static void getargs(int argc, char* argv[]) { bool help = false; ArgParse ap; // clang-format off ap.options( "fmath_test\n" OIIO_INTRO_STRING "\n" "Usage: fmath_test [options]", // "%*", parse_files, "", "--help", &help, "Print help message", "-v", &verbose, "Verbose mode", // "--threads %d", &numthreads, // ustring::sprintf("Number of threads (default: %d)", numthreads).c_str(), "--iterations %d", &iterations, ustring::sprintf("Number of values to convert for benchmarks (default: %d)", iterations).c_str(), "--trials %d", &ntrials, "Number of trials", nullptr); // clang-format on if (ap.parse(argc, (const char**)argv) < 0) { std::cerr << ap.geterror() << std::endl; ap.usage(); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } if (help) { ap.usage(); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } }
static void getargs (int argc, char *argv[]) { bool help = false; ArgParse ap; ap.options ("hash_test\n" OIIO_INTRO_STRING "\n" "Usage: hash_test [options]", // "%*", parse_files, "", "--help", &help, "Print help message", "-v", &verbose, "Verbose mode", "--iters %d", &iterations, Strutil::format("Number of iterations (default: %d)", iterations).c_str(), "--trials %d", &ntrials, "Number of trials", NULL); if (ap.parse (argc, (const char**)argv) < 0) { std::cerr << ap.geterror() << std::endl; ap.usage (); exit (EXIT_FAILURE); } if (help) { ap.usage (); exit (EXIT_FAILURE); } }
static void getargs (int argc, char *argv[]) { bool help = false; ArgParse ap; ap.options ("spin_rw_test\n" OIIO_INTRO_STRING "\n" "Usage: spin_rw_test [options]", // "%*", parse_files, "", "--help", &help, "Print help message", "-v", &verbose, "Verbose mode", "--threads %d", &numthreads, ustring::format("Number of threads (default: %d)", numthreads).c_str(), "--iters %d", &iterations, ustring::format("Number of iterations (default: %d)", iterations).c_str(), "--trials %d", &ntrials, "Number of trials", "--rwratio %d", &read_write_ratio, ustring::format("Reader::writer ratio (default: %d)", read_write_ratio).c_str(), "--wedge", &wedge, "Do a wedge test", NULL); if (ap.parse (argc, (const char**)argv) < 0) { std::cerr << ap.geterror() << std::endl; ap.usage (); exit (EXIT_FAILURE); } if (help) { ap.usage (); exit (EXIT_FAILURE); } }
static void getargs (int argc, char *argv[]) { bool help = false; ArgParse ap; ap.options ("compute_test\n" OIIO_INTRO_STRING "\n" "Usage: compute_test [options]", // "%*", parse_files, "", "--help", &help, "Print help message", "-v", &verbose, "Verbose mode", "--threads %d", &numthreads, ustring::format("Number of threads (default: %d)", numthreads).c_str(), "--iterations %d", &iterations, ustring::format("Number of iterations (default: %d)", iterations).c_str(), "--trials %d", &ntrials, "Number of trials", "--allgpus", &allgpus, "Run OpenCL tests on all devices, not just default", "--wedge", &wedge, "Do a wedge test", NULL); if (ap.parse (argc, (const char**)argv) < 0) { std::cerr << ap.geterror() << std::endl; ap.usage (); exit (EXIT_FAILURE); } if (help) { ap.usage (); exit (EXIT_FAILURE); } }
static void getargs (int argc, const char *argv[]) { bool help = false; ArgParse ap; ap.options ("Usage: testtex [options] inputfile", "%*", parse_files, "", "--help", &help, "Print help message", "-v", &verbose, "Verbose status messages", "-o %s", &output_filename, "Output test image", "-d %s", &dataformatname, "Set the output data format to one of:" "uint8, sint8, uint10, uint12, uint16, sint16, half, float, double", "-res %d %d", &output_xres, &output_yres, "Resolution of output test image", "-iters %d", &iters, "Iterations for time trials", "--blur %f", &blur, "Add blur to texture lookup", "--width %f", &width, "Multiply filter width of texture lookup", "--fill %f", &fill, "Set fill value for missing channels", "--wrap %s", &wrapmodes, "Set wrap mode (default, black, clamp, periodic, mirror, overscan)", "--missing %f %f %f", &missing[0], &missing[1], &missing[2], "Specify missing texture color", "--autotile %d", &autotile, "Set auto-tile size for the image cache", "--automip", &automip, "Set auto-MIPmap for the image cache", "--blocksize %d", &blocksize, "Set blocksize (n x n) for batches", "--handle", &use_handle, "Use texture handle rather than name lookup", "--searchpath %s", &searchpath, "Search path for files", "--nowarp", &nowarp, "Do not warp the image->texture mapping", "--tube", &tube, "Make a tube projection", "--cachesize %f", &cachesize, "Set cache size, in MB", "--scale %f", &scalefactor, "Scale intensities", "--maxfiles %d", &maxfiles, "Set maximum open files", "--nountiled", &nountiled, "Reject untiled images", "--nounmipped", &nounmipped, "Reject unmipped images", "--ctr", &test_construction, "Test TextureOpt construction time", "--gettexels", &test_gettexels, "Test TextureSystem::get_texels", "--getimagespec", &test_getimagespec, "Test TextureSystem::get_imagespec", "--offset %f %f %f", &offset[0], &offset[1], &offset[2], "Offset texture coordinates", "--scalest %f %f", &sscale, &tscale, "Scale texture lookups (s, t)", "--graytorgb", &gray_to_rgb, "Convert gratscale textures to RGB", "--resetstats", &resetstats, "Print and reset statistics on each iteration", NULL); if (ap.parse (argc, argv) < 0) { std::cerr << ap.geterror() << std::endl; ap.usage (); exit (EXIT_FAILURE); } if (help) { ap.usage (); exit (EXIT_FAILURE); } if (filenames.size() < 1) { std::cerr << "testtex: Must have at least one input file\n"; ap.usage(); exit (EXIT_FAILURE); } }
int main(int argc, const char **argv) { util_logging_init(argv[0]); path_init(); /* device types */ string devicelist = ""; string devicename = "cpu"; bool list = false, debug = false; int threads = 0, verbosity = 1; vector<DeviceType>& types = Device::available_types(); foreach(DeviceType type, types) { if(devicelist != "") devicelist += ", "; devicelist += Device::string_from_type(type); } /* parse options */ ArgParse ap; ap.options ("Usage: cycles_server [options]", "--device %s", &devicename, ("Devices to use: " + devicelist).c_str(), "--list-devices", &list, "List information about all available devices", "--threads %d", &threads, "Number of threads to use for CPU device", #ifdef WITH_CYCLES_LOGGING "--debug", &debug, "Enable debug logging", "--verbose %d", &verbosity, "Set verbosity of the logger", #endif NULL); if(ap.parse(argc, argv) < 0) { fprintf(stderr, "%s\n", ap.geterror().c_str()); ap.usage(); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } if(debug) { util_logging_start(); util_logging_verbosity_set(verbosity); } if(list) { vector<DeviceInfo>& devices = Device::available_devices(); printf("Devices:\n"); foreach(DeviceInfo& info, devices) { printf(" %s%s\n", info.description.c_str(), (info.display_device)? " (display)": ""); } exit(EXIT_SUCCESS); }
