Esempio n. 1
void InGameMainMenu::ApplySchemeSettings( vgui::IScheme *pScheme )
	BaseClass::ApplySchemeSettings( pScheme );

	// We cant remove button and resize flyout menu from code, but we can use another .res file for base menu.
	if ( demo_ui_enable.GetString()[0] )
		LoadControlSettings( CFmtStr( "Resource/UI/BaseModUI/InGameMainMenu_%s.res", demo_ui_enable.GetString() ) );
		LoadControlSettings( "Resource/UI/BaseModUI/InGameMainMenu.res" );
	// all that "demoui" stuff confuse me [str]
	const char *pSettings = "Resource/UI/BaseModUI/InGameMainMenu_NoGameplay.res";

	BaseModHybridButton *button = dynamic_cast< BaseModHybridButton* >( FindChildByName( "BtnDeveloperCommentaries" ) );
	if ( button )
		button->SetEnabled( true ); // we're not just removing button, because of ASWUI flyout system [str]
									// thought: maybe just use different control setting

	SetPaintBackgroundEnabled( true );

void InGameDifficultySelect::LoadLayout()

	CGameUIConVarRef z_difficulty("z_difficulty");

	if ( z_difficulty.IsValid() )
		// set a label that tells us what the current difficulty is
		char chBuffer[64];
		Q_snprintf( chBuffer, ARRAYSIZE( chBuffer ), "#L4D360UI_Difficulty_%s", z_difficulty.GetString() );

		const char *pszDifficultyLoc = chBuffer;
		wchar_t *pwcDifficulty = g_pVGuiLocalize->Find( pszDifficultyLoc );
		if ( pwcDifficulty )
			wchar_t szWideBuff[200];		
			g_pVGuiLocalize->ConstructString( szWideBuff, sizeof( szWideBuff ), g_pVGuiLocalize->Find( "#L4D360UI_GameSettings_Current_Difficulty" ), 1, pwcDifficulty );

			SetControlString( "LblCurrentDifficulty", szWideBuff );
		// Disable the current difficulty's button, and navigate to it.
		BaseModHybridButton *pButton = dynamic_cast< BaseModHybridButton* >( FindChildByName( VarArgs( "Btn%s", z_difficulty.GetString() ) ) );
		if ( pButton )
			pButton->SetEnabled( false );
Esempio n. 3
void Demo_DisableButton( Button *pButton )
	BaseModHybridButton *pHybridButton = dynamic_cast<BaseModHybridButton *>(pButton);

	if (pHybridButton)
		pHybridButton->SetEnabled( false );

		char szTooltip[512];
		wchar_t *wUnicode = g_pVGuiLocalize->Find( "#L4D360UI_MainMenu_DemoVersion" );
		if ( !wUnicode )
			wUnicode = L"";

		g_pVGuiLocalize->ConvertUnicodeToANSI( wUnicode, szTooltip, sizeof( szTooltip ) );

		pHybridButton->SetHelpText( szTooltip , false );
Esempio n. 4
void GameSettings::UpdateSelectMissionButton()
	DropDownMenu *menu = dynamic_cast< DropDownMenu* >( FindChildByName( "DrpSelectMission", true ) );
	if ( !menu )

	BaseModHybridButton *button = menu->GetButton(); //dynamic_cast< BaseModHybridButton* >( FindChildByName( "BtnSelectMission", true ) );
	if ( m_pSettings && button )
		const char *szGameType = m_pSettings->GetString( "game/mode", "sdk" );
		if ( !Q_stricmp( szGameType, "campaign" ) )
			button->SetText( "#ASUI_Select_Campaign" );
			button->SetHelpText( "#ASUI_Select_Campaign_tt" );
		else if ( !Q_stricmp( szGameType, "single_mission" ) )
			button->SetText( "#ASUI_Select_Mission" );
			button->SetHelpText( "#ASUI_Select_Mission_tt" );
		else if( !Q_stricmp( szGameType, "sdk" ) )
			button->SetText( "Select Map" );
			button->SetHelpText( "SDK select map example" );
		else if( !Q_stricmp( szGameType, "swarmkeeper" ) )
			button->SetText( "Select level" );
			button->SetHelpText( "Select a Swarm Keeper level" );
	BaseModHybridButton *button = dynamic_cast< BaseModHybridButton* >( FindChildByName( "BtnSelectMission" ) );
	if ( m_pSettings && button )
		const char *szGameType = m_pSettings->GetString( "game/mode", "campaign" );
		if ( !Q_stricmp( szGameType, "campaign" ) )
			button->SetText( "#ASUI_Select_Campaign" );
			button->SetHelpText( "#ASUI_Select_Campaign_tt" );
		else if ( !Q_stricmp( szGameType, "single_mission" ) )
			button->SetText( "#ASUI_Select_Mission" );
			button->SetHelpText( "#ASUI_Select_Mission_tt" );
Esempio n. 5
void MainMenu::OnThink()
	// need to change state of flyout if user suddenly disconnects
	// while flyout is open
	BaseModUI::FlyoutMenu *flyout = dynamic_cast< FlyoutMenu* >( FindChildByName( "FlmCampaignFlyout" ) );
	if ( flyout )
		BaseModHybridButton *pButton = dynamic_cast< BaseModHybridButton* >( flyout->FindChildButtonByCommand( "QuickMatchCoOp" ) );
		if ( pButton )
			if ( !CUIGameData::Get()->SignedInToLive() )
				pButton->SetText( "#L4D360UI_QuickStart" );
				if ( m_iQuickJoinHelpText != MMQJHT_QUICKSTART )
					pButton->SetHelpText( "#L4D360UI_QuickMatch_Offline_Tip" );
					m_iQuickJoinHelpText = MMQJHT_QUICKSTART;
				pButton->SetText( "#L4D360UI_QuickMatch" );
				if ( m_iQuickJoinHelpText != MMQJHT_QUICKMATCH )
					pButton->SetHelpText( "#L4D360UI_QuickMatch_Tip" );
					m_iQuickJoinHelpText = MMQJHT_QUICKMATCH;

	if ( IsPC() )
		FlyoutMenu *pFlyout = dynamic_cast< FlyoutMenu* >( FindChildByName( "FlmOptionsFlyout" ) );
		if ( pFlyout )
			const MaterialSystem_Config_t &config = materials->GetCurrentConfigForVideoCard();
			pFlyout->SetControlEnabled( "BtnBrightness", !config.Windowed() );

Esempio n. 6
void QuickJoinPanel::UpdateNumGamesFoundLabel( void )
	BaseModHybridButton *title = dynamic_cast< BaseModHybridButton* >( FindChildByName( "LblTitle" ) );
	if ( title )
		wchar_t* wFormatString = g_pVGuiLocalize->Find( GetTitle() );
		if( wFormatString )
			char gameCountTxt[ 4 ];
			itoa( m_FriendInfo.Count(), gameCountTxt, 10 );

			wchar_t wGameCountTxt[ 4 ];
			g_pVGuiLocalize->ConvertANSIToUnicode( gameCountTxt, wGameCountTxt, sizeof( wGameCountTxt ) );

			wchar_t wMessage[ 256 ];
			g_pVGuiLocalize->ConstructString( wMessage, sizeof( wMessage ), wFormatString, 1, wGameCountTxt );
			title->SetText( wMessage );
Esempio n. 7
void InGameMainMenu::PerformLayout( void )

