int MOD_CLS_NAME::preload() { AmConfigReader cfg; if(cfg.loadPluginConf(MOD_NAME)) { INFO("no module configuration for '%s' found, not preloading regular expressions\n", MOD_NAME); return 0; } bool failed = false; for (std::map<string,string>::const_iterator it = cfg.begin(); it != cfg.end(); it++) { if (add_regex(it->first, it->second)) { ERROR("compiling regex '%s' for '%s'\n", it->second.c_str(), it->first.c_str()); failed = true; } else { DBG("compiled regex '%s' as '%s'\n", it->second.c_str(), it->first.c_str()); } } return failed? -1 : 0; }
int DSMFactory::onLoad() { if (loaded) return 0; loaded = true; AmConfigReader cfg; if(cfg.loadFile(AmConfig::ModConfigPath + string(MOD_NAME ".conf"))) return -1; // get application specific global parameters configureModule(cfg); vector<string> prompts_files = explode(cfg.getParameter("load_prompts"), ","); for (vector<string>::iterator it= prompts_files.begin(); it != prompts_files.end(); it++) { DBG("loading prompts from '%s'\n", it->c_str()); std::ifstream ifs(it->c_str()); string s; while (ifs.good() && !ifs.eof()) { getline(ifs, s); if (s.length() && s.find_first_not_of(" \t")!= string::npos && s[s.find_first_not_of(" \t")] != '#') { vector<string> p=explode(s, "="); if (p.size()==2) { prompts.setPrompt(p[0], p[1], MOD_NAME); DBG("added prompt '%s' as '%s'\n", p[0].c_str(), p[1].c_str()); } } } } string prompt_sets_path = cfg.getParameter("prompts_sets_path"); vector<string> prompt_sets_names = explode(cfg.getParameter("load_prompts_sets"), ","); for (vector<string>::iterator it= prompt_sets_names.begin(); it != prompt_sets_names.end(); it++) { string fname = prompt_sets_path.empty() ? "": prompt_sets_path + "/"; fname += *it; DBG("loading prompts for '%s' (file '%s')\n", it->c_str(), fname.c_str()); std::ifstream ifs(fname.c_str()); string s; if (!ifs.good()) { WARN("prompts set file '%s' could not be read\n", fname.c_str()); } AmPromptCollection* pc = new AmPromptCollection(); while (ifs.good() && !ifs.eof()) { getline(ifs, s); if (s.length() && s.find_first_not_of(" \t")!= string::npos && s[s.find_first_not_of(" \t")] != '#') { vector<string> p=explode(s, "="); if (p.size()==2) { pc->setPrompt(p[0], p[1], MOD_NAME); DBG("set '%s' added prompt '%s' as '%s'\n", it->c_str(), p[0].c_str(), p[1].c_str()); } } } prompt_sets[*it] = pc; } string DiagPath = cfg.getParameter("diag_path"); if (DiagPath.length() && DiagPath[DiagPath.length()-1] != '/') DiagPath += '/'; string ModPath = cfg.getParameter("mod_path"); string preload_mods = cfg.getParameter("preload_mods"); vector<string> preload_names = explode(preload_mods, ","); if (preload_names.size()) { DSMChartReader reader; for (vector<string>::iterator it= preload_names.begin(); it != preload_names.end(); it++) { DBG("preloading '%s'...\n", it->c_str()); if (!reader.importModule("import("+*it+")", ModPath)) { ERROR("importing module '%s' for preload\n", it->c_str()); return -1; } DSMModule* last_loaded = reader.mods.back(); if (last_loaded) { if (last_loaded->preload()) { DBG("Error while preloading '%s'\n", it->c_str()); return -1; } } } } // TODO: pass preloaded mods to chart reader string LoadDiags = cfg.getParameter("load_diags"); vector<string> diags_names = explode(LoadDiags, ","); for (vector<string>::iterator it= diags_names.begin(); it != diags_names.end(); it++) { if (!diags.loadFile(DiagPath+*it+".dsm", *it, ModPath)) { ERROR("loading %s from %s\n", it->c_str(), (DiagPath+*it+".dsm").c_str()); return -1; } } InboundStartDiag = cfg.getParameter("inbound_start_diag"); if (InboundStartDiag.empty()) { INFO("no 'inbound_start_diag' set in config. inbound calls disabled.