" %5i ", solventStart_[idx]+1 );
        if (smoltot%10 == 0) mprintf("\n");
    mprintf("RANDOMIZEIONS: A total of %i waters (out of %zu) are active\n",
            smoltot, solvent_.size());

  // Outer loop over all ions
  for (AtomMask::const_iterator ion1 = ions_.begin(); ion1 != ions_.end(); ++ion1)
    //mprintf("RANDOMIZEIONS: Processing ion atom %i\n", *ion1+1);
    // Is a potential solvent molecule close to any of the ions (except this one)?
    for (int idx = 0; idx != n_solvent_; idx++) {
      if (solvent_[idx]) {
        const double* solventXYZ = frm.Frm().XYZ( solventStart_[idx] );
        // This solvent is active; check distance to all other ions
        for (AtomMask::const_iterator ion2 = ions_.begin(); ion2 != ions_.end(); ++ion2)
          if (*ion1 != *ion2) {
            double dist = DIST2( solventXYZ, frm.Frm().XYZ(*ion2), image_.ImageType(),
                                 frm.Frm().BoxCrd(), ucell, recip);
            if (dist < overlap_) {
              // This solvent mol is too close to another ion.
              solvent_[idx] = false;
              //mprintf("RANDOMIZEIONS: water %i only %.2f ang from ion @%i\n",
              //        smolnum, sqrt(dist), *ion2+1);
        } // END inner loop over ions
    } // END loop over solvent molecules
    // The solvent_ array should now be true for all solvent molecules eligible
    // to swap with ion.
    int loop = 1;
    int swapMol = 0;
    while (loop > 0 && loop < 10000) {
      // Run the random number generator so that the same number is not produced
      // when the seed was set manually.
      swapMol = (int)(RN_.rn_gen() * (double)n_solvent_);
      if ( solvent_[swapMol] ) 
        loop = -1;

    // If a suitable solvent molecule was found, swap it.
    if (loop > 0) {
      mprintf("Warning: Tried to swap ion @%i with %i random waters\n",*ion1+1,loop);
      mprintf("Warning: and couldn't meet criteria; skipping.\n");
    } else {
      if (debug_ > 2)
        mprintf("RANDOMIZEIONS: Swapping solvent mol %i for ion @%i\n", swapMol+1, *ion1+1);
      const double* ionXYZ = frm.Frm().XYZ( *ion1 );
      int sbegin = solventStart_[ swapMol ];
      const double* watXYZ = frm.Frm().XYZ( sbegin );
      Vec3 trans( ionXYZ[0] - watXYZ[0],
                  ionXYZ[1] - watXYZ[1],
                  ionXYZ[2] - watXYZ[2]);
      frm.ModifyFrm().Translate( trans, sbegin, solventEnd_[ swapMol ] );
      frm.ModifyFrm().Translate( trans, *ion1 );
  } // END outer loop over all ions

  return Action::MODIFY_COORDS;
Esempio n. 10
// Action_AutoImage::DoAction()
Action::RetType Action_AutoImage::DoAction(int frameNum, ActionFrame& frm) {
  Matrix_3x3 ucell, recip;
  Vec3 fcom;
  Vec3 bp, bm, offset(0.0);
  Vec3 Trans, framecenter, imagedcenter, anchorcenter;

  if (!ortho_) frm.Frm().BoxCrd().ToRecip(ucell, recip);
  // Center w.r.t. anchor
  if (useMass_)
    fcom = frm.Frm().VCenterOfMass( anchorMask_ );
    fcom = frm.Frm().VGeometricCenter( anchorMask_ );
  if (origin_) {
    fcom.Neg(); // Shift to coordinate origin (0,0,0)
  } else {
    if (ortho_ || truncoct_) // Center is box xyz over 2
      anchorcenter = frm.Frm().BoxCrd().Center();
    else                     // Center in frac coords is (0.5,0.5,0.5)
      anchorcenter = ucell.TransposeMult(Vec3(0.5));
    fcom = anchorcenter - fcom;

  // Setup imaging, and image everything in currentFrame 
  // according to mobileList. 
  if (ortho_) {
    if (Image::SetupOrtho(frm.Frm().BoxCrd(), bp, bm, origin_)) {
      mprintf("Warning: Frame %i imaging failed, box lengths are zero.\n",frameNum+1);
      // TODO: Return OK for now so next frame is tried; eventually indicate SKIP?
      return Action::OK; // FIXME return MODIFY_COORDS instead?
    Image::Ortho(frm.ModifyFrm(), bp, bm, offset, usecom_, useMass_, mobileList_);
  } else {
    if (truncoct_)
      fcom = Image::SetupTruncoct( frm.Frm(), 0, useMass_, origin_ );
    Image::Nonortho(frm.ModifyFrm(), origin_, fcom, offset, ucell, recip, truncoct_,
                    usecom_, useMass_, mobileList_);

  // For each molecule defined by atom pairs in fixedList, determine if the
  // imaged position is closer to anchor center than the current position.
  // Always use molecule center when imaging fixedList.
  for (pairList::const_iterator atom1 = fixedList_.begin();
                                atom1 != fixedList_.end(); ++atom1)
    int firstAtom = *atom1;
    int lastAtom = *atom1;
    if (useMass_) 
      framecenter = frm.Frm().VCenterOfMass(firstAtom, lastAtom);
      framecenter = frm.Frm().VGeometricCenter(firstAtom, lastAtom);
    // NOTE: imaging routines will modify input coords.
    //imagedcenter[0] = framecenter[0];
    //imagedcenter[1] = framecenter[1];
    //imagedcenter[2] = framecenter[2];
    if (ortho_)
      Trans = Image::Ortho(framecenter, bp, bm, frm.Frm().BoxCrd());
      Trans = Image::Nonortho(framecenter, truncoct_, origin_, ucell, recip, fcom, -1.0);
    // If molecule was imaged, determine whether imaged position is closer to anchor.
    if (Trans[0] != 0 || Trans[1] != 0 || Trans[2] != 0) {
      imagedcenter = framecenter;
      imagedcenter += Trans;
      double framedist2 = DIST2_NoImage( anchorcenter, framecenter );
      double imageddist2 = DIST2_NoImage( anchorcenter, imagedcenter );
      //mprintf("DBG: [%5i] Fixed @%i-%i frame dist2=%lf, imaged dist2=%lf\n", frameNum,
      //        firstAtom+1, lastAtom+1,
      //        framedist2, imageddist2);
      if (imageddist2 < framedist2) {
        // Imaging these atoms moved them closer to anchor. Update coords in currentFrame.
        frm.ModifyFrm().Translate(Trans, firstAtom, lastAtom);
        //for (int idx = firstAtom*3; idx < lastAtom*3; ++idx)
        //  (*currentFrame)[idx] = fixedFrame[idx];
  return Action::MODIFY_COORDS;