void BankWithdraw::on_withdraw_clicked() { double amount = ui->inputmoney->text().toDouble(); BankAccount *bac = new BankAccount; bool ifwithdraw; ifwithdraw = bac->withdrawlMoney(amount); QMessageBox *deposit = new QMessageBox; if(ifwithdraw){ deposit->setText( "Successfully Withdraw $ "+ ui->inputmoney->text()); //("Deposit", "Successfully Deposit $ "+ ui->inputmoney->text()); }else{ deposit->setText("Withdraw Fail!"); } deposit->show(); bac->~BankAccount(); }
int main() { string symbol; // company stock symbol double val; double cashBal; // variable for cashBalance int choice; // user choice const int def = 10000; // default cashBalance value int numOfShares; // stock number of shares double maxPrice; // max price user is willing to pay to buy stock double minPrice; // min price user is willing to pay to sell stock double totalBal; BankAccount ba; // create object of class BankAccount double am; // declare amount variable which will be used by class BankAccount StockPortfolioAccount spa; // create object of class Stock Portfolio Account DoublyLinkedList dll; // create dll time_t t; // create a time_t object struct tm buf; // create a tm object which stores all the calendar information //------------------------ Step 1 - load the stock text file data into hash table----------------------------- loadFile(); // -----------------------Step 2 - Load the cashBalance value from .txt file----------------------------------- { // start of block statement ifstream inCash("cash_balance.txt"); // create ifstream object ofstream cas; if (inCash.good()) // if file exists { //inCash.open("cash_balance.txt", ios::in); // open the file getline(inCash, line); // get the line stringstream ss(line); // store it in stringstream ss >> cashBal; // retireve the cashBalance ba.setBalance(cashBal); // set the cashBalance inCash.close(); } // if file is not created then create a new cash_balance.txt file and store 10000 else {
void deposit(BankAccount account[], int num_accts){ int accountnum = 0; accountnum = accountNumPrompt(); accountnum = find_acct(account, num_accts, accountnum); if(accountnum == -1){ string message = "We couldn't find an account by that number"; error(message); deposit(account, num_accts); }else{ BankAccount * b = &account[accountnum]; double howmuch = 0.00; cout << endl << "How much do you want to deposit?" << endl; cin >> howmuch; b->addAccountBalance(howmuch); cout << endl << howmuch << " has been deposited int account: " << b->getAccountNumber() << endl; } }
void bankAgent() { for (int i =10; i>0; --i) { //... JoesAccount.Deposit(500); //... } }
void Joe() { for (int i =10; i>0; --i) { //... int myPocket = JoesAccount.Withdraw(100); std::cout << myPocket << std::endl; //... } }
BankHis::BankHis(QWidget *parent) : QWidget(parent), ui(new Ui::BankHis) { ui->setupUi(this); QPixmap pix = QPixmap("img.jpg").scaled(this->size()); QPalette pal(this->palette()); pal.setBrush(QPalette::Background,QBrush(pix)); this->setPalette(pal); this->setWindowOpacity(0.9); BankAccount *bac = new BankAccount;// = new BankAccount; QString hist = QString::fromStdString(bac->printHistory()); QLabel *his = new QLabel(hist); ui->s->setWidget(his); bac->~BankAccount(); }
int find_acct(BankAccount account[], int num_accts, int request_acct){ //creats pointer variable BankAccount * b; int num = 0; //bool for telling when we have found the right account bool found = false; for(int i=0; i<num_accts; i++){ //store current account b = &account[i]; if(b->getAccountNumber() == request_acct){ //store account number when it matches the requested number num = i; found = true; break; } } if(found){ return num; }else{ return -1; } }
