Esempio n. 1
void AutomatableModelViewSlots::execConnectionDialog()
	// TODO[pg]: Display a dialog with list of controllers currently in the song
	// in addition to any system MIDI controllers
	AutomatableModel* m = m_amv->modelUntyped();

	ControllerConnectionDialog d( (QWidget*) engine::mainWindow(), m );

	if( d.exec() == 1 )
		// Actually chose something
		if( d.chosenController() )
			// Update
			if( m->controllerConnection() )
				m->controllerConnection()->setController( d.chosenController() );
			// New
				ControllerConnection* cc = new ControllerConnection( d.chosenController() );
				m->setControllerConnection( cc );
				//cc->setTargetName( m->displayName() );
		// no controller, so delete existing connection
Esempio n. 2
bool MidiImport::readSMF( TrackContainer* tc )
	QString filename = file().fileName();

	const int preTrackSteps = 2;
	QProgressDialog pd( TrackContainer::tr( "Importing MIDI-file..." ),
	TrackContainer::tr( "Cancel" ), 0, preTrackSteps, gui->mainWindow() );
	pd.setWindowTitle( TrackContainer::tr( "Please wait..." ) );
	pd.setMinimumDuration( 0 );

	pd.setValue( 0 );

	Alg_seq_ptr seq = new Alg_seq(filename.toLocal8Bit(), true);

	pd.setMaximum( seq->tracks()  + preTrackSteps );
	pd.setValue( 1 );
	// 128 CC + Pitch Bend
	smfMidiCC ccs[129];
	smfMidiChannel chs[256];

	MeterModel & timeSigMM = Engine::getSong()->getTimeSigModel();
	AutomationPattern * timeSigNumeratorPat = 
		AutomationPattern::globalAutomationPattern( &timeSigMM.numeratorModel() );
	AutomationPattern * timeSigDenominatorPat = 
		AutomationPattern::globalAutomationPattern( &timeSigMM.denominatorModel() );
	// TODO: adjust these to Time.Sig changes
	double beatsPerTact = 4; 
	double ticksPerBeat = DefaultTicksPerTact / beatsPerTact;

	// Time-sig changes
	Alg_time_sigs * timeSigs = &seq->time_sig;
	for( int s = 0; s < timeSigs->length(); ++s )
		Alg_time_sig timeSig = (*timeSigs)[s];
		// Initial timeSig, set song-default value
		if(/* timeSig.beat == 0*/ true )
			// TODO set song-global default value
			printf("Another timesig at %f\n", timeSig.beat);
			timeSigNumeratorPat->putValue( timeSig.beat*ticksPerBeat, timeSig.num );
			timeSigDenominatorPat->putValue( timeSig.beat*ticksPerBeat, timeSig.den );


	pd.setValue( 2 );

	// Tempo stuff
	AutomationPattern * tap = tc->tempoAutomationPattern();
	if( tap )
		Alg_time_map * timeMap = seq->get_time_map();
		Alg_beats & beats = timeMap->beats;
		for( int i = 0; i < beats.len - 1; i++ )
			Alg_beat_ptr b = &(beats[i]);
			double tempo = ( beats[i + 1].beat - b->beat ) /
						   ( beats[i + 1].time - beats[i].time );
			tap->putValue( b->beat * ticksPerBeat, tempo * 60.0 );
		if( timeMap->last_tempo_flag )
			Alg_beat_ptr b = &( beats[beats.len - 1] );
			tap->putValue( b->beat * ticksPerBeat, timeMap->last_tempo * 60.0 );

	// Song events
	for( int e = 0; e < seq->length(); ++e )
		Alg_event_ptr evt = (*seq)[e];

		if( evt->is_update() )
			printf("Unhandled SONG update: %d %f %s\n", 
					evt->get_type_code(), evt->time, evt->get_attribute() );

	// Tracks
	for( int t = 0; t < seq->tracks(); ++t )
		QString trackName = QString( tr( "Track" ) + " %1" ).arg( t );
		Alg_track_ptr trk = seq->track( t );
		pd.setValue( t + preTrackSteps );

		for( int c = 0; c < 129; c++ )

