Artist* Track::GetArtist( int index ) { Artist* pArtist = m_pSession->CreateArtist(); pArtist->Load( sp_track_artist( m_pTrack, index ) ); return pArtist; }
void SkView::onDraw(SkCanvas* canvas) { Artist* artist = this->getArtist(); if (artist) { artist->draw(this, canvas); } }
void CollectionScanner::processArtist(FileInfo *file) { Artist *artist = new Artist(); const QString artistTag = file->getTags()->artist; artist->setName(DataUtils::cleanTag(artistTag)); artist->setProperty("originalHash", artist->getHash()); // qDebug() << "Processing artist:" << artist->getName() << artist->getHash(); if (filesWaitingForArtists.contains(artist->getHash())) { qDebug() << "ERROR Processing artist multiple times!" << artist->getName(); } if (loadedArtists.contains(artist->getHash())) { qDebug() << "ERROR Artist already processed!" << artist->getName(); } // add this file to filesWaitingForArtists // this also acts as a lock for other files // when the info is ready, all waiting files will be processed QList<FileInfo *> files; files.append(file); filesWaitingForArtists.insert(artist->getHash(), files); connect(artist, SIGNAL(gotInfo()), SLOT(gotArtistInfo())); artist->fetchInfo(); }
void UniversalMusicScraper::onArtistRelsFinished() { QNetworkReply *reply = static_cast<QNetworkReply*>(QObject::sender()); Artist *artist = reply->property("storage").value<Storage*>()->artist(); QList<int> infos = reply->property("infosToLoad").value<Storage*>()->infosToLoad(); reply->deleteLater(); if (!artist) return; if (reply->attribute(QNetworkRequest::HttpStatusCodeAttribute).toInt() == 302 || reply->attribute(QNetworkRequest::HttpStatusCodeAttribute).toInt() == 301) { qDebug() << "Got redirect" << reply->attribute(QNetworkRequest::RedirectionTargetAttribute).toUrl(); reply = qnam()->get(QNetworkRequest(reply->attribute(QNetworkRequest::RedirectionTargetAttribute).toUrl())); reply->setProperty("storage", Storage::toVariant(reply, artist)); reply->setProperty("infosToLoad", Storage::toVariant(reply, infos)); connect(reply, SIGNAL(finished()), this, SLOT(onArtistRelsFinished())); return; } QString discogsUrl; if (reply->error() == QNetworkReply::NoError) { QString msg = QString::fromUtf8(reply->readAll()); QDomDocument domDoc; domDoc.setContent(msg); for (int i=0, n=domDoc.elementsByTagName("relation").count() ; i<n ; ++i) { QDomElement elem = domDoc.elementsByTagName("relation").at(i).toElement(); if (elem.attribute("type") == "allmusic" && elem.elementsByTagName("target").count() > 0) { QString url = elem.elementsByTagName("target").at(0).toElement().text(); QRegExp rx("allmusic\\.com/artist/(.*)$"); if (rx.indexIn(url) != -1) artist->setAllMusicId(rx.cap(1)); } if (elem.attribute("type") == "discogs" && elem.elementsByTagName("target").count() > 0) discogsUrl = elem.elementsByTagName("target").at(0).toElement().text(); } } if (!m_artistDownloads.contains(artist)) m_artistDownloads.insert(artist, QList<DownloadElement>()); m_artistDownloads[artist].clear(); appendDownloadElement(artist, "theaudiodb", "tadb_data", QUrl(QString("").arg(m_tadbApiKey).arg(artist->mbId()))); appendDownloadElement(artist, "theaudiodb", "tadb_discography", QUrl(QString("").arg(m_tadbApiKey).arg(artist->mbId()))); if (!artist->allMusicId().isEmpty()) { appendDownloadElement(artist, "allmusic", "am_data", QUrl(QString("").arg(artist->allMusicId()))); appendDownloadElement(artist, "allmusic", "am_biography", QUrl(QString("").arg(artist->allMusicId()))); } if (!discogsUrl.isEmpty()) appendDownloadElement(artist, "discogs", "discogs_data", QUrl(discogsUrl + "?type=Releases&subtype=Albums")); foreach (DownloadElement elem, m_artistDownloads[artist]) { QNetworkRequest request(elem.url); request.setRawHeader("User-Agent", "Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_10; rv:33.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/33.0"); QNetworkReply *reply = qnam()->get(request); new NetworkReplyWatcher(this, reply); reply->setProperty("storage", Storage::toVariant(reply, artist)); reply->setProperty("infosToLoad", Storage::toVariant(reply, infos)); connect(reply, SIGNAL(finished()), this, SLOT(onArtistLoadFinished())); }