\n"); } OutboundStartDiag = cfg.getParameter("outbound_start_diag"); if (OutboundStartDiag.empty()) { INFO("no 'outbound_start_diag' set in config. outbound calls disabled.\n"); } for (std::map<string,string>::const_iterator it = cfg.begin(); it != cfg.end(); it++) config[it->first] = it->second; RunInviteEvent = cfg.getParameter("run_invite_event")=="yes"; return 0; }
bool DSMFactory::loadConfig(const string& conf_file_name, const string& conf_name, bool live_reload, DSMStateDiagramCollection* m_diags) { string script_name = conf_name.substr(0, conf_name.length()-5); // - .conf DBG("loading %s from %s ...\n", script_name.c_str(), conf_file_name.c_str()); AmConfigReader cfg; if(cfg.loadFile(conf_file_name)) return false; DSMScriptConfig script_config; script_config.RunInviteEvent = cfg.getParameter("run_invite_event")=="yes"; script_config.SetParamVariables = cfg.getParameter("set_param_variables")=="yes"; script_config.config_vars.insert(cfg.begin(), cfg.end()); if (live_reload) { INFO("live DSM config reload does NOT reload prompts and prompt sets!\n"); INFO("(see\n"); } else { if (!loadPrompts(cfg)) return false; if (!loadPromptSets(cfg)) return false; } DSMStateDiagramCollection* used_diags; if (m_diags != NULL) used_diags = m_diags; // got this from caller (main diags) else { // create a new set of diags used_diags = script_config.diags = new DSMStateDiagramCollection(); } if (!loadDiags(cfg, used_diags)) return false; vector<string> registered_apps; if (!registerApps(cfg, used_diags, registered_apps)) return false; ScriptConfigs_mut.lock(); try { // set ScriptConfig to this for all registered apps' names for (vector<string>::iterator reg_app_it= registered_apps.begin(); reg_app_it != registered_apps.end(); reg_app_it++) { string& app_name = *reg_app_it; // dispose of the old one, if it exists map<string, DSMScriptConfig>::iterator it=ScriptConfigs.find(app_name); if (it != ScriptConfigs.end()) { // may be in use by active call - don't delete but save to // old_diags for garbage collection (destructor) if (it->second.diags != NULL) old_diags.insert(it->second.diags); } // overwrite with new config ScriptConfigs[app_name] = script_config; } } catch(...) { ScriptConfigs_mut.unlock(); throw; } ScriptConfigs_mut.unlock(); return true; }
int DSMFactory::onLoad() { if (loaded) return 0; loaded = true; AmConfigReader cfg; if(cfg.loadFile(AmConfig::ModConfigPath + string(MOD_NAME ".conf"))) return -1; // get application specific global parameters configureModule(cfg); DebugDSM = cfg.getParameter("debug_raw_dsm") == "yes"; if (!loadPrompts(cfg)) return -1; if (!loadPromptSets(cfg)) return -1; if (!loadDiags(cfg, MainScriptConfig.diags)) return -1; vector<string> registered_apps; if (!registerApps(cfg, MainScriptConfig.diags, registered_apps)) return -1; InboundStartDiag = cfg.getParameter("inbound_start_diag"); if (InboundStartDiag.empty()) { INFO("no 'inbound_start_diag' set in config. " "inbound calls with application 'dsm' disabled.