Esempio n. 1
// This function loads the entire archive and fully populates its ilist with
// the members of the archive file. This is typically used in preparation for
// editing the contents of the archive.
Archive::loadArchive(std::string* error) {

  // Set up parsing
  const char *At = base;
  const char *End = mapfile->getBufferEnd();

  if (!checkSignature(error))
    return false;

  At += 8;  // Skip the magic string.

  bool foundFirstFile = false;
  while (At < End) {
    // parse the member header
    const char* Save = At;
    ArchiveMember* mbr = parseMemberHeader(At, End, error);
    if (!mbr)
      return false;

    // check if this is the foreign symbol table
    if (mbr->isSVR4SymbolTable() || mbr->isBSD4SymbolTable()) {
      At += mbr->getSize();
      if ((intptr_t(At) & 1) == 1)
    } else if (mbr->isStringTable()) {
      // Simply suck the entire string table into a string
      // variable. This will be used to get the names of the
      // members that use the "/ddd" format for their names
      // (SVR4 style long names).
      strtab.assign(At, mbr->getSize());
      At += mbr->getSize();
      if ((intptr_t(At) & 1) == 1)
      delete mbr;
    } else {
      // This is just a regular file. If its the first one, save its offset.
      // Otherwise just push it on the list and move on to the next file.
      if (!foundFirstFile) {
        firstFileOffset = Save - base;
        foundFirstFile = true;
      At += mbr->getSize();
      if ((intptr_t(At) & 1) == 1)
  return true;
Esempio n. 2
// Look up one symbol in the symbol table and return a ModuleProvider for the
// module that defines that symbol.
Archive::findModuleDefiningSymbol(const std::string& symbol, 
                                  std::string* ErrMsg) {
  SymTabType::iterator SI = symTab.find(symbol);
  if (SI == symTab.end())
    return 0;

  // The symbol table was previously constructed assuming that the members were
  // written without the symbol table header. Because VBR encoding is used, the
  // values could not be adjusted to account for the offset of the symbol table
  // because that could affect the size of the symbol table due to VBR encoding.
  // We now have to account for this by adjusting the offset by the size of the
  // symbol table and its header.
  unsigned fileOffset =
    SI->second +                // offset in symbol-table-less file
    firstFileOffset;            // add offset to first "real" file in archive

  // See if the module is already loaded
  ModuleMap::iterator MI = modules.find(fileOffset);
  if (MI != modules.end())
    return MI->second.first;

  // Module hasn't been loaded yet, we need to load it
  const char* modptr = base + fileOffset;
  ArchiveMember* mbr = parseMemberHeader(modptr, mapfile->getBufferEnd(),
  if (!mbr)
    return 0;

  // Now, load the bitcode module to get the ModuleProvider
  std::string FullMemberName = archPath.str() + "(" +
    mbr->getPath().str() + ")";
  MemoryBuffer *Buffer =MemoryBuffer::getNewMemBuffer(mbr->getSize(),
  memcpy((char*)Buffer->getBufferStart(), mbr->getData(), mbr->getSize());
  ModuleProvider *mp = getBitcodeModuleProvider(Buffer, Context, ErrMsg);
  if (!mp)
    return 0;

  modules.insert(std::make_pair(fileOffset, std::make_pair(mp, mbr)));

  return mp;
// Write one member out to the file.
  const ArchiveMember& member,
  raw_fd_ostream& ARFile,
  std::string* ErrMsg
) {

  uint64_t filepos = ARFile.tell();
  filepos -= 8;

  // Get the data and its size either from the
  // member's in-memory data or directly from the file.
  size_t fSize = member.getSize();
  const char *data = (const char*)member.getData();
  MemoryBuffer *mFile = 0;
  if (!data) {
    ErrorOr<std::unique_ptr<MemoryBuffer> > FileOrErr =
    if (!FileOrErr) {
      if (ErrMsg)
        *ErrMsg = FileOrErr.getError().message();
      return true;
    mFile = FileOrErr.get().release();
    data = mFile->getBufferStart();
    fSize = mFile->getBufferSize();

  int hdrSize = fSize;

  // Compute the fields of the header
  ArchiveMemberHeader Hdr;
  bool writeLongName = fillHeader(member,Hdr,hdrSize);

  // Write header to archive file
  ARFile.write((char*)&Hdr, sizeof(Hdr));

  // Write the long filename if its long
  if (writeLongName) {
    StringRef Name = sys::path::filename(member.getPath());
    ARFile.write(, Name.size());

  // Write the (possibly compressed) member's content to the file.

