status_t PackageLink::WriteToPath(const char *path, ItemState *state) { if (state == NULL) return B_ERROR; status_t ret = B_OK; BSymLink symlink; parser_debug("Symlink: %s WriteToPath() called!\n", fPath.String()); BPath &destination = state->destination; BDirectory *dir = &state->parent; if (state->status == B_NO_INIT || destination.InitCheck() != B_OK || dir->InitCheck() != B_OK) { // Not yet initialized ret = InitPath(path, &destination); if (ret != B_OK) return ret; BString linkName(destination.Leaf()); parser_debug("%s:%s:%s\n", fPath.String(), destination.Path(), linkName.String()); BPath dirPath; ret = destination.GetParent(&dirPath); ret = dir->SetTo(dirPath.Path()); if (ret == B_ENTRY_NOT_FOUND) { ret = create_directory(dirPath.Path(), kDefaultMode); if (ret != B_OK) { parser_debug("create_directory()) failed\n"); return B_ERROR; } } if (ret != B_OK) { parser_debug("destination InitCheck failed %s for %s\n", strerror(ret), dirPath.Path()); return ret; } ret = dir->CreateSymLink(destination.Path(), fLink.String(), &symlink); if (ret == B_FILE_EXISTS) { // We need to check if the existing symlink is pointing at the same path // as our new one - if not, let's prompt the user symlink.SetTo(destination.Path()); BPath oldLink; ret = symlink.MakeLinkedPath(dir, &oldLink); chdir(dirPath.Path()); if (ret == B_BAD_VALUE || oldLink != fLink.String()) state->status = ret = B_FILE_EXISTS; else ret = B_OK; } } if (state->status == B_FILE_EXISTS) { switch (state->policy) { case P_EXISTS_OVERWRITE: { BEntry entry; ret = entry.SetTo(destination.Path()); if (ret != B_OK) return ret; entry.Remove(); ret = dir->CreateSymLink(destination.Path(), fLink.String(), &symlink); break; } case P_EXISTS_NONE: case P_EXISTS_ASK: ret = B_FILE_EXISTS; break; case P_EXISTS_SKIP: return B_OK; } } if (ret != B_OK) { parser_debug("CreateSymLink failed\n"); return ret; } parser_debug(" Symlink created!\n"); ret = symlink.SetPermissions(static_cast<mode_t>(fMode)); if (fCreationTime && ret == B_OK) ret = symlink.SetCreationTime(static_cast<time_t>(fCreationTime)); if (fModificationTime && ret == B_OK) { ret = symlink.SetModificationTime(static_cast<time_t>( fModificationTime)); } if (ret != B_OK) { parser_debug("Failed to set symlink attributes\n"); return ret; } if (fOffset) { // Symlinks also seem to have attributes - so parse them ret = HandleAttributes(&destination, &symlink, "LnDa"); } return ret; }
// MakeLinkedPathTest void SymLinkTest::MakeLinkedPathTest() { const char *dirLink = dirLinkname; const char *fileLink = fileLinkname; const char *relDirLink = relDirLinkname; const char *relFileLink = relFileLinkname; const char *cyclicLink1 = cyclicLinkname1; const char *cyclicLink2 = cyclicLinkname2; const char *existingDir = existingDirname; const char *existingSuperDir = existingSuperDirname; const char *existingFile = existingFilename; const char *existingSuperFile = existingSuperFilename; const char *nonExisting = nonExistingDirname; BSymLink link; BPath path; // 1. MakeLinkedPath(const char*, BPath*) // uninitialized NextSubTest(); CPPUNIT_ASSERT( link.InitCheck() == B_NO_INIT ); CPPUNIT_ASSERT( equals(link.MakeLinkedPath("/boot", &path), B_BAD_ADDRESS, B_FILE_ERROR) ); link.Unset(); path.Unset(); // existing