/** * \brief start output * \param audec pointer to audec * \return 0 on success otherwise negative error code * * Call android_start(), then the callback will start being called. */ extern "C" int android_start(struct aml_audio_dec* audec) { adec_print("android out start"); status_t status; audio_out_operations_t *out_ops = &audec->aout_ops; AudioTrack *track = (AudioTrack *)out_ops->private_data; Mutex::Autolock _l(mLock); if (!track) { adec_print("No track instance!\n"); return -1; } status = track->initCheck(); if (status != NO_ERROR) { delete track; out_ops->private_data = NULL; return -1; } track->start(); adec_print("AudioTrack initCheck OK and started."); return 0; }
status_t LibmediaPlayback::Play(int duration_secs) { audio_channel_mask_t audio_mask = audio_channel_out_mask_from_count(num_channels_); const audio_stream_type_t kStreamType = AUDIO_STREAM_MUSIC; size_t frame_count = 0; // Use default value for frame count. audio_output_flags_t audio_output_flags = AUDIO_OUTPUT_FLAG_NONE; AudioTrack* track = new AudioTrack( kStreamType, sample_rate_, audio_format_, audio_mask, frame_count, audio_output_flags, LibmediaPlayback::AudioCallback, reinterpret_cast<void*>(this)); status_t status = track->initCheck(); if (status != OK) { LOG(ERROR) << "Audio track initialization failed."; return status; } float volume = 0.9; track->setVolume(volume); status = track->start(); if (status != OK) { LOG(ERROR) << "Audio track failed to start."; return status; } sleep(duration_secs); track->stop(); if (in_file_) sf_close(in_file_); else sine_data_buffer_->release(); return status; }
int libmedia_start(msm_ctx *ctx, int channels, int samplerate) { if(!ctx) return LIBLOSSLESS_ERR_NOCTX; __android_log_print(ANDROID_LOG_INFO,"liblossless","libmedia_start chans=%d rate=%d afd=%d atrack=%p", channels, samplerate,ctx->afd,ctx->track); if(ctx->track && ctx->samplerate == samplerate && ctx->channels == channels) { ((AudioTrack *) ctx->track)->stop(); ((AudioTrack *) ctx->track)->flush(); ((AudioTrack *)ctx->track)->start(); return 0; } if(ctx->track) { ((AudioTrack *) ctx->track)->stop(); ((AudioTrack *) ctx->track)->flush(); delete (AudioTrack *) ctx->track; } ctx->track = 0; AudioTrack* atrack = new AudioTrack(); __android_log_print(ANDROID_LOG_INFO,"liblossless","AudioTrack created at %p. Now trying to setup", atrack); if(!atrack) return LIBLOSSLESS_ERR_INIT; ctx->track = atrack; status_t status; #ifndef BUILD_JB status = atrack->set(_MUSIC, samplerate, FMTBPS, channels, DEFAULT_CONF_BUFSZ/(2*channels)); if(status != NO_ERROR) { __android_log_print(ANDROID_LOG_INFO,"liblossless","AudioTrack->set failed, error code=%d!", status); #endif __android_log_print(ANDROID_LOG_INFO,"liblossless","Well... trying new Android AudioSystem interface"); int chans = (channels == 2) ? 12 : 4; status = atrack->set(_MUSIC, samplerate, FMTBPS, chans, DEFAULT_CONF_BUFSZ/(2*channels)); if(status != NO_ERROR) { __android_log_print(ANDROID_LOG_INFO,"liblossless","Does not work, error code=%d. Bailing out.", status); delete atrack; ctx->track = 0; return LIBLOSSLESS_ERR_INIT; } #ifndef BUILD_JB } #endif __android_log_print(ANDROID_LOG_INFO,"liblossless","AudioTrack setup OK, starting audio!"); ctx->conf_size = DEFAULT_CONF_BUFSZ; atrack->start(); __android_log_print(ANDROID_LOG_INFO,"liblossless","playback started!"); return 0; }
/** * \brief resume output * \param audec pointer to audec * \return 0 on success otherwise negative error code */ extern "C" int android_resume(struct aml_audio_dec* audec) { adec_print("android out resume"); audio_out_operations_t *out_ops = &audec->aout_ops; AudioTrack *track = (AudioTrack *)out_ops->private_data; Mutex::Autolock _l(mLock); if (!track) { adec_print("No track instance!\n"); return -1; } track->start(); return 0; }
int APlaybackDevice::handlePlayback() { int bufferSizeInSamples; bufferSizeInSamples = mBuffer->size() / aluFrameSizeFromFormat(mDevice->Format); mAudioTrack.start(); while(mPlaybackEnabled) { aluMixData(mDevice, mBuffer->data(), bufferSizeInSamples); if(!write(mBuffer)) { LOGE("Can't write audio buffer into audio track"); mPlaybackEnabled = false; } } mAudioTrack.stop(); mAudioTrack.flush(); return 0; }