	BaseModUI::FlyoutMenu *flyout = dynamic_cast< FlyoutMenu* >( FindChildByName( "FlmIngameSingleplayerFlyout" ) );
	if ( flyout )
		flyout->SetListener( this );
	BaseModUI::FlyoutMenu *flyout2 = dynamic_cast< FlyoutMenu* >( FindChildByName( "FlmOptionsFlyout" ) );
	if ( flyout2 )
		flyout2->SetListener( this );
	BaseModHybridButton *button = dynamic_cast< BaseModHybridButton* >( FindChildByName( "BtnReturnToGame" ) );
	if ( button )
		if( m_ActiveControl )

void DownloadCampaign::UpdateText()
	wchar_t s1[MAX_PATH];
	wchar_t s2[MAX_PATH];
	wchar_t text[MAX_PATH];

	g_pVGuiLocalize->ConvertANSIToUnicode( m_campaignName.Get(), s1, sizeof( s1 ) );
	g_pVGuiLocalize->ConvertANSIToUnicode( m_author.Get(), s2, sizeof( s2 ) );
	const wchar_t * downloadCampaignText = g_pVGuiLocalize->Find( "#L4D360UI_DownloadCampaign_Campaign" );
	if ( downloadCampaignText )
		g_pVGuiLocalize->ConstructString( text, sizeof( text ), downloadCampaignText, 2, s1, s2 );

		vgui::Label	*LblDownloadCampaign = dynamic_cast< vgui::Label * > ( FindChildByName( "LblDownloadCampaign" ) );
		if ( LblDownloadCampaign )
			LblDownloadCampaign->SetText( text );

	g_pVGuiLocalize->ConvertANSIToUnicode( m_webSite.Get(), s1, sizeof( s1 ) );
	BaseModHybridButton *BtnURL = dynamic_cast< BaseModHybridButton * > ( FindChildByName( "BtnURL" ) );
	if ( BtnURL )
		BtnURL->SetText( s1 );

	if ( m_fromLobby )
		vgui::Label	*LblDownloadText = dynamic_cast< vgui::Label * > ( FindChildByName( "LblDownloadText" ) );
		if ( LblDownloadText )
			LblDownloadText->SetText( "#L4D360UI_DownloadCampaign_Text_FromLobby" );
Esempio n. 9
void QuickJoinPanel::NavigateTo()
	SetHasMouseover( true );

	BaseModHybridButton *title = dynamic_cast< BaseModHybridButton* >( FindChildByName( "LblTitle" ) );
	if ( title )
		title->SetNavUp( GetNavUp() );
		title->SetNavDown( GetNavDown() );
		if ( m_bHasMouseover && title->IsVisible() && ( title->GetCurrentState() == BaseModHybridButton::Enabled || title->GetCurrentState() == BaseModHybridButton::Disabled ) )

#ifdef _X360
Esempio n. 10
void MainMenu::OnCommand( const char *command )
	int iUserSlot = CBaseModPanel::GetSingleton().GetLastActiveUserId();

	if ( UI_IsDebug() )
		Msg("[GAMEUI] Handling main menu command %s from user%d ctrlr%d\n",
			command, iUserSlot, XBX_GetUserId( iUserSlot ) );

	bool bOpeningFlyout = false;

	if ( char const *szQuickMatch = StringAfterPrefix( command, "QuickMatch_" ) )
		if ( CheckAndDisplayErrorIfNotLoggedIn() ||
			CUIGameData::Get()->CheckAndDisplayErrorIfNotSignedInToLive( this ) )

		KeyValues *pSettings = KeyValues::FromString(
			" system { "
				" network LIVE "
			" } "
			" game { "
				" mode = "
			" } "
			" options { "
				" action quickmatch "
			" } "
		KeyValues::AutoDelete autodelete( pSettings );

		pSettings->SetString( "game/mode", szQuickMatch );

		// TCR: We need to respect the default difficulty
		if ( GameModeHasDifficulty( szQuickMatch ) )
			pSettings->SetString( "game/difficulty", GameModeGetDefaultDifficulty( szQuickMatch ) );

		g_pMatchFramework->MatchSession( pSettings );
	else if ( char const *szCustomMatch = StringAfterPrefix( command, "CustomMatch_" ) )
		if ( CheckAndDisplayErrorIfNotLoggedIn() ||
			 CUIGameData::Get()->CheckAndDisplayErrorIfNotSignedInToLive( this ) )

		KeyValues *pSettings = KeyValues::FromString(
			" system { "
				" network LIVE "
			" } "
			" game { "
				" mode = "
			" } "
			" options { "
				" action custommatch "
			" } "
		KeyValues::AutoDelete autodelete( pSettings );

		pSettings->SetString( "game/mode", szCustomMatch );

			ui_play_online_browser.GetBool() ? WT_FOUNDPUBLICGAMES : WT_GAMESETTINGS,
			this, true, pSettings );
	else if ( char const *szFriendsMatch = StringAfterPrefix( command, "FriendsMatch_" ) )
		if ( CheckAndDisplayErrorIfNotLoggedIn() )

		if ( StringHasPrefix( szFriendsMatch, "team" ) &&
			CUIGameData::Get()->CheckAndDisplayErrorIfNotSignedInToLive( this ) )
			// Team games require to be signed in to LIVE

		KeyValues *pSettings = KeyValues::FromString(
			" game { "
				" mode = "
			" } "
		KeyValues::AutoDelete autodelete( pSettings );

		pSettings->SetString( "game/mode", szFriendsMatch );

		if ( m_ActiveControl )
			m_ActiveControl->NavigateFrom( );
		CBaseModPanel::GetSingleton().OpenWindow( WT_ALLGAMESEARCHRESULTS, this, true, pSettings );
	else if ( char const *szGroupServer = StringAfterPrefix( command, "GroupServer_" ) )
		if ( CheckAndDisplayErrorIfNotLoggedIn() )

		KeyValues *pSettings = KeyValues::FromString(
			" game { "
				// " mode = "
			" } "
			" options { "
				" action groupserver "
			" } "
		KeyValues::AutoDelete autodelete( pSettings );

		if ( *szGroupServer )
			pSettings->SetString( "game/mode", szGroupServer );

		if ( m_ActiveControl )
			m_ActiveControl->NavigateFrom( );
		CBaseModPanel::GetSingleton().OpenWindow( WT_STEAMGROUPSERVERS, this, true, pSettings );
	else if ( char const *szLeaderboards = StringAfterPrefix( command, "Leaderboards_" ) )
		if ( CheckAndDisplayErrorIfNotLoggedIn() ||
			CUIGameData::Get()->CheckAndDisplayErrorIfOffline( this,
			"#L4D360UI_MainMenu_SurvivalLeaderboards_Tip_Disabled" ) )

