Esempio n. 1
    bool setShardVersion(DBClientBase& conn,
                         const string& ns,
                         const string& configServerPrimary,
                         ChunkVersion version,
                         ChunkManager* manager,
                         bool authoritative,
                         BSONObj& result) {

        BSONObjBuilder cmdBuilder;
        cmdBuilder.append("setShardVersion", ns);
        cmdBuilder.append("configdb", configServerPrimary);

        Shard s = Shard::make(conn.getServerAddress());
        cmdBuilder.append("shard", s.getName());
        cmdBuilder.append("shardHost", s.getConnString());

        if (ns.size() > 0) {
        else {
            cmdBuilder.append("init", true);

        if (authoritative) {
            cmdBuilder.appendBool("authoritative", 1);

        BSONObj cmd = cmdBuilder.obj();

        LOG(1) << "    setShardVersion  " << s.getName() << " " << conn.getServerAddress()
               << "  " << ns << "  " << cmd
               << (manager ? string(str::stream() << " " << manager->getSequenceNumber()) : "");

        return conn.runCommand("admin", cmd, result, 0);
Esempio n. 2
bool LastError::appendSelf(BSONObjBuilder& b, bool blankErr) const {
    if (!_valid) {
        if (blankErr)
        b.append("n", 0);
        return false;

    if (_msg.empty()) {
        if (blankErr) {
    } else {
        b.append("err", _msg);

    if (_code) {
        b.append("code", _code);
        b.append("codeName", ErrorCodes::errorString(ErrorCodes::Error(_code)));
    if (_updatedExisting != NotUpdate)
        b.appendBool("updatedExisting", _updatedExisting == True);
    if (!_upsertedId.isEmpty()) {
    b.appendNumber("n", _nObjects);

    return !_msg.empty();
Esempio n. 3
 bool run(const string& dbname, BSONObj& jsobj, string& errmsg, BSONObjBuilder& result, bool fromRepl ) {
     result << "version" << versionString << "gitVersion" << gitVersion() << "sysInfo" << sysInfo();
     result << "bits" << ( sizeof( int* ) == 4 ? 32 : 64 );
     result.appendBool( "debug" , debug );
     result.appendNumber("maxBsonObjectSize", BSONObjMaxUserSize);
     return true;
Esempio n. 4
    bool DBClientWithCommands::ensureIndex( const string &ns , BSONObj keys , bool unique, const string & name ) {
        BSONObjBuilder toSave;
        toSave.append( "ns" , ns );
        toSave.append( "key" , keys );

        string cacheKey(ns);
        cacheKey += "--";

        if ( name != "" ) {
            toSave.append( "name" , name );
            cacheKey += name;
        else {
            string nn = genIndexName( keys );
            toSave.append( "name" , nn );
            cacheKey += nn;
        if ( unique )
            toSave.appendBool( "unique", unique );

        if ( _seenIndexes.count( cacheKey ) )
            return 0;
        _seenIndexes.insert( cacheKey );

        insert( Namespace( ns.c_str() ).getSisterNS( "system.indexes"  ).c_str() , toSave.obj() );
        return 1;
Esempio n. 5
 BSONObj listFiles(const BSONObj& args){
     uassert( "need to specify 1 argument to listFiles" , args.nFields() == 1 );
     BSONObjBuilder lst;
     string rootname = args.firstElement().valuestrsafe();
     path root( rootname );
     directory_iterator end;
     directory_iterator i( root);
     int num =0;
     while ( i != end ){
         path p = *i;
         BSONObjBuilder b;
         b << "name" << p.string();
         b.appendBool( "isDirectory", is_directory( p ) );
         stringstream ss;
         ss << num;
         string name = ss.str();
         lst.append( name.c_str(), b.done() );
     BSONObjBuilder ret;
     ret.appendArray( "", lst.done() );
     return ret.obj();
Esempio n. 6
        bool checkConfigOrInit( const string& configdb , bool authoritative , string& errmsg , BSONObjBuilder& result , bool locked=false ) const {
            if ( configdb.size() == 0 ) {
                errmsg = "no configdb";
                return false;
            if ( shardingState.enabled() ) {
                if ( configdb == shardingState.getConfigServer() ) 
                    return true;
                result.append( "configdb" , BSON( "stored" << shardingState.getConfigServer() << 
                                                  "given" << configdb ) );
                errmsg = "specified a different configdb!";
                return false;
            if ( ! authoritative ) {
                result.appendBool( "need_authoritative" , true );
                errmsg = "first setShardVersion";
                return false;
            if ( locked ) {
                shardingState.enable( configdb );
                configServer.init( configdb );
                return true;

