Esempio n. 1
// Basic idea of the disassembly + discovery:
// start with the wanted address, insert it in the worklist
// while worklist not empty, take next address in the worklist:
// - check if atom exists there
//   - if middle of atom:
//     - split basic blocks referencing the atom
//     - look for an already encountered BBInfo (using a map<atom, bbinfo>)
//       - if there is, split it (new one, fallthrough, move succs, etc..)
//   - if start of atom: nothing else to do
//   - if no atom: create new atom and new bbinfo
// - look at the last instruction in the atom, add succs to worklist
// for all elements in the worklist:
// - create basic block, update preds/succs, etc..
void MCObjectDisassembler::disassembleFunctionAt(
    MCModule *Module, MCFunction *MCFN, uint64_t BBBeginAddr,
    AddressSetTy &CallTargets, AddressSetTy &TailCallTargets) {
  std::map<uint64_t, BBInfo> BBInfos;

  typedef SmallSetVector<uint64_t, 16> AddrWorklistTy;

  AddrWorklistTy Worklist;

  DEBUG(dbgs() << "Starting CFG at " << utohexstr(BBBeginAddr) << "\n");

  for (size_t wi = 0; wi < Worklist.size(); ++wi) {
    const uint64_t BeginAddr = Worklist[wi];

    AddrPrettyStackTraceEntry X(BeginAddr, "Basic Block");

    DEBUG(dbgs() << "Looking for block at " << utohexstr(BeginAddr) << "\n");

    // Look for a BB at BeginAddr.
    auto BeforeIt = std::upper_bound(
        BBInfos.begin(), BBInfos.end(), BeginAddr,
        [](uint64_t Addr, const std::pair<uint64_t, BBInfo> &BBI) {
          return Addr < BBI.second.BeginAddr+BBI.second.SizeInBytes;

    assert((BeforeIt == BBInfos.end() || BeforeIt->first != BeginAddr) &&
           "Visited same basic block twice!");

    // Found a BB containing BeginAddr, we have to split it.
    if (BeforeIt != BBInfos.end() && BeforeIt->first < BeginAddr) {

      BBInfo &BeforeBB = BeforeIt->second;
      DEBUG(dbgs() << "Found block at " << utohexstr(BeforeBB.BeginAddr)
                   << ", needs splitting at " << utohexstr(BeginAddr) << "\n");

      assert(BeginAddr < BeforeBB.BeginAddr + BeforeBB.SizeInBytes &&
             "Address isn't inside block?");

      BBInfo &NewBB = BBInfos[BeginAddr];
      NewBB.BeginAddr = BeginAddr;

      auto SplitInst = BeforeBB.Insts.end();
      for (auto I = BeforeBB.Insts.begin(), E = BeforeBB.Insts.end(); I != E;
           ++I) {
        if (BeginAddr == I->Address) {
          SplitInst = I;

      assert(SplitInst != BeforeBB.Insts.end() &&
             "Split point does not fall on an instruction boundary!");

      // FIXME: use a list instead for free splicing?

      // Splice the remaining instructions to the new block.
      // While SplitInst is still valid, decrease the size to match.
      const uint64_t SplitOffset = SplitInst->Address - BeforeBB.BeginAddr;
      NewBB.SizeInBytes = BeforeBB.SizeInBytes - SplitOffset;
      BeforeBB.SizeInBytes = SplitOffset;

      // Now do the actual splicing out of BeforeBB.
      NewBB.Insts.insert(NewBB.Insts.begin(), SplitInst, BeforeBB.Insts.end());
      BeforeBB.Insts.erase(SplitInst, BeforeBB.Insts.end());

      // Move the successors to the new block.
      std::swap(NewBB.SuccAddrs, BeforeBB.SuccAddrs);

    } else {
      // If we didn't find a BB, then we have to disassemble to create one!
      const MemoryRegion &Region = getRegionFor(BeginAddr);
      if (Region.Bytes.empty())
        report_fatal_error(("No suitable region for disassembly at 0x" +
      const uint64_t EndRegion = Region.Addr + Region.Bytes.size();

      uint64_t EndAddr = EndRegion;