		KeyValues *pSettings = KeyValues::FromString(
			" game { "
				" mode = "
			" } "
		KeyValues::AutoDelete autodelete( pSettings );

		pSettings->SetString( "game/mode", szLeaderboards );

		if ( m_ActiveControl )
			m_ActiveControl->NavigateFrom( );
		CBaseModPanel::GetSingleton().OpenWindow( WT_LEADERBOARD, this, true, pSettings );
	else if( !Q_strcmp( command, "VersusSoftLock" ) )
		OnCommand( "FlmVersusFlyout" );
	else if ( !Q_strcmp( command, "SurvivalCheck" ) )
		OnCommand( "FlmSurvivalFlyout" );
	else if ( !Q_strcmp( command, "ScavengeCheck" ) )
		OnCommand( "FlmScavengeFlyout" );
	else if ( !Q_strcmp( command, "SoloPlay" ) )
		if ( !asw_show_all_singleplayer_maps.GetBool() )
			KeyValues *pSettings = KeyValues::FromString(
			" system { "
			" network offline "
			" } "
			" game { "
			" mode sdk "
			" mission sdk_teams_hdr "
			" } "
			KeyValues::AutoDelete autodelete( pSettings );

			pSettings->SetString( "Game/difficulty", GameModeGetDefaultDifficulty( pSettings->GetString( "Game/mode" ) ) );

			g_pMatchFramework->CreateSession( pSettings );

			// Automatically start the credits session, no configuration required
			if ( IMatchSession *pMatchSession = g_pMatchFramework->GetMatchSession() )
				pMatchSession->Command( KeyValues::AutoDeleteInline( new KeyValues( "Start" ) ) );
			KeyValues *pSettings = KeyValues::FromString(
				" System { "
				" network offline "
				" } "
				" Game { "
				" mode sdk "
				" mission sdk_teams_hdr "
				" } "
			KeyValues::AutoDelete autodelete( pSettings );

			// TCR: We need to respect the default difficulty
			pSettings->SetString( "Game/difficulty", GameModeGetDefaultDifficulty( pSettings->GetString( "Game/mode" ) ) );

			g_pMatchFramework->CreateSession( pSettings );
	else if ( !Q_strcmp( command, "DeveloperCommentary" ) )
		// Explain the rules of commentary
		GenericConfirmation* confirmation = 
			static_cast< GenericConfirmation* >( CBaseModPanel::GetSingleton().OpenWindow( WT_GENERICCONFIRMATION, this, false ) );

		GenericConfirmation::Data_t data;

		data.pWindowTitle = "#GAMEUI_CommentaryDialogTitle";
		data.pMessageText = "#L4D360UI_Commentary_Explanation";

		data.bOkButtonEnabled = true;
		data.pfnOkCallback = &AcceptCommentaryRulesCallback;
		data.bCancelButtonEnabled = true;

	else if ( !Q_strcmp( command, "StatsAndAchievements" ) )
		// If PC make sure that the Steam user is logged in
		if ( CheckAndDisplayErrorIfNotLoggedIn() )

		if ( m_ActiveControl )
			m_ActiveControl->NavigateFrom( );

		CBaseModPanel::GetSingleton().OpenWindow( WT_ACHIEVEMENTS, this, true );
	else if ( !Q_strcmp( command, "FlmExtrasFlyoutCheck" ) )
		if ( IsX360() && CUIGameData::Get()->SignedInToLive() )
			OnCommand( "FlmExtrasFlyout_Live" );
			OnCommand( "FlmExtrasFlyout_Simple" );
	else if ( char const *szInviteType = StringAfterPrefix( command, "InviteUI_" ) )
		if ( IsX360() )
			CUIGameData::Get()->OpenInviteUI( szInviteType );
			CUIGameData::Get()->ExecuteOverlayCommand( "LobbyInvite" );
	else if (!Q_strcmp(command, "Game"))
		if ( m_ActiveControl )
			m_ActiveControl->NavigateFrom( );
		CBaseModPanel::GetSingleton().OpenWindow(WT_GAMEOPTIONS, this, true );
	else if (!Q_strcmp(command, "AudioVideo"))
		if ( m_ActiveControl )
			m_ActiveControl->NavigateFrom( );
		CBaseModPanel::GetSingleton().OpenWindow(WT_AUDIOVIDEO, this, true );
	else if (!Q_strcmp(command, "Controller"))
		if ( m_ActiveControl )
			m_ActiveControl->NavigateFrom( );
		CBaseModPanel::GetSingleton().OpenWindow(WT_CONTROLLER, this, true );
	else if (!Q_strcmp(command, "Storage"))
		if ( m_ActiveControl )
			m_ActiveControl->NavigateFrom( );

		// Trigger storage device selector
		CUIGameData::Get()->SelectStorageDevice( new CChangeStorageDevice( XBX_GetUserId( iUserSlot ) ) );
	else if (!Q_strcmp(command, "Credits"))
		KeyValues *pSettings = KeyValues::FromString(
			" system { "
				" network offline "
			" } "
			" game { "
				" mode single_mission "
			" } "
			" options { "
				" play credits "
			" } "
		KeyValues::AutoDelete autodelete( pSettings );

		g_pMatchFramework->CreateSession( pSettings );

		// Automatically start the credits session, no configuration required
		if ( IMatchSession *pMatchSession = g_pMatchFramework->GetMatchSession() )
			pMatchSession->Command( KeyValues::AutoDeleteInline( new KeyValues( "Start" ) ) );
	else if (!Q_strcmp(command, "QuitGame"))
		if ( IsPC() )
			GenericConfirmation* confirmation = 
				static_cast< GenericConfirmation* >( CBaseModPanel::GetSingleton().OpenWindow( WT_GENERICCONFIRMATION, this, false ) );

			GenericConfirmation::Data_t data;

			data.pWindowTitle = "#L4D360UI_MainMenu_Quit_Confirm";
			data.pMessageText = "#L4D360UI_MainMenu_Quit_ConfirmMsg";

			data.bOkButtonEnabled = true;
			data.pfnOkCallback = &AcceptQuitGameCallback;
			data.bCancelButtonEnabled = true;


	else if ( !Q_stricmp( command, "QuitGame_NoConfirm" ) )
		if ( IsPC() )
			engine->ClientCmd( "quit" );
	else if ( !Q_strcmp( command, "EnableSplitscreen" ) )
		Msg( "Enabling splitscreen from main menu...\n" );

		CAttractScreen::SetAttractMode( CAttractScreen::ATTRACT_GOSPLITSCREEN );
		CBaseModPanel::GetSingleton().OpenWindow( WT_ATTRACTSCREEN, NULL, true );
	else if ( !Q_strcmp( command, "DisableSplitscreen" ) )
		GenericConfirmation* confirmation = 
			static_cast< GenericConfirmation* >( CBaseModPanel::GetSingleton().OpenWindow( WT_GENERICCONFIRMATION, this, false ) );

