AstDOTGenerationExtended<ExtraNodeInfo_t, ExtraNodeOptions_t, ExtraEdgeInfo_t, ExtraEdgeOptions_t>::evaluateSynthesizedAttribute(SgNode* node, DOTInheritedAttribute ia, SubTreeSynthesizedAttributes l)
        using namespace std;

        SubTreeSynthesizedAttributes::iterator iter;

        // printf ("AstDOTGeneration::evaluateSynthesizedAttribute(): node = %s \n",node->class_name().c_str());

        // DQ (5/3/2006): Skip this IR node if it is specified as such in the inherited attribute
        if (ia.skipSubTree == true)
        // I am unclear if I should return NULL or node as a parameter to DOTSynthesizedAttribute
        // Figured this out: if we return a valid pointer then we get a node in the DOT graph 
        // (with just the pointer value as a label), where as if we return a DOTSynthesizedAttribute 
        // with a NUL pointer then the node will NOT appear in the DOT graph.
        // return DOTSynthesizedAttribute(node);
          return DOTSynthesizedAttribute(NULL);

        string nodeoption;
//      if(AstTests::isProblematic(node))
//      {
//      // cout << "problematic node found." << endl;
//        nodeoption="color=\"orange\" ";
//      }
        string nodelabel=string("\\n")+node->class_name();

        // DQ (1/19/2009): Added support for output of what specific instrcution this is in the dot graph.
        SgAsmInstruction* genericInstruction = isSgAsmInstruction(node);
        if (genericInstruction != NULL)
        // At the moment the mnemonic name is stored, but it could be computed in the 
        // future from the kind and the tostring() function.
#if 1
          string unparsedInstruction = unparseInstruction(genericInstruction);
          string addressString       = rose::StringUtility::numberToString( (void*) genericInstruction->get_address() );
        // string name = genericInstruction->get_mnemonic();
          string name = unparsedInstruction + "\\n address: " + addressString;
          string name = unparsedInstruction + "\\n" + addressString;
          ROSE_ASSERT(name.empty() == false);

          nodelabel += string("\\n") + name;
     printf ("Warning: In AstDOTGenerationImpl.C ROSE_BUILD_BINARY_ANALYSIS_SUPPORT is not defined \n");

        SgAsmExpression* genericExpression = isSgAsmExpression(node);
        if (genericExpression != NULL)
          string name = unparseExpression(genericExpression, NULL, NULL);
          ROSE_ASSERT(name.empty() == false);
          nodelabel += string("\\n") + name;
     printf ("Warning: In AstDOTGenerationImpl.C ROSE_BUILD_BINARY_ANALYSIS_SUPPORT is not defined \n");

        // DQ (10/29/2008): Added some support for additional output of internal names for specific IR nodes.
        // In generall there are long list of these IR nodes in the binary and this helps make some sense of 
        // the lists (sections, symbols, etc.).
        SgAsmExecutableFileFormat* binaryFileFormatNode = isSgAsmExecutableFileFormat(node);
        if (binaryFileFormatNode != NULL)
        // The case of binary file format IR nodes can be especially confusing so we want the 
        // default to output some more specific information for some IR nodes (e.g. sections).
          string name;

          SgAsmGenericSection* genericSection = isSgAsmGenericSection(node);
          if (genericSection != NULL)
                   SgAsmGenericString* genericString = genericSection->get_name();
                   ROSE_ASSERT(genericString != NULL);

                   name = genericString->get_string();

          SgAsmGenericSymbol* genericSymbol = isSgAsmGenericSymbol(node);
          if (genericSymbol != NULL)
                   SgAsmGenericString* genericString = genericSymbol->get_name();
                   ROSE_ASSERT(genericString != NULL);

                   name = genericString->get_string();

                   if (name.empty() == true)
                                name = "no_name_for_symbol";