      // We want to stop before the next BB and have a fallthrough to it.
      if (BeforeIt != BBInfos.end())
        EndAddr = std::min(EndAddr, BeforeIt->first);

      BBInfo &BBI = BBInfos[BeginAddr];
      BBI.BeginAddr = BeginAddr;

      assert(BBI.Insts.empty() && "Basic Block already exists!");

      DEBUG(dbgs() << "No existing block found, starting disassembly from "
                   << utohexstr(Region.Addr) << " to "
                   << utohexstr(Region.Addr + Region.Bytes.size()) << "\n");

      auto AddInst = [&](MCInst &I, uint64_t Addr, uint64_t Size) {
        const uint64_t NextAddr = BBI.BeginAddr + BBI.SizeInBytes;
        assert(NextAddr == Addr);
        BBI.Insts.emplace_back(I, NextAddr, Size);
        BBI.SizeInBytes += Size;

      uint64_t InstSize;

      for (uint64_t Addr = BeginAddr; Addr < EndAddr; Addr += InstSize) {
        MCInst Inst;
        if (Dis.getInstruction(Inst, InstSize,
                               Region.Bytes.slice(Addr - Region.Addr), Addr,
                               nulls(), nulls())) {
          AddInst(Inst, Addr, InstSize);
        } else {
          DEBUG(dbgs() << "Failed disassembly at " << utohexstr(Addr) << "!\n");

        uint64_t BranchTarget;
        if (MIA.evaluateBranch(Inst, Addr, InstSize, BranchTarget)) {
          DEBUG(dbgs() << "Found branch to " << utohexstr(BranchTarget)
                       << "!\n");
          if (MIA.isCall(Inst)) {
            DEBUG(dbgs() << "Found call!\n");

        if (MIA.isTerminator(Inst)) {
          DEBUG(dbgs() << "Found terminator!\n");
          // Now we have a complete basic block, add successors.

          // Add the fallthrough block, and mark it for visiting.
          if (MIA.isConditionalBranch(Inst)) {
            BBI.SuccAddrs.push_back(Addr + InstSize);
            Worklist.insert(Addr + InstSize);

          // If the terminator is a branch, add the target block.
          if (MIA.isBranch(Inst)) {
            uint64_t BranchTarget;
            if (MIA.evaluateBranch(Inst, Addr, InstSize, BranchTarget)) {
              StringRef ExtFnName;
              if (MOS &&
                  !(ExtFnName = MOS->findExternalFunctionAt(BranchTarget))
                       .empty()) {
              } else {

  // First, create all blocks.
  for (size_t wi = 0, we = Worklist.size(); wi != we; ++wi) {
    const uint64_t BeginAddr = Worklist[wi];
    BBInfo *BBI = &BBInfos[BeginAddr];
    MCBasicBlock *&MCBB = BBI->BB;

    MCBB = &MCFN->createBlock(BeginAddr);

    std::swap(MCBB->Insts, BBI->Insts);
    MCBB->InstCount = MCBB->Insts.size();
    MCBB->SizeInBytes = BBI->SizeInBytes;

  // Next, add all predecessors/successors.
  for (size_t wi = 0, we = Worklist.size(); wi != we; ++wi) {
    const uint64_t BeginAddr = Worklist[wi];
    BBInfo *BBI = &BBInfos[BeginAddr];
    MCBasicBlock *&MCBB = BBI->BB;
    for (uint64_t Address : BBI->SuccAddrs) {
      MCBasicBlock *Succ = BBInfos[Address].BB;
      assert(Succ && "Couldn't find block successor?!");
      // FIXME: Sort the succs/preds at the end?
Esempio n. 2
void MCObjectDisassembler::buildCFG(MCModule *Module) {
  typedef std::map<uint64_t, BBInfo> BBInfoByAddrTy;
  BBInfoByAddrTy BBInfos;
  AddressSetTy Splits;
  AddressSetTy Calls;

  error_code ec;
  for (symbol_iterator SI = Obj.begin_symbols(), SE = Obj.end_symbols();
       SI != SE; SI.increment(ec)) {
    if (ec)
    SymbolRef::Type SymType;
    if (SymType == SymbolRef::ST_Function) {
      uint64_t SymAddr;
      SymAddr = getEffectiveLoadAddr(SymAddr);

  assert(Module->func_begin() == Module->func_end()
         && "Module already has a CFG!");