int newAccount(BankAccount account[], int max_accounts, int num_accts){ BankAccount * b; //make sure there is space left if(num_accts+1 <= max_accounts){ b = &account[num_accts]; string fname, lname, type; int SSN; double acctbalance; cout << endl << "Please enter first name: "; cin >> fname; cout << endl << "Please enter last name: "; cin >> lname; cout << endl << "Please enter SSN (Social Security Number): "; cin >> SSN; cout << endl << "Please enter Account Type: "; cin >> type; cout << endl << "Please enter Account starting Balance: "; cin >> acctbalance; b->setFirstName(fname); b->setLastName(lname); b->setSSN(SSN); //increment the account number int greatest = 0; BankAccount * g; for(int i=0; i < num_accts; i++){ g = &account[i]; if(g->getAccountNumber() > greatest){ greatest = g->getAccountNumber(); } } greatest++; b->setAccountNumber(greatest); b->setAccountType(type); b->setAccountBalance(acctbalance); num_accts++; return num_accts; }
void print_accts(BankAccount account[], int num_accts){ //create pointer variable BankAccount * b; for(int i=0; i<num_accts; i++){ //stores our current account b = &account[i]; cout << "name: " << b->getFirstName() << " " << b->getLastName() << endl; cout << "\t\tAccount Number: " << b->getAccountNumber() << endl; cout << "\t\tAccount Type: " << b->getAccountType() << endl; cout << "\t\tAccount Balance: " << b->getAccountBalance() << endl; } }
int main() { using namespace Bank_Account; BankAccount Gavrila = BankAccount("Ivan Ivanov", "12345678q", 10000); std::cout << "Hello, let me tell you about myself" << std::endl; Gavrila.show(); std::cin.get(); std::cout << "One day I suddenly understood that someone accidently give me some cash. Look" << std::endl; std::cin.get(); Gavrila.add_money(500); Gavrila.show(); std::cin.get(); std::cout << "I was so happy, that I started to buy expensive things" << std::endl; std::cin.get(); std::cout << "Like this cat =^.^=" << std::endl; std::cin.get(); Gavrila.retrieve_money(300); std::cin.get(); std::cout << "Like these flowers @>--;-- @>--;-- @>--;-- @>--;--" << std::endl; std::cin.get(); Gavrila.retrieve_money(500); std::cin.get(); std::cout << "Like this bear (''')-.-(''')" << std::endl; std::cin.get(); Gavrila.retrieve_money(8000); std::cin.get(); std::cout << "And these pretty cats >^..^< >'o'< >^..^<" << std::endl; std::cin.get(); Gavrila.retrieve_money(3000); std::cin.get(); std::cout << "And finally I got broken" << std::endl; std::cin.get(); Gavrila.show(); std::cin.get(); std::cout << "Sad story =(" << std::endl; return 0; }
void main() { BankAccount b; b.setName("Rana"); b.setAccount("234"); b.setBalance(20); b.deposite(1024); b.deposite(1024); cout<<b.getBalance(); system("pause"); }
int main () { BankAccount one{"Fist one", "Three hundre", 300}; BankAccount two = BankAccount("Second two", "zero"); BankAccount three = BankAccount(); one.show(); one.deposit(500); two.show(); three = BankAccount("one million", "one million", 100000); three.show(); three.withdraw(7852); three.show(); one.show(); return 0; }
//Account Functions -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- int read_accts(BankAccount account[], int max_accounts){ //start counter int count = 0; //temporary variables string fname, lname, type; int SSN; double acctbalance; //count how moany entries are in the file. while(!File.eof() && count < max_accounts){ File >> fname >> lname >> SSN >> type >> acctbalance; count++; } //loop back to top of file. File.clear(); File.seekg(0, ios::beg); //counter for our current account int i = 0; //create pointer for changing the values at the direct address in memory BankAccount * b; //loop trhough file and save and set values while(!File.eof() && i < count){ //set our current account into our pointer variable b = &account[i]; //define our file format File >> fname >> lname >> SSN >> type >> acctbalance; //set all of our values b->setFirstName(fname); b->setLastName(lname); b->setSSN(SSN); b->setAccountNumber(i); b->setAccountType(type); b->setAccountBalance(acctbalance); i++; } return count; }