		GenericConfirmation::Data_t data;

		data.pWindowTitle = "#L4D360UI_MainMenu_SplitscreenDisableConf";
		data.pMessageText = "#L4D360UI_MainMenu_SplitscreenDisableConfMsg";

		data.bOkButtonEnabled = true;
		data.pfnOkCallback = &AcceptSplitscreenDisableCallback;
		data.bCancelButtonEnabled = true;

	else if ( !Q_strcmp( command, "DisableSplitscreen_NoConfirm" ) )
		Msg( "Disabling splitscreen from main menu...\n" );

		CAttractScreen::SetAttractMode( CAttractScreen::ATTRACT_GAMESTART  );
		OnCommand( "ActivateAttractScreen" );
	else if (!Q_strcmp(command, "Audio"))
		if ( ui_old_options_menu.GetBool() )
			CBaseModPanel::GetSingleton().OpenOptionsDialog( this );
			// audio options dialog, PC only
			if ( m_ActiveControl )
				m_ActiveControl->NavigateFrom( );
			CBaseModPanel::GetSingleton().OpenWindow(WT_AUDIO, this, true );
	else if (!Q_strcmp(command, "Video"))
		if ( ui_old_options_menu.GetBool() )
			CBaseModPanel::GetSingleton().OpenOptionsDialog( this );
			// video options dialog, PC only
			if ( m_ActiveControl )
				m_ActiveControl->NavigateFrom( );
			CBaseModPanel::GetSingleton().OpenWindow(WT_VIDEO, this, true );
	else if (!Q_strcmp(command, "Brightness"))
		if ( ui_old_options_menu.GetBool() )
			CBaseModPanel::GetSingleton().OpenOptionsDialog( this );
			// brightness options dialog, PC only
			OpenGammaDialog( GetVParent() );
	else if (!Q_strcmp(command, "KeyboardMouse"))
		if ( ui_old_options_menu.GetBool() )
			CBaseModPanel::GetSingleton().OpenOptionsDialog( this );
			// standalone keyboard/mouse dialog, PC only
			if ( m_ActiveControl )
				m_ActiveControl->NavigateFrom( );
			CBaseModPanel::GetSingleton().OpenWindow(WT_KEYBOARDMOUSE, this, true );
	else if( Q_stricmp( "#L4D360UI_Controller_Edit_Keys_Buttons", command ) == 0 )
		CBaseModPanel::GetSingleton().OpenKeyBindingsDialog( this );
	else if (!Q_strcmp(command, "MultiplayerSettings"))
		if ( ui_old_options_menu.GetBool() )
			CBaseModPanel::GetSingleton().OpenOptionsDialog( this );
			// standalone multiplayer settings dialog, PC only
			if ( m_ActiveControl )
				m_ActiveControl->NavigateFrom( );
			CBaseModPanel::GetSingleton().OpenWindow(WT_MULTIPLAYER, this, true );
	else if (!Q_strcmp(command, "CloudSettings"))
		// standalone cloud settings dialog, PC only
		if ( m_ActiveControl )
			m_ActiveControl->NavigateFrom( );
		CBaseModPanel::GetSingleton().OpenWindow(WT_CLOUD, this, true );
	else if (!Q_strcmp(command, "SeeAll"))
		if ( CheckAndDisplayErrorIfNotLoggedIn() )

		KeyValues *pSettings = KeyValues::FromString(
			" game { "
			// passing empty game settings to indicate no preference
			" } "
		KeyValues::AutoDelete autodelete( pSettings );

		if ( m_ActiveControl )
			m_ActiveControl->NavigateFrom( );
		CBaseModPanel::GetSingleton().OpenWindow( WT_ALLGAMESEARCHRESULTS, this, true, pSettings );
		CBaseModPanel::GetSingleton().PlayUISound( UISOUND_ACCEPT );
	else if ( !Q_strcmp( command, "OpenServerBrowser" ) )
		if ( CheckAndDisplayErrorIfNotLoggedIn() )

		// on PC, bring up the server browser and switch it to the LAN tab (tab #5)
		engine->ClientCmd( "openserverbrowser" );
	else if ( !Q_strcmp( command, "DemoConnect" ) )
		g_pMatchFramework->GetMatchTitle()->PrepareClientForConnect( NULL );
		engine->ClientCmd( CFmtStr( "connect %s", demo_connect_string.GetString() ) );
	else if (command && command[0] == '#')
		// Pass it straight to the engine as a command
		engine->ClientCmd( command+1 );
	else if( !Q_strcmp( command, "Addons" ) )
		CBaseModPanel::GetSingleton().OpenWindow( WT_ADDONS, this, true );
	else if( !Q_strcmp( command, "CreateGame" ) )
		KeyValues *pSettings = KeyValues::FromString(
			" system { "
			" network LIVE "
			" access public "
			" } "
			" game { "
			" mode = "
			" sdk = "
			" mission = "
			" } "
			" options { "
			" action create "
			" } "
		KeyValues::AutoDelete autodelete( pSettings );

		char const *szGameMode = "sdk";
		pSettings->SetString( "game/mode", szGameMode );
		pSettings->SetString( "game/campaign", "jacob" );
		pSettings->SetString( "game/mission", "sdk_teams_hdr" );

		if ( !CUIGameData::Get()->SignedInToLive() )
			pSettings->SetString( "system/network", "lan" );
			pSettings->SetString( "system/access", "public" );

		if ( StringHasPrefix( szGameMode, "team" ) )
			pSettings->SetString( "system/netflag", "teamlobby" );
// 		else if ( !Q_stricmp( "custommatch", m_pDataSettings->GetString( "options/action", "" ) ) )
// 		{
// 			pSettings->SetString( "system/access", "public" );
// 		}

		// TCR: We need to respect the default difficulty
		pSettings->SetString( "game/difficulty", GameModeGetDefaultDifficulty( szGameMode ) );

		CBaseModPanel::GetSingleton().PlayUISound( UISOUND_ACCEPT );
		CBaseModPanel::GetSingleton().OpenWindow( WT_GAMESETTINGS, NULL, true, pSettings );
		const char *pchCommand = command;
		if ( !Q_strcmp(command, "FlmOptionsFlyout") )
#ifdef _X360
			if ( XBX_GetPrimaryUserIsGuest() )
				pchCommand = "FlmOptionsGuestFlyout";
		else if ( !Q_strcmp(command, "FlmVersusFlyout") )
			command = "VersusSoftLock";
		else if ( !Q_strcmp( command, "FlmSurvivalFlyout" ) )
			command = "SurvivalCheck";
		else if ( !Q_strcmp( command, "FlmScavengeFlyout" ) )
			command = "ScavengeCheck";
		else if ( StringHasPrefix( command, "FlmExtrasFlyout_" ) )
			command = "FlmExtrasFlyoutCheck";