  // First, determine the basic block boundaries and call targets.
  for (MCModule::atom_iterator AI = Module->atom_begin(),
                               AE = Module->atom_end();
       AI != AE; ++AI) {
    MCTextAtom *TA = dyn_cast<MCTextAtom>(*AI);
    if (!TA) continue;
    BBInfos[TA->getBeginAddr()].Atom = TA;
    for (MCTextAtom::const_iterator II = TA->begin(), IE = TA->end();
         II != IE; ++II) {
      if (MIA.isTerminator(II->Inst))
        Splits.push_back(II->Address + II->Size);
      uint64_t Target;
      if (MIA.evaluateBranch(II->Inst, II->Address, II->Size, Target)) {
        if (MIA.isCall(II->Inst))


  // Split text atoms into basic block atoms.
  for (AddressSetTy::const_iterator SI = Splits.begin(), SE = Splits.end();
       SI != SE; ++SI) {
    MCAtom *A = Module->findAtomContaining(*SI);
    if (!A) continue;
    MCTextAtom *TA = cast<MCTextAtom>(A);
    if (TA->getBeginAddr() == *SI)
    MCTextAtom *NewAtom = TA->split(*SI);
    BBInfos[NewAtom->getBeginAddr()].Atom = NewAtom;
    StringRef BBName = TA->getName();
    BBName = BBName.substr(0, BBName.find_last_of(':'));
    NewAtom->setName((BBName + ":" + utohexstr(*SI)).str());

  // Compute succs/preds.
  for (MCModule::atom_iterator AI = Module->atom_begin(),
                               AE = Module->atom_end();
                               AI != AE; ++AI) {
    MCTextAtom *TA = dyn_cast<MCTextAtom>(*AI);
    if (!TA) continue;
    BBInfo &CurBB = BBInfos[TA->getBeginAddr()];
    const MCDecodedInst &LI = TA->back();
    if (MIA.isBranch(LI.Inst)) {
      uint64_t Target;
      if (MIA.evaluateBranch(LI.Inst, LI.Address, LI.Size, Target))
      if (MIA.isConditionalBranch(LI.Inst))
        CurBB.addSucc(BBInfos[LI.Address + LI.Size]);
    } else if (!MIA.isTerminator(LI.Inst))
      CurBB.addSucc(BBInfos[LI.Address + LI.Size]);

  // Create functions and basic blocks.
  for (AddressSetTy::const_iterator CI = Calls.begin(), CE = Calls.end();
       CI != CE; ++CI) {
    BBInfo &BBI = BBInfos[*CI];
    if (!BBI.Atom) continue;

    MCFunction &MCFN = *Module->createFunction(BBI.Atom->getName());

    // Create MCBBs.
    SmallSetVector<BBInfo*, 16> Worklist;
    for (size_t wi = 0; wi < Worklist.size(); ++wi) {
      BBInfo *BBI = Worklist[wi];
      if (!BBI->Atom)
      BBI->BB = &MCFN.createBlock(*BBI->Atom);
      // Add all predecessors and successors to the worklist.
      for (BBInfoSetTy::iterator SI = BBI->Succs.begin(), SE = BBI->Succs.end();
                                 SI != SE; ++SI)
      for (BBInfoSetTy::iterator PI = BBI->Preds.begin(), PE = BBI->Preds.end();
                                 PI != PE; ++PI)

    // Set preds/succs.
    for (size_t wi = 0; wi < Worklist.size(); ++wi) {
      BBInfo *BBI = Worklist[wi];
      MCBasicBlock *MCBB = BBI->BB;
      if (!MCBB)
      for (BBInfoSetTy::iterator SI = BBI->Succs.begin(), SE = BBI->Succs.end();
           SI != SE; ++SI)
        if ((*SI)->BB)
      for (BBInfoSetTy::iterator PI = BBI->Preds.begin(), PE = BBI->Preds.end();
           PI != PE; ++PI)
        if ((*PI)->BB)