Esempio n. 1
void AvatarManager::removeDeadAvatarEntities(const SetOfEntities& deadEntities) {
    auto treeRenderer = DependencyManager::get<EntityTreeRenderer>();
    EntityTreePointer entityTree = treeRenderer ? treeRenderer->getTree() : nullptr;
    for (auto entity : deadEntities) {
        QUuid entityOwnerID = entity->getOwningAvatarID();
        AvatarSharedPointer avatar = getAvatarBySessionID(entityOwnerID);
        const bool REQUIRES_REMOVAL_FROM_TREE = false;
        if (avatar) {
            avatar->clearAvatarEntity(entity->getID(), REQUIRES_REMOVAL_FROM_TREE);
        if (entityTree && entity->isMyAvatarEntity()) {
            entityTree->withWriteLock([&] {
                // We only need to delete the direct children (rather than the descendants) because
                // when the child is deleted, it will take care of its own children.  If the child
                // is also an avatar-entity, we'll end up back here.  If it's not, the entity-server
                // will take care of it in the usual way.
                entity->forEachChild([&](SpatiallyNestablePointer child) {
                    EntityItemPointer childEntity = std::dynamic_pointer_cast<EntityItem>(child);
                    if (childEntity) {
                        entityTree->deleteEntity(childEntity->getID(), true, true);
                        if (avatar) {
                            avatar->clearAvatarEntity(childEntity->getID(), REQUIRES_REMOVAL_FROM_TREE);
Esempio n. 2
void AvatarManager::removeDeadAvatarEntities(const SetOfEntities& deadEntities) {
    for (auto entity : deadEntities) {
        QUuid sessionID = entity->getOwningAvatarID();
        AvatarSharedPointer avatar = getAvatarBySessionID(sessionID);
        if (avatar) {
            const bool REQUIRES_REMOVAL_FROM_TREE = false;
            avatar->clearAvatarEntity(entity->getID(), REQUIRES_REMOVAL_FROM_TREE);