void Client::Transfer(){ int amountToTransfer; BankAccount* bcIncome = getBankAccounts(); cout << endl << "Amount to transfer : " << endl; cin >> amountToTransfer; if(bcIncome->ConsultAmount()< amountToTransfer){ cout << "Insufficient amount" << endl; } else{ BankAccount* bcToTransfer = getBankAccounts(); if(bcToTransfer->getId() != bcIncome->getId()) { bcIncome->Transfer(amountToTransfer, bcToTransfer); cout << *bcIncome << endl; } else{ cout << "The two accounts must be different"<<endl; } } }
void mainMenu() { int mainChoice; // choice for top menu // stockaccount object StockAccount stockObj; // bankaccount object BankAccount bankObj; // link two balance bankObj.setBalance(stockObj.getBalance()); do { instructionTop(); cin >> mainChoice; while (cin.fail()){ cout << "\nPlease enter an integer value: "; cin.clear(); cin.ignore(); cin >> mainChoice; } switch ( mainChoice ) { case 1: { // stock menu cout << "\nStock Portfolio Account" << endl; // update balance stockObj.setBalance(bankObj.getBalance()); int stockChoice; // choice for stock menu string stockSymbol; // stock symbol int numberShare; // number of shares double maxPrice; // max price to buy shares double minPrice; // min Price to sell shares string time_start, time_end; // time period to view graph do { stockInstruction(); cin >> stockChoice; while (cin.fail()){ cout << "\nPlease enter an integer value: "; cin.clear(); cin.ignore(); cin >> stockChoice; } //StockAccount *stockPtr = &account; switch ( stockChoice ) { case 1: // display price for stock cout << "\nPlease enter the stock symbol: "; cin >> stockSymbol; stockObj.displayPrice( stockSymbol ); // WORKING ON IT break; case 2: // display current portfolio //cout << "display current portfolio" << endl; stockObj.displayPortfolio(); break; case 3: // buy shares cout << "Please enter the stock symbol you wish to purchase: "; cin >> stockSymbol; cout << "Please enter the number of shares: "; cin >> numberShare; while (cin.fail()){ cout << "\nPlease enter an integer value: "; cin.clear(); cin.ignore(); cin >> numberShare; } cout << "Please enter the maximum amount you are willing to pay per share: $"; cin >> maxPrice; while (cin.fail()){ cout << "\nPlease enter a double value: $"; cin.clear(); cin.ignore(); cin >> maxPrice; } stockObj.buyStock(&Node(stockSymbol, numberShare), maxPrice); break; case 4: // sell shares cout << "Please enter the stock symbol you wish to sell: "; cin >> stockSymbol; cout << "Please enter the number of shares: "; cin >> numberShare; while (cin.fail()){ cout << "\nPlease enter an integer value: "; cin.clear(); cin.ignore(); cin >> numberShare; } cout << "Please enter the minimum amount you are willing to sell per share: $"; cin >> minPrice; while (cin.fail()){ cout << "\nPlease enter a double value: $"; cin.clear(); cin.ignore(); cin >> minPrice; } stockObj.sellStock(&Node(stockSymbol, numberShare), minPrice); break; case 5: // view matlab graph cout << "\nPlease select the time period in the graph: " << endl; cout << "Start Date (mm/dd/yyyy): "; cin >> time_start; cout << "\nEnd Date (mm/dd/yyyy): "; cin >> time_end; stockObj.viewGraph(time_start, time_end); break; case 6: // view transaction history stockObj.viewHistory(); break; } // end stock switch } while ( stockChoice != 7 ); break; } // end case 1 case 2: { // bank menu cout << "\nBank Account" << endl; // update balance bankObj.setBalance(stockObj.getBalance()); int bankChoice; // choice for bank menu double amount; // amount of money to deposit or withdraw do { bankInstruction(); cin >> bankChoice; while (cin.fail()){ cout << "\nPlease enter an integer value: "; cin.clear(); cin.ignore(); cin >> bankChoice; } switch ( bankChoice ) { case 1: // view account balance bankObj.viewBalance(); break; case 2: // deposit cout << "Please select the amount you wish to deposit: $"; cin >> amount; while (cin.fail()){ cout << "\nPlease enter a double value: $"; cin.clear(); cin.ignore(); cin >> amount; } bankObj.deposit(amount); break; case 3: // withdraw cout << "Please select the amount you wish to withdraw: $"; cin >> amount; while (cin.fail()){ cout << "\nPlease enter a double value: $"; cin.clear(); cin.ignore(); cin >> amount; } bankObj.withdraw(amount); break; case 4: // print history bankObj.printHistory(); break; } // end bank switch } while ( bankChoice != 5 ); break; } // end case 2 } // end main switch } while ( mainChoice != 3 ); }