void ArtistListPrivate::loadArtists(const QVariantList &artists) { Q_Q(ArtistList); foreach (QVariant artist, artists) { Artist *a = new Artist; a->d_func()->loadArtist(artist.toMap()); m_artists.append(a); }
void testReleaseArtist() { Metadata *md = MbXmlParser().parse(get_file_contents("../test-data/valid/release/Under_the_Pink_1.xml")); Release *release = md->getRelease(); CPPUNIT_ASSERT(release); Artist *artist = release->getArtist(); CPPUNIT_ASSERT(artist); CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(string(""), artist->getId()); CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(string("Tori Amos"), artist->getName()); }
bool FArtistsAdd::get(Artist &value) { this->ui->eName->setText(value.Name()); if (this->exec() == QDialog::Accepted) { value.setName(this->ui->eName->text()); return true; } return false; }
void AlbumInfo::setAlbum(Album *album) { if (!album) { clear(); return; } titleLabel->setText(album->getTitle()); QString wiki = album->getWiki(); if (wiki.isEmpty()) { wikiLabel->clear(); } else { int split = wiki.indexOf('\n', 512); if (split == -1) { split = wiki.indexOf(". ", 512); } QString html = "<html><style>a { color: white }</style><body>" + wiki.left(split); if (split != -1) { Artist *artist = album->getArtist(); QString url = "" + (artist ? artist->getName() : "_") + "/" + album->getTitle() + "/+wiki"; html += QString(" <a href='%1'>%2</a>").arg(url, tr("Read more")); } html += "</body></html>"; wikiLabel->setText(html); } QImage photo = album->getPhoto(); if (photo.isNull()) { photoLabel->clear(); photoLabel->hide(); } else { photoLabel->setPixmap(QPixmap::fromImage(photo)); photoLabel->show(); } QString query; if (album->getArtist()) query = album->getArtist()->getName() + " - "; query += album->getTitle(); buyOnAmazonButton->setProperty("query", query); buyOnAmazonButton->show(); /* QString qry("SELECT id FROM tracks where album=%1 order by track, title"); qry = qry.arg(album->getId()); qDebug() << qry; trackListModel->setQuery(qry, Database::instance().getConnection()); if (trackListModel->lastError().isValid()) qDebug() << trackListModel->lastError(); trackListView->setMinimumHeight(trackListView->maximumViewportSize().height()); */ }
void LfmListModel::addArtist( const Artist& a_artist ) { Artist* artist = new Artist; *artist = a_artist; LfmItem* item = new LfmItem( artist ); item->loadImage( artist->imageUrl( lastfm::Small, true )); beginInsertRows( QModelIndex(), rowCount(), rowCount()); m_items << item; connect( item, SIGNAL(updated()), SLOT( itemUpdated())); endInsertRows(); }
void testReleaseTracksVA() { Metadata *md = MbXmlParser().parse(get_file_contents("../test-data/valid/release/Mission_Impossible_2.xml")); Release *release = md->getRelease(); CPPUNIT_ASSERT(release); TrackList &tracks = release->getTracks(); CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(16, int(tracks.size())); Artist *artist = tracks[1]->getArtist(); CPPUNIT_ASSERT(artist); CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(string("1981"), artist->getBeginDate()); CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(string("Metallica"), artist->getName()); CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(string("Metallica"), artist->getSortName()); CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(Artist::TYPE_GROUP, artist->getType()); }
/************************************************************************** parameters: - return value: - Destructor, deletes all dynamically allocated parts of an instance of the class. As well as, the instance. **************************************************************************/ Artist::Artist(Artist& a) { cout << "Please enter a new first name: "; getline(cin, firstName); lastName = a.getLastName(); numberOfPaintings = a.getNumberOfPaintings(); pList = new PaintingList(); next = NULL; int i; PaintingList * pl = a.getPaintingList(); Painting * p = pl->getHead(); for(i = 0; i < numberOfPaintings; i++, p = p->getNext()) { pList->appendToTail(p->copy()); } }