static void getargs (int argc, const char *argv[]) { static bool help = false; ArgParse ap; ap.options ("Usage: testshade [options] shader...", "%*", add_shader, "", "--help", &help, "Print help message", "-v", &verbose, "Verbose messages", "--debug", &debug, "Lots of debugging info", "--stats", &stats, "Print run statistics", "-g %d %d", &xres, &yres, "Make an X x Y grid of shading points", "-o %L %L", &outputvars, &outputfiles, "Output (variable, filename)", "-od %s", &dataformatname, "Set the output data format to one of:\n" "\t\t\t\tuint8, half, float", "--layer %s", &layername, "Set next layer name", "--fparam %L %L", &fparams, &fparams, "Add a float param (args: name value)", "--iparam %L %L", &iparams, &iparams, "Add an integer param (args: name value)", "--vparam %L %L %L %L", &vparams, &vparams, &vparams, &vparams, "Add a vector or color param (args: name x y z)", "--sparam %L %L", &sparams, &sparams, "Add a string param (args: name value)", "--connect %L %L %L %L", &connections, &connections, &connections, &connections, "Connect fromlayer fromoutput tolayer toinput", "--raytype %s", &raytype, "Set the raytype", "--iters %d", &iters, "Number of iterations", "-O0", &O0, "Do no runtime shader optimization", "-O1", &O1, "Do a little runtime shader optimization", "-O2", &O2, "Do lots of runtime shader optimization", // "-v", &verbose, "Verbose output", NULL); if (ap.parse(argc, argv) < 0 || shadernames.empty()) { std::cerr << ap.error_message() << std::endl; ap.usage (); exit (EXIT_FAILURE); } if (help) { std::cout << "testshade -- Test Open Shading Language\n" "(c) Copyright 2009-2010 Sony Pictures Imageworks Inc. All Rights Reserved.\n"; ap.usage (); exit (EXIT_SUCCESS); } }
int main(int argc, const char* argv[]) { Filesystem::convert_native_arguments(argc, argv); ArgParse ap; // clang-format off ap.options ("igrep -- search images for matching metadata\n" OIIO_INTRO_STRING "\n" "Usage: igrep [options] pattern filename...", "%*", parse_files, "", "-i", &ignore_case, "Ignore upper/lower case distinctions", "-v", &invert_match, "Invert match (select non-matching files)", "-E", &extended_regex, "Pattern is an extended regular expression", "-f", &file_match, "Match against file name as well as metadata", "-l", &list_files, "List the matching files (no detail)", "-r", &recursive, "Recurse into directories", "-d", &print_dirs, "Print directories (when recursive)", "-a", &all_subimages, "Search all subimages of each file", "--help", &help, "Print help message", NULL); // clang-format off if (ap.parse(argc, argv) < 0 || pattern.empty() || filenames.empty()) { std::cerr << ap.geterror() << std::endl; ap.usage (); return EXIT_FAILURE; } if (help) { ap.usage(); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } #if USE_BOOST_REGEX boost::regex_constants::syntax_option_type flag = boost::regex_constants::grep; if (extended_regex) flag = boost::regex::extended; if (ignore_case) flag |= boost::regex_constants::icase; #else auto flag = std::regex_constants::grep; if (extended_regex) flag = std::regex_constants::extended; if (ignore_case) flag |= std::regex_constants::icase; #endif regex re(pattern, flag); for (auto&& s : filenames) grep_file(s, re); return 0; }
static void getargs (int argc, const char *argv[]) { bool help = false; ArgParse ap; ap.options ("Usage: testtex [options] inputfile", "%*", parse_files, "", "--help", &help, "Print help message", "-v", &verbose, "Verbose status messages", "-o %s", &output_filename, "Output test image", "-res %d %d", &output_xres, &output_yres, "Resolution of output test image", "-iters %d", &iters, "Iterations for time trials", "--blur %f", &blur, "Add blur to texture lookup", "--width %f", &width, "Multiply filter width of texture lookup", "--missing %f %f %f", &missing[0], &missing[1], &missing[2], "Specify missing texture color", "--autotile %d", &autotile, "Set auto-tile size for the image cache", "--automip", &automip, "Set auto-MIPmap for the image cache", "--blocksize %d", &blocksize, "Set blocksize (n x n) for batches", "--handle", &use_handle, "Use texture handle rather than name lookup", "--searchpath %s", &searchpath, "Search path for files", "--nowarp", &nowarp, "Do not warp the image->texture mapping", "--cachesize %f", &cachesize, "Set cache size, in MB", "--scale %f", &scalefactor, "Scale intensities", "--maxfiles %d", &maxfiles, "Set maximum open files", "--nountiled", &nountiled, "Reject untiled images", "--nounmipped", &nounmipped, "Reject unmipped images", "--ctr", &test_construction, "Test TextureOpt construction time", "--offset %f %f %f", &offset[0], &offset[1], &offset[2], "Offset texture coordinates", "--scalest %f", &scalest, "Scale st coordinates", NULL); if (ap.parse (argc, argv) < 0) { std::cerr << ap.geterror() << std::endl; ap.usage (); exit (EXIT_FAILURE); } if (help) { ap.usage (); exit (EXIT_FAILURE); } if (filenames.size() < 1) { std::cerr << "testtex: Must have at least one input file\n"; ap.usage(); exit (EXIT_FAILURE); } }
static void getargs(int argc, char* argv[]) { // clang-format off bool help = false; ArgParse ap; ap.options ("idiff -- compare two images\n" OIIO_INTRO_STRING "\n" "Usage: idiff [options] image1 image2", "%*", parse_files, "", "--help", &help, "Print help message", "-v", &verbose, "Verbose status messages", "-q", &quiet, "Quiet (minimal messages)", "-a", &compareall, "Compare all subimages/miplevels", "<SEPARATOR>", "Thresholding and comparison options", "-fail %g", &failthresh, "Failure threshold difference (0.000001)", "-failpercent %g", &failpercent, "Allow this percentage of failures (0)", "-hardfail %g", &hardfail, "Fail if any one pixel exceeds this error (infinity)", "-warn %g", &warnthresh, "Warning threshold difference (0.00001)", "-warnpercent %g", &warnpercent, "Allow this percentage of warnings (0)", "-hardwarn %g", &hardwarn, "Warn if any one pixel exceeds this error (infinity)", "-p", &perceptual, "Perform perceptual (rather than numeric) comparison", "<SEPARATOR>", "Difference image options", "-o %s", &diffimage, "Output difference image", "-od", &outdiffonly, "Output image only if nonzero difference", "-abs", &diffabs, "Output image of absolute value, not signed difference", "-scale %g", &diffscale, "Scale the output image by this factor", // "-meta", &comparemeta, "Compare metadata", NULL); if (ap.parse(argc, (const char**)argv) < 0) { std::cerr << ap.geterror() << std::endl; ap.usage (); exit (EXIT_FAILURE); } if (help) { ap.usage (); exit (EXIT_FAILURE); } if (filenames.size() != 2) { std::cerr << "idiff: Must have two input filenames.\n"; ap.usage(); exit (EXIT_FAILURE); } // clang-format on }
static void getargs (int argc, char *argv[]) { bool help = false; ArgParse ap; ap.options ("timer_test\n" OIIO_INTRO_STRING "\n" "Usage: timer_test [options]", "%*", parse_files, "", "--help", &help, "Print help message", NULL); if (ap.parse (argc, (const char**)argv) < 0) { std::cerr << ap.geterror() << std::endl; ap.usage (); exit (EXIT_FAILURE); } if (help) { ap.usage (); exit (EXIT_FAILURE); } }
static void getargs (int argc, char *argv[]) { bool help = false; ArgParse ap; ap.options ("iv -- image viewer\n" OIIO_INTRO_STRING "\n" "Usage: iv [options] [filename...]", "%*", parse_files, "", "--help", &help, "Print help message", "-v", &verbose, "Verbose status messages", "-F", &foreground_mode, "Foreground mode", NULL); if (ap.parse (argc, (const char**)argv) < 0) { std::cerr << ap.geterror() << std::endl; ap.usage (); exit (EXIT_FAILURE); } if (help) { ap.usage (); exit (EXIT_FAILURE); } }
