Esempio n. 1
void irgen::applyLayoutAttributes(IRGenModule &IGM,
                                  CanType ASTTy,
                                  bool IsFixedLayout,
                                  Alignment &MinimumAlign) {
  assert(ASTTy && "shouldn't call applyLayoutAttributes without a type");
  auto &Diags = IGM.Context.Diags;
  auto decl = ASTTy->getAnyNominal();
  if (!decl)
  if (auto alignment = decl->getAttrs().getAttribute<AlignmentAttr>()) {
    auto value = alignment->getValue();
    assert(value != 0 && ((value - 1) & value) == 0
           && "alignment not a power of two!");
    if (!IsFixedLayout)
    else if (value < MinimumAlign.getValue())
                   diag::alignment_less_than_natural, MinimumAlign.getValue());
      MinimumAlign = Alignment(value);
Esempio n. 2
DebugTypeInfo DebugTypeInfo::getGlobal(SILGlobalVariable *GV,
                                       llvm::Type *StorageTy, Size size,
                                       Alignment align) {
  // Prefer the original, potentially sugared version of the type if
  // the type hasn't been mucked with by an optimization pass.
  DeclContext *DC = nullptr;
  GenericEnvironment *GE = nullptr;
  auto LowTy = GV->getLoweredType().getSwiftRValueType();
  auto *Type = LowTy.getPointer();
  if (auto *Decl = GV->getDecl()) {
    DC = Decl->getDeclContext();
    GE = DC->getGenericEnvironmentOfContext();
    auto DeclType =
        (Decl->hasType() ? Decl->getType()
                         : DC->mapTypeIntoContext(Decl->getInterfaceType()));
    if (DeclType->isEqual(LowTy))
      Type = DeclType.getPointer();
  DebugTypeInfo DbgTy(DC, GE, Type, StorageTy, size, align);
  assert(StorageTy && "StorageType is a nullptr");
  assert(!DbgTy.isArchetype() &&
         "type of a global var cannot contain an archetype");
  assert(align.getValue() != 0);
  return DbgTy;
Esempio n. 3
DebugTypeInfo::DebugTypeInfo(DeclContext *DC, swift::Type Ty,
                             llvm::Type *StorageTy, Size size, Alignment align)
    : DeclCtx(DC), Type(Ty.getPointer()), StorageType(StorageTy), size(size),
      align(align) {
  assert((!isArchetype() || (isArchetype() && DC)) &&
         "archetype without a declcontext");
  assert(StorageType && "StorageType is a nullptr");
  assert(align.getValue() != 0);
Esempio n. 4
DebugTypeInfo::DebugTypeInfo(DeclContext *DC, GenericEnvironment *GE,
                             swift::Type Ty, llvm::Type *StorageTy, Size size,
                             Alignment align, bool HasDefaultAlignment)
    : DeclCtx(DC), GenericEnv(GE), Type(Ty.getPointer()),
      StorageType(StorageTy), size(size), align(align),
      DefaultAlignment(HasDefaultAlignment) {
  assert(StorageType && "StorageType is a nullptr");
  assert(align.getValue() != 0);
Esempio n. 5
void irgen::applyLayoutAttributes(IRGenModule &IGM,
                                  NominalTypeDecl *decl,
                                  bool IsFixedLayout,
                                  Alignment &MinimumAlign) {
  auto &Diags = IGM.Context.Diags;

  if (auto alignment = decl->getAttrs().getAttribute<AlignmentAttr>()) {
    auto value = alignment->getValue();
    assert(value != 0 && ((value - 1) & value) == 0
           && "alignment not a power of two!");
    if (!IsFixedLayout)
    else if (value < MinimumAlign.getValue())
                   diag::alignment_less_than_natural, MinimumAlign.getValue());
      MinimumAlign = Alignment(value);
Esempio n. 6
void StructLayoutBuilder::addFixedSizeElement(ElementLayout &elt) {
  auto &eltTI = cast<FixedTypeInfo>(elt.getTypeForLayout());

  // Note that, even in the presence of elements with non-fixed
  // size, we continue to compute the minimum size and alignment
  // requirements of the overall aggregate as if all the
  // non-fixed-size elements were empty.  This gives us minimum
  // bounds on the size and alignment of the aggregate.

  // The struct alignment is the max of the alignment of the fields.
  CurAlignment = std::max(CurAlignment, eltTI.getFixedAlignment());

  // If the current tuple size isn't a multiple of the field's
  // required alignment, we need to pad out.
  Alignment eltAlignment = eltTI.getFixedAlignment();
  if (Size offsetFromAlignment = CurSize % eltAlignment) {
    unsigned paddingRequired
      = eltAlignment.getValue() - offsetFromAlignment.getValue();
    assert(paddingRequired != 0);

    // Regardless, the storage size goes up.
    CurSize += Size(paddingRequired);

    // Add the padding to the fixed layout.
    if (isFixedLayout()) {
      auto paddingTy = llvm::ArrayType::get(IGM.Int8Ty, paddingRequired);
      // The padding can be used as spare bits by enum layout.

  // If the overall structure so far has a fixed layout, then add
  // this as a field to the layout.
  if (isFixedLayout()) {
  // Otherwise, just remember the next non-fixed offset index.
  } else {
  CurSize += eltTI.getFixedSize();
Esempio n. 7
void IRGenFunction::emitMemCpy(llvm::Value *dest, llvm::Value *src,
                               llvm::Value *size, Alignment align) {
  Builder.CreateMemCpy(dest, src, size, align.getValue(), false);