\n"); } OutboundStartDiag = cfg.getParameter("outbound_start_diag"); if (OutboundStartDiag.empty()) { INFO("no 'outbound_start_diag' set in config. " "outbound calls with application 'dsm' disabled.\n"); } if (!InboundStartDiag.empty()) AmPlugIn::instance()->registerFactory4App("dsm",this); MainScriptConfig.config_vars.insert(cfg.begin(), cfg.end()); // for (std::map<string,string>::const_iterator it = // cfg.begin(); it != cfg.end(); it++) // MainScriptConfig.config_vars[it->first] = it->second; MainScriptConfig.RunInviteEvent = cfg.getParameter("run_invite_event")=="yes"; MainScriptConfig.SetParamVariables = cfg.getParameter("set_param_variables")=="yes"; #ifdef USE_MONITORING string monitoring_full_callgraph = cfg.getParameter("monitoring_full_stategraph"); MonitoringFullCallgraph = monitoring_full_callgraph == "yes"; DBG("%sogging full call graph (states) to monitoring.\n", MonitoringFullCallgraph?"L":"Not l"); string monitoring_full_transitions = cfg.getParameter("monitoring_full_transitions"); MonitoringFullTransitions = monitoring_full_transitions == "yes"; DBG("%sogging full call graph (transitions) to monitoring.\n", MonitoringFullTransitions?"L":"Not l"); string cfg_usecaller = cfg.getParameter("monitor_select_use_caller"); if (cfg_usecaller.empty() || cfg_usecaller=="from") MonSelectCaller = MonSelect_FROM; else if (cfg_usecaller=="no") MonSelectCaller = MonSelect_NONE; else if (cfg_usecaller=="pai") MonSelectCaller = MonSelect_PAI; else { ERROR("monitor_select_use_caller value '%s' not understood\n", cfg_usecaller.c_str()); } string cfg_usecallee = cfg.getParameter("monitor_select_use_callee"); if (cfg_usecallee.empty() || cfg_usecallee=="ruri") MonSelectCallee = MonSelect_RURI; else if (cfg_usecallee=="no") MonSelectCallee = MonSelect_NONE; else if (cfg_usecallee=="from") MonSelectCallee = MonSelect_FROM; else { ERROR("monitor_select_use_callee value '%s' not understood\n", cfg_usecallee.c_str()); } #endif string conf_d_dir = cfg.getParameter("conf_dir"); if (!conf_d_dir.empty()) { if (conf_d_dir[conf_d_dir.length()-1] != '/') conf_d_dir += '/'; DBG("processing configurations in '%s'...\n", conf_d_dir.c_str()); int err=0; struct dirent* entry; DIR* dir = opendir(conf_d_dir.c_str()); if(!dir){ ERROR("config loader (%s): %s\n", conf_d_dir.c_str(), strerror(errno)); return -1; } while( ((entry = readdir(dir)) != NULL) && (err == 0) ){ string conf_name = string(entry->d_name); if(conf_name.find(".conf",conf_name.length()-5) == string::npos ){ continue; } string conf_file_name = conf_d_dir + conf_name; DBG("loading %s ...\n",conf_file_name.c_str()); if (!loadConfig(conf_file_name, conf_name, false, NULL)) return -1; } closedir(dir); } return 0; }
bool IvrFactory::loadScript(const string& path) { PYLOCK; PyObject *modName=NULL,*mod=NULL,*dict=NULL,*dlg_class=NULL,*config=NULL; // load module configuration AmConfigReader cfg; string cfg_file = add2path(AmConfig::ModConfigPath,1,(path + ".conf").c_str()); config = PyDict_New(); if(!config){ ERROR("could not allocate new dict for config\n"); goto error2; } if(cfg.loadFile(cfg_file)){ WARN("could not load config file at %s\n",cfg_file.c_str()); } else { for(map<string,string>::const_iterator it = cfg.begin(); it != cfg.end(); it++){ PyDict_SetItem(config, PyString_FromString(it->first.c_str()), PyString_FromString(it->second.c_str())); } } // set