static void getargs (int argc, char *argv[]) { bool help = false; ArgParse ap; ap.options ("maketx -- convert images to tiled, MIP-mapped textures\n" OIIO_INTRO_STRING "\n" "Usage: maketx [options] file...", "%*", parse_files, "", "--help", &help, "Print help message", "-v", &verbose, "Verbose status messages", "-o %s", &outputfilename, "Output filename", "-t %d", &nthreads, "Number of threads (default: #cores)", "-u", &updatemode, "Update mode", "--format %s", &fileformatname, "Specify output file format (default: guess from extension)", "--nchannels %d", &nchannels, "Specify the number of output image channels.", "-d %s", &dataformatname, "Set the output data format to one of: " "uint8, sint8, uint16, sint16, half, float", "--tile %d %d", &tile[0], &tile[1], "Specify tile size", "--separate", &separate, "Use planarconfig separate (default: contiguous)", // "--ingamma %f", &ingamma, "Specify gamma of input files (default: 1)", // "--outgamma %f", &outgamma, "Specify gamma of output files (default: 1)", // "--opaquewidth %f", &opaquewidth, "Set z fudge factor for volume shadows", "--fov %f", &fov, "Field of view for envcube/shadcube/twofish", "--fovcot %f", &fovcot, "Override the frame aspect ratio. Default is width/height.", "--wrap %s", &wrap, "Specify wrap mode (black, clamp, periodic, mirror)", "--swrap %s", &swrap, "Specific s wrap mode separately", "--twrap %s", &twrap, "Specific t wrap mode separately", "--resize", &doresize, "Resize textures to power of 2 (default: no)", "--noresize", &noresize, "Do not resize textures to power of 2 (deprecated)", "--filter %s", &filtername, filter_help_string().c_str(), "--nomipmap", &nomipmap, "Do not make multiple MIP-map levels", "--checknan", &checknan, "Check for NaN and Inf values (abort if found)", "--Mcamera %f %f %f %f %f %f %f %f %f %f %f %f %f %f %f %f", &Mcam[0][0], &Mcam[0][1], &Mcam[0][2], &Mcam[0][3], &Mcam[1][0], &Mcam[1][1], &Mcam[1][2], &Mcam[1][3], &Mcam[2][0], &Mcam[2][1], &Mcam[2][2], &Mcam[2][3], &Mcam[3][0], &Mcam[3][1], &Mcam[3][2], &Mcam[3][3], "Set the camera matrix", "--Mscreen %f %f %f %f %f %f %f %f %f %f %f %f %f %f %f %f", &Mscr[0][0], &Mscr[0][1], &Mscr[0][2], &Mscr[0][3], &Mscr[1][0], &Mscr[1][1], &Mscr[1][2], &Mscr[1][3], &Mscr[2][0], &Mscr[2][1], &Mscr[2][2], &Mscr[2][3], &Mscr[3][0], &Mscr[3][1], &Mscr[3][2], &Mscr[3][3], "Set the camera matrix", "--hash", &embed_hash, "Embed SHA-1 hash of pixels in the header", "--prman-metadata", &prman_metadata, "Add prman specific metadata", "--constant-color-detect", &constant_color_detect, "Create 1-tile textures from constant color inputs", "--monochrome-detect", &monochrome_detect, "Create 1-channel textures from monochrome inputs", "--stats", &stats, "Print runtime statistics", //FIXME "-c %s", &channellist, "Restrict/shuffle channels", //FIXME "-debugdso" //FIXME "-note %s", ¬e, "Append a note to the image comments", "<SEPARATOR>", "Basic modes (default is plain texture):", "--shadow", &shadowmode, "Create shadow map", // "--shadcube", &shadowcubemode, "Create shadow cube (file order: px,nx,py,ny,pz,nz) (UNIMPLEMENTED)", // "--volshad", &volshadowmode, "Create volume shadow map (UNIMP)", "--envlatl", &envlatlmode, "Create lat/long environment map", "--envcube", &envcubemode, "Create cubic env map (file order: px, nx, py, ny, pz, nz) (UNIMP)", // "--lightprobe", &lightprobemode, "Convert a lightprobe to cubic env map (UNIMP)", // "--latl2envcube", &latl2envcubemode, "Convert a lat-long env map to a cubic env map (UNIMP)", // "--vertcross", &vertcrossmode, "Convert a vertical cross layout to a cubic env map (UNIMP)", "<SEPARATOR>", "Configuration Presets", "--prman", &prman, "Use PRMan-safe settings for tile size, planarconfig, and metadata.", "--oiio", &oiio, "Use OIIO-optimized settings for tile size, planarconfig, metadata, and constant-color optimizations.", NULL); if (ap.parse (argc, (const char**)argv) < 0) { std::cerr << ap.geterror() << std::endl; ap.usage (); exit (EXIT_FAILURE); } if (help) { ap.usage (); exit (EXIT_FAILURE); } full_command_line = ap.command_line (); int optionsum = ((int)shadowmode + (int)shadowcubemode + (int)volshadowmode + (int)envlatlmode + (int)envcubemode + (int)lightprobemode + (int)vertcrossmode + (int)latl2envcubemode); if (optionsum > 1) { std::cerr << "maketx ERROR: At most one of the following options may be set:\n" << "\t--shadow --shadcube --volshad --envlatl --envcube\n" << "\t--lightprobe --vertcross --latl2envcube\n"; ap.usage (); exit (EXIT_FAILURE); } if (optionsum == 0) mipmapmode = true; if (doresize) noresize = false; if (prman && oiio) { std::cerr << "maketx ERROR: '--prman' compatibility, and '--oiio' optimizations are mutually exclusive.\n"; std::cerr << "\tIf you'd like both prman and oiio compatibility, you should choose --prman\n"; std::cerr << "\t(at the expense of oiio-specific optimizations)\n"; ap.usage (); exit (EXIT_FAILURE); } if (filenames.size() < 1) { std::cerr << "maketx ERROR: Must have at least one input filename specified.\n"; ap.usage(); exit (EXIT_FAILURE); } filter = setup_filter (filtername); if (! filter) { std::cerr << "maketx ERROR: could not make filter '" << filtername << "\n"; exit (EXIT_FAILURE); } if (embed_hash && verbose) { std::cerr << "maketx WARNING: The --embed_hash option is deprecated, and no longer necessary.\n"; std::cerr << " (Hashes are always computed.)\n"; } // std::cout << "Converting " << filenames[0] << " to " << outputfilename << "\n"; }
int main (int argc, const char* argv[]) { bool generate = false; bool extract = false; int cubesize = 32; int maxwidth = 2048; std::string inputfile; std::string outputfile; std::string config; std::string incolorspace; std::string outcolorspace; // TODO: Add optional allocation transform instead of colorconvert ArgParse ap; ap.options("ociolutimage -- Convert a 3dlut to or from an image\n\n" "usage: ociolutimage [options] <OUTPUTFILE.LUT>\n\n" "example: ociolutimage --generate --output lut.exr\n" "example: ociolutimage --extract --input lut.exr --output output.spi3d\n", "<SEPARATOR>", "", "--generate", &generate, "Generate a lattice image", "--extract", &extract, "Extract a 3dlut from an input image", "<SEPARATOR>", "", "--cubesize %d", &cubesize, "Size of the cube (default: 32)", "--maxwidth %d", &maxwidth, "Specify maximum width of the image (default: 2048)", "--input %s", &inputfile, "Specify the input filename", "--output %s", &outputfile, "Specify the output filename", "<SEPARATOR>", "", "--config %s", &config, ".ocio configuration file (default: $OCIO)", "--colorconvert %s %s", &incolorspace, &outcolorspace, "Apply a color space conversion to the image.", NULL); if (ap.parse(argc, argv) < 0) { std::cout << ap.geterror() << std::endl; ap.usage(); std::cout << "\n"; return 1; } if (argc == 1 ) { ap.usage(); std::cout << "\n"; return 1; } if(generate) { try { Generate(cubesize, maxwidth, outputfile, config, incolorspace, outcolorspace); } catch(std::exception & e) { std::cerr << "Error generating image: " << e.what() << std::endl; exit(1); } catch(...) { std::cerr << "Error generating image. An unknown error occurred.\n"; exit(1); } } else if(extract) { try { Extract(cubesize, maxwidth, inputfile, outputfile); } catch(std::exception & e) { std::cerr << "Error extracting lut: " << e.what() << std::endl; exit(1); } catch(...) { std::cerr << "Error extracting lut. An unknown error occurred.\n"; exit(1); } } else { std::cerr << "Must specify either --generate or --extract.\n"; exit(1); } return 0; }
