int main(int argc, char** argv) { Path path; String tmp; String configuration_string = ""; CommandlineParser parpars("SLICK", "scoring protein-carbohydrate interactions", VERSION, String(__DATE__), "Scoring"); parpars.registerFlag("E", "compute only SLICKEnergy"); parpars.registerFlag("S", "compute only SLICKScore"); parpars.registerFlag("u", "unite atoms"); parpars.registerFlag("n", "read radius rules for the nonpolar solvation from FILE"); parpars.registerFlag("N", "scale nonpolar radii by FACTOR"); parpars.registerFlag("log", "write log file"); parpars.registerMandatoryInputFile("rec", "input receptor file"); parpars.registerMandatoryInputFile("lig", "input ligand file"); parpars.registerOptionalInputFile("cr", "charge rules"); parpars.registerOptionalInputFile("pr", "radius rules for the polar solvation"); parpars.registerOptionalInputFile("lj", "use FILE for LJ parameters"); parpars.registerOptionalInputFile("op", "read options from FILE (command line overrides!)"); parpars.registerOptionalIntegerParameter("v", "verbosity to level"); parpars.registerOptionalDoubleParameter("s", "scaling factor for receptor charges"); parpars.registerOptionalDoubleParameter("t", "scaling factor for ligand charges"); parpars.setSupportedFormats("rec","PDB"); parpars.setSupportedFormats("lig","HIN"); parpars.setSupportedFormats("cr","rul"); parpars.setSupportedFormats("pr","rul"); parpars.setSupportedFormats("lj","rul"); parpars.setSupportedFormats("op", "ini"); String man = "This tool calculates the SLICKEnergy / SLICK Score for protein-carbohydrate complexes."; parpars.setToolManual(man); parpars.parse(argc, argv); Options options; ScoringFunction::getDefaultOptions(options); unsigned int verbosity = 0; if (parpars.get("v") != CommandlineParser::NOT_FOUND) { verbosity = parpars.get("v").toInt(); options.setInteger("verbosity", verbosity); } float receptor_charge_scaling_factor = 1.0f; if (parpars.get("s") != CommandlineParser::NOT_FOUND) { receptor_charge_scaling_factor = parpars.get("s").toFloat(); configuration_string += "scale_receptor_charges " + parpars.get("s") + "\n"; } float ligand_charge_scaling_factor = 1.0f; if (parpars.get("t") != CommandlineParser::NOT_FOUND) { ligand_charge_scaling_factor = parpars.get("t").toFloat(); configuration_string += "scale_ligand_charges " + parpars.get("t") + "\n"; } String protein_file_name = parpars.get("rec"); if (protein_file_name == CommandlineParser::NOT_FOUND) { Log.error() << "Missing protein file name." << endl; return 1; } configuration_string += "protein_file_name " + protein_file_name + "\n"; String ligand_file_name = parpars.get("lig"); if (ligand_file_name == CommandlineParser::NOT_FOUND) { Log.error() << "Missing ligand file name." << endl; return 1; } configuration_string += "ligand_file_name " + ligand_file_name + "\n"; if (verbosity > 0) { << "Initializing residue checker." << endl; } FragmentDB db("fragments/Fragments.db"); ResidueChecker check(db); time_t rawtime; time(&rawtime); String time_string("start: " + String(asctime(localtime(&rawtime)))); // now load the molecules and assign radii and charges depending on // what the user wants System system; PDBFile protein_file(protein_file_name); protein_file >> system; protein_file.close(); Molecule* protein = system.getMolecule(0); if (verbosity > 0) { << "Normalizing names (protein)." << endl; } system.apply(db.normalize_names); if (verbosity > 0) { << "Building bonds (protein)." << endl; } system.apply(db.build_bonds); HINFile ligand_hin_file;; ligand_hin_file >> system; ligand_hin_file.close(); Molecule* ligand = system.getMolecule(1); // Read and apply charge rules String charge_rule_file_name = parpars.get("cr"); if (charge_rule_file_name == CommandlineParser::NOT_FOUND) { charge_rule_file_name = "solvation/PARSE+ions.rul"; } else { configuration_string += "use_charge_rules " + charge_rule_file_name + "\n"; tmp = path.find(charge_rule_file_name); if (tmp != "") { charge_rule_file_name = tmp; } if (verbosity > 0) { << "Using " << charge_rule_file_name << " as charge rule file" << endl; } INIFile charge_ini(charge_rule_file_name);; ChargeRuleProcessor charge_rules(charge_ini); system.apply(charge_rules); } // Read and apply polar charge rules String polar_radius_rule_file_name = parpars.get("pr"); if (polar_radius_rule_file_name == CommandlineParser::NOT_FOUND) { polar_radius_rule_file_name = "solvation/PARSE+ions.rul"; } else { configuration_string += "use_polar_radius_rules " + polar_radius_rule_file_name + "\n"; tmp = path.find(polar_radius_rule_file_name); if (tmp != "") { polar_radius_rule_file_name = tmp; } if (verbosity > 0) { << "Using " << polar_radius_rule_file_name << " as polar radius rule file" << endl; } INIFile radius_ini(polar_radius_rule_file_name);; RadiusRuleProcessor radius_rules(radius_ini); system.apply(radius_rules); } if (verbosity > 8) { << "system statistics:" << endl; << "molecules: " << system.countMolecules() << endl; << "proteins: " << system.countProteins() << endl; << "fragments: " << system.countFragments() << endl; << "atoms: " << system.countAtoms() << endl; } // check for uassigned type names AtomIterator it; int count = 0; for (it = system.beginAtom(); +it; ++it) { count++; if (it->getElement().getSymbol() == "?") { << "Got symbol \"?\": " << it->getFullName() << endl; } if (it->getCharge() > 8.0) { Log.error() << "Mysterious charge: " << it->getCharge() << "\t" << it->getFullName() << "\t" << count << "\t" << it->getElement().getSymbol() << endl; } } // scale charges if (verbosity > 0) { << "Scaling receptor charges by " << receptor_charge_scaling_factor << endl; } if (parpars.has("s")) { for (it = protein->beginAtom(); +it; ++it) { it->setCharge(it->getCharge() * receptor_charge_scaling_factor); } } if (verbosity > 0) { << "Scaling ligand charges by " << ligand_charge_scaling_factor << endl; } if (parpars.has("t")) { for (it = ligand->beginAtom(); +it; ++it) { it->setCharge(it->getCharge() * ligand_charge_scaling_factor); } } String options_file_name = parpars.get("op"); if (options_file_name != CommandlineParser::NOT_FOUND) { options.readOptionFile(options_file_name); configuration_string += "read_options_file " + options_file_name; } String lj_parameter_file_name = parpars.get("lj"); if (lj_parameter_file_name == CommandlineParser::NOT_FOUND) { lj_parameter_file_name = "Amber/amber94gly.ini"; } else { configuration_string = configuration_string + "lj_parameter_file_name " + lj_parameter_file_name; } options.set(VanDerWaalsSlick::Option::LENNARD_JONES_FILE, lj_parameter_file_name); if (parpars.has("u")) { options.setBool(PolarSolvation::Option::UNITE_ATOMS, true); cout << "Uniting atoms." << endl; configuration_string += "unite_atoms true\n"; } else { options.setBool(PolarSolvation::Option::UNITE_ATOMS, false); cout << "Not uniting atoms." << endl; } String nonpolar_radius_rule_file_name = parpars.get("n"); if (nonpolar_radius_rule_file_name == CommandlineParser::NOT_FOUND) { nonpolar_radius_rule_file_name = "solvation/bondi.rul"; } else { cout << "Using " << nonpolar_radius_rule_file_name << " for nonpolar radii" << endl; configuration_string += "use_nonpolar_radius_rules " + nonpolar_radius_rule_file_name + "\n"; options.setBool(NonpolarSolvation::Option::NONPOLAR_OVERWRITE_RADII, true); options.set(NonpolarSolvation::Option::NONPOLAR_RADIUS_RULES, nonpolar_radius_rule_file_name); } float score = 0.0f; if (!parpars.has("S")) { configuration_string = configuration_string + "calculate_energy\n"; SLICKEnergy slick(*protein, *ligand, options); score = slick.calculateScore(); cout << endl << "SLICK/energy is " << score << " kJ/mol" << endl; if (verbosity > 1) { cout << endl << "Scores (w/o coefficients)" << endl << endl; cout << "Hydrogen bonds " << slick.getHydrogenBondScore() << endl; cout << "CHPI " << slick.getCHPIScore() << endl; cout << "VanDerWaalsSlick " << slick.getVDWScore() << endl; cout << "Nonpolar solvation " << slick.getNonpolarSolvationScore() << endl; cout << "Polar Solvation " << slick.getPolarSolvationScore() << endl; } #ifdef OLD_DATAFILE_FORMAT String dat_file_name; String component; File datfile; component = "SLICKenergy"; dat_file_name = component + ".dat";, std::ios::out); datfile << protein_file_name << " " << ligand_file_name << " " << score << " " << component << endl; datfile.close(); component = "HB"; dat_file_name = component + ".dat";, std::ios::out); datfile << protein_file_name << " " << ligand_file_name << " " << slick.getHydrogenBondScore() << " " << component << endl; datfile.close(); component = "CHPISlick"; dat_file_name = component + ".dat";, std::ios::out); datfile << protein_file_name << " " << ligand_file_name << " " << slick.getCHPIScore() << " " << component << endl; datfile.close(); component = "VDW5"; dat_file_name = component + ".dat";, std::ios::out); datfile << protein_file_name << " " << ligand_file_name << " " << slick.getVDWScore() << " " << component << endl; datfile.close(); component = "NONPOLAR2"; dat_file_name = component + ".dat";, std::ios::out); datfile << protein_file_name << " " << ligand_file_name << " " << slick.getNonpolarSolvationScore() << " " << component << endl; datfile.close(); component = "DESOLV4"; dat_file_name = component + ".dat";, std::ios::out); datfile << protein_file_name << " " << ligand_file_name << " " << slick.getPolarSolvationScore() << " " << component << endl; datfile.close(); #endif time(&rawtime); time_string = time_string + String("stop: " + String(asctime(localtime(&rawtime)))); if (parpars.has("log")) { File logfile("SLICKenergy.log", std::ios::out); logfile << configuration_string << endl; logfile << time_string << endl; logfile.close(); } } if (!parpars.has("E")) { configuration_string = configuration_string + "calculate_score\n"; SLICKScore slick(*protein, *ligand, options); score = slick.calculateScore(); cout << endl << "SLICK/score is " << score << " (arb. units)" << endl; if (verbosity > 1) { cout << endl << "Scores (w/o coefficients)" << endl << endl; cout << "Hydrogen bonds " << slick.getHydrogenBondScore() << endl; cout << "CHPI " << slick.getCHPIScore() << endl; cout << "VanDerWaalsSlick " << slick.getVDWScore() << endl; cout << "Electrostatic int. " << slick.getPolarSolvationScore() << endl; } #ifdef OLD_DATAFILE_FORMAT String dat_file_name; String component; File datfile; component = "SLICKenergy"; dat_file_name = component + ".dat";, std::ios::out); datfile << protein_file_name << " " << ligand_file_name << " " << score << " " << component << endl; datfile.close(); component = "HB"; dat_file_name = component + ".dat";, std::ios::out); datfile << protein_file_name << " " << ligand_file_name << " " << slick.getHydrogenBondScore() << " " << component << endl; datfile.close(); component = "CHPISlick"; dat_file_name = component + ".dat";, std::ios::out); datfile << protein_file_name << " " << ligand_file_name << " " << slick.getCHPIScore() << " " << component << endl; datfile.close(); component = "VDW5"; dat_file_name = component + ".dat";, std::ios::out); datfile << protein_file_name << " " << ligand_file_name << " " << slick.getVDWScore() << " " << component << endl; datfile.close(); component = "COULOMB"; dat_file_name = component + ".dat";, std::ios::out); datfile << protein_file_name << " " << ligand_file_name << " " << slick.getPolarSolvationScore() << " " << component << endl; datfile.close(); #endif time(&rawtime); time_string = time_string + String("stop: " + String(asctime(localtime(&rawtime)))); if (parpars.has("log")) { File logfile("SLICKscore.log", std::ios::out); logfile << configuration_string << endl; logfile << time_string << endl; logfile.close(); } } }