            dblock lk;
            return checkConfigOrInit( configdb , authoritative , errmsg , result , true );
Esempio n. 7
void KVCatalog::FeatureTracker::putInfo(OperationContext* opCtx, const FeatureBits& versionInfo) {
    BSONObjBuilder bob;
    bob.appendBool(kIsFeatureDocumentFieldName, true);
    // We intentionally include the "ns" field with a null value in the feature document to prevent
    // older versions that do 'obj["ns"].String()' from starting up. This way only versions that are
    // aware of the feature document's existence can successfully start up.
               static_cast<long long>(versionInfo.nonRepairableFeatures));
               static_cast<long long>(versionInfo.repairableFeatures));
    BSONObj obj = bob.done();

    if (_rid.isNull()) {
        // This is the first time a feature is being marked as in-use or not in-use, so we must
        // insert the feature document rather than update it.
        const bool enforceQuota = false;
        // TODO SERVER-30638: using timestamp 0 for these inserts
        auto rid = _catalog->_rs->insertRecord(
            opCtx, obj.objdata(), obj.objsize(), Timestamp(), enforceQuota);
        fassert(40113, rid.getStatus());
        _rid = rid.getValue();
    } else {
        const bool enforceQuota = false;
        UpdateNotifier* notifier = nullptr;
        auto status = _catalog->_rs->updateRecord(
            opCtx, _rid, obj.objdata(), obj.objsize(), enforceQuota, notifier);
        fassert(40114, status);
Esempio n. 8
        bool run(const string& , BSONObj& cmdObj, int, string& errmsg, BSONObjBuilder& result, bool) {

            BSONElement e = cmdObj.firstElement();
            if ( e.type() != jstOID ) {
                errmsg = "need oid as first value";
                return 0;

            // get the command issuer's (a mongos) serverID
            const OID id = e.__oid();

            // the command issuer is blocked awaiting a response
            // we want to do return at least at every 5 minutes so sockets don't timeout
            BSONObj z;
            if ( writeBackManager.getWritebackQueue(id.str())->queue.blockingPop( z, 5 * 60 /* 5 minutes */ ) ) {
                MONGO_LOG(1) << "WriteBackCommand got : " << z << endl;
                result.append( "data" , z );
            else {
                result.appendBool( "noop" , true );

#ifdef _DEBUG
            // Sleep a short amount of time usually
            int sleepFor = rand() % 10;
            sleepmillis( sleepFor );

            // Sleep a longer amount of time every once and awhile
            int sleepLong = rand() % 50;
            if( sleepLong == 0 ) sleepsecs( 2 );

            return true;
Esempio n. 9
    bool Database::setProfilingLevel( int newLevel , string& errmsg ) {
        if ( profile == newLevel )
            return true;

        if ( newLevel < 0 || newLevel > 2 ) {
            errmsg = "profiling level has to be >=0 and <= 2";
            return false;

        if ( newLevel == 0 ) {
            profile = 0;
            return true;

        assert( cc().database() == this );

