Esempio n. 1
float AudioMixer::azimuthForSource(const PositionalAudioStream& streamToAdd, const AvatarAudioStream& listeningNodeStream,
                                   const glm::vec3& relativePosition) {
    glm::quat inverseOrientation = glm::inverse(listeningNodeStream.getOrientation());

    //  Compute sample delay for the two ears to create phase panning
    glm::vec3 rotatedSourcePosition = inverseOrientation * relativePosition;

    // project the rotated source position vector onto the XZ plane
    rotatedSourcePosition.y = 0.0f;

    static const float SOURCE_DISTANCE_THRESHOLD = 1e-30f;

    if (glm::length2(rotatedSourcePosition) > SOURCE_DISTANCE_THRESHOLD) {
        // produce an oriented angle about the y-axis
        return glm::orientedAngle(glm::vec3(0.0f, 0.0f, -1.0f), glm::normalize(rotatedSourcePosition), glm::vec3(0.0f, -1.0f, 0.0f));
    } else {
        // there is no distance between listener and source - return no azimuth
        return 0;
Esempio n. 2
float computeAzimuth(const AvatarAudioStream& listeningNodeStream, const PositionalAudioStream& streamToAdd,
        const glm::vec3& relativePosition) {
    glm::quat inverseOrientation = glm::inverse(listeningNodeStream.getOrientation());

    glm::vec3 rotatedSourcePosition = inverseOrientation * relativePosition;

    // project the rotated source position vector onto the XZ plane
    rotatedSourcePosition.y = 0.0f;

    const float SOURCE_DISTANCE_THRESHOLD = 1e-30f;

    float rotatedSourcePositionLength2 = glm::length2(rotatedSourcePosition);
    if (rotatedSourcePositionLength2 > SOURCE_DISTANCE_THRESHOLD) {
        // produce an oriented angle about the y-axis
        glm::vec3 direction = rotatedSourcePosition * (1.0f / fastSqrtf(rotatedSourcePositionLength2));
        float angle = fastAcosf(glm::clamp(-direction.z, -1.0f, 1.0f)); // UNIT_NEG_Z is "forward"
        return (direction.x < 0.0f) ? -angle : angle;

    } else {   
        // no azimuth if they are in same spot
        return 0.0f; 