	// Open the main window
	BRect frame(20, 40, 600, 400);
	fMainWindow = new ApplicationWindow(frame, true);

	// Add some test content to the window
	fMainWindow->AddCategory("Test category", "development",
		"Thisis a short description of the category");

	BMessage entryInfo;
	// This message is a convenient way of storing various infos about an app.
	// What's inside :
	// icon as an archived BBitmap
	entryInfo.AddString("appname", "Test Application");
	entryInfo.AddString("appdesc", "Some text telling what it does");
	entryInfo.AddFloat("appver", 1.302);
		// as a float so it can be compared to decide if there is an update
	entryInfo.AddInt32("appsize", 123456); // this is in bytes