		// does this command match a flyout menu?
		BaseModUI::FlyoutMenu *flyout = dynamic_cast< FlyoutMenu* >( FindChildByName( pchCommand ) );
		if ( flyout )
			bOpeningFlyout = true;

			// If so, enumerate the buttons on the menu and find the button that issues this command.
			// (No other way to determine which button got pressed; no notion of "current" button on PC.)
			for ( int iChild = 0; iChild < GetChildCount(); iChild++ )
				bool bFound = false;
				GameModes *pGameModes = dynamic_cast< GameModes *>( GetChild( iChild ) );
				if ( pGameModes )
					for ( int iGameMode = 0; iGameMode < pGameModes->GetNumGameInfos(); iGameMode++ )
						BaseModHybridButton *pHybrid = pGameModes->GetHybridButton( iGameMode );
						if ( pHybrid && pHybrid->GetCommand() && !Q_strcmp( pHybrid->GetCommand()->GetString( "command"), command ) )
							// open the menu next to the button that got clicked
							flyout->OpenMenu( pHybrid );
							flyout->SetListener( this );
							bFound = true;

				if ( !bFound )
					BaseModHybridButton *hybrid = dynamic_cast<BaseModHybridButton *>( GetChild( iChild ) );
					if ( hybrid && hybrid->GetCommand() && !Q_strcmp( hybrid->GetCommand()->GetString( "command"), command ) )
						// open the menu next to the button that got clicked
						flyout->OpenMenu( hybrid );
						flyout->SetListener( this );
			BaseClass::OnCommand( command );

	if( !bOpeningFlyout )
		FlyoutMenu::CloseActiveMenu(); //due to unpredictability of mouse navigation over keyboard, we should just close any flyouts that may still be open anywhere.
Esempio n. 11
void MainMenu::ApplySchemeSettings( IScheme *pScheme )
	BaseClass::ApplySchemeSettings( pScheme );

	const char *pSettings = "Resource/UI/BaseModUI/MainMenu.res";

#if !defined( _X360 )
	if ( !g_pMatchFramework->GetMatchSystem() )
		Msg( "BAD!\n" );
	if ( !g_pMatchFramework->GetMatchSystem()->GetPlayerManager() )
	if ( !g_pMatchFramework->GetMatchSystem()->GetPlayerManager()->GetLocalPlayer( 0 ) )
		pSettings = "Resource/UI/BaseModUI/MainMenuStub.res";

	LoadControlSettings( pSettings );

	BaseModHybridButton *button = dynamic_cast< BaseModHybridButton* >( FindChildByName( "BtnPlaySolo" ) );
	if ( button )
#ifdef _X360
		button->SetText( ( XBX_GetNumGameUsers() > 1 ) ? ( "#L4D360UI_MainMenu_PlaySplitscreen" ) : ( "#L4D360UI_MainMenu_PlaySolo" ) );
		button->SetHelpText( ( XBX_GetNumGameUsers() > 1 ) ? ( "#L4D360UI_MainMenu_OfflineCoOp_Tip" ) : ( "#L4D360UI_MainMenu_PlaySolo_Tip" ) );

#ifdef _X360
	if ( !XBX_GetPrimaryUserIsGuest() )
		wchar_t wszListText[ 128 ];
		wchar_t wszPlayerName[ 128 ];

		IPlayer *player1 = NULL;
		if ( XBX_GetNumGameUsers() > 0 )
			player1 = g_pMatchFramework->GetMatchSystem()->GetPlayerManager()->GetLocalPlayer( XBX_GetUserId( 0 ) );

		IPlayer *player2 = NULL;
		if ( XBX_GetNumGameUsers() > 1 )
			player2 = g_pMatchFramework->GetMatchSystem()->GetPlayerManager()->GetLocalPlayer( XBX_GetUserId( 1 ) );

		if ( player1 )
			Label *pLblPlayer1GamerTag = dynamic_cast< Label* >( FindChildByName( "LblPlayer1GamerTag" ) );
			if ( pLblPlayer1GamerTag )
				g_pVGuiLocalize->ConvertANSIToUnicode( player1->GetName(), wszPlayerName, sizeof( wszPlayerName ) );
				g_pVGuiLocalize->ConstructString( wszListText, sizeof( wszListText ), g_pVGuiLocalize->Find( "#L4D360UI_MainMenu_LocalProfilePlayer1" ), 1, wszPlayerName );

				pLblPlayer1GamerTag->SetVisible( true );
				pLblPlayer1GamerTag->SetText( wszListText );

		if ( player2 )
			Label *pLblPlayer2GamerTag = dynamic_cast< Label* >( FindChildByName( "LblPlayer2GamerTag" ) );
			if ( pLblPlayer2GamerTag )
				g_pVGuiLocalize->ConvertANSIToUnicode( player2->GetName(), wszPlayerName, sizeof( wszPlayerName ) );
				g_pVGuiLocalize->ConstructString( wszListText, sizeof( wszListText ), g_pVGuiLocalize->Find( "#L4D360UI_MainMenu_LocalProfilePlayer2" ), 1, wszPlayerName );

				pLblPlayer2GamerTag->SetVisible( true );
				pLblPlayer2GamerTag->SetText( wszListText );

				// in split screen, have player2 gamer tag instead of enable, and disable
				SetControlVisible( "LblPlayer2DisableIcon", true );
				SetControlVisible( "LblPlayer2Disable", true );
				SetControlVisible( "LblPlayer2Enable", false );
			SetControlVisible( "LblPlayer2DisableIcon", false );
			SetControlVisible( "LblPlayer2Disable", false );

			// not in split screen, no player2 gamertag, instead have enable
			SetControlVisible( "LblPlayer2GamerTag", false );
			SetControlVisible( "LblPlayer2Enable", true );

	if ( IsPC() )
		FlyoutMenu *pFlyout = dynamic_cast< FlyoutMenu* >( FindChildByName( "FlmOptionsFlyout" ) );
		if ( pFlyout )
			bool bUsesCloud = false;

			ISteamRemoteStorage *pRemoteStorage = SteamClient()?(ISteamRemoteStorage *)SteamClient()->GetISteamGenericInterface(
			ISteamRemoteStorage *pRemoteStorage =  NULL; 
			AssertMsg( false, "This branch run on a PC build without IS_WINDOWS_PC defined." );

			int32 availableBytes, totalBytes = 0;
			if ( pRemoteStorage && pRemoteStorage->GetQuota( &totalBytes, &availableBytes ) )
				DevMsg("Accessing remote storage.  totalBytes = %i\n", totalBytes);
				if ( totalBytes > 0 )
					DevMsg("Enabling cloud.\n");
					bUsesCloud = true;

			pFlyout->SetControlEnabled( "BtnCloud", bUsesCloud );


	if ( IsX360() )
		GameModes *pGameModes =  dynamic_cast< GameModes* >( FindChildByName( "BtnGameModes" ) );	
		if ( pGameModes )
			char lastActive[MAX_PATH];
			if ( pGameModes->GetLastActiveNameId( lastActive, sizeof( lastActive ) ) )
				pGameModes->SetActive( lastActive, true );
				pGameModes->SetActive( "BtnPlaySolo", true );
			m_ActiveControl = pGameModes;

	if ( IsPC() )
		vgui::Panel *firstPanel = FindChildByName( "BtnCoOp" );
		if ( firstPanel )
			if ( m_ActiveControl )
				m_ActiveControl->NavigateFrom( );