static void options_parse(int argc, const char **argv) { options.width = 0; options.height = 0; options.filepath = ""; options.session = NULL; options.quiet = false; /* device names */ string device_names = ""; string devicename = "cpu"; bool list = false; vector<DeviceType>& types = Device::available_types(); foreach(DeviceType type, types) { if(device_names != "") device_names += ", "; device_names += Device::string_from_type(type); } /* shading system */ string ssname = "svm"; /* parse options */ ArgParse ap; bool help = false; ap.options ("Usage: cycles [options] file.xml", "%*", files_parse, "", "--device %s", &devicename, ("Devices to use: " + device_names).c_str(), #ifdef WITH_OSL "--shadingsys %s", &ssname, "Shading system to use: svm, osl", #endif "--background", &options.session_params.background, "Render in background, without user interface", "--quiet", &options.quiet, "In background mode, don't print progress messages", "--samples %d", &options.session_params.samples, "Number of samples to render", "--output %s", &options.session_params.output_path, "File path to write output image", "--threads %d", &options.session_params.threads, "CPU Rendering Threads", "--width %d", &options.width, "Window width in pixel", "--height %d", &options.height, "Window height in pixel", "--list-devices", &list, "List information about all available devices", "--help", &help, "Print help message", NULL); if(ap.parse(argc, argv) < 0) { fprintf(stderr, "%s\n", ap.geterror().c_str()); ap.usage(); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } else if(list) { vector<DeviceInfo>& devices = Device::available_devices(); printf("Devices:\n"); foreach(DeviceInfo& info, devices) { printf(" %s%s\n", info.description.c_str(), (info.display_device)? " (display)": ""); } exit(EXIT_SUCCESS); }
static void options_parse(int argc, const char **argv) { options.width = 0; options.height = 0; options.filepath = ""; options.session = NULL; options.quiet = false; /* device names */ string device_names = ""; string devicename = "cpu"; bool list = false; vector<DeviceType>& types = Device::available_types(); /* TODO(sergey): Here's a feedback loop happens: on the one hand we want * the device list to be printed in help message, on the other hand logging * is not initialized yet so we wouldn't have debug log happening in the * device initialization. */ foreach(DeviceType type, types) { if(device_names != "") device_names += ", "; device_names += Device::string_from_type(type); } /* shading system */ string ssname = "svm"; /* parse options */ ArgParse ap; bool help = false, debug = false, version = false; int verbosity = 1; ap.options ("Usage: cycles [options] file.xml", "%*", files_parse, "", "--device %s", &devicename, ("Devices to use: " + device_names).c_str(), #ifdef WITH_OSL "--shadingsys %s", &ssname, "Shading system to use: svm, osl", #endif "--background", &options.session_params.background, "Render in background, without user interface", "--quiet", &options.quiet, "In background mode, don't print progress messages", "--samples %d", &options.session_params.samples, "Number of samples to render", "--output %s", &options.session_params.output_path, "File path to write output image", "--threads %d", &options.session_params.threads, "CPU Rendering Threads", "--width %d", &options.width, "Window width in pixel", "--height %d", &options.height, "Window height in pixel", "--list-devices", &list, "List information about all available devices", #ifdef WITH_CYCLES_LOGGING "--debug", &debug, "Enable debug logging", "--verbose %d", &verbosity, "Set verbosity of the logger", #endif "--help", &help, "Print help message", "--version", &version, "Print version number", NULL); if(ap.parse(argc, argv) < 0) { fprintf(stderr, "%s\n", ap.geterror().c_str()); ap.usage(); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } if(debug) { util_logging_start(); util_logging_verbosity_set(verbosity); } if(list) { vector<DeviceInfo>& devices = Device::available_devices(); printf("Devices:\n"); foreach(DeviceInfo& info, devices) { printf(" %-10s%s%s\n", Device::string_from_type(info.type).c_str(), info.description.c_str(), (info.display_device)? " (display)": ""); } exit(EXIT_SUCCESS); }
int main (int argc, const char* argv[]) { bool help = false; int cubesize = -1; int shapersize = -1; // cubsize^2 std::string format; std::string inputconfig; std::string inputspace; std::string shaperspace; std::string looks; std::string outputspace; bool usestdout = false; bool verbose = false; int whitepointtemp = 6505; std::string displayicc; std::string description; std::string copyright = "No copyright. Use freely."; // What are the allowed baker output formats? std::ostringstream formats; formats << "the LUT format to bake: "; for(int i=0; i<OCIO::Baker::getNumFormats(); ++i) { if(i!=0) formats << ", "; formats << OCIO::Baker::getFormatNameByIndex(i); formats << " (." << OCIO::Baker::getFormatExtensionByIndex(i) << ")"; } formats << ", icc (.icc)"; std::string formatstr = formats.str(); std::string dummystr; float dummyf1, dummyf2, dummyf3; ArgParse ap; ap.options("ociobakelut -- create a new LUT or ICC profile from an OCIO config or LUT file(s)\n\n" "usage: ociobakelut [options] <OUTPUTFILE.LUT>\n\n" "example: ociobakelut --inputspace lg10 --outputspace srgb8 --format flame lg_to_srgb.3dl\n" "example: ociobakelut --lut filmlut.3dl --lut calibration.3dl --format flame display.3dl\n" "example: ociobakelut --cccid 0 --lut cdlgrade.ccc --lut calibration.3dl --format flame graded_display.3dl\n" "example: ociobakelut --lut look.3dl --offset 0.01 -0.02 0.03 --lut display.3dl --format flame display_with_look.3dl\n" "example: ociobakelut --inputspace lg10 --outputspace srgb8 --format icc ~/Library/ColorSync/Profiles/test.icc\n" "example: ociobakelut --lut filmlut.3dl --lut calibration.3dl --format icc ~/Library/ColorSync/Profiles/test.icc\n\n", "%*", parse_end_args, "", "<SEPARATOR>", "Using Existing OCIO Configurations", "--inputspace %s", &inputspace, "Input OCIO ColorSpace (or Role)", "--outputspace %s", &outputspace, "Output OCIO ColorSpace (or Role)", "--shaperspace %s", &shaperspace, "the OCIO ColorSpace or Role, for the shaper", "--looks %s", &looks, "the OCIO looks to apply", "--iconfig %s", &inputconfig, "Input .ocio configuration file (default: $OCIO)\n", "<SEPARATOR>", "Config-Free LUT Baking", "<SEPARATOR>", " (all options can be specified multiple times, each is applied in order)", "--cccid %s", &dummystr, "Specify a CCCId for any following LUTs", "--lut %s", &dummystr, "Specify a LUT (forward direction)", "--invlut %s", &dummystr, "Specify a LUT (inverse direction)", "--slope %f %f %f", &dummyf1, &dummyf2, &dummyf3, "slope", "--offset %f %f %f", &dummyf1, &dummyf2, &dummyf3, "offset (float)", "--offset10 %f %f %f", &dummyf1, &dummyf2, &dummyf3, "offset (10-bit)", "--power %f %f %f", &dummyf1, &dummyf2, &dummyf3, "power", "--sat %f", &dummyf1, "saturation (ASC-CDL luma coefficients)\n", "<SEPARATOR>", "Baking Options", "--format %s", &format, formatstr.c_str(), "--shapersize %d", &shapersize, "size of the shaper (default: format specific)", "--cubesize %d", &cubesize, "size of the cube (default: format specific)", "--stdout", &usestdout, "Write to stdout (rather than file)", "--v", &verbose, "Verbose", "--help", &help, "Print help message\n", "<SEPARATOR>", "ICC Options", //"--cubesize %d", &cubesize, "size of the ICC CLUT cube (default: 32)", "--whitepoint %d", &whitepointtemp, "whitepoint for the profile (default: 6505)", "--displayicc %s", &displayicc , "an ICC profile which matches the OCIO profiles target display", "--description %s", &description , "a meaningful description, this will show up in UI like photoshop (defaults to \"filename.icc\")", "--copyright %s", ©right , "a copyright field (default: \"No copyright. Use freely.\"\n", // TODO: add --metadata option NULL); if (ap.parse(argc, argv) < 0) { std::cout << ap.geterror() << std::endl; ap.usage(); std::cout << "\n"; return 1; } if (help || (argc == 1 )) { ap.usage(); std::cout << "\n"; return 1; } // If we're printing to stdout, disable verbose printouts if(usestdout) { verbose = false; } // Create the OCIO processor for the specified transform. OCIO::ConstConfigRcPtr config; OCIO::GroupTransformRcPtr groupTransform; try { groupTransform = parse_luts(argc, argv); } catch(const OCIO::Exception & e) { std::cerr << "\nERROR: " << e.what() << std::endl; std::cerr << "See --help for more info." << std::endl; return 1; } catch(...) { std::cerr << "\nERROR: An unknown error occurred in parse_luts" << std::endl; std::cerr << "See --help for more info." << std::endl; return 1; } if(!groupTransform) { std::cerr << "\nERROR: parse_luts returned null transform" << std::endl; std::cerr << "See --help for more info." << std::endl; return 1; } // If --luts have been specified, synthesize a new (temporary) configuration // with the transformation embedded in a colorspace. if(!groupTransform->empty()) { if(!inputspace.empty()) { std::cerr << "\nERROR: --inputspace is not allowed when using --lut\n\n"; std::cerr << "See --help for more info." << std::endl; return 1; } if(!outputspace.empty()) { std::cerr << "\nERROR: --outputspace is not allowed when using --lut\n\n"; std::cerr << "See --help for more info." << std::endl; return 1; } if(!looks.empty()) { std::cerr << "\nERROR: --looks is not allowed when using --lut\n\n"; std::cerr << "See --help for more info." << std::endl; return 1; } if(!shaperspace.empty()) { std::cerr << "\nERROR: --shaperspace is not allowed when using --lut\n\n"; std::cerr << "See --help for more info." << std::endl; return 1; } OCIO::ConfigRcPtr editableConfig = OCIO::Config::Create(); OCIO::ColorSpaceRcPtr inputColorSpace = OCIO::ColorSpace::Create(); inputspace = "RawInput"; inputColorSpace->setName(inputspace.c_str()); editableConfig->addColorSpace(inputColorSpace); OCIO::ColorSpaceRcPtr outputColorSpace = OCIO::ColorSpace::Create(); outputspace = "ProcessedOutput"; outputColorSpace->setName(outputspace.c_str()); outputColorSpace->setTransform(groupTransform, OCIO::COLORSPACE_DIR_FROM_REFERENCE); if(verbose) { std::cout << "[OpenColorIO DEBUG]: Specified Transform:"; std::cout << *groupTransform; std::cout << "\n"; } editableConfig->addColorSpace(outputColorSpace); config = editableConfig; } else { if(inputspace.empty()) { std::cerr << "\nERROR: You must specify the --inputspace.\n\n"; std::cerr << "See --help for more info." << std::endl; return 1; } if(outputspace.empty()) { std::cerr << "\nERROR: You must specify the --outputspace.\n\n"; std::cerr << "See --help for more info." << std::endl; return 1; } if(format.empty()) { std::cerr << "\nERROR: You must specify the LUT format using --format.\n\n"; std::cerr << "See --help for more info." << std::endl; return 1; } if(!inputconfig.empty()) { if(!usestdout && verbose) std::cout << "[OpenColorIO INFO]: Loading " << inputconfig << std::endl; config = OCIO::Config::CreateFromFile(inputconfig.c_str()); } else if(getenv("OCIO")) { if(!usestdout && verbose) std::cout << "[OpenColorIO INFO]: Loading $OCIO " << getenv("OCIO") << std::endl; config = OCIO::Config::CreateFromEnv(); } else { std::cerr << "ERROR: You must specify an input OCIO configuration "; std::cerr << "(either with --iconfig or $OCIO).\n\n"; ap.usage (); return 1; } } if(outputfile.empty() && !usestdout) { std::cerr << "\nERROR: You must specify the outputfile or --stdout.\n\n"; std::cerr << "See --help for more info." << std::endl; return 1; } try { if(format == "icc") { if(description.empty()) { description = outputfile; if(verbose) std::cout << "[OpenColorIO INFO]: \"--description\" set to default value of filename.icc: " << outputfile << "" << std::endl; } if(usestdout) { std::cerr << "\nERROR: --stdout not supported when writing ICC profiles.\n\n"; std::cerr << "See --help for more info." << std::endl; return 1; } if(outputfile.empty()) { std::cerr << "ERROR: you need to specify a output ICC path\n"; std::cerr << "See --help for more info." << std::endl; return 1; } if(cubesize<2) cubesize = 32; // default OCIO::ConstProcessorRcPtr processor; if (!looks.empty()) { OCIO::LookTransformRcPtr transform = OCIO::LookTransform::Create(); transform->setLooks(looks.c_str()); transform->setSrc(inputspace.c_str()); transform->setDst(outputspace.c_str()); processor = config->getProcessor(transform, OCIO::TRANSFORM_DIR_FORWARD); } else { processor = config->getProcessor(inputspace.c_str(), outputspace.c_str()); } SaveICCProfileToFile(outputfile, processor, cubesize, whitepointtemp, displayicc, description, copyright, verbose); } else { OCIO::BakerRcPtr baker = OCIO::Baker::Create(); // setup the baker for our LUT type baker->setConfig(config); baker->setFormat(format.c_str()); baker->setInputSpace(inputspace.c_str()); baker->setShaperSpace(shaperspace.c_str()); baker->setLooks(looks.c_str()); baker->setTargetSpace(outputspace.c_str()); if(shapersize!=-1) baker->setShaperSize(shapersize); if(cubesize!=-1) baker->setCubeSize(cubesize); // output LUT std::ostringstream output; if(!usestdout && verbose) std::cout << "[OpenColorIO INFO]: Baking '" << format << "' LUT" << std::endl; if(usestdout) { baker->bake(std::cout); } else { std::ofstream f(outputfile.c_str()); baker->bake(f); if(verbose) std::cout << "[OpenColorIO INFO]: Wrote '" << outputfile << "'" << std::endl; } } } catch(OCIO::Exception & exception) { std::cerr << "OCIO Error: " << exception.what() << std::endl; std::cerr << "See --help for more info." << std::endl; return 1; } catch (std::exception& exception) { std::cerr << "Error: " << exception.what() << "\n"; std::cerr << "See --help for more info." << std::endl; return 1; } catch(...) { std::cerr << "Unknown OCIO error encountered." << std::endl; std::cerr << "See --help for more info." << std::endl; return 1; } return 0; }