          SgAsmGenericDLL* genericDLL = isSgAsmGenericDLL(node);
          if (genericDLL != NULL)
                   SgAsmGenericString* genericString = genericDLL->get_name();
                   ROSE_ASSERT(genericString != NULL);

                   name = genericString->get_string();

          SgAsmPEImportItem* peImportItem = isSgAsmPEImportItem(node);
          if (peImportItem != NULL)
                   SgAsmGenericString* genericString = peImportItem->get_name();
                   ROSE_ASSERT(genericString != NULL);

                   name = genericString->get_string();

          SgAsmDwarfLine* asmDwarfLine = isSgAsmDwarfLine(node);
          if (asmDwarfLine != NULL)
                // It does not work to embed the "\n" into the single sprintf parameter.
                     name = "Addr: " + rose::StringUtility::addrToString(asmDwarfLine->get_address()) +
                            "\\nline: " + rose::StringUtility::numberToString(asmDwarfLine->get_line()) +
                            " col: " + rose::StringUtility::numberToString(asmDwarfLine->get_column());

          SgAsmDwarfConstruct* asmDwarfConstruct = isSgAsmDwarfConstruct(node);
          if (asmDwarfConstruct != NULL)
                   name = asmDwarfConstruct->get_name();

#if 0
        // This might not be the best way to implement this, since we want to detect common base classes of IR nodes.
          switch (node->variantT())
                   case V_SgAsmElfSection:
                                SgAsmElfSection* n = isSgAsmElfSection(node);
                                name = n->get_name();

                         // No additional information is suggested for the default case!

          if (name.empty() == false)
                   nodelabel += string("\\n") + name;
     printf ("Warning: In AstDOTGenerationImpl.C ROSE_BUILD_BINARY_ANALYSIS_SUPPORT is not defined \n");

        // DQ (11/29/2008): Output the directives in the label of the IR node.
        SgC_PreprocessorDirectiveStatement* preprocessorDirective = isSgC_PreprocessorDirectiveStatement(node);
        if (preprocessorDirective != NULL)
          string s = preprocessorDirective->get_directiveString();

        // Change any double quotes to single quotes so that DOT will not misunderstand the generated lables.
          while (s.find("\"") != string::npos)

          if (s.empty() == false)
                   nodelabel += string("\\n") + s;

        nodelabel += eni(node);//additionalNodeInfo(node);
        string additionalOptions = eno(node);//additionalNodeOptions(node);

        string x;
        string y;
        x += additionalOptions;
        nodeoption += additionalOptions;

        DOTSynthesizedAttribute d(0);

        // DQ (7/27/2008): Added mechanism to support pruning of AST
        bool commentoutNode = commentOutNodeInGraph(node);
        if (commentoutNode == true)
        // DQ (11/10/2008): Fixed to only output message when (verbose_level > 0); command-line option.
        // DQ (7/27/2008): For now just return to test this mechanism, then we want to add comment "//" propoerly to generated DOT file.
          if (SgProject::get_verbose() > 0)
                   printf ("Skipping the use of this IR node in the DOT Graph \n");

        // **************************

          case TOPDOWNBOTTOMUP:
          case PREORDER:
          case TOPDOWN:
          case POSTORDER:
          case BOTTOMUP:


        // add edges or null values
        int testnum=0;
        for (iter = l.begin(); iter != l.end(); iter++)
          string edgelabel = string(node->get_traversalSuccessorNamesContainer()[testnum]);
          string toErasePrefix = "p_";

//        if (AstTests::isPrefix(toErasePrefix,edgelabel))
//               {
//                 edgelabel.erase(0, toErasePrefix.size());
//               }

          if ( iter->node == NULL)
                // SgNode* snode=node->get_traversalSuccessorContainer()[testnum];
                   AstSuccessorsSelectors::SuccessorsContainer c;
                   SgNode* snode=c[testnum];