void cmd_line(Shell &shell, int argc, const ShellArguments &argv){ if(argc != 5){ return; } long start[] = {atol(argv[1]), atol(argv[2])}; long end[] = {atol(argv[3]), atol(argv[4])}; artist.line(start, end); shell.write('x'); }
void CollectionScanner::gotArtistInfo() { // get the Artist that sent the signal Artist *artist = static_cast<Artist *>(sender()); if (!artist) { qDebug() << "Cannot get sender"; return; } // qDebug() << "got info for" << artist->getName(); int artistId = Artist::idForName(artist->getName()); if (artistId < 0) { // qDebug() << "We have a new promising artist:" << artist->getName(); artist->insert(); // TODO last insert id artistId = Artist::idForName(artist->getName()); } else { qDebug() << "Updating artist" << artist->getName(); artist->update(); } artist->setId(artistId); // now that we have an id, let's enqueue the cover image download QString imageUrl = artist->property("imageUrl").toString(); if (!imageUrl.isEmpty()) ImageDownloader::enqueue(artistId, ImageDownloader::ArtistType, imageUrl); const QString hash = artist->property("originalHash").toString(); QList<FileInfo *> files = filesWaitingForArtists.value(hash); filesWaitingForArtists.remove(hash); loadedArtists.insert(hash, artist); // if (hash != artist->getHash()) loadedArtists.insert(artist->getHash(), artist); // continue the processing of blocked files // qDebug() << files.size() << "files were waiting for artist" << artist->getName(); foreach (FileInfo *file, files) { file->setArtist(artist); // qDebug() << "ready for album" << file->getFileInfo().baseName(); giveThisFileAnAlbum(file); }
void LastFm::scrobble(Track* track) { if (!track) return; if (sessionKey.isEmpty()) { qWarning() << "Not authenticated to"; return; } QUrl url(WS); QMap<QString, QString> params; params["method"] = "track.scrobble"; params["timestamp"] = QString::number(track->getStartTime()); params["track"] = track->getTitle(); Artist* artist = track->getArtist(); if (!artist) { qDebug() << __FUNCTION__ << "Missing artist for" << track; return; } params["artist"] = artist->getName(); Album* album = track->getAlbum(); if (album) params["album"] = album->getTitle(); if (track->getNumber()) params["trackNumber"] = QString::number(track->getNumber()); if (track->getLength()) params["duration"] = QString::number(track->getLength()); params["api_key"] = Constants::LASTFM_API_KEY; params["sk"] = sessionKey; sign(params); The::http()->post(url, params); }
bool DAOCollection::openCollection(QString path) { QDomDocument doc; //******************************** // Read the DOM tree form file //******************************** QFile f(path); // We open the xml document if (! || !doc.setContent(&f)) return false; //******************************** // Parse the DOM tree //******************************** // The root node is supposed to be a "stone" tag, we retrieve its name QDomElement root=doc.documentElement(); // We traverse its children QDomElement child=root.firstChild().toElement(); while(!child.isNull()) { // We know how to treat appearance and geometry if (child.tagName() == "artist") { Artist * a = new Artist(child.attribute("id"),mCollection.getCollectionId(),child.attribute("name"),child.attribute("infos"),QUrl(child.attribute("image"))); // We traverse children QDomElement albums=child.firstChild().toElement(); while(!albums.isNull()) { if (albums.tagName() == "album") { Album * ab = new Album(child.attribute("id"),mCollection.getCollectionId(),albums.attribute("title"),a,QUrl(albums.attribute("image"))); QDomElement songs=albums.firstChild().toElement(); while(!songs.isNull()) { if (songs.tagName() == "song") { Song * s = new Song(child.attribute("id"),mCollection.getCollectionId(),songs.attribute("title"),1000,ab,QUrl()); ab->addSong(s); } songs = songs.nextSiblingElement(); } a->addAlbum(ab); } albums = albums.nextSiblingElement(); } mCollection.addArtist(a); } child = child.nextSiblingElement(); } return true; }
