void setup(void) { Serial.println(F("Touch Paint!")); tft.begin(); if (!ts.begin()) { Serial.println("Couldn't start touchscreen controller"); while (1); } Serial.println("Touchscreen started"); tft.fillScreen(ILI9341_BLACK); // make the color selection boxes tft.fillRect(0, 0, BOXSIZE, BOXSIZE, ILI9341_RED); tft.fillRect(BOXSIZE, 0, BOXSIZE, BOXSIZE, ILI9341_YELLOW); tft.fillRect(BOXSIZE*2, 0, BOXSIZE, BOXSIZE, ILI9341_GREEN); tft.fillRect(BOXSIZE*3, 0, BOXSIZE, BOXSIZE, ILI9341_CYAN); tft.fillRect(BOXSIZE*4, 0, BOXSIZE, BOXSIZE, ILI9341_BLUE); tft.fillRect(BOXSIZE*5, 0, BOXSIZE, BOXSIZE, ILI9341_MAGENTA); // select the current color 'red' tft.drawRect(0, 0, BOXSIZE, BOXSIZE, ILI9341_WHITE); currentcolor = ILI9341_RED; }
void Button::draw() { if (_touching) { tft.fillRect(_pos.x, _pos.y, _size.w, _size.h, touchColor); } else { tft.fillRect(_pos.x-1, _pos.y-1, _size.w, _size.h, bgColor); // TODO: Better drop shadow tft.drawFastVLine(_pos.x-1+_size.w, _pos.y-1, _size.h, ILI9341_BLACK); tft.drawFastHLine(_pos.x-1, _pos.y-1+_size.h, _size.w, ILI9341_BLACK); } Label::draw(); }
void Textbox::draw() { if (_fillBackground) { tft.fillRect(_pos.x, _pos.y, _size.w, _size.h, bgColor); _fillBackground = false; } if (fontSize == 1) { tft.setFont(&Inconsolata_g5pt7b); } else { tft.setFont(&Inconsolata_g8pt7b); } const char *valStr = _value; size_t valLength = strlen(valStr); if (_lastValLength > 0) { if (strcmp(_lastVal, valStr) == 0) { return; } tft.setCursor(_pos.x, _pos.y +_size.h-2); tft.setTextColor(bgColor); tft.print(_lastVal); } tft.setCursor(_pos.x, _pos.y +_size.h-2); tft.setTextColor(fontColor); tft.print(valStr); tft.setFont(&Inconsolata_g5pt7b); strcpy(_lastVal, valStr); _lastValLength = valLength; }
void Stat::drawLabel() { if (!_hideLabel) { tft.setFont(&Inconsolata_g8pt7b); tft.setCursor(_pos.x, _pos.y+1+CURSOR_Y_LARGE); tft.setTextColor(ILI9341_WHITE); tft.print(_labelText); } tft.fillRect(_value.x, _value.y, _controlWidth, 17, tft.color565(10, 10, 10)); }
/************************************ * Name : print_item * Purpuse : * Inputs : None * Outputs : None * Returns : None ************************************/ int print_item(int line, char *iname, float value, char *unit) { int stPos; if (line <= 0) return -1; stPos = (line-1)*PERIOD; tft.fillRect(0, stPos, 240, TEXTSIZE, ILI9341_BLACK); tft.setCursor(2, stPos); tft.setTextColor(ILI9341_WHITE); tft.setTextSize(FONTSIZE); tft.print(iname); tft.print(value, 2); tft.print(" "); tft.print(unit); }
void Stat::drawChart() { if (_redrawChart) { _cur = 0; tft.fillRect(_chart.x, _chart.y - 1 /* catch the top of the unit of the axis */, _chartWidth, 32 /* to catch the bottom of the unit on the axis */, ILI9341_BLACK); tft.setCursor(_chart.x + 27 - ((int16_t) strlen(_labelText) * 6), _chart.y + 12+CURSOR_Y_SMALL); tft.setTextColor(ILI9341_WHITE); tft.setFont(&Inconsolata_g5pt7b); tft.print(_labelText); tft.setCursor(_chart.x + _chartWidth - 45, _chart.y+CURSOR_Y_SMALL); tft.print(_max == INT_MIN ? 0 : _max); if (_unitText) { tft.setTextColor(_chartColor); tft.setCursor(_chart.x + _chartWidth - 45, _chart.y + 12+CURSOR_Y_SMALL); tft.print(_unitText); tft.setTextColor(ILI9341_WHITE); } tft.setCursor(_chart.x + _chartWidth - 45, _chart.y + 24+CURSOR_Y_SMALL); tft.print(_min == INT_MAX ? 0 : _min); tft.setFont(&Inconsolata_g8pt7b); _redrawChart = false; tft.fillRect(_chart.x + 30, _chart.y, _chartWidth - 80, 30, tft.color565(10, 10, 10)); } for ( ; _cur < _end; _cur++) { if (invalidReadingi(_historical[_cur])) { tft.drawFastVLine(_chart.x+30+_cur, _chart.y, 30, ILI9341_MAROON); continue; } int norm = (int) map(_historical[_cur], _min, _max, 0, 29); int x = _chart.x+30+_cur; int y = _chart.y+29-norm; tft.fillRect(x, y, 1, 1, _chartColor); } }