                // isDefault shows that the default constructor for synth attribute was used
                   if (l[testnum].isDefault() && snode && (visitedNodes.find(snode) != visitedNodes.end()) )
                         // handle bugs in SAGE
                                dotrep.addEdge(node,edgelabel,snode,"dir=forward arrowhead=\"odot\" color=red ");
                                if (snode == NULL)
                // DQ (3/5/2007) added mechanism to add additional options (to add color, etc.)
                   string edgeoption = additionalEdgeOptions(node,iter->node,edgelabel);

                                case TOPDOWNBOTTOMUP:
                                         dotrep.addEdge(node,edgelabel,(*iter).node,edgeoption + "dir=both");
                                case PREORDER:
                                case TOPDOWN:
                                         dotrep.addEdge(node,edgelabel,(*iter).node,edgeoption + "dir=forward");
                                case POSTORDER:
                                case BOTTOMUP:
                                         dotrep.addEdge(node,edgelabel,(*iter).node,edgeoption + "dir=back");


        // **************************

        // DQ (7/4/2008): Support for edges specified in AST attributes
        AstAttributeMechanism* astAttributeContainer = node->get_attributeMechanism();
        if (astAttributeContainer != NULL)
        // Loop over all the attributes at this IR node
          AstAttributeMechanism::AttributeIdentifiers attrIdentifiers = astAttributeContainer->getAttributeIdentifiers();
          for (AstAttributeMechanism::AttributeIdentifiers::iterator i = attrIdentifiers.begin(); i!=attrIdentifiers.end(); ++i)
                   std::string name = *i;
                   AstAttribute* attribute = astAttributeContainer->operator[](name);
                   ROSE_ASSERT(attribute != NULL);

                // This can return a non-empty list in user-defined attributes (derived from AstAttribute).
                // printf ("Calling attribute->additionalNodeInfo() \n");
                   std::vector<AstAttribute::AttributeNodeInfo> nodeList = attribute->additionalNodeInfo();
                // printf ("nodeList.size() = %lu \n",nodeList.size());

                   for (std::vector<AstAttribute::AttributeNodeInfo>::iterator i_node = nodeList.begin(); i_node != nodeList.end(); i_node++)
                                SgNode* nodePtr   = i_node->nodePtr;
                                string nodelabel  = i_node->label;
                                string nodeoption = i_node->options;
                         // printf ("In AstDOTGeneration::evaluateSynthesizedAttribute(): Adding a node nodelabel = %s nodeoption = %s \n",nodelabel.c_str(),nodeoption.c_str());
                         // dotrep.addNode(NULL,dotrep.traceFormat(ia.tdTracePos)+nodelabel,nodeoption);
                                dotrep.addNode( nodePtr, dotrep.traceFormat(ia.tdTracePos) + nodelabel, nodeoption );

                // printf ("Calling attribute->additionalEdgeInfo() \n");
                   std::vector<AstAttribute::AttributeEdgeInfo> edgeList = attribute->additionalEdgeInfo();
                // printf ("edgeList.size() = %lu \n",edgeList.size());
                   for (std::vector<AstAttribute::AttributeEdgeInfo>::iterator i_edge = edgeList.begin(); i_edge != edgeList.end(); i_edge++)
                                string edgelabel  = i_edge->label;
                                string edgeoption = i_edge->options;
                         // printf ("In AstDOTGeneration::evaluateSynthesizedAttribute(): Adding an edge from i_edge->fromNode = %p to i_edge->toNode = %p edgelabel = %s edgeoption = %s \n",i_edge->fromNode,i_edge->toNode,edgelabel.c_str(),edgeoption.c_str());
                                dotrep.addEdge(i_edge->fromNode,edgelabel,i_edge->toNode,edgeoption + "dir=forward");