        if ( ! namespaceIndex.details( profileName.c_str() ) ) {
            log() << "creating profile collection: " << profileName << endl;
            BSONObjBuilder spec;
            spec.appendBool( "capped", true );
            spec.append( "size", 131072.0 );
            if ( ! userCreateNS( profileName.c_str(), spec.done(), errmsg , false /* we don't replica profile messages */ ) ) {
                return false;
        profile = newLevel;
        return true;
Esempio n. 10
        bool run(const string& , BSONObj& cmdObj, int, string& errmsg, BSONObjBuilder& result, bool) {
            string ns = cmdObj["getShardVersion"].valuestrsafe();
            if ( ns.size() == 0 ) {
                errmsg = "need to specify full namespace";
                return false;

            result.append( "configServer" , shardingState.getConfigServer() );

            result.appendTimestamp( "global" , shardingState.getVersion(ns).toLong() );

            ShardedConnectionInfo* info = ShardedConnectionInfo::get( false );
            result.appendBool( "inShardedMode" , info != 0 );
            if ( info )
                result.appendTimestamp( "mine" , info->getVersion(ns).toLong() );
                result.appendTimestamp( "mine" , 0 );

            if ( cmdObj["fullMetadata"].trueValue() ) {
                CollectionMetadataPtr metadata = shardingState.getCollectionMetadata( ns );
                if ( metadata ) result.append( "metadata", metadata->toBSON() );
                else result.append( "metadata", BSONObj() );

            return true;
Esempio n. 11
    bool checkConfigOrInit( const string& configdb , bool authoritative , string& errmsg , BSONObjBuilder& result , bool locked=false ) const {
        if ( configdb.size() == 0 ) {
            errmsg = "no configdb";
            return false;

        if ( shardingState.enabled() ) {
            if ( configdb == shardingState.getConfigServer() )
                return true;

            result.append( "configdb" , BSON( "stored" << shardingState.getConfigServer() <<
                                              "given" << configdb ) );

            errmsg = str::stream() << "mongos specified a different config database string : "
                     << "stored : " << shardingState.getConfigServer()
                     << " vs given : " << configdb;
            return false;

        if ( ! authoritative ) {
            result.appendBool( "need_authoritative" , true );
            errmsg = "first setShardVersion";
            return false;

        if ( locked ) {
            shardingState.enable( configdb );
            configServer.init( configdb );
            return true;

        Lock::GlobalWrite lk;
        return checkConfigOrInit( configdb , authoritative , errmsg , result , true );
Esempio n. 12
 void DBConfig::serialize(BSONObjBuilder& to){
     to.append("name", _name);
     to.appendBool("partitioned", _shardingEnabled );
     to.append("primary", _primary );
     if ( _sharded.size() > 0 ){
         BSONObjBuilder a;
         for ( map<string,CollectionInfo>::reverse_iterator i=_sharded.rbegin(); i != _sharded.rend(); i++){
             BSONObjBuilder temp;
             temp.append( "key" , i->second.key.key() );
             temp.appendBool( "unique" , i->second.unique );
             a.append( i->first.c_str() , temp.obj() );
         to.append( "sharded" , a.obj() );
Esempio n. 13
void Chunk::pickMedianKey(BSONObj& medianKey) const {
    // Ask the mongod holding this chunk to figure out the split points.
    ScopedDbConnection conn(_getShardConnectionString());
    BSONObj result;
    BSONObjBuilder cmd;
    cmd.append("splitVector", _manager->getns());
    cmd.append("keyPattern", _manager->getShardKeyPattern().toBSON());
    cmd.append("min", getMin());
    cmd.append("max", getMax());
    cmd.appendBool("force", true);
    BSONObj cmdObj = cmd.obj();

    if (!conn->runCommand("admin", cmdObj, result)) {
        ostringstream os;
        os << "splitVector command (median key) failed: " << result;
        uassert(13503, os.str(), 0);

    BSONObjIterator it(result.getObjectField("splitKeys"));
    if (it.more()) {
        medianKey =;