#if defined( _X360 ) && defined( _DEMO )
	SetControlVisible( "BtnExtras", !engine->IsDemoHostedFromShell() );
	SetControlVisible( "BtnQuit", engine->IsDemoHostedFromShell() );

#ifdef _X360
	bool bAllUsersCorrectlySignedIn = ( XBX_GetNumGameUsers() > 0 );
	for ( int k = 0; k < ( int ) XBX_GetNumGameUsers(); ++ k )
		if ( !g_pMatchFramework->GetMatchSystem()->GetPlayerManager()->GetLocalPlayer( XBX_GetUserId( k ) ) )
			bAllUsersCorrectlySignedIn = false;
	if ( !bAllUsersCorrectlySignedIn )
		Warning( "======= SIGNIN FAIL SIGNIN FAIL SIGNIN FAIL SIGNIN FAIL ==========\n" );
		Assert( 0 );
		CBaseModPanel::GetSingleton().CloseAllWindows( CBaseModPanel::CLOSE_POLICY_EVEN_MSGS );
		CAttractScreen::SetAttractMode( CAttractScreen::ATTRACT_GAMESTART );
		CBaseModPanel::GetSingleton().OpenWindow( WT_ATTRACTSCREEN, NULL, true );
Esempio n. 12
void InGameMainMenu::OnCommand( const char *command )
	int iUserSlot = CBaseModPanel::GetSingleton().GetLastActiveUserId();

	if ( UI_IsDebug() )
		Msg("[GAMEUI] Handling ingame menu command %s from user%d ctrlr%d\n",
			command, iUserSlot, XBX_GetUserId( iUserSlot ) );

	int iOldSlot = GetGameUIActiveSplitScreenPlayerSlot();

	SetGameUIActiveSplitScreenPlayerSlot( iUserSlot );


	if ( !Q_strcmp( command, "ReturnToGame" ) )
	// --
	else if ( !Q_strcmp( command, "StartNewGame" ) )
		CBaseModPanel::GetSingleton().OpenOptionsDialog( this );
		m_ActiveControl->NavigateFrom( );
		CBaseModPanel::GetSingleton().OpenWindow( WT_NEWGAME, this, true );
	else if ( !Q_strcmp( command, "SaveGame" ) )
		m_ActiveControl->NavigateFrom( );
		CBaseModPanel::GetSingleton().OpenWindow( WT_SAVEGAME, this, true );
	else if ( !Q_strcmp( command, "LoadGame" ) )
		m_ActiveControl->NavigateFrom( );
		CBaseModPanel::GetSingleton().OpenWindow( WT_LOADGAME, this, true );
	else if (!Q_strcmp(command, "Gameplay"))
		m_ActiveControl->NavigateFrom( );
		CBaseModPanel::GetSingleton().OpenWindow(WT_GAMEPLAYSETTINGS, this, true );
	else if ( !Q_strcmp( command, "StatsAndAchievements" ) )
		if ( CheckAndDisplayErrorIfNotLoggedIn() )
		m_ActiveControl->NavigateFrom( );
		CBaseModPanel::GetSingleton().OpenWindow( WT_ACHIEVEMENTS, this, true );
	else if (!Q_strcmp(command, "Controller"))
		CBaseModPanel::GetSingleton().OpenWindow(WT_CONTROLLER, this, true );
	else if (!Q_strcmp(command, "Audio"))
		// audio options dialog, PC only
		m_ActiveControl->NavigateFrom( );
		CBaseModPanel::GetSingleton().OpenWindow(WT_AUDIO, this, true );
	else if (!Q_strcmp(command, "Video"))
		// video options dialog, PC only
		m_ActiveControl->NavigateFrom( );
		CBaseModPanel::GetSingleton().OpenWindow(WT_VIDEO, this, true );
	else if (!Q_strcmp(command, "Brightness"))
		// brightness options dialog, PC only
		OpenGammaDialog( GetVParent() );
	else if (!Q_strcmp(command, "KeyboardMouse"))
		// standalone keyboard/mouse dialog, PC only
		m_ActiveControl->NavigateFrom( );
		CBaseModPanel::GetSingleton().OpenWindow(WT_KEYBOARDMOUSE, this, true );
	else if( Q_stricmp( "#L4D360UI_Controller_Edit_Keys_Buttons", command ) == 0 )
		CBaseModPanel::GetSingleton().OpenKeyBindingsDialog( this );
	else if ( !Q_strcmp( command, "EnableSplitscreen" ) || !Q_strcmp( command, "DisableSplitscreen" ) )
		GenericConfirmation* confirmation = 
			static_cast< GenericConfirmation* >( CBaseModPanel::GetSingleton().OpenWindow( WT_GENERICCONFIRMATION, this, true ) );

		GenericConfirmation::Data_t data;

		data.pWindowTitle = "#L4D360UI_LeaveMultiplayerConf";
		data.pMessageText = "#L4D360UI_MainMenu_SplitscreenChangeConfMsg";

		data.bOkButtonEnabled = true;
		data.pfnOkCallback = &LeaveGameOkCallback;
		data.bCancelButtonEnabled = true;

	else if( !Q_strcmp( command, "ExitToMainMenu" ) )
		GenericConfirmation* confirmation = 
			static_cast< GenericConfirmation* >( CBaseModPanel::GetSingleton().OpenWindow( WT_GENERICCONFIRMATION, this, true ) );

		GenericConfirmation::Data_t data;

		data.pWindowTitle = "#L4D360UI_LeaveMultiplayerConf";
		data.pMessageText = "#L4D360UI_LeaveMultiplayerConfMsg";
		data.bOkButtonEnabled = true;
		data.pfnOkCallback = &LeaveGameOkCallback;
		data.bCancelButtonEnabled = true;

		const char *pchCommand = command;
		// does this command match a flyout menu?
		BaseModUI::FlyoutMenu *flyout = dynamic_cast< FlyoutMenu* >( FindChildByName( pchCommand ) );
		if ( flyout )
			// If so, enumerate the buttons on the menu and find the button that issues this command.
			// (No other way to determine which button got pressed; no notion of "current" button on PC.)
			for ( int iChild = 0; iChild < GetChildCount(); iChild++ )
				BaseModHybridButton *hybrid = dynamic_cast<BaseModHybridButton *>( GetChild( iChild ) );
				if ( hybrid && hybrid->GetCommand() && !Q_strcmp( hybrid->GetCommand()->GetString( "command"), command ) )
#ifdef _X360
					hybrid->NavigateFrom( );
#endif //_X360
					// open the menu next to the button that got clicked
					flyout->OpenMenu( hybrid );