int main() { BankAccount A; A.Initialize("Waseem Hassan", 234, "Savings", 20000); return 0; }
void ATMWithdrawal(BankAccount& acct, int sum) { lock_guard<BankAccount> guard(acct); acct.Withdraw(sum); acct.Withdraw(2); }
int atm() { CinReader reader; BankAccount myBanking; bool end_program = false; bool done = false; long dollars; int cents; do { cout << "Select the type of account you wish to create" << endl; cout << "1 Bank Account 2 - Checking 3 - Savings 4 - Credit\n" << endl; int choice = reader.readInt(1,4); string account_name; long balance_dollars; int balance_cents; double interest_rate; switch(choice) { //Bank account options case 1: { cout << "Set the dollar amount of your account balance\n" << endl; balance_dollars = reader.readInt(0); cout << "Set the cent amount of your account balance\n" << endl; balance_cents = reader.readInt(0,99); myBanking.SetDollars(balance_dollars); myBanking.SetCents(balance_cents); cout << "Please select from the following options." << endl; while(!done) { cout << "1 - Show account balance\n2 - Deposit\n3 - Withdraw\n4 - Show recent transactions\n5 - Clear Transaction history\n6 - Exit ATM\n" << endl; int choice = reader.readInt(1,6); switch(choice) { case 1: { cout << myBanking.ShowBalance() << endl; break; } case 2: { cout << "Please enter the amount in dollars you would like to deposit, followed by the amount in cents\n" << endl; dollars = reader.readInt(0); cents = reader.readInt(0,99); myBanking.DepositAccount(dollars, cents); break; } case 3: { cout << "Please enter the amount in dollars you would like to withdraw, followed by the amount in cents\n" << endl; dollars = reader.readInt(0); cents = reader.readInt(0,99); myBanking.WithdrawAccount(dollars, cents); break; } case 4: { for(int i = 0;i<10;i++) { if(myBanking.GetRecentTransactions(i) == "") { cout << "none" << endl; }else { cout << myBanking.GetRecentTransactions(i) << endl; } } cout << "Your last transaction was: " << myBanking.GetLastTransaction() << endl; break; } case 5: { myBanking.ClearRecentTransactions(); break; } case 6: { done = true; } } } break; } //Checking account options case 2: { CheckingAccount myChecking; cout << "Set the dollar amount of your account balance" << endl; balance_dollars = reader.readInt(0); cout << "Set the cent amount of your account balance\n" << endl; balance_cents = reader.readInt(0,99); myChecking.SetDollars(balance_dollars); myChecking.SetCents(balance_cents); cout << "Please select from the following options." << endl; while(!done) { cout << "1 - Show account balance\n2 - Deposit Money/Check\n3 - Withdraw/Write a check\n4 - Show recent transactions\n5 - Clear Transaction history\n6 - Exit ATM\n" << endl; int choice = reader.readInt(1,6); switch(choice) { case 1: { cout << myChecking.ShowBalance() << endl; break; } case 2: { cout << "Would you like to deposit money into your account or cash a check?" << endl; cout << "Press 1 to deposit money and 2 to cash a check" << endl; int choice = reader.readInt(1,2); if(choice == 1) { cout << "Please enter the amount in dollars you would like to deposit, followed by the amount in cents\n" << endl; dollars = reader.readInt(0); cents = reader.readInt(0,99); myChecking.DepositAccount(dollars, cents); } else { cout << "Please enter the dollar value of the check you are cashing, followed by the cent