static void getargs (int argc, char *argv[]) { bool help = false; ArgParse ap; ap.options ("iconvert -- copy images with format conversions and other alterations\n" OIIO_INTRO_STRING "\n" "Usage: iconvert [options] inputfile outputfile\n" " or: iconvert --inplace [options] file...\n", "%*", parse_files, "", "--help", &help, "Print help message", "-v", &verbose, "Verbose status messages", "--threads %d", &nthreads, "Number of threads (default 0 = #cores)", "-d %s", &dataformatname, "Set the output data format to one of:" "uint8, sint8, uint10, uint12, uint16, sint16, half, float, double", "-g %f", &gammaval, "Set gamma correction (default = 1)", "--tile %d %d", &tile[0], &tile[1], "Output as a tiled image", "--scanline", &scanline, "Output as a scanline image", "--compression %s", &compression, "Set the compression method (default = same as input)", "--quality %d", &quality, "Set the compression quality, 1-100", "--no-copy-image", &no_copy_image, "Do not use ImageOutput copy_image functionality (dbg)", "--adjust-time", &adjust_time, "Adjust file times to match DateTime metadata", "--caption %s", &caption, "Set caption (ImageDescription)", "--keyword %L", &keywords, "Add a keyword", "--clear-keywords", &clear_keywords, "Clear keywords", "--attrib %L %L", &attribnames, &attribvals, "Set a string attribute (name, value)", "--orientation %d", &orientation, "Set the orientation", "--rotcw", &rotcw, "Rotate 90 deg clockwise", "--rotccw", &rotccw, "Rotate 90 deg counter-clockwise", "--rot180", &rot180, "Rotate 180 deg", "--inplace", &inplace, "Do operations in place on images", "--sRGB", &sRGB, "This file is in sRGB color space", "--separate", &separate, "Force planarconfig separate", "--contig", &contig, "Force planarconfig contig", "--no-clobber", &noclobber, "Do no overwrite existing files", //FIXME "-z", &zfile, "Treat input as a depth file", //FIXME "-c %s", &channellist, "Restrict/shuffle channels", NULL); if (ap.parse(argc, (const char**)argv) < 0) { std::cerr << ap.geterror() << std::endl; ap.usage (); exit (EXIT_FAILURE); } if (help) { ap.usage (); exit (EXIT_FAILURE); } if (filenames.size() != 2 && ! inplace) { std::cerr << "iconvert: Must have both an input and output filename specified.\n"; ap.usage(); exit (EXIT_FAILURE); } if (filenames.size() == 0 && inplace) { std::cerr << "iconvert: Must have at least one filename\n"; ap.usage(); exit (EXIT_FAILURE); } if (((int)rotcw + (int)rotccw + (int)rot180 + (orientation>0)) > 1) { std::cerr << "iconvert: more than one of --rotcw, --rotccw, --rot180, --orientation\n"; ap.usage(); exit (EXIT_FAILURE); } }
int main(int argc, const char **argv) { bool help = false; int errorcount = 0; std::string inputconfig; std::string outputconfig; ArgParse ap; ap.options("ociocheck -- validate an OpenColorIO configuration\n\n" "usage: ociocheck [options]\n", "--help", &help, "Print help message", "--iconfig %s", &inputconfig, "Input .ocio configuration file (default: $OCIO)", "--oconfig %s", &outputconfig, "Output .ocio file", NULL); if (ap.parse(argc, argv) < 0) { std::cout << ap.geterror() << std::endl; ap.usage(); std::cout << DESC_STRING; return 1; } if (help) { ap.usage(); std::cout << DESC_STRING; return 1; } try { OCIO::ConstConfigRcPtr config; std::cout << std::endl; std::cout << "OpenColorIO Library Version: " << OCIO::GetVersion() << std::endl; std::cout << "OpenColorIO Library VersionHex: " << OCIO::GetVersionHex() << std::endl; if(!inputconfig.empty()) { std::cout << "Loading " << inputconfig << std::endl; config = OCIO::Config::CreateFromFile(inputconfig.c_str()); } else if(getenv("OCIO")) { std::cout << "Loading $OCIO " << getenv("OCIO") << std::endl; config = OCIO::Config::CreateFromEnv(); } else { std::cout << "ERROR: You must specify an input OCIO configuration "; std::cout << "(either with --iconfig or $OCIO).\n"; ap.usage (); std::cout << DESC_STRING; return 1; } std::cout << std::endl; std::cout << "** General **" << std::endl; std::cout << "Search Path: " << config->getSearchPath() << std::endl; std::cout << "Working Dir: " << config->getWorkingDir() << std::endl; std::cout << std::endl; std::cout << "Default Display: " << config->getDefaultDisplay() << std::endl; std::cout << "Default View: " << config->getDefaultView(config->getDefaultDisplay()) << std::endl; { std::cout << std::endl; std::cout << "** Roles **" << std::endl; std::set<std::string> usedroles; const char * allroles[] = { OCIO::ROLE_DEFAULT, OCIO::ROLE_SCENE_LINEAR, OCIO::ROLE_DATA, OCIO::ROLE_REFERENCE, OCIO::ROLE_COMPOSITING_LOG, OCIO::ROLE_COLOR_TIMING, OCIO::ROLE_COLOR_PICKING, OCIO::ROLE_TEXTURE_PAINT, OCIO::ROLE_MATTE_PAINT, NULL }; int MAXROLES=256; for(int i=0;i<MAXROLES; ++i) { const char * role = allroles[i]; if(!role) break; usedroles.insert(role); OCIO::ConstColorSpaceRcPtr cs = config->getColorSpace(role); if(cs) { std::cout << cs->getName() << " (" << role << ")" << std::endl; } else { std::cout << "ERROR: NOT DEFINED" << " (" << role << ")" << std::endl; errorcount += 1; } } for(int i=0; i<config->getNumRoles(); ++i) { const char * role = config->getRoleName(i); if(usedroles.find(role) != usedroles.end()) continue; OCIO::ConstColorSpaceRcPtr cs = config->getColorSpace(role); if(cs) { std::cout << cs->getName() << " (" << role << ": user)" << std::endl; } else { std::cout << "ERROR: NOT DEFINED" << " (" << role << ")" << std::endl; errorcount += 1; } } } std::cout << std::endl; std::cout << "** ColorSpaces **" << std::endl; OCIO::ConstColorSpaceRcPtr lin = config->getColorSpace(OCIO::ROLE_SCENE_LINEAR); if(!lin) { std::cout << "Error: scene_linear role must be defined." << std::endl; errorcount += 1; } else { for(int i=0; i<config->getNumColorSpaces(); ++i) { OCIO::ConstColorSpaceRcPtr cs = config->getColorSpace(config->getColorSpaceNameByIndex(i)); bool convertsToLinear = true; std::string convertsToLinearErrorText; bool convertsFromLinear = true; std::string convertsFromLinearErrorText; try { OCIO::ConstProcessorRcPtr p = config->getProcessor(cs, lin); } catch(OCIO::Exception & exception) { convertsToLinear = false; convertsToLinearErrorText = exception.what(); } try { OCIO::ConstProcessorRcPtr p = config->getProcessor(lin, cs); } catch(OCIO::Exception & exception) { convertsFromLinear = false; convertsFromLinearErrorText = exception.what(); } if(convertsToLinear && convertsFromLinear) { std::cout << cs->getName() << std::endl; } else if(!convertsToLinear && !convertsFromLinear) { std::cout << cs->getName(); std::cout << " -- error" << std::endl; std::cout << "\t" << convertsToLinearErrorText << std::endl; std::cout << "\t" << convertsFromLinearErrorText << std::endl; errorcount += 1; } else if(convertsToLinear) { std::cout << cs->getName(); std::cout << " -- input only" << std::endl; } else if(convertsFromLinear) { std::cout << cs->getName(); std::cout << " -- output only" << std::endl; } } } std::cout << std::endl; std::cout << "** Looks **" << std::endl; if(config->getNumLooks()>0) { for(int i=0; i<config->getNumLooks(); ++i) { std::cout << config->getLookNameByIndex(i) << std::endl; } } else { std::cout << "no looks defined" << std::endl; } std::cout << std::endl; std::cout << "** Sanity Check **" << std::endl; try { config->sanityCheck(); std::cout << "passed" << std::endl; } catch(OCIO::Exception & exception) { std::cout << "ERROR" << std::endl; errorcount += 1; std::cout << exception.what() << std::endl; } if(!outputconfig.empty()) { std::ofstream output;; if(!output.is_open()) { std::cout << "Error opening " << outputconfig << " for writing." << std::endl; } else { config->serialize(output); output.close(); std::cout << "Wrote " << outputconfig << std::endl; } } } catch(OCIO::Exception & exception) { std::cout << "ERROR: " << exception.what() << std::endl; return 1; } catch (std::exception& exception) { std::cout << "ERROR: " << exception.what() << "\n"; return 1; } catch(...) { std::cout << "Unknown error encountered." << std::endl; return 1; } std::cout << std::endl; if(errorcount == 0) { std::cout << "Tests complete." << std::endl << std::endl; return 0; } else { std::cout << errorcount << " tests failed." << std::endl << std::endl; return 1; } }
static void getargs (int argc, char *argv[], ImageSpec &configspec) { bool help = false; // Basic runtime options std::string dataformatname = ""; std::string fileformatname = ""; std::vector<std::string> mipimages; int tile[3] = { 64, 64, 1 }; // FIXME if we ever support volume MIPmaps std::string compression = "zip"; bool updatemode = false; bool checknan = false; std::string fixnan; // none, black, box3 bool set_full_to_pixels = false; bool do_highlight_compensation = false; std::string filtername; // Options controlling file metadata or mipmap creation float fovcot = 0.0f; std::string wrap = "black"; std::string swrap; std::string twrap; bool doresize = false; Imath::M44f Mcam(0.0f), Mscr(0.0f); // Initialize to 0 bool separate = false; bool nomipmap = false; bool prman_metadata = false; bool constant_color_detect = false; bool monochrome_detect = false; bool opaque_detect = false; bool compute_average = true; int nchannels = -1; bool prman = false; bool oiio = false; bool ignore_unassoc = false; // ignore unassociated alpha tags bool unpremult = false; bool sansattrib = false; float sharpen = 0.0f; std::string incolorspace; std::string outcolorspace; std::string colorconfigname; std::string channelnames; std::vector<std::string> string_attrib_names, string_attrib_values; std::vector<std::string> any_attrib_names, any_attrib_values; filenames.clear(); ArgParse ap; ap.options ("maketx -- convert images to tiled, MIP-mapped textures\n" OIIO_INTRO_STRING "\n" "Usage: maketx [options] file...", "%*", parse_files, "", "--help", &help, "Print help message", "-v", &verbose, "Verbose status messages", "-o %s", &outputfilename, "Output filename", "--threads %d", &nthreads, "Number of threads (default: #cores)", "-u", &updatemode, "Update mode", "--format %s", &fileformatname, "Specify output file format (default: guess from extension)", "--nchannels %d", &nchannels, "Specify the number of output image channels.", "--chnames %s", &channelnames, "Rename channels (comma-separated)", "-d %s", &dataformatname, "Set the output data format to one of: " "uint8, sint8, uint16, sint16, half, float", "--tile %d %d", &tile[0], &tile[1], "Specify tile size", "--separate", &separate, "Use planarconfig separate (default: contiguous)", "--compression %s", &compression, "Set the compression method (default = zip, if possible)", "--fovcot %f", &fovcot, "Override the frame aspect ratio. Default is width/height.", "--wrap %s", &wrap, "Specify wrap mode (black, clamp, periodic, mirror)", "--swrap %s", &swrap, "Specific s wrap mode separately", "--twrap %s", &twrap, "Specific t wrap mode separately", "--resize", &doresize, "Resize textures to power of 2 (default: no)", "--noresize %!", &doresize, "Do not resize textures to power of 2 (deprecated)", "--filter %s", &filtername, filter_help_string().c_str(), "--hicomp", &do_highlight_compensation, "Compress HDR range before resize, expand after.", "--sharpen %f", &sharpen, "Sharpen MIP levels (default = 0.0 = no)", "--nomipmap", &nomipmap, "Do not make multiple MIP-map levels", "--checknan", &checknan, "Check for NaN/Inf values (abort if found)", "--fixnan %s", &fixnan, "Attempt to fix NaN/Inf values in the image (options: none, black, box3)", "--fullpixels", &set_full_to_pixels, "Set the 'full' image range to be the pixel data window", "--Mcamera %f %f %f %f %f %f %f %f %f %f %f %f %f %f %f %f", &Mcam[0][0], &Mcam[0][1], &Mcam[0][2], &Mcam[0][3], &Mcam[1][0], &Mcam[1][1], &Mcam[1][2], &Mcam[1][3], &Mcam[2][0], &Mcam[2][1], &Mcam[2][2], &Mcam[2][3], &Mcam[3][0], &Mcam[3][1], &Mcam[3][2], &Mcam[3][3], "Set the camera matrix", "--Mscreen %f %f %f %f %f %f %f %f %f %f %f %f %f %f %f %f", &Mscr[0][0], &Mscr[0][1], &Mscr[0][2], &Mscr[0][3], &Mscr[1][0], &Mscr[1][1], &Mscr[1][2], &Mscr[1][3], &Mscr[2][0], &Mscr[2][1], &Mscr[2][2], &Mscr[2][3], &Mscr[3][0], &Mscr[3][1], &Mscr[3][2], &Mscr[3][3], "Set the screen matrix", "--prman-metadata", &prman_metadata, "Add prman specific metadata", "--attrib %L %L", &any_attrib_names, &any_attrib_values, "Sets metadata attribute (name, value)", "--sattrib %L %L", &string_attrib_names, &string_attrib_values, "Sets string metadata attribute (name, value)", "--sansattrib", &sansattrib, "Write command line into Software & ImageHistory but remove --sattrib and --attrib options", "--constant-color-detect", &constant_color_detect, "Create 1-tile textures from constant color inputs", "--monochrome-detect", &monochrome_detect, "Create 1-channel textures from monochrome inputs", "--opaque-detect", &opaque_detect, "Drop alpha channel that is always 1.0", "--no-compute-average %!", &compute_average, "Don't compute and store average color", "--ignore-unassoc", &ignore_unassoc, "Ignore unassociated alpha tags in input (don't autoconvert)", "--runstats", &runstats, "Print runtime statistics", "--stats", &runstats, "", // DEPRECATED 1.6 "--mipimage %L", &mipimages, "Specify an individual MIP level", "<SEPARATOR>", "Basic modes (default is plain texture):", "--shadow", &shadowmode, "Create shadow map", "--envlatl", &envlatlmode, "Create lat/long environment map", "--lightprobe", &lightprobemode, "Create lat/long environment map from a light probe", "--bumpslopes", &bumpslopesmode, "Create a 6 channels bump-map with height, derivatives and square derivatives from an height or a normal map", // "--envcube", &envcubemode, "Create cubic env map (file order: px, nx, py, ny, pz, nz) (UNIMP)", "<SEPARATOR>", colortitle_help_string().c_str(), "--colorconfig %s", &colorconfigname, "Explicitly specify an OCIO configuration file", "--colorconvert %s %s", &incolorspace, &outcolorspace, colorconvert_help_string().c_str(), "--unpremult", &unpremult, "Unpremultiply before color conversion, then premultiply " "after the color conversion. You'll probably want to use this flag " "if your image contains an alpha channel.", "<SEPARATOR>", "Configuration Presets", "--prman", &prman, "Use PRMan-safe settings for tile size, planarconfig, and metadata.", "--oiio", &oiio, "Use OIIO-optimized settings for tile size, planarconfig, metadata.", NULL); if (ap.parse (argc, (const char**)argv) < 0) { std::cerr << ap.geterror() << std::endl; ap.usage (); exit (EXIT_FAILURE); } if (help) { ap.usage (); exit (EXIT_FAILURE); } if (filenames.empty()) { ap.briefusage (); std::cout << "\nFor detailed help: maketx --help\n"; exit (EXIT_SUCCESS); } int optionsum = ((int)shadowmode + (int)envlatlmode + (int)envcubemode + (int)lightprobemode) + (int)bumpslopesmode; if (optionsum > 1) { std::cerr << "maketx ERROR: At most one of the following options may be set:\n" << "\t--shadow --envlatl --envcube --lightprobe\n"; exit (EXIT_FAILURE); } if (optionsum == 0) mipmapmode = true; if (prman && oiio) { std::cerr << "maketx ERROR: '--prman' compatibility, and '--oiio' optimizations are mutually exclusive.