absolute dir link NextSubTest(); CPPUNIT_ASSERT( link.SetTo(dirLink) == B_OK ); CPPUNIT_ASSERT( link.MakeLinkedPath("/boot", &path) == (ssize_t)strlen(existingDir) ); CPPUNIT_ASSERT( path.InitCheck() == B_OK ); CPPUNIT_ASSERT( string(existingDir) == path.Path() ); link.Unset(); path.Unset(); // existing absolute file link NextSubTest(); CPPUNIT_ASSERT( link.SetTo(fileLink) == B_OK ); CPPUNIT_ASSERT( link.MakeLinkedPath("/boot", &path) == (ssize_t)strlen(existingFile) ); CPPUNIT_ASSERT( path.InitCheck() == B_OK ); CPPUNIT_ASSERT( string(existingFile) == path.Path() ); link.Unset(); path.Unset(); // existing absolute cyclic link NextSubTest(); CPPUNIT_ASSERT( link.SetTo(cyclicLink1) == B_OK ); CPPUNIT_ASSERT( link.MakeLinkedPath("/boot", &path) == (ssize_t)strlen(cyclicLink2) ); CPPUNIT_ASSERT( path.InitCheck() == B_OK ); CPPUNIT_ASSERT( string(cyclicLink2) == path.Path() ); link.Unset(); path.Unset(); // existing relative dir link NextSubTest(); BEntry entry; BPath entryPath; CPPUNIT_ASSERT( entry.SetTo(existingDir) == B_OK ); CPPUNIT_ASSERT( entry.GetPath(&entryPath) == B_OK ); CPPUNIT_ASSERT( link.SetTo(relDirLink) == B_OK ); CPPUNIT_ASSERT( link.MakeLinkedPath(existingSuperDir, &path) == (ssize_t)strlen(entryPath.Path()) ); CPPUNIT_ASSERT( path.InitCheck() == B_OK ); CPPUNIT_ASSERT( entryPath == path ); link.Unset(); path.Unset(); entry.Unset(); entryPath.Unset(); // existing relative file link NextSubTest(); CPPUNIT_ASSERT( entry.SetTo(existingFile) == B_OK ); CPPUNIT_ASSERT( entry.GetPath(&entryPath) == B_OK ); CPPUNIT_ASSERT( link.SetTo(relFileLink) == B_OK ); CPPUNIT_ASSERT( link.MakeLinkedPath(existingSuperFile, &path) == (ssize_t)strlen(entryPath.Path()) ); CPPUNIT_ASSERT( path.InitCheck() == B_OK ); CPPUNIT_ASSERT( entryPath == path ); link.Unset(); path.Unset(); entry.Unset(); entryPath.Unset(); // bad args NextSubTest(); CPPUNIT_ASSERT( link.SetTo(dirLink) == B_OK ); // R5: crashs, when passing a NULL path #if !TEST_R5 CPPUNIT_ASSERT( link.MakeLinkedPath("/boot", NULL) == B_BAD_VALUE ); #endif CPPUNIT_ASSERT( link.MakeLinkedPath((const char*)NULL, &path) == B_BAD_VALUE ); // R5: crashs, when passing a NULL path #if !TEST_R5 CPPUNIT_ASSERT( link.MakeLinkedPath((const char*)NULL, NULL) == B_BAD_VALUE ); #endif link.Unset(); path.Unset(); // 2. MakeLinkedPath(const BDirectory*, BPath*) // uninitialized NextSubTest(); link.Unset(); CPPUNIT_ASSERT( link.InitCheck() == B_NO_INIT ); BDirectory dir; CPPUNIT_ASSERT( dir.SetTo("/boot") == B_OK); CPPUNIT_ASSERT( equals(link.MakeLinkedPath(&dir, &path), B_BAD_ADDRESS, B_FILE_ERROR) ); link.Unset(); path.Unset(); dir.Unset(); // existing absolute dir link NextSubTest(); CPPUNIT_ASSERT( link.SetTo(dirLink) == B_OK ); CPPUNIT_ASSERT( dir.SetTo("/boot") == B_OK); CPPUNIT_ASSERT( link.MakeLinkedPath(&dir, &path) == (ssize_t)strlen(existingDir) ); CPPUNIT_ASSERT( path.InitCheck() == B_OK ); CPPUNIT_ASSERT( string(existingDir) == path.Path() ); link.Unset(); path.Unset(); dir.Unset(); // existing absolute file link NextSubTest(); CPPUNIT_ASSERT( link.SetTo(fileLink) == B_OK ); CPPUNIT_ASSERT( dir.SetTo("/boot") == B_OK); CPPUNIT_ASSERT( link.MakeLinkedPath(&dir, &path) == (ssize_t)strlen(existingFile) ); CPPUNIT_ASSERT( path.InitCheck() == B_OK ); CPPUNIT_ASSERT( string(existingFile) == path.Path() ); link.Unset(); path.Unset(); dir.Unset(); // existing absolute cyclic link NextSubTest(); CPPUNIT_ASSERT( link.SetTo(cyclicLink1) == B_OK ); CPPUNIT_ASSERT( dir.SetTo("/boot") == B_OK); CPPUNIT_ASSERT( link.MakeLinkedPath(&dir, &path) == (ssize_t)strlen(cyclicLink2) ); CPPUNIT_ASSERT( path.InitCheck() == B_OK ); CPPUNIT_ASSERT( string(cyclicLink2) == path.Path() ); link.Unset(); path.Unset(); dir.Unset(); // existing relative dir link NextSubTest(); CPPUNIT_ASSERT( entry.SetTo(existingDir) == B_OK ); CPPUNIT_ASSERT( entry.GetPath(&entryPath) == B_OK ); CPPUNIT_ASSERT( link.SetTo(relDirLink) == B_OK ); CPPUNIT_ASSERT( dir.SetTo(existingSuperDir) == B_OK); CPPUNIT_ASSERT( link.MakeLinkedPath(&dir, &path) == (ssize_t)strlen(entryPath.Path()) ); CPPUNIT_ASSERT( path.InitCheck() == B_OK ); CPPUNIT_ASSERT( entryPath == path ); link.Unset(); path.Unset(); dir.Unset(); entry.Unset(); entryPath.Unset(); // existing relative file link NextSubTest(); CPPUNIT_ASSERT( entry.SetTo(existingFile) == B_OK ); CPPUNIT_ASSERT( entry.GetPath(&entryPath) == B_OK ); CPPUNIT_ASSERT( link.SetTo(relFileLink) == B_OK ); CPPUNIT_ASSERT( dir.SetTo(existingSuperFile) == B_OK); CPPUNIT_ASSERT( link.MakeLinkedPath(&dir, &path) == (ssize_t)strlen(entryPath.Path()) ); CPPUNIT_ASSERT( path.InitCheck() == B_OK ); CPPUNIT_ASSERT( entryPath == path ); link.Unset(); path.Unset(); dir.Unset(); entry.Unset(); entryPath.Unset(); // absolute link, uninitialized dir NextSubTest(); CPPUNIT_ASSERT( link.SetTo(dirLink) == B_OK ); CPPUNIT_ASSERT( dir.InitCheck() == B_NO_INIT); CPPUNIT_ASSERT( link.MakeLinkedPath(&dir, &path) == (ssize_t)strlen(existingDir) ); CPPUNIT_ASSERT( path.InitCheck() == B_OK ); CPPUNIT_ASSERT( string(existingDir) == path.Path() ); // absolute link, badly initialized dir NextSubTest(); CPPUNIT_ASSERT( link.SetTo(dirLink) == B_OK ); CPPUNIT_ASSERT( dir.SetTo(nonExisting) == B_ENTRY_NOT_FOUND); CPPUNIT_ASSERT( link.MakeLinkedPath(&dir, &path) == (ssize_t)strlen(existingDir) ); CPPUNIT_ASSERT( path.InitCheck() == B_OK ); CPPUNIT_ASSERT( string(existingDir) == path.Path() ); link.Unset(); path.Unset(); dir.Unset(); // relative link, uninitialized dir NextSubTest(); CPPUNIT_ASSERT( link.SetTo(relDirLink) == B_OK ); CPPUNIT_ASSERT( dir.InitCheck() == B_NO_INIT); CPPUNIT_ASSERT( equals(link.MakeLinkedPath(&dir, &path), B_NO_INIT, B_BAD_VALUE) ); link.Unset(); // relative link, badly initialized dir NextSubTest(); CPPUNIT_ASSERT( link.SetTo(relDirLink) == B_OK ); CPPUNIT_ASSERT( dir.SetTo(nonExisting) == B_ENTRY_NOT_FOUND); CPPUNIT_ASSERT( equals(link.MakeLinkedPath(&dir, &path), B_NO_INIT, B_BAD_VALUE) ); link.Unset(); path.Unset(); dir.Unset(); // bad args NextSubTest(); CPPUNIT_ASSERT( link.SetTo(dirLink) == B_OK ); CPPUNIT_ASSERT( dir.SetTo("/boot") == B_OK); // R5: crashs, when passing a NULL path #if !TEST_R5 CPPUNIT_ASSERT( link.MakeLinkedPath(&dir, NULL) == B_BAD_VALUE ); #endif CPPUNIT_ASSERT( link.MakeLinkedPath((const BDirectory*)NULL, &path) == B_BAD_VALUE ); // R5: crashs, when passing a NULL path #if !TEST_R5 CPPUNIT_ASSERT( link.MakeLinkedPath((const BDirectory*)NULL, NULL) == B_BAD_VALUE ); #endif link.Unset(); path.Unset(); dir.Unset(); }