value" << endl; dollars = reader.readInt(0); cents = reader.readInt(0,99); cout << "Please enter the amount you'd like to keep in dollars, followed by cents\n" << endl; long kept_dollars = reader.readInt(0); int kept_cents = reader.readInt(0,99); myChecking.CashCheck(dollars, cents, kept_dollars, kept_cents); } break; } case 3: { cout << "Please enter the check number that you are writing" << endl; int check_number = reader.readInt(0); cout << "Please enter the amount the check is for in dollars, followed by the amount in cents\n" << endl; dollars = reader.readInt(0); cents = reader.readInt(0,99); myChecking.WriteCheck(check_number, dollars, cents); break; } case 4: { for(int i = 0;i<10;i++) { if(myChecking.GetRecentTransactions(i) == "") { cout << "none" << endl; }else { cout << myChecking.GetRecentTransactions(i) << endl; } } break; } case 5: { myChecking.ClearRecentTransactions(); break; } case 6: { done = true; } } } break; } //Savings account options case 3: { SavingAccount mySavings; cout << "Set the dollar amount of your account balance" << endl; balance_dollars = reader.readInt(0); cout << "Set the cent amount of your account balance" << endl; balance_cents = reader.readInt(0,99); cout << "Select your interest rate\n" << endl; interest_rate = reader.readDouble(); mySavings.SetDollars(balance_dollars); mySavings.SetCents(balance_cents); mySavings.SetInterestRate(interest_rate); cout << "Please select from the following options." << endl; while(!done) { cout << "1 - Show account balance\n2 - Deposit\n3 - Withdraw\n4 - Show recent transactions\n5 - Clear Transaction history\n6 - Calculate Interest\n7 - Show interest accumulated\n8 - Exit ATM\n" << endl; int choice = reader.readInt(1,8); switch(choice) { case 1: { cout << mySavings.ShowBalance() << endl; break; } case 2: { cout << "Please enter the amount in dollars you would like to deposit, followed by the amount in cents\n" << endl; dollars = reader.readInt(0); cents = reader.readInt(0,99); mySavings.DepositAccount(dollars, cents); break; } case 3: { cout << "Please enter the amount in dollars you would like to withdraw, followed by the amount in cents\n" << endl; dollars = reader.readInt(0); cents = reader.readInt(0,99); mySavings.WithdrawAccount(dollars, cents); break; } case 4: { for(int i = 0;i<10;i++) { if(mySavings.GetRecentTransactions(i) == "") { cout << "none" << endl; }else { cout << mySavings.GetRecentTransactions(i) << endl; } } break; } case 5: { mySavings.ClearRecentTransactions(); break; } case 6: { mySavings.CalculateInterest(); break; } case 7: { cout << "Interest accumulated this month: " << mySavings.GetInterestAccumulatedMonth() << endl; cout << "Interest accumulated this year: " << mySavings.GetInterestAccumulatedYear() << "\n" << endl; break; } case 8: { done = true; } } } break; } //Credit Account options case 4: { CreditAccount myCredit; cout << "Set the dollar amount of your account balance" << endl; balance_dollars = reader.readInt(0); cout << "Set the cent amount of your account balance" << endl; balance_cents = reader.readInt(0,99); cout << "Select your interest rate. NOTE: Must be greater or equal to 0.0" << endl; interest_rate = reader.readDouble(); cout << "Set the dollar amount for your max balance" << endl; long max_dollars = reader.readInt(0); cout << "Set the cent amount for your max balance\n" << endl; int max_cents = reader.readInt(0, 99); myCredit.SetDollars(balance_dollars); myCredit.SetCents(balance_cents); myCredit.SetMaxBalanceDollars(max_dollars); myCredit.SetMaxBalanceCents(max_cents); myCredit.SetInterestRate(interest_rate); cout << "Please select from the following options." << endl; while(!done) { cout << "1 - Show account balance\n2 - Deposit\n3 - Withdraw\n4 - Calculate Interest\n5 - Clear Transaction history\n6 - Calculate interest\n7 - Show interest accumulated\n8 - Exit ATM\n" << endl; int