\n"; std::cerr << "\tIf you'd like both prman and oiio compatibility, you should choose --prman\n"; std::cerr << "\t(at the expense of oiio-specific optimizations)\n"; exit (EXIT_FAILURE); } if (filenames.size() != 1) { std::cerr << "maketx ERROR: requires exactly one input filename\n"; exit (EXIT_FAILURE); } // std::cout << "Converting " << filenames[0] << " to " << outputfilename << "\n"; // Figure out which data format we want for output if (! dataformatname.empty()) { if (dataformatname == "uint8") configspec.format = TypeDesc::UINT8; else if (dataformatname == "int8" || dataformatname == "sint8") configspec.format = TypeDesc::INT8; else if (dataformatname == "uint16") configspec.format = TypeDesc::UINT16; else if (dataformatname == "int16" || dataformatname == "sint16") configspec.format = TypeDesc::INT16; else if (dataformatname == "half") configspec.format = TypeDesc::HALF; else if (dataformatname == "float") configspec.format = TypeDesc::FLOAT; else if (dataformatname == "double") configspec.format = TypeDesc::DOUBLE; else { std::cerr << "maketx ERROR: unknown data format \"" << dataformatname << "\"\n"; exit (EXIT_FAILURE); } } configspec.tile_width = tile[0]; configspec.tile_height = tile[1]; configspec.tile_depth = tile[2]; configspec.attribute ("compression", compression); if (fovcot != 0.0f) configspec.attribute ("fovcot", fovcot); configspec.attribute ("planarconfig", separate ? "separate" : "contig"); if (Mcam != Imath::M44f(0.0f)) configspec.attribute ("worldtocamera", TypeMatrix, &Mcam); if (Mscr != Imath::M44f(0.0f)) configspec.attribute ("worldtoscreen", TypeMatrix, &Mscr); std::string wrapmodes = (swrap.size() ? swrap : wrap) + ',' + (twrap.size() ? twrap : wrap); configspec.attribute ("wrapmodes", wrapmodes); configspec.attribute ("maketx:verbose", verbose); configspec.attribute ("maketx:runstats", runstats); configspec.attribute ("maketx:resize", doresize); configspec.attribute ("maketx:nomipmap", nomipmap); configspec.attribute ("maketx:updatemode", updatemode); configspec.attribute ("maketx:constant_color_detect", constant_color_detect); configspec.attribute ("maketx:monochrome_detect", monochrome_detect); configspec.attribute ("maketx:opaque_detect", opaque_detect); configspec.attribute ("maketx:compute_average", compute_average); configspec.attribute ("maketx:unpremult", unpremult); configspec.attribute ("maketx:incolorspace", incolorspace); configspec.attribute ("maketx:outcolorspace", outcolorspace); configspec.attribute ("maketx:colorconfig", colorconfigname); configspec.attribute ("maketx:checknan", checknan); configspec.attribute ("maketx:fixnan", fixnan); configspec.attribute ("maketx:set_full_to_pixels", set_full_to_pixels); configspec.attribute ("maketx:highlightcomp", (int)do_highlight_compensation); configspec.attribute ("maketx:sharpen", sharpen); if (filtername.size()) configspec.attribute ("maketx:filtername", filtername); configspec.attribute ("maketx:nchannels", nchannels); configspec.attribute ("maketx:channelnames", channelnames); if (fileformatname.size()) configspec.attribute ("maketx:fileformatname", fileformatname); configspec.attribute ("maketx:prman_metadata", prman_metadata); configspec.attribute ("maketx:oiio_options", oiio); configspec.attribute ("maketx:prman_options", prman); if (mipimages.size()) configspec.attribute ("maketx:mipimages", Strutil::join(mipimages,";")); std::string cmdline = Strutil::format ("OpenImageIO %s : %s", OIIO_VERSION_STRING, command_line_string (argc, argv, sansattrib)); configspec.attribute ("Software", cmdline); configspec.attribute ("maketx:full_command_line", cmdline); // Add user-specified string attributes for (size_t i = 0; i < string_attrib_names.size(); ++i) { configspec.attribute (string_attrib_names[i], string_attrib_values[i]); } // Add user-specified "any" attributes -- try to deduce the type for (size_t i = 0; i < any_attrib_names.size(); ++i) { string_view s = any_attrib_values[i]; // Does it parse as an int (and nothing more?) int ival; if (Strutil::parse_int(s,ival)) { Strutil::skip_whitespace(s); if (! s.size()) { configspec.attribute (any_attrib_names[i], ival); continue; } } s = any_attrib_values[i]; // Does it parse as a float (and nothing more?) float fval; if (Strutil::parse_float(s,fval)) { Strutil::skip_whitespace(s); if (! s.size()) { configspec.attribute (any_attrib_names[i], fval); continue; } } // OK, treat it like a string configspec.attribute (any_attrib_names[i], any_attrib_values[i]); } if (ignore_unassoc) { configspec.attribute ("maketx:ignore_unassoc", (int)ignore_unassoc); ImageCache *ic = ImageCache::create (); // get the shared one ic->attribute ("unassociatedalpha", (int)ignore_unassoc); } }
int main (int argc, const char *argv[]) { Filesystem::convert_native_arguments (argc, (const char **)argv); ArgParse ap; ap.options ("iinfo -- print information about images\n" OIIO_INTRO_STRING "\n" "Usage: iinfo [options] filename...", "%*", parse_files, "", "--help", &help, "Print help message", "-v", &verbose, "Verbose output", "-m %s", &metamatch, "Metadata names to print (default: all)", "-f", &filenameprefix, "Prefix each line with the filename", "-s", &sum, "Sum the image sizes", "-a", &subimages, "Print info about all subimages", "--hash", &compute_sha1, "Print SHA-1 hash of pixel values", "--stats", &compute_stats, "Print image pixel statistics (data window)", NULL); if (ap.parse(argc, argv) < 0 || filenames.empty()) { std::cerr << ap.geterror() << std::endl; ap.usage (); return EXIT_FAILURE; } if (help) { ap.usage (); exit (EXIT_FAILURE); } if (! metamatch.empty()) field_re.assign (metamatch, boost::regex::extended | boost::regex_constants::icase); // Find the longest filename size_t longestname = 0; BOOST_FOREACH (const std::string &s, filenames) longestname = std::max (longestname, s.length()); longestname = std::min (longestname, (size_t)40); long long totalsize = 0; BOOST_FOREACH (const std::string &s, filenames) { ImageInput *in = ImageInput::open (s.c_str()); if (! in) { std::string err = geterror(); if (err.empty()) err = Strutil::format ("Could not open \"%s\"", s.c_str()); std::cerr << "iinfo: " << err << "\n"; continue; } ImageSpec spec = in->spec(); print_info (s, longestname, in, spec, verbose, sum, totalsize); in->close (); delete in; }