	SetGameUIActiveSplitScreenPlayerSlot( iOldSlot );
Esempio n. 13
void InGameKickPlayerList::LoadLayout()

	//int iLocalPlayerTeam;

	if ( false ) // TODO: !GameClientExports()->GetPlayerTeamIdByUserId( -1, iLocalPlayerTeam ) )
		// no local player?
		Assert( 0 );

		// hide all the buttons, weird state
		for ( int i=0;i<KICK_PLAYER_LIST_MAX_PLAYERS; i++ )
			BaseModHybridButton *pButton = dynamic_cast< BaseModHybridButton* >( FindChildByName( VarArgs( "BtnPlayer%d", i ) ) );
			if ( pButton )
				pButton->SetVisible( false );


	// get a list of players that we can kick


	for( int i = 1; i <= engine->GetMaxClients(); ++i)
		player_info_t playerInfo;
		if( engine->GetPlayerInfo(i, &playerInfo) && !playerInfo.fakeplayer )
			if ( true ) // TODO: GameClientExports()->IsPlayerKickableByLocalPlayer( i ) )
				m_KickablePlayersUserIDs.AddToTail( playerInfo.userID );

	int iKickablePlayers = m_KickablePlayersUserIDs.Count();

	// If there are no players to be kicked, hide the description and show the label explaining why 
	// there are no players to choose

	SetControlVisible( "LblDescription", iKickablePlayers > 0 );
	SetControlVisible( "LblNoPlayers", iKickablePlayers == 0 );

	for ( int i=0;i<KICK_PLAYER_LIST_MAX_PLAYERS; i++ )
		BaseModHybridButton *pButton = dynamic_cast< BaseModHybridButton* >( FindChildByName( VarArgs( "BtnPlayer%d", i+1 ) ) );
		if ( pButton )
			if ( i < iKickablePlayers )
				int userID = m_KickablePlayersUserIDs.Element(i);

				player_info_t playerInfo;
				if( engine->GetPlayerInfo( engine->GetPlayerForUserID(userID), &playerInfo ) )
					pButton->SetVisible( true );
					pButton->SetText( );
					pButton->SetCommand( VarArgs( "KickPlayer%d", userID ) );
					pButton->SetVisible( false );
				pButton->SetVisible( false );
Esempio n. 14
void GameModes::OnMousePressed( vgui::MouseCode code )
	BaseClass::OnMousePressed( code );

	if ( code != MOUSE_LEFT )

	if ( IsScrollBusy() )

	int iPosX;
	int iPosY;
	input()->GetCursorPos( iPosX, iPosY );
	ScreenToLocal( iPosX, iPosY );

	if ( m_nSubPics )
		bool bRightScroll = false;
		bool bLeftScroll = false;
		int nSubPic = 0;

		if ( ( iPosX >= m_nPicOffsetX && iPosX <= m_nPicOffsetX + m_nPicWidth ) &&
			( iPosY >= 0 && iPosY <= m_nPicHeight ) )
			BaseModHybridButton *pHybridButton = GetHybridButton( m_nActive );
			if ( pHybridButton && pHybridButton->GetCurrentState() != BaseModHybridButton::Open )
				// open it
				if ( pHybridButton->IsEnabled() )
		else if ( ( iPosX >= m_nLeftArrowX && iPosX <= m_nLeftArrowX + m_nArrowWidth ) &&
			( iPosY >= m_nLeftArrowY && iPosY <= m_nLeftArrowY + m_nArrowHeight ) )
			bLeftScroll = true;
		else if ( ( iPosX >= m_nRightArrowX && iPosX <= m_nRightArrowX + m_nArrowWidth ) &&
			( iPosY >= m_nRightArrowY && iPosY <= m_nRightArrowY + m_nArrowHeight ) )
			bRightScroll = true;
			// determine if sub pic selected
			if ( iPosY >= m_nSubPicY && iPosY <= m_nSubPicY + m_nSubPicHeight )
				int x = m_nSubPicX;
				for ( int i = 1; i <= m_nSubPics; i++ )
					if ( iPosX >= x && iPosX <= x + m_nSubPicWidth )
						nSubPic = i;
					x += m_nSubPicWidth + m_nSubPicGap;

		if ( bLeftScroll || bRightScroll || nSubPic )
			// close any active flyout
			if ( FlyoutMenu::GetActiveMenu() )
				FlyoutMenu::CloseActiveMenu( this );

			if ( bLeftScroll )
			else if ( bRightScroll )
			else if ( nSubPic )
				ScrollRight( nSubPic );
Esempio n. 15
void GameModes::PaintBackground()
	if ( !m_GameModeInfos.Count() )

	BaseModHybridButton *pHybridButton = m_GameModeInfos[m_nActive].m_pHybridButton;
	bool bHasFocus = pHybridButton->HasFocus() || 
					( pHybridButton->GetCurrentState() == BaseModHybridButton::Focus ) ||
					( pHybridButton->GetCurrentState() == BaseModHybridButton::FocusDisabled );
	bool bIsOpen = ( pHybridButton->GetCurrentState() == BaseModHybridButton::Open );

	// update scroll
	// varies between [0..1] or [1..0]
	float t = 0;
	if ( m_startScrollTime )
		float rate = ( m_nScrollMultipleCount >= 1 ) ? 8.0f : 5.0f;
		t = ( Plat_FloatTime() - m_startScrollTime ) * rate;
		if ( t >= 1.0f )
			// finished, scroll is circular warp around
			t = 1.0f;
			m_startScrollTime = 0;

			int nNewActive = 0;
			if ( m_bLeftScroll )
				nNewActive = ( m_nActive + 1 ) % m_GameModeInfos.Count();
				nNewActive = ( m_nActive - 1 + m_GameModeInfos.Count() ) % m_GameModeInfos.Count();
			SetActiveGameMode( nNewActive, bHasFocus );

			if ( --m_nScrollMultipleCount > 0 )
				m_startScrollTime = Plat_FloatTime();
				t = 0;

	int panelWidth, panelHeight;
	GetSize( panelWidth, panelHeight );

// need this to see panel bounds during debugging
//vgui::surface()->DrawSetColor( Color( 255, 0, 0, 255 ) );
//vgui::surface()->DrawFilledRect( 0, 0, panelWidth, panelHeight );