choice = reader.readInt(1,8); switch(choice) { case 1: { cout << myCredit.ShowBalance() << endl; break; } case 2: { cout << "Please enter the amount you would like pay towards your balance in dollars, followed by cents\n" << endl << endl; dollars = reader.readInt(0); cents = reader.readInt(0,99); myCredit.MakePayment(dollars, cents); break; } case 3: { cout << "Please enter the transaction number for the charge" << endl; int transaction = reader.readInt(0); cout << "Please enter the amount of the transaction in dollars, followed by cents\n" << endl; dollars = reader.readInt(0); cents = reader.readInt(0,99); myCredit.ChargeCard(transaction, dollars, cents); break; } case 4: { for(int i = 0;i<10;i++) { if(myCredit.GetRecentTransactions(i) == "") { cout << "none" << endl; }else { cout << myCredit.GetRecentTransactions(i) << endl; } } break; } case 5: { myCredit.ClearRecentTransactions(); break; } case 6: { myCredit.CalculateInterest(); break; } case 7: { cout << "Interest accumulated this month: " << myCredit.GetInterestAccumulatedMonth() << endl; cout << "Interest accumulated this year: " << myCredit.GetInterestAccumulatedYear() << "\n" << endl; break; } case 8: { done = true; } } } }//break } }while(!end_program); }
//[IL_BankAccount_ATMWithdrawal void ATMWithdrawal(BankAccount& acct, int sum) { acct.Withdraw(sum); /*<preemption possible>*/ acct.Withdraw(2); }
int main() { int option; LinkedList PortfolioList; StockAccount stock; BankAccount myAccount; bool flag1=false; bool flag2=false; bool already_in_list=false; //for transaction file string trans_type [60], trans_sym[60], trans_time[60]; double trans_price[60], trans_total[60]; int trans_num[60]; //for stocks file string company_name[60], date[60]; double price_per_share[60]; int account_index; int k=0, m=0; //for account information file string account_sym[60]; double account_price[60], account_total[60]; int account_num[60]; //for Bank Account double myAmount; //transaction type string type; stock.readStockFile(company_name,price_per_share,date); //read stock file stock.read_transaction_history(trans_type,trans_sym,trans_num, trans_price, trans_total,trans_time); //read transaction history stock.read_account_information(account_sym,account_num, account_price, account_total); //read account information double myBalance=PortfolioList.CopyToPortfolioList(PortfolioList,stock,account_sym,account_num, account_price, account_total); //copy account information to Portfolio List cout<<"Welcome to the Account Management System.\n\n"; while(1) { cout<<"Please select an account to access:"<<endl <<"1. Stock Portfolio Account"<<endl <<"2. Bank Account"<<endl <<"3. Exit"<<endl <<"Option: "; cin>>option; switch(option) { case 1: //Stock Management System cout<<"\n\nStock Portfolio Account"<<endl; while(1) { cout<<"Please select an option:"<<endl <<"1. Display the price for a stock symbol"<<endl <<"2. Display the current portfolio"<<endl <<"3. Buy shares"<<endl <<"4. Sell shares"<<endl <<"5. View transaction history"<<endl <<"6. Return to previous menu"<<endl; cin>>option; if(option==6) //return to previous menu break; switch(option) { case 1: stock.display_stock_price(company_name,price_per_share); //display stock price break; case 2: PortfolioList.~LinkedList(); //clear linked list stock.read_account_information(account_sym,account_num, account_price, account_total); //read account information myBalance=PortfolioList.CopyToPortfolioList(PortfolioList,stock,account_sym,account_num, account_price, account_total); //copy account information to LinkedList PortfolioList.SortLinkedList(); //sort the Linked List PortfolioList.printList(); //print the Linked List break; case 3: flag1=stock.buy_shares(company_name,price_per_share); //buy shares already_in_list=stock.alreadyInList(account_sym,account_index); //check to see if the stock is already in list if(flag1) //if