Esempio n. 14
    void Helpers::ensureIndex(const char *ns, BSONObj keyPattern, bool unique, const char *name) {
        NamespaceDetails *d = nsdetails(ns);
        if( d == 0 )

            NamespaceDetails::IndexIterator i = d->ii();
            while( i.more() ) {
                if( == 0 )

        if( d->nIndexes >= NamespaceDetails::NIndexesMax ) {
            problem() << "Helper::ensureIndex fails, MaxIndexes exceeded " << ns << '\n';

        string system_indexes = cc().database()->name + ".system.indexes";

        BSONObjBuilder b;
        b.append("name", name);
        b.append("ns", ns);
        b.append("key", keyPattern);
        b.appendBool("unique", unique);
        BSONObj o = b.done();

        theDataFileMgr.insert(system_indexes.c_str(), o.objdata(), o.objsize());
Esempio n. 15
    bool handlePossibleShardedMessage( Message &m, DbResponse &dbresponse ){

        if ( shardConfigServer.empty() ){
            return false;

        int op =>operation();
        if ( op < 2000 || op >= 3000 )
            return false;

        const char *ns =>_data + 4;
        string errmsg;
        if ( shardVersionOk( ns , errmsg ) ){
            return false;

        log() << "shardVersionOk failed  ns:" << ns << " " << errmsg << endl;
        if ( doesOpGetAResponse( op ) ){
            BufBuilder b( 32768 );
            b.skip( sizeof( QueryResult ) );
                BSONObj obj = BSON( "$err" << errmsg );
                b.append( obj.objdata() , obj.objsize() );
            QueryResult *qr = (QueryResult*)b.buf();
            qr->_resultFlags() = QueryResult::ResultFlag_ErrSet | QueryResult::ResultFlag_ShardConfigStale;
            qr->len = b.len();
            qr->setOperation( opReply );
            qr->cursorId = 0;
            qr->startingFrom = 0;
            qr->nReturned = 1;

            Message * resp = new Message();
            resp->setData( qr , true );
            dbresponse.response = resp;
            dbresponse.responseTo =>id;
            return true;
        OID * clientID = clientServerIds.get();
        massert( 10422 ,  "write with bad shard config and no server id!" , clientID );
        log() << "got write with an old config - writing back" << endl;

        BSONObjBuilder b;
        b.appendBool( "writeBack" , true );
        b.append( "ns" , ns );
        b.appendBinData( "msg" ,>len , bdtCustom , (char*)( );
        log() << "writing back msg with len: " <<>len << " op: " <<>_operation << endl;
        clientQueues[clientID->str()]->push( b.obj() );

        return true;
Esempio n. 16
    void append( BSONObjBuilder& b , string name , jsval val , BSONType oldType = EOO , int depth=0 ) {
        //cout << "name: " << name << "\t" << typeString( val ) << " oldType: " << oldType << endl;
        switch ( JS_TypeOfValue( _context , val ) ) {

        case JSTYPE_VOID:
            b.appendUndefined( name.c_str() );
        case JSTYPE_NULL:
            b.appendNull( name.c_str() );

        case JSTYPE_NUMBER: {
            double d = toNumber( val );
            if ( oldType == NumberInt && ((int)d) == d )
                b.append( name.c_str() , (int)d );
                b.append( name.c_str() , d );
        case JSTYPE_STRING:
            b.append( name.c_str() , toString( val ) );
        case JSTYPE_BOOLEAN:
            b.appendBool( name.c_str() , toBoolean( val ) );

        case JSTYPE_OBJECT: {
            JSObject * o = JSVAL_TO_OBJECT( val );
            if ( ! o || o == JSVAL_NULL ) {
                b.appendNull( name.c_str() );
            else if ( ! appendSpecialDBObject( this , b , name , val , o ) ) {
                BSONObj sub = toObject( o , depth );
                if ( JS_IsArrayObject( _context , o ) ) {
                    b.appendArray( name.c_str() , sub );
                else {
                    b.append( name.c_str() , sub );