unsigned long testRandomRects() { unsigned long start; int r, g, b, t, x, y, size = 16; float i = 0.0f; float pi = 3.1459; // 180 degrees start = micros(); for (i = 0.0f; i < 2 * pi; i += (pi / 360.0)) { r = (sin(i) * 127) + 128; g = (sin(i + ((2 * pi) / 3.0)) * 127) + 128; b = (sin(i + ((4 * pi) / 3.0)) * 127) + 128; y = random(320 / size); x = random(240 / size); tft.fillRect(x * size, y*size, size, size, tft.Color565(r, g, b)); } return micros() - start; }
unsigned long testFilledRects(uint16_t color1, uint16_t color2) { unsigned long start, t = 0; int n, i, i2, cx = tft.width() / 2 - 1, cy = tft.height() / 2 - 1; tft.fillScreen(ILI9341_BLACK); n = min(tft.width(), tft.height()); for (i = n; i > 0; i -= 6) { i2 = i / 2; start = micros(); tft.fillRect(cx - i2, cy - i2, i, i, color1); t += micros() - start; // Outlines are not included in timing results tft.drawRect(cx - i2, cy - i2, i, i, color2); } return t; }
void loop() { // See if there's any touch data for us if (ts.bufferEmpty()) { return; } /* // You can also wait for a touch if (! ts.touched()) { return; } */ // Retrieve a point TS_Point p = ts.getPoint(); /* Serial.print("X = "); Serial.print(p.x); Serial.print("\tY = "); Serial.print(p.y); Serial.print("\tPressure = "); Serial.println(p.z); */ // Scale from ~0->4000 to tft.width using the calibration #'s p.x = map(p.x, TS_MINX, TS_MAXX, 0, tft.width()); p.y = map(p.y, TS_MINY, TS_MAXY, 0, tft.height()); /* Serial.print("("); Serial.print(p.x); Serial.print(", "); Serial.print(p.y); Serial.println(")"); */ if (p.y < BOXSIZE) { oldcolor = currentcolor; if (p.x < BOXSIZE) { currentcolor = ILI9341_RED; tft.drawRect(0, 0, BOXSIZE, BOXSIZE, ILI9341_WHITE); } else if (p.x < BOXSIZE*2) { currentcolor = ILI9341_YELLOW; tft.drawRect(BOXSIZE, 0, BOXSIZE, BOXSIZE, ILI9341_WHITE); } else if (p.x < BOXSIZE*3) { currentcolor = ILI9341_GREEN; tft.drawRect(BOXSIZE*2, 0, BOXSIZE, BOXSIZE, ILI9341_WHITE); } else if (p.x < BOXSIZE*4) { currentcolor = ILI9341_CYAN; tft.drawRect(BOXSIZE*3, 0, BOXSIZE, BOXSIZE, ILI9341_WHITE); } else if (p.x < BOXSIZE*5) { currentcolor = ILI9341_BLUE; tft.drawRect(BOXSIZE*4, 0, BOXSIZE, BOXSIZE, ILI9341_WHITE); } else if (p.x < BOXSIZE*6) { currentcolor = ILI9341_MAGENTA; tft.drawRect(BOXSIZE*5, 0, BOXSIZE, BOXSIZE, ILI9341_WHITE); } if (oldcolor != currentcolor) { if (oldcolor == ILI9341_RED) tft.fillRect(0, 0, BOXSIZE, BOXSIZE, ILI9341_RED); if (oldcolor == ILI9341_YELLOW) tft.fillRect(BOXSIZE, 0, BOXSIZE, BOXSIZE, ILI9341_YELLOW); if (oldcolor == ILI9341_GREEN) tft.fillRect(BOXSIZE*2, 0, BOXSIZE, BOXSIZE, ILI9341_GREEN); if (oldcolor == ILI9341_CYAN) tft.fillRect(BOXSIZE*3, 0, BOXSIZE, BOXSIZE, ILI9341_CYAN); if (oldcolor == ILI9341_BLUE) tft.fillRect(BOXSIZE*4, 0, BOXSIZE, BOXSIZE, ILI9341_BLUE); if (oldcolor == ILI9341_MAGENTA) tft.fillRect(BOXSIZE*5, 0, BOXSIZE, BOXSIZE, ILI9341_MAGENTA); } } if (((p.y-PENRADIUS) > BOXSIZE) && ((p.y+PENRADIUS) < tft.height())) { tft.fillCircle(p.x, p.y, PENRADIUS, currentcolor); } }