void TypeIDData::Deserialize(ArchiveXML& archive) { std::streamsize size = archive.GetStream().ElementsAvailable(); tstring str; str.resize( (size_t)size ); archive.GetStream().ReadBuffer(const_cast<tchar_t*>(str.c_str()), size); const Type* type = Registry::GetInstance()->GetType( str.c_str() ); if ( type ) { *m_Data = type; } }
void BitfieldData::Deserialize(ArchiveXML& archive) { const Enumeration* enumeration = NULL; if ( m_Field ) { enumeration = ReflectionCast< Enumeration >( m_Field->m_Type ); } else { HELIUM_BREAK(); // not really supported yet } tstring buf; archive.GetStream() >> buf; if (enumeration && !enumeration->GetBitfieldValue(buf, *m_Data)) { Log::Debug( TXT( "Unable to deserialize bitfield %s values '%s'\n" ), enumeration->m_Name, buf ); } else { m_String = buf; } if (enumeration == NULL) { throw Reflect::TypeInformationException( TXT( "Missing type information" ) ); } }
void BitfieldData::Serialize(ArchiveXML& archive) { const Enumeration* enumeration = NULL; if ( m_Field ) { enumeration = ReflectionCast< Enumeration >( m_Field->m_Type ); } else { HELIUM_BREAK(); // not really supported yet } tstring str; if (enumeration) { if (!enumeration->GetBitfieldString( *m_Data, str )) { throw Reflect::TypeInformationException( TXT( "Unable to serialize bitfield '%s', value %d" ), enumeration->m_Name, *m_Data ); } } archive.GetStream() << str; if (enumeration == NULL) { throw Reflect::TypeInformationException( TXT( "Missing type information" ) ); } }
void TypeIDData::Serialize(ArchiveXML& archive) { const Type* type = *m_Data; if ( type ) { archive.GetStream() << "<![CDATA[" << type->m_Name << "]]>"; } }
void SimpleStlVectorData<T>::Serialize(ArchiveXML& archive) { archive.GetIndent().Push(); // foreach datum for (size_t i=0; i<m_Data->size(); i++) { // indent archive.GetIndent().Get(archive.GetStream()); // write archive.GetStream() << m_Data->at( i ); // newline archive.GetStream() << "\n"; } archive.GetIndent().Pop(); }
void SimpleStlVectorData<T>::Deserialize(ArchiveXML& archive) { // if we are referring to a real field, clear its contents m_Data->clear(); T value; archive.GetStream().SkipWhitespace(); while (!archive.GetStream().Done()) { // read data archive.GetStream() >> value; // copy onto vector m_Data->push_back(value); // read to next non-whitespace char archive.GetStream().SkipWhitespace(); } }
void StlStringStlVectorData::Deserialize(ArchiveXML& archive) { m_Data->clear(); archive.GetStream().SkipWhitespace(); tstring value; while (!archive.GetStream().Done()) { std::getline( archive.GetStream().GetInternal(), value ); size_t start = value.find_first_of('\"'); size_t end = value.find_last_of('\"'); // if we found a pair of quotes if (start != std::string::npos && end != std::string::npos && start != end) { // if all we have are open/close quotes, push a blank string if (start == end-1) { m_Data->push_back(tstring ()); } // else we have some non-null string data else { m_Data->push_back(value.substr(start + 1, end - start - 1)); } } else { start = value.find_first_not_of( TXT( " \t\n" ) ); if (start != std::string::npos) m_Data->push_back(value.substr(start)); } archive.GetStream().SkipWhitespace(); } }
void StlStringStlVectorData::Serialize(ArchiveXML& archive) { archive.GetIndent().Push(); archive.GetIndent().Get(archive.GetStream()); // start our CDATA section, this prevents XML from parsing its escapes in this cdata section archive.GetStream() << TXT("<![CDATA[\n"); for (size_t i=0; i<m_Data->size(); i++) { archive.GetIndent().Get(archive.GetStream()); // output the escape-code free character sequence between double qutoes archive.GetStream() << TXT('\"') << m_Data->at( i ) << TXT('\"') << s_ContainerItemDelimiter; } // end our CDATA escape section archive.GetIndent().Get(archive.GetStream()); archive.GetStream() << TXT("]]>\n"); archive.GetIndent().Pop(); }
void SimpleData<T>::Serialize(ArchiveXML& archive) { archive.GetStream() << *m_Data; }