        case JSTYPE_FUNCTION: {
            string s = toString(val);
            if ( s[0] == '/' ) {
                appendRegex( b , name , s );
            else {
                b.appendCode( name.c_str() , getFunctionCode( val ).c_str() );

            uassert( 10217 ,  (string)"can't append field.  name:" + name + " type: " + typeString( val ) , 0 );
Esempio n. 17
File: config.cpp Progetto: jch/mongo
 void a(){
     BSONObjBuilder b;
     b << "_id" << "abc";
     b.appendBool( "partitioned" , true );
     b << "primary" << "myserver";
     DBConfig c;
     testInOut( c , b.obj() );
Esempio n. 18
Status createIndex(OperationContext* opCtx, StringData ns, const BSONObj& keys, bool unique) {
    BSONObjBuilder specBuilder;
    specBuilder.append("name", DBClientBase::genIndexName(keys));
    specBuilder.append("ns", ns);
    specBuilder.append("key", keys);
    specBuilder.append("v", static_cast<int>(kIndexVersion));
    if (unique) {
        specBuilder.appendBool("unique", true);
    return createIndexFromSpec(opCtx, ns, specBuilder.done());
Esempio n. 19
            virtual bool _split( BSONObjBuilder& result , string& errmsg , const string& ns , ChunkManagerPtr manager , ChunkPtr old , BSONObj middle ){

                result << "shardinfo" << old->toString();

                result.appendBool( "auto" , middle.isEmpty() );

                if ( middle.isEmpty() )
                    middle = old->pickSplitPoint();

                result.append( "middle" , middle );

                return true;
Esempio n. 20
void DBConfig::serialize(BSONObjBuilder& to) {
    to.append("name", _name);
    to.appendBool("partitioned", _partitioned );
    to.append("primary", _primary );

    if ( _sharded.size() > 0 ) {
        BSONObjBuilder a;
        for ( map<string,ShardKeyPattern>::reverse_iterator i=_sharded.rbegin(); i != _sharded.rend(); i++) {
            a.append( i->first.c_str() , i->second.key() );
        to.append( "sharded" , a.obj() );
Esempio n. 21
    bool VersionManager::initShardVersionCB( DBClientBase * conn_in, BSONObj& result ){

        WriteBackListener::init( *conn_in );

        DBClientBase* conn = getVersionable( conn_in );
        verify( conn ); // errors thrown above

        BSONObjBuilder cmdBuilder;

        cmdBuilder.append( "setShardVersion" , "" );
        cmdBuilder.appendBool( "init", true );
        cmdBuilder.append( "configdb" , configServer.modelServer() );
        cmdBuilder.appendOID( "serverID" , &serverID );
        cmdBuilder.appendBool( "authoritative" , true );

        BSONObj cmd = cmdBuilder.obj();

        LOG(1) << "initializing shard connection to " << conn->toString() << endl;
        LOG(2) << "initial sharding settings : " << cmd << endl;

        bool ok = conn->runCommand( "admin",
                                    &AuthenticationTable::getInternalSecurityAuthenticationTable() );

        // HACK for backwards compatibility with v1.8.x, v2.0.0 and v2.0.1
        // Result is false, but will still initialize serverID and configdb
        if( ! ok && ! result["errmsg"].eoo() && ( result["errmsg"].String() == "need to specify namespace"/* 2.0.1/2 */ ||
                                                  result["errmsg"].String() == "need to speciy namespace" /* 1.8 */ ))
            ok = true;

        LOG(3) << "initial sharding result : " << result << endl;

        return ok;