  // Make sure the member is an even length
  if ((ARFile.tell() & 1) == 1)
    ARFile << ARFILE_PAD;

  // Close the mapped file if it was opened
  delete mFile;
  return false;
Esempio n. 4
// Load just the symbol table from the archive file
Archive::loadSymbolTable(std::string* ErrorMsg) {

  // Set up parsing
  const char *At = base;
  const char *End = mapfile->getBufferEnd();

  // Make sure we're dealing with an archive
  if (!checkSignature(ErrorMsg))
    return false;

  At += 8; // Skip signature

  // Parse the first file member header
  const char* FirstFile = At;
  ArchiveMember* mbr = parseMemberHeader(At, End, ErrorMsg);
  if (!mbr)
    return false;

  if (mbr->isSVR4SymbolTable() || mbr->isBSD4SymbolTable()) {
    // Skip the foreign symbol table, we don't do anything with it
    At += mbr->getSize();
    if ((intptr_t(At) & 1) == 1)
    delete mbr;

    // Read the next one
    FirstFile = At;
    mbr = parseMemberHeader(At, End, ErrorMsg);
    if (!mbr) {
      delete mbr;
      return false;

  if (mbr->isStringTable()) {
    // Process the string table entry
    strtab.assign((const char*)mbr->getData(), mbr->getSize());
    At += mbr->getSize();
    if ((intptr_t(At) & 1) == 1)
    delete mbr;
    // Get the next one
    FirstFile = At;
    mbr = parseMemberHeader(At, End, ErrorMsg);
    if (!mbr) {
      delete mbr;
      return false;

  // There's no symbol table in the file. We have to rebuild it from scratch
  // because the intent of this method is to get the symbol table loaded so
  // it can be searched efficiently.
  // Add the member to the members list

  firstFileOffset = FirstFile - base;
  return true;
// Write one member out to the file.
  const ArchiveMember& member,
  std::ofstream& ARFile,
  bool CreateSymbolTable,
  bool TruncateNames,
  bool ShouldCompress,
  std::string* ErrMsg
) {

  unsigned filepos = ARFile.tellp();
  filepos -= 8;

  // Get the data and its size either from the
  // member's in-memory data or directly from the file.
  size_t fSize = member.getSize();
  const char *data = (const char*)member.getData();
  MemoryBuffer *mFile = 0;
  if (!data) {
    mFile = MemoryBuffer::getFile(member.getPath().c_str(), ErrMsg);
    if (mFile == 0)
      return true;
    data = mFile->getBufferStart();
    fSize = mFile->getBufferSize();

  // Now that we have the data in memory, update the
  // symbol table if its a bitcode file.
  if (CreateSymbolTable && member.isBitcode()) {
    std::vector<std::string> symbols;
    std::string FullMemberName = archPath.str() + "(" + member.getPath().str()
      + ")";
    Module* M = 
      GetBitcodeSymbols((const unsigned char*)data,fSize,
                        FullMemberName, Context, symbols, ErrMsg);

    // If the bitcode parsed successfully
    if ( M ) {
      for (std::vector<std::string>::iterator SI = symbols.begin(),
           SE = symbols.end(); SI != SE; ++SI) {

        std::pair<SymTabType::iterator,bool> Res =

        if (Res.second) {
          symTabSize += SI->length() +
                        numVbrBytes(SI->length()) +
      // We don't need this module any more.
      delete M;
    } else {
      delete mFile;
      if (ErrMsg)
        *ErrMsg = "Can't parse bitcode member: " + member.getPath().str()
          + ": " + *ErrMsg;
      return true;

  int hdrSize = fSize;

  // Compute the fields of the header
  ArchiveMemberHeader Hdr;
  bool writeLongName = fillHeader(member,Hdr,hdrSize,TruncateNames);

  // Write header to archive file
  ARFile.write((char*)&Hdr, sizeof(Hdr));

  // Write the long filename if its long
  if (writeLongName) {

  // Write the (possibly compressed) member's content to the file.