        // DQ (9/1/2008): Added case for output of SgProject rooted DOT file.
        // This allows source code and binary files to be combined into the same DOT file.
          case V_SgProject: 
                   SgProject* project = dynamic_cast<SgProject*>(node);
                   ROSE_ASSERT(project != NULL);

                   string generatedProjectName = SageInterface::generateProjectName( project );
                // printf ("generatedProjectName (from SgProject) = %s \n",generatedProjectName.c_str());
                   if (generatedProjectName.length() > 40)
                         // printf ("Warning: generatedProjectName (from SgProject) = %s \n",generatedProjectName.c_str());
                                generatedProjectName = "aggregatedFileNameTooLong";
                                printf ("Proposed (generated) filename is too long, shortened to: %s \n",generatedProjectName.c_str());

                   string filename = string("./") + generatedProjectName + ".dot";

                // printf ("generated filename for dot file (from SgProject) = %s \n",filename.c_str());
                   if ( SgProject::get_verbose() >= 1 )
                                printf ("Output the DOT graph from the SgProject IR node (filename = %s) \n",filename.c_str());


        // case V_SgFile: 
          case V_SgSourceFile: 
          case V_SgBinaryComposite: 
                   SgFile* file = dynamic_cast<SgFile*>(node);
                   ROSE_ASSERT(file != NULL);

                   string original_filename = file->getFileName();

                // DQ (7/4/2008): Fix filenamePostfix to go before the "."
                // string filename = string("./") + rose::utility_stripPathFromFileName(original_filename) + "."+filenamePostfix+"dot";
//                 string filename = string("./") + rose::utility_stripPathFromFileName(original_filename) + filenamePostfix + ".dot";
                   string filename = string("./") + rose::StringUtility::stripPathFromFileName(original_filename) + filenamePostfix + ".dot";

                // printf ("generated filename for dot file (from SgSourceFile or SgBinaryComposite) = %s file->get_parent() = %p \n",filename.c_str(),file->get_parent());

                // printf ("file->get_parent() = %p \n",file->get_parent());
                // cout << "generating DOT file (from SgSourceFile or SgBinaryComposite): " << filename2 << " ... ";

                // DQ (9/1/2008): this effects the output of DOT files when multiple files are specified 
                // on the command line.  A SgProject is still built even when a single file is specificed 
                // on the command line, however there are cases where a SgFile can be built without a 
                // SgProject and this case allows those SgFile rooted subtrees to be output as DOT files.
                // If there is a SgProject then output the dot file from there, else output as a SgFile.
                   if (file->get_parent() == NULL)
                         // If there is no SgProject then output the file now!
                                if ( SgProject::get_verbose() >= 1 )
                                         printf ("Output the DOT graph from the SgFile IR node (no SgProject available) \n");

                         // There is a SgProject IR node, but if we will be traversing it we want to output the 
                         // graph then (so that the graph will include the SgProject IR nodes and connect multiple 
                         // files (SgSourceFile or SgBinaryComposite IR nodes).
                                if ( visitedNodes.find(file->get_parent()) == visitedNodes.end() )
                                  // This SgProject node was not input as part of the traversal, 
                                  // so we will not be traversing the SgProject IR nodes and we 
                                  // have to output the graph now!

                                         if ( SgProject::get_verbose() >= 1 )
                                                  printf ("Output the DOT graph from the SgFile IR node (SgProject was not traversed) \n");

                                         if ( SgProject::get_verbose() >= 1 )
                                                  printf ("Skip the output of the DOT graph from the SgFile IR node (SgProject will be traversed) \n");
                // cout << "done." << endl;

        // DQ (7/23/2005): Implemented default case to avoid g++ warnings 
        // about enum values not handled by this switch
                // nothing to do here

        d.node = node;
        return d;
Esempio n. 2
DetectionTraversal::evaluateSynthesizedAttribute (SgNode* astNode, Detection_InheritedAttribute inheritedAttribute, SubTreeSynthesizedAttributes synthesizedAttributeList )
     ROSE_ASSERT(astNode != NULL);

     Detection_SynthesizedAttribute return_synthesizedAttribute(astNode);