Esempio n. 22
    bool run(OperationContext* txn,
             const string& dbname,
             BSONObj& jsobj,
             string& errmsg,
             BSONObjBuilder& result) {
        vector<string> dbNames;
        StorageEngine* storageEngine = getGlobalServiceContext()->getGlobalStorageEngine();
            ScopedTransaction transaction(txn, MODE_IS);
            Lock::GlobalLock lk(txn->lockState(), MODE_IS, UINT_MAX);

        vector<BSONObj> dbInfos;

        set<string> seen;
        intmax_t totalSize = 0;
        for (vector<string>::iterator i = dbNames.begin(); i != dbNames.end(); ++i) {
            const string& dbname = *i;

            BSONObjBuilder b;
            b.append("name", dbname);

                ScopedTransaction transaction(txn, MODE_IS);
                Lock::DBLock dbLock(txn->lockState(), dbname, MODE_IS);

                Database* db = dbHolder().get(txn, dbname);
                if (!db)

                const DatabaseCatalogEntry* entry = db->getDatabaseCatalogEntry();

                int64_t size = entry->sizeOnDisk(txn);
                b.append("sizeOnDisk", static_cast<double>(size));
                totalSize += size;

                b.appendBool("empty", entry->isEmpty());



        result.append("databases", dbInfos);
        result.append("totalSize", double(totalSize));
        return true;
Esempio n. 23
        bool run(const string& dbname , BSONObj& cmdObj, int, string& errmsg, BSONObjBuilder& result, bool fromRepl ) {
            string ns = dbname + "." + cmdObj.firstElement().valuestrsafe();

            NamespaceString ns_string(ns);
            const bool full = cmdObj["full"].trueValue();
            const bool scanData = full || cmdObj["scandata"].trueValue();

            if ( !ns_string.isNormal() && full ) {
                errmsg = "Can only run full validate on a regular collection";
                return false;

            if (!serverGlobalParams.quiet) {
                MONGO_TLOG(0) << "CMD: validate " << ns << endl;

            Client::ReadContext ctx(ns_string.ns());

            Database* db = cc().database();
            if ( !db ) {
                errmsg = "database not found";
                return false;

            Collection* collection = db->getCollection( ns );
            if ( !collection ) {
                errmsg = "collection not found";
                return false;

            result.append( "ns", ns );

            ValidateResults results;
            Status status = collection->validate( full, scanData, &results, &result );
            if ( !status.isOK() )
                return appendCommandStatus( result, status );

            result.appendBool("valid", results.valid);
            result.append("errors", results.errors);

            if ( !full ){
                result.append("warning", "Some checks omitted for speed. use {full:true} option to do more thorough scan.");

            if ( !results.valid ) {
                result.append("advice", "ns corrupt. See");

            return true;
Esempio n. 24
        BSONObj removeFile(const BSONObj& args){
            BSONElement e = oneArg(args);
            bool found = false;
            path root( args.firstElement().valuestrsafe() );
            if ( boost::filesystem::exists( root ) ){
                found = true;
                boost::filesystem::remove_all( root );

            BSONObjBuilder b;
            b.appendBool( "removed" , found );
            return b.obj();
Esempio n. 25
    void appendBuildInfo(BSONObjBuilder& result) {
       result << "version" << versionString
              << "gitVersion" << gitVersion()
              << "sysInfo" << sysInfo()
              << "loaderFlags" << loaderFlags()
              << "compilerFlags" << compilerFlags()
              << "allocator" << allocator()
              << "versionArray" << versionArray
              << "javascriptEngine" << compiledJSEngine()
/*TODO: add this back once the module system is in place -- maybe once we do something like serverstatus with callbacks*/
//              << "interpreterVersion" << globalScriptEngine->getInterpreterVersionString()
              << "bits" << ( sizeof( int* ) == 4 ? 32 : 64 );
       result.appendBool( "debug" , debug );
       result.appendNumber("maxBsonObjectSize", BSONObjMaxUserSize);
Esempio n. 26
    void DBConfig::CollectionInfo::save( const string& ns , DBClientBase* conn ) {
        BSONObj key = BSON( "_id" << ns );