  // Make sure the member is an even length
  if ((ARFile.tellp() & 1) == 1)
    ARFile << ARFILE_PAD;

  // Close the mapped file if it was opened
  delete mFile;
  return false;
Esempio n. 6
// Look up multiple symbols in the symbol table and return a set of
// Modules that define those symbols.
Archive::findModulesDefiningSymbols(std::set<std::string>& symbols,
                                    SmallVectorImpl<Module*>& result,
                                    std::string* error) {
  if (!mapfile || !base) {
    if (error)
      *error = "Empty archive invalid for finding modules defining symbols";
    return false;

  if (symTab.empty()) {
    // We don't have a symbol table, so we must build it now but lets also
    // make sure that we populate the modules table as we do this to ensure
    // that we don't load them twice when findModuleDefiningSymbol is called
    // below.

    // Get a pointer to the first file
    const char* At  = base + firstFileOffset;
    const char* End = mapfile->getBufferEnd();

    while ( At < End) {
      // Compute the offset to be put in the symbol table
      unsigned offset = At - base - firstFileOffset;

      // Parse the file's header
      ArchiveMember* mbr = parseMemberHeader(At, End, error);
      if (!mbr)
        return false;

      // If it contains symbols
      if (mbr->isBitcode()) {
        // Get the symbols
        std::vector<std::string> symbols;
        std::string FullMemberName = archPath.str() + "(" +
          mbr->getPath().str() + ")";
        Module* M = 
          GetBitcodeSymbols(At, mbr->getSize(), FullMemberName, Context,
                            symbols, error);

        if (M) {
          // Insert the module's symbols into the symbol table
          for (std::vector<std::string>::iterator I = symbols.begin(),
               E=symbols.end(); I != E; ++I ) {
            symTab.insert(std::make_pair(*I, offset));
          // Insert the Module and the ArchiveMember into the table of
          // modules.
          modules.insert(std::make_pair(offset, std::make_pair(M, mbr)));
        } else {
          if (error)
            *error = "Can't parse bitcode member: " + 
              mbr->getPath().str() + ": " + *error;
          delete mbr;
          return false;

      // Go to the next file location
      At += mbr->getSize();
      if ((intptr_t(At) & 1) == 1)

  // At this point we have a valid symbol table (one way or another) so we
  // just use it to quickly find the symbols requested.

  SmallPtrSet<Module*, 16> Added;
  for (std::set<std::string>::iterator I=symbols.begin(),
         Next = I,
         E=symbols.end(); I != E; I = Next) {
    // Increment Next before we invalidate it.

    // See if this symbol exists
    Module* m = findModuleDefiningSymbol(*I,error);
    if (!m)
    bool NewMember = Added.insert(m);
    if (!NewMember)

    // The symbol exists, insert the Module into our result.

    // Remove the symbol now that its been resolved.
  return true;
Esempio n. 7
// This function loads the entire archive and fully populates its ilist with
// the members of the archive file. This is typically used in preparation for
// editing the contents of the archive.
Archive::loadArchive(std::string* error) {

  // Set up parsing
  const char *At = base;
  const char *End = mapfile->getBufferEnd();

  if (!checkSignature(error))
    return false;

  At += 8;  // Skip the magic string.

  bool seenSymbolTable = false;
  bool foundFirstFile = false;
  while (At < End) {
    // parse the member header
    const char* Save = At;
    ArchiveMember* mbr = parseMemberHeader(At, End, error);
    if (!mbr)
      return false;