#if 1
     printf ("In evaluateSynthesizedAttribute(): astNode = %p = %s synthesizedAttributeList.size() = %zu dslChildren.size() = %zu \n",

  // At each IR node and across all children, accumulate the dslChildren (child nodes for each of the DSL AST nodes).
     for (SubTreeSynthesizedAttributes::iterator i = synthesizedAttributeList.begin(); i != synthesizedAttributeList.end(); i++)
          SgNode* childNode = (*i).node;
       // ROSE_ASSERT(childNode != NULL);
          if (childNode != NULL)
#if 0
               printf ("Identified child node in evaluateSynthesizedAttribute(): childNode = %p = %s \n",childNode,childNode->class_name().c_str());
            // Insert each list from the child into the accumulated list in the current Synthesized Attribute.
#if 0
               printf ("   --- copying i->dslChildren.size() = %zu into return_synthesizedAttribute.dslChildren.size() = %zu \n",i->dslChildren.size(),return_synthesizedAttribute.dslChildren.size());
               if (return_synthesizedAttribute.dslChildren.empty() == false)
#if 0
                    printf ("In evaluateSynthesizedAttribute(): dslChildren.size() = %zu \n",return_synthesizedAttribute.dslChildren.size());
#if 1
               printf ("childNode == NULL \n");

  // Recognition of other control statements (e.g. for loops for the stencil evaluation) or expression/statement abstractions (e.g. function calls)
  // Note: DSL specific control abstractions might be recognised as loops containing DSL abstractions and having constant evaluatable base and bounds.

  // For any DSL specific AST nodes (C++ AST nodes containing a DSL_Attribute), initialize the pointers to children of the DSL IR node.
     AstAttributeMechanism* astAttributeContainer = astNode->get_attributeMechanism();
     if (astAttributeContainer != NULL)
#if 1
          printf ("In evaluateSynthesizedAttribute(): found a attribute on astNode = %p = %s \n",astNode,astNode->class_name().c_str());
       // I think there should only be one DSL attribute, in the future we can support more on a single IR node.
          if (astAttributeContainer->size() != 1)
               printf ("WARNING: astAttributeContainer->size() != 1: astAttributeContainer->size() = %zu \n",astAttributeContainer->size());
#if 1
       // DQ: Allow this for the moment while testing.
          ROSE_ASSERT(astAttributeContainer->size() == 1);
       // Loop over all the attributes at this IR node
       // Pei-Hung (12/22/15): THe ASTAttributeMechanmsim is changed and has to use new API
       // for (AstAttributeMechanism::iterator i = astAttributeContainer->begin(); i != astAttributeContainer->end(); i++)
          BOOST_FOREACH (const std::string &attributeName, astAttributeContainer->getAttributeIdentifiers()) 
               AstAttribute* attribute = astNode->getAttribute(attributeName);
               ROSE_ASSERT(attribute != NULL);
#if 1
            // DSL_Attribute* dslAstAttribute = dynamic_cast<DSL_Attribute*>(attribute);
               dsl_attribute* dslAstAttribute = dynamic_cast<dsl_attribute*>(attribute);
               ROSE_ASSERT(dslAstAttribute != NULL);
#if 1
               printf ("Identified dslAstAttribute in evaluateSynthesizedAttribute(): astNode = %p = %s \n",astNode,astNode->class_name().c_str());
               printf ("   --- return_synthesizedAttribute.dslChildren.size() = %zu \n",return_synthesizedAttribute.dslChildren.size());
            // Copy the dsl child data to the dsl attribute.
               dslAstAttribute->currentNode = astNode;
               dslAstAttribute->dslChildren = return_synthesizedAttribute.dslChildren;

       // Clear the dsl attributes becasue we the only collect dsl child attributes at dsl attributed IR nodes and don't pass then further up the tree.          

       // Add the current node since it has an attribute.

#if 0
          printf ("Exiting as a test! \n");