void operator()(std::size_t begin, std::size_t end) {
   for(std::size_t j = begin; j < end; j++){
     ArrayXd d = s2*a_prec(j) + s1*e_prec(j);
     ArrayXd mlam = b.col(j).array() / d;
     effects.col(j) = U * (mlam + randn_draws.col(j) / sqrt(d)).matrix();
Esempio n. 2
bool KmeansClusterer::updateClusterCentersUntilConverged(RefArrayXXd sample, RefArrayXXd centers, 
                                                         RefArrayXd clusterSizes, vector<int> &clusterIndices,
                                                         double &sumOfDistancesToClosestCenter, double relTolerance)
    unsigned int Npoints = sample.cols();
    unsigned int Ndimensions = sample.rows();
    unsigned int Nclusters = centers.cols();
    ArrayXXd updatedCenters = ArrayXXd::Zero(Ndimensions, Nclusters);   // coordinates of each of the new cluster centers

    // Perform the k-means clustering iteration, each time improving the cluster centers,
    // and redetermining which points belongs to which cluster
    bool stopIterations = false;
    bool convergenceReached;
    unsigned int indexOfClosestCenter;
    double oldSumOfDistances = 0.0;
    double newSumOfDistances = 0.0;
    double distanceToClosestCenter;
    double distance; 

    while (!stopIterations)
        // Find for each point the closest cluster center.
        // At the same time recompute/update the new cluster centers, which is simply
        // the barycenter of all points belonging to the cluster. 
        for (int n = 0; n < Npoints; ++n)
            distanceToClosestCenter = numeric_limits<double>::max();
            for (int i = 0; i < Nclusters; ++i)
                distance = metric.distance(sample.col(n), centers.col(i));
                if (distance < distanceToClosestCenter)
                    indexOfClosestCenter = i;
                    distanceToClosestCenter = distance;
            newSumOfDistances += distanceToClosestCenter;
            updatedCenters.col(indexOfClosestCenter) += sample.col(n);
            clusterSizes(indexOfClosestCenter) += 1; 
            clusterIndices[n] = indexOfClosestCenter;        

        // Assert that all clusters contain at least 2 points. If not we probably started
        // with an unfortunate set of initial cluster centers. Flag this by immediately 
        // returning false.
        if (!(clusterSizes > 1).all())
            convergenceReached = false;
            return convergenceReached;

        // Finish computing the new updated centers. Given the check above, we are sure
        // that none of the clusters is empty. 
        updatedCenters.rowwise() /= clusterSizes.transpose();
        centers = updatedCenters;

        // A new set of clusters has been determined.
        // Decide whether the algorithm has converged. Convergence occurs when
        // the sum of all distances of all points to their cluster center does
        // not change significantly anymore. 
        // Note: in order for this criterion to work properly, the coordinate
        //       space should be normalized, so that one particular coordinate
        //       cannot numerically dominate all other coordinates.
        if (oldSumOfDistances == 0.0)
            // This is the first center-updating iteration, so there is nothing to compare yet.
            // Simply set the variables.
            oldSumOfDistances = newSumOfDistances;
            newSumOfDistances = 0.0;
            // If the relative change in sumOfDistances between old and new was smaller than
            // the threshold set by the user, stop the iteration loop.
            if (fabs(newSumOfDistances - oldSumOfDistances) / oldSumOfDistances < relTolerance)
                sumOfDistancesToClosestCenter = newSumOfDistances;      // will be returned to user
                stopIterations = true;
                oldSumOfDistances = newSumOfDistances;
                newSumOfDistances = 0.0;
    }  // end k-means center-updating loop 
    // Convergence was properly reached, so return
    convergenceReached = true;
    return convergenceReached;  