    // check if this is the foreign symbol table
    if (mbr->isSVR4SymbolTable() || mbr->isBSD4SymbolTable()) {
      // We just save this but don't do anything special
      // with it. It doesn't count as the "first file".
      if (foreignST) {
        // What? Multiple foreign symbol tables? Just chuck it
        // and retain the last one found.
        delete foreignST;
      foreignST = mbr;
      At += mbr->getSize();
      if ((intptr_t(At) & 1) == 1)
    } else if (mbr->isStringTable()) {
      // Simply suck the entire string table into a string
      // variable. This will be used to get the names of the
      // members that use the "/ddd" format for their names
      // (SVR4 style long names).
      strtab.assign(At, mbr->getSize());
      At += mbr->getSize();
      if ((intptr_t(At) & 1) == 1)
      delete mbr;
    } else if (mbr->isLLVMSymbolTable()) {
      // This is the LLVM symbol table for the archive. If we've seen it
      // already, its an error. Otherwise, parse the symbol table and move on.
      if (seenSymbolTable) {
        if (error)
          *error = "invalid archive: multiple symbol tables";
        return false;
      if (!parseSymbolTable(mbr->getData(), mbr->getSize(), error))
        return false;
      seenSymbolTable = true;
      At += mbr->getSize();
      if ((intptr_t(At) & 1) == 1)
      delete mbr; // We don't need this member in the list of members.
    } else {
      // This is just a regular file. If its the first one, save its offset.
      // Otherwise just push it on the list and move on to the next file.
      if (!foundFirstFile) {
        firstFileOffset = Save - base;
        foundFirstFile = true;
      At += mbr->getSize();
      if ((intptr_t(At) & 1) == 1)
  return true;
Esempio n. 8
// Look up multiple symbols in the symbol table and return a set of
// ModuleProviders that define those symbols.
Archive::findModulesDefiningSymbols(std::set<std::string>& symbols,
                                    std::set<ModuleProvider*>& result,
                                    std::string* error) {
  if (!mapfile || !base) {
    if (error)
      *error = "Empty archive invalid for finding modules defining symbols";
    return false;

  if (symTab.empty()) {
    // We don't have a symbol table, so we must build it now but lets also
    // make sure that we populate the modules table as we do this to ensure
    // that we don't load them twice when findModuleDefiningSymbol is called
    // below.

    // Get a pointer to the first file
    const char* At  = base + firstFileOffset;
    const char* End = mapfile->getBufferEnd();

    while ( At < End) {
      // Compute the offset to be put in the symbol table
      unsigned offset = At - base - firstFileOffset;

      // Parse the file's header
      ArchiveMember* mbr = parseMemberHeader(At, End, error);
      if (!mbr)
        return false;

      // If it contains symbols
      if (mbr->isBitcode()) {
        // Get the symbols
        std::vector<std::string> symbols;
        std::string FullMemberName = archPath.toString() + "(" +
          mbr->getPath().toString() + ")";
        ModuleProvider* MP = 
          GetBitcodeSymbols((const unsigned char*)At, mbr->getSize(),
                            FullMemberName, symbols, error);

        if (MP) {
          // Insert the module's symbols into the symbol table
          for (std::vector<std::string>::iterator I = symbols.begin(),
               E=symbols.end(); I != E; ++I ) {
            symTab.insert(std::make_pair(*I, offset));
          // Insert the ModuleProvider and the ArchiveMember into the table of
          // modules.
          modules.insert(std::make_pair(offset, std::make_pair(MP, mbr)));
        } else {
          if (error)
            *error = "Can't parse bitcode member: " + 
              mbr->getPath().toString() + ": " + *error;
          delete mbr;
          return false;

      // Go to the next file location
      At += mbr->getSize();
      if ((intptr_t(At) & 1) == 1)

  // At this point we have a valid symbol table (one way or another) so we
  // just use it to quickly find the symbols requested.

  for (std::set<std::string>::iterator I=symbols.begin(),
       E=symbols.end(); I != E;) {
    // See if this symbol exists
    ModuleProvider* mp = findModuleDefiningSymbol(*I,error);
    if (mp) {
      // The symbol exists, insert the ModuleProvider into our result,
      // duplicates wil be ignored

      // Remove the symbol now that its been resolved, being careful to
      // post-increment the iterator.
    } else {
  return true;