qboolean SNDDMA_Init(void) { if ( ! enableSound() ) { return false; } gDMAByteIndex = 0; // Initialize the AudioTrack. status_t result = gAudioTrack.set( AudioSystem::DEFAULT, // stream type SAMPLE_RATE, // sample rate BITS_PER_SAMPLE == 16 ? AudioSystem::PCM_16_BIT : AudioSystem::PCM_8_BIT, // format (8 or 16) (CHANNEL_COUNT > 1) ? AudioSystem::CHANNEL_OUT_STEREO : AudioSystem::CHANNEL_OUT_MONO, // channel mask 0, // default buffer size 0, // flags AndroidQuakeSoundCallback, // callback 0, // user 0); // default notification size LOGI("AudioTrack status = %d (%s)\n", result, result == NO_ERROR ? "success" : "error"); if ( result == NO_ERROR ) { LOGI("AudioTrack latency = %u ms\n", gAudioTrack.latency()); LOGI("AudioTrack format = %u bits\n", gAudioTrack.format() == AudioSystem::PCM_16_BIT ? 16 : 8); LOGI("AudioTrack sample rate = %u Hz\n", gAudioTrack.getSampleRate()); LOGI("AudioTrack frame count = %d\n", int(gAudioTrack.frameCount())); LOGI("AudioTrack channel count = %d\n", gAudioTrack.channelCount()); // Initialize Quake's idea of a DMA buffer. shm = &sn; memset((void*)&sn, 0, sizeof(sn)); shm->splitbuffer = false; // Not used. shm->samplebits = gAudioTrack.format() == AudioSystem::PCM_16_BIT ? 16 : 8; shm->speed = gAudioTrack.getSampleRate(); shm->channels = gAudioTrack.channelCount(); shm->samples = TOTAL_BUFFER_SIZE / BYTES_PER_SAMPLE; shm->samplepos = 0; // Not used. shm->buffer = (unsigned char*) Hunk_AllocName(TOTAL_BUFFER_SIZE, (char*) "shmbuf"); shm->submission_chunk = 1; // Not used. shm->soundalive = true; if ( (shm->samples & 0x1ff) != 0 ) { LOGE("SNDDDMA_Init: samples must be power of two."); return false; } if ( shm->buffer == 0 ) { LOGE("SNDDDMA_Init: Could not allocate sound buffer."); return false; } gAudioTrack.setVolume(1.0f, 1.0f); gAudioTrack.start(); } return result == NO_ERROR; }
int libmediacb_start(msm_ctx *ctx, int channels, int samplerate) { __android_log_print(ANDROID_LOG_INFO,"liblossless","libmedia_ START REEEEACHED REACHEDDDDDD1"); status_t status; int chans; if(!ctx) return LIBLOSSLESS_ERR_NOCTX; __android_log_print(ANDROID_LOG_INFO,"liblossless","libmediacb_start ctx=%p chans=%d rate=%d afd=%d atrack=%p", ctx, channels, samplerate,ctx->afd,ctx->track); AudioTrack* atrack = (AudioTrack *) ctx->track; if(atrack && ctx->samplerate == samplerate && ctx->channels == channels) { __android_log_print(ANDROID_LOG_INFO,"liblossless","same audio track parameters, restarting"); atrack->stop(); atrack->flush(); ctx->cbstart = 0; ctx->cbend = 0; atrack->start(); return 0; } if(!ctx->cbbuf) { ctx->cbbuf = (unsigned char *) malloc(DEFAULT_CB_BUFSZ); if(!ctx->cbbuf) return LIBLOSSLESS_ERR_NOMEM; ctx->cbbuf_size = DEFAULT_CB_BUFSZ; } ctx->cbstart = 0; ctx->cbend = 0; if(!atrack) { atrack = new AudioTrack(); if(!atrack) { __android_log_print(ANDROID_LOG_ERROR,"liblossless","could not create AudioTrack!"); return LIBLOSSLESS_ERR_INIT; } __android_log_print(ANDROID_LOG_INFO,"liblossless","AudioTrack created at %p. Now trying to setup (buffsz %d)", atrack, DEFAULT_ATRACK_CONF_BUFSZ); if(!sdk_version) { char c[PROP_VALUE_MAX]; if(__system_property_get("ro.build.version.sdk",c) > 0) sscanf(c,"%d",&sdk_version); else sdk_version = 8; __android_log_print(ANDROID_LOG_INFO,"liblossless","got sdk_version %d", sdk_version); } if(sdk_version > 13) chans = (channels == 2) ? 3 : 1; else if(sdk_version > 6) chans = (channels == 2) ? 12 : 4; else chans = channels; #ifdef BUILD_JB status = atrack->set(_MUSIC, samplerate, FMTBPS, chans, DEFAULT_ATRACK_CONF_BUFSZ/(2*channels),AUDIO_OUTPUT_FLAG_NONE,cbf,ctx); #else status = atrack->set(_MUSIC, samplerate, FMTBPS, chans, DEFAULT_ATRACK_CONF_BUFSZ/(2*channels),0,cbf,ctx); #endif if(status != NO_ERROR) { __android_log_print(ANDROID_LOG_INFO,"liblossless","AudioTrack setup failed"); delete atrack; return LIBLOSSLESS_ERR_INIT; } ctx->track = atrack; } else { atrack->stop(); atrack->flush(); ctx->cbstart = 0; ctx->cbend = 0; __android_log_print(ANDROID_LOG_INFO,"liblossless","trying to reconfigure old AudioTrack"); status = atrack->setSampleRate(samplerate); if(status != NO_ERROR) { __android_log_print(ANDROID_LOG_INFO,"liblossless","could not set AudioTrack sample rate"); return LIBLOSSLESS_ERR_INIT; } } __android_log_print(ANDROID_LOG_INFO,"liblossless","AudioTrack setup OK, starting audio!"); ctx->conf_size = DEFAULT_CONF_BUFSZ; atrack->start(); __android_log_print(ANDROID_LOG_INFO,"liblossless","playback started!"); atrack->setPositionUpdatePeriod(0); atrack->setMarkerPosition(0); static int s(0); if(!s) { print_priority(__FUNCTION__); s = 1; } return 0; }