transaction went through { type="Buy"; if(already_in_list) //if in list { stock.update_account_information(account_sym,account_num,account_price,account_total,account_index); //just update the list(no new entry) } else //if it's not in the list { stock.store_account_information(stock); //store the stock in account information } } stock.store_transaction(stock,type); //store tranaction in file break; case 4: flag2=stock.sell_shares(account_sym,account_price); //sell shares already_in_list=stock.alreadyInList(account_sym,account_index); //check to see if the stock is already in list if(flag2) //if transaction went through { type="Sell"; stock.update_sell_information(account_sym,account_num,account_price,account_total,account_index); //just update the list } stock.store_transaction(stock,type); //store tranaction in file break; case 5: stock.read_transaction_history(trans_type,trans_sym, trans_num, trans_price,trans_total, trans_time); cout<<"Event"<<setw(15)<<"Company Symbol"<<setw(9)<<"Number"<<setw(19)<<"Price per share"<<setw(15)<<"Total value"<<setw(11)<<"Time\n"; while(trans_sym[m]!="END") { cout<<trans_type[m]<<setw(7)<<trans_sym[m]<<setw(15)<<trans_num[m]<<setw(15)<<trans_price[m]<<setw(19)<<trans_total[m]<<setw(18)<<trans_time[m]<<endl; m++; } m=0; cout<<"\n"; break; default: cout<<"You entered an invalid number!"<<endl; break; } } break; case 2: //Bank Account cout<<"\n\nBank Account"<<endl; while(1) { cout<<"Please select an option:"<<endl <<"1. View account balance"<<endl <<"2. Deposit Money"<<endl <<"3. Withdraw Money"<<endl <<"4. Print out history"<<endl <<"5. Return to previous menu"<<endl; cin>>option; if(option==5) //return to previous menu break; switch(option) { case 1: myAccount.View_balance(); //View Balance break; case 2: cout<<"Please enter the amount: "<<endl; cin>>myAmount; myAccount.Deposit(myAmount); break; case 3: cout<<"Please enter the amount: "<<endl; cin>>myAmount; myAccount.Withdraw(myAmount); break; case 4: myAccount.Print_history(); break; default: cout<<"You entered an invalid number!"<<endl; break; } } break; case 3: //exit the program exit(0); default: break; } } return 0; }
int main() { vector<BankAccount*> accounts; do { int index = 0; int userAccount = 0; int choice = menu(); if (choice == 1) //Open { int type = accountType();//determines account type cout << "What name did your mom and pop give you?\n"; //Gathering account info. It makes more sense to me to do this in main with a constructor as opposed to a member function. string name = ""; cin >> name; //I assume they user will only enter either a first name. bool validCheck = false; string initialDeposit; do //checks if valid choice y or n { cout << "Would you like to start with an initial deposit? (y/n)\n"; initialDeposit = ""; cin >> initialDeposit; if (initialDeposit == "y" || initialDeposit == "n") { validCheck = true; } else { cout << "That isn't one of the choices. Come on now.\n\n"; } } while (validCheck == false); double initialDepositAmount = 0; if (initialDeposit == "y") { bool posCheck = false; do//Ensures only positive desposits. { cout << "How much you wanna deposit?\n"; cin >> initialDepositAmount; if (initialDepositAmount < 0) { cout << "You may only deposit postive money...\n"; } else { posCheck = true; } } while (!posCheck); } if (type == 1) //Checking { BankAccount* temp = new CheckingAccount(accountCounter, initialDepositAmount, name); cout << temp->tostr(); accountCounter++; accounts.push_back(temp); } else if (type == 2)//Savings { BankAccount* temp = new SavingsAccount(accountCounter, initialDepositAmount, name); cout << temp->tostr(); accountCounter++; accounts.push_back(temp); //Savings.open() } else if (type == 3)//CD { BankAccount* temp = new CDAccount(accountCounter, initialDepositAmount, name); cout << temp->tostr(); accountCounter++; accounts.push_back(temp); //CD.open() } }