		// Now look at events
		for( int e = 0; e < trk->length(); ++e )
			Alg_event_ptr evt = (*trk)[e];

			if( evt->chan == -1 )
				bool handled = false;
                if( evt->is_update() )
					QString attr = evt->get_attribute();
                    if( attr == "tracknames" && evt->get_update_type() == 's' ) {
						trackName = evt->get_string_value();
						handled = true;
                if( !handled ) {
                    // Write debug output
                    printf("MISSING GLOBAL HANDLER\n");
                    printf("     Chn: %d, Type Code: %d, Time: %f", (int) evt->chan,
                           evt->get_type_code(), evt->time );
                    if ( evt->is_update() )
                        printf( ", Update Type: %s", evt->get_attribute() );
                        if ( evt->get_update_type() == 'a' )
                            printf( ", Atom: %s", evt->get_atom_value() );
                    printf( "\n" );
			else if( evt->is_note() && evt->chan < 256 )
				smfMidiChannel * ch = chs[evt->chan].create( tc, trackName );
				Alg_note_ptr noteEvt = dynamic_cast<Alg_note_ptr>( evt );
				int ticks = noteEvt->get_duration() * ticksPerBeat;
				Note n( (ticks < 1 ? 1 : ticks ),
						noteEvt->get_start_time() * ticksPerBeat,
						noteEvt->get_identifier() - 12,
				ch->addNote( n );
			else if( evt->is_update() )
				smfMidiChannel * ch = chs[evt->chan].create( tc, trackName );

				double time = evt->time*ticksPerBeat;
				QString update( evt->get_attribute() );

				if( update == "programi" )
					long prog = evt->get_integer_value();
					if( ch->isSF2 )
						ch->it_inst->childModel( "bank" )->setValue( 0 );
						ch->it_inst->childModel( "patch" )->setValue( prog );
					else {
						const QString num = QString::number( prog );
						const QString filter = QString().fill( '0', 3 - num.length() ) + num + "*.pat";
						const QString dir = "/usr/share/midi/"
						const QStringList files = QDir( dir ).
						entryList( QStringList( filter ) );
						if( ch->it_inst && !files.empty() )
							ch->it_inst->loadFile( dir+files.front() );

				else if( update.startsWith( "control" ) || update == "bendr" )
					int ccid = update.mid( 7, update.length()-8 ).toInt();
					if( update == "bendr" )
						ccid = 128;
					if( ccid <= 128 )
						double cc = evt->get_real_value();
						AutomatableModel * objModel = NULL;

						switch( ccid ) 
							case 0:
								if( ch->isSF2 && ch->it_inst )
									objModel = ch->it_inst->childModel( "bank" );
									printf("BANK SELECT %f %d\n", cc, (int)(cc*127.0));
									cc *= 127.0f;

							case 7:
								objModel = ch->it->volumeModel();
								cc *= 100.0f;

							case 10:
								objModel = ch->it->panningModel();
								cc = cc * 200.f - 100.0f;

							case 128:
								objModel = ch->it->pitchModel();
								cc = cc * 100.0f;
								//TODO: something useful for other CCs

						if( objModel )
							if( time == 0 && objModel )
								objModel->setInitValue( cc );
								if( ccs[ccid].at == NULL ) {
									ccs[ccid].create( tc, trackName + " > " + (
										  objModel != NULL ? 
										  objModel->displayName() : 
										  QString("CC %1").arg(ccid) ) );
								ccs[ccid].putValue( time, objModel, cc );
				else {
					printf("Unhandled update: %d %d %f %s\n", (int) evt->chan, 
							evt->get_type_code(), evt->time, evt->get_attribute() );

	delete seq;
	for( int c=0; c < 256; ++c )
		if( !chs[c].hasNotes && chs[c].it )
			printf(" Should remove empty track\n");
			// must delete trackView first - but where is it?
			//tc->removeTrack( chs[c].it );

	// Set channel 10 to drums as per General MIDI's orders
	if( chs[9].hasNotes && chs[9].it_inst && chs[9].isSF2 )
		// AFAIK, 128 should be the standard bank for drums in SF2.
		// If not, this has to be made configurable.
		chs[9].it_inst->childModel( "bank" )->setValue( 128 );
		chs[9].it_inst->childModel( "patch" )->setValue( 0 );

	return true;