        BSONObjBuilder val;
        val.append( "_id" , ns );
        val.appendDate( "lastmod" , time(0) );
        val.appendBool( "dropped" , _dropped );
        if ( _cm )
            _cm->getInfo( val );

        conn->update( ShardNS::collection , key , val.obj() , true );
        string err = conn->getLastError();
        uassert( 13473 , (string)"failed to save collection (" + ns + "): " + err , err.size() == 0 );

        _dirty = false;
Esempio n. 27
BSONObj buildOpMergeChunk(const ChunkType& mergedChunk) {
    BSONObjBuilder opB;

    // Op basics
    opB.append("op", "u");
    opB.appendBool("b", false);  // no upserting
    opB.append("ns", ChunkType::ConfigNS);

    // New object
    opB.append("o", mergedChunk.toBSON());

    // Query object
    opB.append("o2", BSON(ChunkType::name(mergedChunk.getName())));

    return opB.obj();
Esempio n. 28
 bool run(const std::string& dbname,
          BSONObj& jsobj,
          int, // options
          std::string& errmsg,
          BSONObjBuilder& result,
          bool fromRepl) {
     result << "version" << versionString
            << "gitVersion" << gitVersion()
            << "sysInfo" << sysInfo()
            << "versionArray" << versionArray
            << "interpreterVersion" << globalScriptEngine->getInterpreterVersionString()
            << "bits" << ( sizeof( int* ) == 4 ? 32 : 64 );
     result.appendBool( "debug" , debug );
     result.appendNumber("maxBsonObjectSize", BSONObjMaxUserSize);
     return true;
Esempio n. 29
    bool DBClientBase::ensureIndex( const string &ns , BSONObj keys , bool unique, const string & name ) {
        BSONObjBuilder toSave;
        toSave.append( "ns" , ns );
        toSave.append( "key" , keys );

        string cacheKey(ns);
        cacheKey += "--";

        if ( name != "" ) {
            toSave.append( "name" , name );
            cacheKey += name;
        else {
            stringstream ss;
            bool first = 1;
            for ( BSONObjIterator i(keys); i.more(); ) {
                BSONElement f =;

                if ( first )
                    first = 0;
                    ss << "_";

                ss << f.fieldName() << "_";

                if ( f.type() == NumberInt )
                    ss << (int)(f.number() );
                else if ( f.type() == NumberDouble )
                    ss << f.number();


            toSave.append( "name" , ss.str() );
            cacheKey += ss.str();
        if ( unique )
            toSave.appendBool( "unique", unique );

        if ( _seenIndexes.count( cacheKey ) )
            return 0;
        _seenIndexes.insert( cacheKey );

        insert( Namespace( ns.c_str() ).getSisterNS( "system.indexes"  ).c_str() , toSave.obj() );
        return 1;
Esempio n. 30
        BSONObj listFiles(const BSONObj& _args){
            static BSONObj cd = BSON( "0" << "." );
            BSONObj args = _args.isEmpty() ? cd : _args;

            uassert( 10257 ,  "need to specify 1 argument to listFiles" , args.nFields() == 1 );
            BSONObjBuilder lst;
            string rootname = args.firstElement().valuestrsafe();
            path root( rootname );
            stringstream ss;
            ss << "listFiles: no such directory: " << rootname;
            string msg = ss.str();
            uassert( 12581, msg.c_str(), boost::filesystem::exists( root ) );
            directory_iterator end;
            directory_iterator i( root);
            int num =0;
            while ( i != end ){
                path p = *i;
                BSONObjBuilder b;
                b << "name" << p.string();
                b.appendBool( "isDirectory", is_directory( p ) );
                if ( ! is_directory( p ) ){
                    try { 
                        b.append( "size" , (double)file_size( p ) );
                    catch ( ... ){

                stringstream ss;
                ss << num;
                string name = ss.str();
                lst.append( name, b.done() );
            BSONObjBuilder ret;
            ret.appendArray( "", lst.done() );
            return ret.obj();