Esempio n. 1
/** \fn KeyBindings::CommitAction(const ActionID&)
 *  \brief Commit an action to the database, and reload its keybindings.
void KeyBindings::CommitAction(const ActionID &id)
    MSqlQuery query(MSqlQuery::InitCon());
        "UPDATE keybindings "
        "SET keylist = :KEYLIST "
        "WHERE hostname = :HOSTNAME AND "
        "      action   = :ACTION   AND "
        "      context  = :CONTEXT");

    QString keys = m_actionSet.GetKeyString(id);
    query.bindValue(":KEYLIST",  keys);
    query.bindValue(":HOSTNAME", m_hostname);
    query.bindValue(":CONTEXT",  id.GetContext());
    query.bindValue(":ACTION",   id.GetAction());

    if (!query.exec() || !query.isActive())
        MythDB::DBError("KeyBindings::CommitAction", query);

    GetMythMainWindow()->ClearKey(id.GetContext(), id.GetAction());
    GetMythMainWindow()->BindKey(id.GetContext(), id.GetAction(), keys);
Esempio n. 2
/** \fn ActionSet::AddAction(const ActionID&, const QString&, const QString&)
 *  \brief Add an action.
 *   If the action has already been added, it will not be added
 *   again. There are no duplicate actions in the action set.
 *  \param id The action identifier.
 *  \param description The action description.
 *  \param keys The keys for this action.
 *  \return true if the action on success, false otherwise.
bool ActionSet::AddAction(const ActionID &id,
                          const QString  &description,
                          const QString  &keys)
    ContextMap::iterator cit = m_contexts.find(id.GetContext());
    if (cit == m_contexts.end())
        cit = m_contexts.insert(id.GetContext(), Context());
    else if ((*cit).find(id.GetAction()) != (*cit).end())
        return false;

    Action *a = new Action(description, keys);
    (*cit).insert(id.GetAction(), a);

    const QStringList keylist = a->GetKeys();
    QStringList::const_iterator it = keylist.begin();
    for (; it != keylist.end(); ++it)

    return true;
Esempio n. 3
/** \fn ActionSet::GetDescription(const ActionID&) const
 *  \brief Returns the description of an action by its identifier.
QString ActionSet::GetDescription(const ActionID &id) const
    ContextMap::const_iterator cit = m_contexts.find(id.GetContext());
    if (cit == m_contexts.end())
        return QString();

    Context::const_iterator it = (*cit).find(id.GetAction());
    if (it != (*cit).end())
        return (*it)->GetDescription();

    return QString();
Esempio n. 4
/** \fn ActionSet::GetKeys(const ActionID&) const
 *  \brief Get the keys bound to an action by its identifier.
QStringList ActionSet::GetKeys(const ActionID &id) const
    QStringList keys;

    ContextMap::const_iterator cit = m_contexts.find(id.GetContext());
    if (cit == m_contexts.end())
        return keys;

    Context::const_iterator it = (*cit).find(id.GetAction());
    if (it != (*cit).end())
        keys = (*it)->GetKeys();

    return keys;
Esempio n. 5
/** \fn KeyBindings::CommitChanges(void)
 *  \brief Commit all changes made to the keybindings.
 *   This method will write the changes to the database, unbind %MythTV's
 *   current bindings for those actions that changed, and setup the
 *   new bindings.
void KeyBindings::CommitChanges(void)
    ActionList modified = m_actionSet.GetModified();

    while (modified.size() > 0)
        ActionID id = modified.front();

        // commit either a jumppoint or an action
        if (id.GetContext() == ActionSet::kJumpContext)

        // tell the action set that the action is no longer modified
        m_actionSet.SetModifiedFlag(id, false);