void PlaylistItemDelegate::paintAlbumHeader( QPainter* painter, const QStyleOptionViewItem& option, QRect line, Track* track) const { QString headerTitle; Album *album = track->getAlbum(); if (album) headerTitle = album->getTitle(); Artist *artist = track->getArtist(); if (artist) headerTitle += " - " + artist->getName(); painter->save(); // cover background /* QImage p = album->getPhoto(); if (!p.isNull()) { painter->drawTiledPixmap(line, QPixmap::fromImage(p)); QLinearGradient linearGrad(0, 0, 0, line.height()); linearGrad.setColorAt(0, QColor(0,0,0, 96)); linearGrad.setColorAt(1, QColor(0,0,0, 64)); painter->fillRect(line, QBrush(linearGrad)); } else { QLinearGradient linearGrad(0, 0, 0, line.height()); linearGrad.setColorAt(0, option.palette.color(QPalette::Mid)); linearGrad.setColorAt(1, option.palette.midlight().color()); painter->fillRect(line, QBrush(linearGrad)); }*/ QLinearGradient linearGrad(0, 0, 0, line.height()); #ifdef APP_MAC linearGrad.setColorAt(0, QColor(0x99, 0x99, 0x99, 0xFF)); linearGrad.setColorAt(1, QColor(0xCC, 0xCC, 0xCC, 0xFF)); #else linearGrad.setColorAt(0, option.palette.color(QPalette::Mid)); linearGrad.setColorAt(1, option.palette.color(QPalette::Midlight)); #endif painter->fillRect(line, QBrush(linearGrad)); // borders // painter->setPen(option.palette.color(QPalette::Light)); // painter->drawLine(0, 0, line.width(), 0); painter->setPen(option.palette.color(QPalette::Mid)); painter->drawLine(0, line.height()-1, line.width(), line.height()-1); // font QFont boldFont = painter->font(); boldFont.setBold(true); painter->setFont(boldFont); // text size QSize trackStringSize(QFontMetrics(painter->font()).size(Qt::TextSingleLine, headerTitle)); QPoint textLoc(PADDING*6, 0); QRect trackTextBox(textLoc.x(), textLoc.y(), trackStringSize.width(), line.height()); // text shadow painter->setPen(QColor(0, 0, 0, 64)); painter->drawText(trackTextBox.translated(0, -1), Qt::AlignLeft | Qt::AlignVCenter, headerTitle); // text painter->setPen(option.palette.color(QPalette::Light)); painter->drawText(trackTextBox, Qt::AlignLeft | Qt::AlignVCenter, headerTitle); // album length if (album) { // TODO this is the album duration, but not necessarily what we have in the playlist int totalLength = Track::getTotalLength(album->getTracks()); QString albumLength; if (totalLength > 3600) albumLength = QTime().addSecs(totalLength).toString("h:mm:ss"); else albumLength = QTime().addSecs(totalLength).toString("m:ss"); QFont normalFont = painter->font(); normalFont.setBold(false); // normalFont.setPointSize(boldFont.pointSize()*.9); painter->setFont(normalFont); painter->drawText(line.translated(-PADDING, 0), Qt::AlignRight | Qt::AlignVCenter, albumLength); } // TODO album year painter->restore(); }
void cmd_origin(Shell &shell, int argc, const ShellArguments &argv){ artist.origin(); shell.write('x'); }
void LibraryItemDelegateArtists::paint(QPainter *painter, const QStyleOptionViewItem & option, const QModelIndex & index) const { if(!index.isValid()) return; QLabel label; QRect rect(option.rect); painter->save(); painter->translate(0, 0); if(index.column() == 0){ int num_albums = index.model()->data(index, Qt::WhatsThisRole).toInt(); if(num_albums <= 1) label.setPixmap(QPixmap(Helper::getIconPath() + "play_small.png")); else label.setPixmap(QPixmap(Helper::getIconPath() + "fwd_orange.png")); label.setContentsMargins(2, 0, 2, 2); } else if(index.column() == 1){ QStringList list = index.model()->data(index, Qt::WhatsThisRole).toStringList(); Artist artist; artist.fromStringList(list); QString text = "<b>" + + "</b>"; label.setText(text); label.setContentsMargins(2, 0, 2, 2); } else if(index.column() == 2){ QString text = index.model()->data(index, Qt::WhatsThisRole).toString(); label.setText(text + " tracks"); label.setContentsMargins(2, 0, 4, 2); label.setAlignment(Qt::AlignRight | Qt::AlignVCenter); } QString style; QString fg_color; bool is_selected = ((option.state & QStyle::State_Selected) != 0); QPalette palette = _parent->palette(); QColor col_background = palette.color(QPalette::Active, QPalette::Background); QColor col_highlight = palette.color(QPalette::Active, QPalette::Highlight); //QColor col_highlight_lighter = palette.color(QPalette::Active, QPalette::Highlight).light(); int val_bg = col_background.lightness(); int val_sel = col_highlight.lightness(); if(!is_selected){ if(val_bg > 96) fg_color = " color: #202020"; else fg_color = " color: #D8D8D8; "; style = QString("background-color: transparent; ") + fg_color; } else { if(val_sel > 96) fg_color = " color: #202020"; else fg_color = " color: #D8D8D8; "; style = QString("background-color: " + + ";") + fg_color; } label.setAlignment( Qt::AlignVCenter ); label.setStyleSheet(style); label.setFixedHeight(_parent->rowHeight(index.row())-1); label.setFixedWidth(_parent->columnWidth(index.column())); label.setContentsMargins(2, 0, 2, 0); label.setStyleSheet(style); label.render(painter, rect.topLeft() ); painter->restore(); }
void Discogs::handleRelease( QNetworkReply* reply ){ Album album; QNetworkRequest request = reply->request(); QString key = request.attribute(QNetworkRequest::User).toString(); if( albums_.contains(key) ){ album = albums_[key]; //album.setArtists( QStringList() ); //album.setSongs( QList<Song>() ); } //cover->setText(""); QString err; QByteArray response(reply->readAll()); QXmlStreamReader xml(response); QList<Artist> Artists; QList<QUrl> images; QStringList artists,roles; QList<Song> songs; while (!xml.atEnd()) { xml.readNext(); //qDebug()<<; if( == "release" && xml.attributes().hasAttribute("id") ){ QString id = xml.attributes().value("id").toString(); album.setRelease(id); } if(xml.tokenType() == QXmlStreamReader::StartElement){ if( xml.attributes().hasAttribute("stat") ){ QString stat = xml.attributes().value("stat").toString(); if(stat=="fail"){ while(xml.readNextStartElement()){ if( == "error" ){ err.append(xml.readElementText()+"\n"); }else{ xml.skipCurrentElement(); } } } } if( xml.attributes().hasAttribute("requests") ){ //&nSearches = xml.attributes().value("requests").toString().toInt(); //info->setText(QString::number(nSearches)+" searches performed within the last 24 hours"); } if( == "images"){ xml.readNext(); while("image"){ if( xml.attributes().hasAttribute("uri") ){ images.append( QUrl( xml.attributes().value("uri").toString() ) ); //qDebug()<<"found image "<<xml.attributes().value("uri").toString(); } xml.readNext(); } } if( == "artists"){ while(xml.readNextStartElement()){ if( == "artist"){ while(xml.readNextStartElement()){ if( == "name"){ artists.append( xml.readElementText() ); }else{ xml.skipCurrentElement(); } } }else{ xml.skipCurrentElement(); } } } if( == "extraartists"){ while(xml.readNextStartElement()){ if( == "artist"){ //QString name;QString role; Artist a; while(xml.readNextStartElement()){ if( == "name"){ a.setName( xml.readElementText() ); }else if( == "role"){ a.setRole( xml.readElementText() ); }else{ xml.skipCurrentElement(); } Artists.append(a); } //qDebug()<<role+": "+name; //album.roles.append( role+": "+name ); }else{ xml.skipCurrentElement(); } } } if( == "formats"){ while(xml.readNextStartElement()){ if("format" && xml.attributes().hasAttribute("name") ){ QString sep=", "; if(album.format().isEmpty()){ sep=""; } album.setFormat( album.format() + sep + xml.attributes().value("name").toString() ); }else{ xml.skipCurrentElement(); } } } if( == "title"){ album.setTitle( xml.readElementText() ); } if( == "labels"){ xml.readNext(); while("label"){ if( xml.attributes().hasAttribute("name") ){ QString sep=", "; if(album.label().isEmpty()){ sep=""; } album.setLabel( album.label()+sep+xml.attributes().value("name").toString() ); } xml.readNext(); } } if( == "genres"){ while(xml.readNextStartElement()){ if( == "genre"){ QString sep=", "; if(album.genre().isEmpty()){ sep=""; } album.setGenre( album.genre() + sep + xml.readElementText() ); }else{ xml.skipCurrentElement(); } } } if( == "styles"){ while(xml.readNextStartElement()){ if( == "style"){ QString sep=", "; if({ sep=""; } album.setStyle( + sep + xml.readElementText() ); }else{ xml.skipCurrentElement(); } } } if( == "country"){ album.setCountry( xml.readElementText() ); } if( == "released"){ album.setYear( xml.readElementText().toInt() ); } if( == "notes"){ album.setNotes( xml.readElementText() ); } if( == "tracklist"){ while(xml.readNextStartElement()){ if( == "track"){ Song s; while(xml.readNextStartElement()){ //qDebug()<<<<xml.readElementText(); if( == "position"){ s.setTrack( xml.readElementText() ); }else if( == "title"){ s.setTitle( xml.readElementText() ); }else if( == "duration"){ QStringList tmp = xml.readElementText().split(":"); int sum=0; for(int j=0;j<tmp.size();j++){ sum = sum + ( tmp[j].toInt()*pow(60,tmp.size()-j-1) ); } s.setLength(sum); }else{ xml.skipCurrentElement(); } } songs.append(s); }else{ xml.skipCurrentElement(); } } } } } //fix/compress roles for artists //QList<artist> newArtists; while( Artists.size()>0 ){ QString role = Artists[0].role(); if(role.isEmpty()){ Artists.removeAt(0); continue; } Artist a;a.setRole(role);a.setName(Artists[0].name()); //qDebug()<<role; for(int j=Artists.size()-1;j>=1;j--){ if( Artists[j].role()==role ){ if( ! Artists[j].name() ) ){ a.setName("/"+Artists[j].name()); //qDebug()<<; } Artists.removeAt(j); } } Artists.removeAt(0); roles.append( a.role()+": " ); //newArtists.append(a); } //remove html links from notes QString notes = album.notes(); while(1){ int ind = notes.indexOf("<a href"); if(ind==-1){ break; } int ind2 = notes.indexOf(">",ind); notes.remove(ind,ind2-ind+1); } notes.remove("</a>",Qt::CaseInsensitive); album.setNotes(notes); if( reply->error() || !err.isEmpty() ){ if( reply->error() ){ err = reply->errorString()+":\n"+err; } QMessageBox::critical(0, "Error", err, QMessageBox::Ok, QMessageBox::Ok); } album.setArtists(artists); album.setRoles(roles); album.setImages(images); album.setSongs(songs); albums_.insert(album.key(),album); reply->deleteLater(); /* if(images.size()>0){ //qDebug()<<"starting image downloading for album "+album.title()<<", images: "<<images; QNetworkRequest coverRequest(images[0]); coverRequest.setAttribute(QNetworkRequest::User,album.key()); QNetworkAccessManager *coverManager = new QNetworkAccessManager; connect(coverManager, SIGNAL(finished(QNetworkReply*)), this, SLOT(handleCover(QNetworkReply*))); coverManager->get(coverRequest); }else { */ nDownloaded_++; qDebug()<<"downloaded album "<<album.title(); if( downloadImmediately_ && nDownloaded_==albums_.size() ){ emit albumsDownloaded( albums_ ); } if(!downloadImmediately_){ emit albumDownloaded( album ); } //} }
int main(int argc, char **argv) { if (argc < 1) { cout << "Usage: cdlookup [device]" << endl; return 1; } string device; if (argc > 1) device = argv[1]; Disc *disc; try { disc = readDisc(device); } catch (DiscError &e) { cout << "Error: " << e.what() << endl; return 1; } string discId = disc->getId(); delete disc; cout << "Disc Id: " << discId << endl << endl; Query q; ReleaseResultList results; try { ReleaseFilter f = ReleaseFilter().discId(discId); results = q.getReleases(&f); } catch (WebServiceError &e) { cout << "Error: " << e.what() << endl; return 1; } for (ReleaseResultList::iterator i = results.begin(); i != results.end(); i++) { ReleaseResult *result = *i; Release *release; try { release = q.getReleaseById(result->getRelease()->getId(), &ReleaseIncludes().tracks().artist()); } catch (WebServiceError &e) { cout << "Error: " << e.what() << endl; continue; } cout << "Id : " << release->getId() << endl; cout << "Title : " << release->getTitle() << endl; cout << "Tracks : "; int trackno = 1; for (TrackList::iterator j = release->getTracks().begin(); j != release->getTracks().end(); j++) { Track *track = *j; Artist *artist = track->getArtist(); if (!artist) artist = release->getArtist(); cout << trackno++ << ". " << artist->getName() << " / " << track->getTitle() << endl; cout << " "; } cout << endl; delete result; } return 0; }
ArtistData::ArtistData(const Artist &artist, const string &nation) : m_playcount(artist.Playcount()), m_nation(nation), m_name(artist.Name()), m_url(artist.Url()) { }