CHECK(AntechamberFile::AntechamberFile(const String& filename, File::OpenMode open_mode)) // checking for default mode: reading AntechamberFile f(BALL_TEST_DATA_PATH(; TEST_EQUAL(f.isValid(), true) RESULT CHECK(AntechamberFile::read(System& system)) AntechamberFile f(BALL_TEST_DATA_PATH(; System S;; f.close(); TEST_EQUAL(S.countAtoms(), 2) AtomIterator it = S.beginAtom(); TEST_EQUAL(it->getElement().getSymbol(), "H") TEST_REAL_EQUAL(it->getPosition().x, 0.0) TEST_REAL_EQUAL(it->getPosition().y, 1.0) TEST_REAL_EQUAL(it->getPosition().z, 2.0) it++; TEST_EQUAL(it->getElement().getSymbol(), "O") TEST_REAL_EQUAL(it->getPosition().x, 3.0) TEST_REAL_EQUAL(it->getPosition().y, 4.0) TEST_REAL_EQUAL(it->getPosition().z, 5.0) RESULT CHECK(AntechamberFile::read(System& system)) AntechamberFile f(BALL_TEST_DATA_PATH(; System S;;
double Polarity::updateScore() { score_ = 0.0; //float val = 0.0; //float distance; //float R1; //float R2; const HashGrid3<Atom*>* hashgrid = scoring_function_->getHashGrid(); int radius = 1; Size no_neighbor_cells = (Size)pow((double)(radius*2+1), 3); // radius of 1 cell == > 3 cells on each axis double total_sum = 0; AtomPairVector::const_iterator it; for (AtomIterator it = scoring_function_->getLigand()->beginAtom(); +it; it++) { int no_positive_contacts = 0; int no_negative_contacts = 0; bool ligandatom_is_lipophilic = isLipophilic_(&*it); if (!ligandatom_is_lipophilic) { continue; } const HashGridBox3<Atom*>* box = hashgrid->getBox(it->getPosition()); // ligand atom lies outside of grid if (!box) continue; Position pos_x, pos_y, pos_z; hashgrid->getIndices(*box, pos_x, pos_y, pos_z); // indices in HashGrid, where the search for interacting target atoms should begin ( != position of ligand atom) int i = ((int)pos_x)-radius; if (i < 0){i = 0; } int j0 = ((int)pos_y)-radius; if (j0 < 0){j0 = 0; } int k0 = ((int)pos_z)-radius; if (k0 < 0){k0 = 0; } int x_size = (int)hashgrid->getSizeX(); int y_size = (int)hashgrid->getSizeY(); int z_size = (int)hashgrid->getSizeZ(); for (; i <= pos_x+radius && i < x_size; i++) { for (int j = j0; j <= pos_y+radius && j < y_size; j++) { for (int k = k0; k <= pos_z+radius && k < z_size; k++) { const HashGridBox3<Atom*>* box = hashgrid->getBox(i, j, k); if (!box->isEmpty()) { double cell_score = 0; for (HashGridBox3 < Atom* > ::ConstDataIterator d_it = box->beginData(); d_it != box->endData(); d_it++) { if (isBackboneAtom_(*d_it)) continue; bool rec_polar = isPolar_(*d_it); bool rec_lipophilic = 0; if (!rec_polar) rec_lipophilic = isLipophilic_(*d_it); if (!rec_polar && ! rec_lipophilic) continue; double distance = ((*d_it)->getPosition()-it->getPosition()).getLength(); if (distance > (*d_it)->getElement().getVanDerWaalsRadius()+it->getElement().getVanDerWaalsRadius()+1.5) continue; double val; if (distance > 1) val = 1/distance; else val = 1; // lipophilic--lipophilic interaction; else polar rec. -- lipophilic ligand atom if (rec_lipophilic) { val *= -1; } cell_score += val; total_sum += val; if (scoring_function_->storeInteractionsEnabled()) { val = scaleScore(val); it->addInteraction(*d_it, "pol", val); (*d_it)->addInteraction(&*it, "pol", val); } } if (cell_score < -0.1) no_positive_contacts++; else if (cell_score > 0.1) no_negative_contacts++; } // if there is no neighboring receptor atom, there will be water ... // else if(i!=pos_x||j!=pos_y||k!=pos_z) // { // if(ligandatom_is_lipophilic) // { // no_negative_contacts++; // double scaled_atom_score = 1.0/no_neighbor_cells; // scaleScore(scaled_atom_score); // total_sum += scaled_atom_score; // it->addInteraction("pol",scaled_atom_score); // } // } } } } score_ += (no_negative_contacts-no_positive_contacts)/((double)no_neighbor_cells); //cout<<it->getFullName()<<" : "<<no_negative_contacts<<", "<<no_positive_contacts<<" "<<(no_negative_contacts-no_positive_contacts)/((double)no_neighbor_cells)<<endl; } // scaleScore(); // cout<<"polarity: total sum="<<total_sum<<endl; // cout<<"polarity: score="<<score_<<endl; // return score_; return getScaledScore(); }