config ivr ivr_module while loading Py_INCREF(config); PyObject_SetAttrString(ivr_module,"config",config); // load module modName = PyString_FromString(path.c_str()); mod = PyImport_Import(modName); if (NULL != config) { // remove config ivr ivr_module while loading PyObject_DelAttrString(ivr_module, "config"); Py_DECREF(config); } if(!mod){ PyErr_Print(); WARN("IvrFactory: Failed to load \"%s\"\n", path.c_str()); // before python 2.4, // it can happen that the module // is still in the dictionnary. dict = PyImport_GetModuleDict(); Py_INCREF(dict); if(PyDict_Contains(dict,modName)){ PyDict_DelItem(dict,modName); } Py_DECREF(dict); Py_DECREF(modName); return false; } Py_DECREF(modName); dict = PyModule_GetDict(mod); dlg_class = PyDict_GetItemString(dict, "IvrDialog"); if(!dlg_class){ PyErr_Print(); WARN("IvrFactory: class IvrDialog not found in \"%s\"\n", path.c_str()); goto error1; } Py_INCREF(dlg_class); if(!PyObject_IsSubclass(dlg_class,(PyObject*)&IvrDialogBaseType)){ WARN("IvrFactory: in \"%s\": IvrDialog is not a subtype of IvrDialogBase\n", path.c_str()); goto error2; } PyObject_SetAttrString(mod,"config",config); mod_reg.insert(std::make_pair(path, IvrScriptDesc(mod,dlg_class))); return true; error2: Py_DECREF(dlg_class); error1: Py_DECREF(mod); return false; }
bool PySemsFactory::loadScript(const string& path) { PYLOCK; PyObject *modName,*mod,*dict, *dlg_class, *config=NULL; PySemsScriptDesc::DialogType dt = PySemsScriptDesc::None; modName = PyString_FromString(path.c_str()); mod = PyImport_Import(modName); AmConfigReader cfg; string cfg_file = add2path(AmConfig::ModConfigPath,1,(path + ".conf").c_str()); Py_DECREF(modName); if(!mod){ PyErr_Print(); WARN("PySemsFactory: Failed to load \"%s\"\n", path.c_str()); dict = PyImport_GetModuleDict(); Py_INCREF(dict); PyDict_DelItemString(dict,path.c_str()); Py_DECREF(dict); return false; } dict = PyModule_GetDict(mod); dlg_class = PyDict_GetItemString(dict, "PySemsScript"); if(!dlg_class){ PyErr_Print(); WARN("PySemsFactory: class PySemsDialog not found in \"%s\"\n", path.c_str()); goto error1; } Py_INCREF(dlg_class); if(PyObject_IsSubclass(dlg_class,(PyObject *)sipClass_PySemsDialog)) { dt = PySemsScriptDesc::Dialog; DBG("Loaded a Dialog Script.\n"); } else if (PyObject_IsSubclass(dlg_class,(PyObject *)sipClass_PySemsB2BDialog)) { DBG("Loaded a B2BDialog Script.\n"); dt = PySemsScriptDesc::B2BDialog; } else if (PyObject_IsSubclass(dlg_class,(PyObject *)sipClass_PySemsB2ABDialog)) { DBG("Loaded a B2ABDialog Script.\n"); dt = PySemsScriptDesc::B2ABDialog; } else { WARN("PySemsFactory: in \"%s\": PySemsScript is not a " "subtype of PySemsDialog\n", path.c_str()); goto error2; } if(cfg.loadFile(cfg_file)){ ERROR("could not load config file at %s\n",cfg_file.c_str()); goto error2; } config = PyDict_New(); if(!config){ ERROR("could not allocate new dict for config\n"); goto error2; } for(map<string,string>::const_iterator it = cfg.begin(); it != cfg.end(); it++){ PyDict_SetItem(config, PyString_FromString(it->first.c_str()), PyString_FromString(it->second.c_str())); } PyObject_SetAttrString(mod,"config",config); mod_reg.insert(std::make_pair(path, PySemsScriptDesc(mod,dlg_class, dt))); return true; error2: Py_DECREF(dlg_class); error1: Py_DECREF(mod); return false; }