	// the main pic and all the subpics
	int nPicCount = 1 + m_nSubPics;
	if ( m_startScrollTime && m_bLeftScroll )
		// scrolling means one extra sub pic must be drawn at the far right edge
		// either coming/going

	int nOffscreenSubPicX = m_nPicOffsetX - m_nSubPicOffsetX - m_nSubPicWidth;
	int nOffscreenSubPicY = m_nSubPicY;
	int nOffscreenSubPicW = m_nSubPicWidth;
	int nOffscreenSubPicH = m_nSubPicHeight;

	int nActivePicX = m_nPicOffsetX;
	int nActivePicY = 0;
	int nActivePicW = m_nPicWidth;
	int nActivePicH = m_nPicHeight;
	float nActiveAngle = 0; //-3;

	int x, y;
	int w, h;

	int iPrevActiveMode = ( m_nActive - 1 + m_GameModeInfos.Count() ) % m_GameModeInfos.Count(); 
	int iNextActiveMode = ( m_nActive + 1 ) % m_GameModeInfos.Count();

	// center the vertical smear
	y = nActivePicY + nActivePicH + m_nMenuTitleY + ( m_nMenuTitleActualTall - m_nMenuTitleTall )/2;
	vgui::surface()->DrawSetColor( m_smearColor );
		m_nMenuTitleX - ( 0.30f * m_nMenuTitleX ), 
		m_nSubPicX + m_nSubPics * ( m_nSubPicWidth + m_nSubPicGap ), 
		y + m_nMenuTitleTall ); 

	// cyclical carousel
	// the first pic to be drawn is the active main pic, followed by all the sub pics
	for ( int i = 0; i < nPicCount; i++ )
		int iGameMode = ( m_nActive + i ) % m_GameModeInfos.Count();

		// in between scrolling, this image transition gets handled by specialized lerp drawing
		bool bSkipSubPicDraw = m_startScrollTime && ( m_bLeftScroll && ( iGameMode == iNextActiveMode ) );

		if ( !i )
			// active pic
			x = nActivePicX;
			y = nActivePicY;
			w = nActivePicW;
			h = nActivePicH;
			if ( !m_startScrollTime )
				Color picColor;
				picColor.SetColor( 255, 255, 255, 255 );
				vgui::surface()->DrawSetColor( picColor );
				vgui::surface()->DrawSetTexture( m_GameModeInfos[m_nActive].m_nImageId );

				DrawTexturedRectParms_t parms;
				parms.x0 = x;
				parms.y0 = y;
				parms.x1 = x+w;
				parms.y1 = y+h;
				parms.angle = nActiveAngle;
				vgui::surface()->DrawTexturedRectEx( &parms );

				if ( bHasFocus || bIsOpen )
					picColor.SetColor( 255, 255, 255, 255 );
					picColor.SetColor( 0, 0, 0, 255 );
				vgui::surface()->DrawSetColor( picColor );
				vgui::surface()->DrawSetTexture( m_nBorderImageId );
				//vgui::surface()->DrawTexturedRectEx( &parms );
				// draw the lerping pics
				// lerp active pic to sub pic on left edge	
				int iMode = m_nActive;
				float tt = 1 - t;
				if ( !m_bLeftScroll )
					tt = t;
					iMode = iPrevActiveMode;

				x = (float)nOffscreenSubPicX + tt * ( (float)nActivePicX - nOffscreenSubPicX );
				y = (float)nOffscreenSubPicY + tt * ( (float)nActivePicY - nOffscreenSubPicY );
				w = (float)nOffscreenSubPicW + tt * ( (float)nActivePicW - nOffscreenSubPicW );
				h = (float)nOffscreenSubPicH + tt * ( (float)nActivePicH - nOffscreenSubPicH );
				float a = tt * 255.0f;
				float ang = tt * nActiveAngle;

				Color picColor;
				picColor.SetColor( 255, 255, 255, a );
				vgui::surface()->DrawSetColor( picColor );
				vgui::surface()->DrawSetTexture( m_GameModeInfos[iMode].m_nImageId );

				DrawTexturedRectParms_t parms;
				parms.x0 = x;
				parms.y0 = y;
				parms.x1 = x+w;
				parms.y1 = y+h;
				parms.angle = ang;
				vgui::surface()->DrawTexturedRectEx( &parms );

				vgui::surface()->DrawSetTexture( m_nBorderImageId );
				//vgui::surface()->DrawTexturedRectEx( &parms );

				// lerp active pic to sub pic on right edge	
				iMode = iNextActiveMode;
				tt = t;
				if ( !m_bLeftScroll )
					tt = 1 - t;
					iMode = m_nActive;
				x = (float)m_nSubPicX + tt * ( (float)nActivePicX - m_nSubPicX );
				y = (float)m_nSubPicY + tt * ( (float)nActivePicY - m_nSubPicY );
				w = (float)m_nSubPicWidth + tt * ( (float)nActivePicW - m_nSubPicWidth );
				h = (float)m_nSubPicHeight + tt * ( (float)nActivePicH - m_nSubPicHeight );
				float c = 125.0f + tt * ( 255.0f - 125.0f );
				ang = tt * nActiveAngle;

				picColor.SetColor( c, c, c, 255 );
				vgui::surface()->DrawSetColor( picColor );
				vgui::surface()->DrawSetTexture( m_GameModeInfos[iMode].m_nImageId );

				parms.x0 = x;
				parms.y0 = y;
				parms.x1 = x+w;
				parms.y1 = y+h;
				parms.s0 = 0;
				parms.s1 = 1;
				parms.t0 = 0;
				parms.t1 = 1;
				parms.angle = ang;
				vgui::surface()->DrawTexturedRectEx( &parms );
		else if ( !bSkipSubPicDraw )
			// sub pics
			x = m_nSubPicX + ( i - 1 ) * ( m_nSubPicWidth + m_nSubPicGap );
			y = m_nSubPicY;
			w = m_nSubPicWidth;
			h = m_nSubPicHeight;
			int alpha = 255;
			int focusColor = ( bHasFocus || bIsOpen ) ? 255 : 125;

			if ( m_startScrollTime )
				int x1 = x;
				if ( m_bLeftScroll )
					x1 -= m_nSubPicWidth + m_nSubPicGap;
					x1 += m_nSubPicWidth + m_nSubPicGap;

				x = (float)x + t * (float)( x1 - x );

				if ( i == nPicCount - 1 )
					if ( m_bLeftScroll )
						alpha = t * (float)alpha;
						alpha = ( 1 - t ) * (float)alpha;

			Color picColor;
			picColor.SetColor( focusColor, focusColor, focusColor, alpha );
			vgui::surface()->DrawSetColor( picColor );
			vgui::surface()->DrawSetTexture( m_GameModeInfos[iGameMode].m_nImageId );
			vgui::surface()->DrawTexturedSubRect( x, y, x+w, y+h, 0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f );

			if ( !m_bHideLabels )
				// sub pics have a label on top of an inscribed rect
				vgui::surface()->DrawSetColor( Color( 0, 0, 0, alpha ) );
				vgui::surface()->DrawFilledRect( x, y + m_nSubPicHeight - m_nNameFontHeight, x + w, y + m_nSubPicHeight );
				Color textColor( focusColor, focusColor, focusColor, alpha );
				int gap = vgui::surface()->GetCharacterWidth( m_hNameFont, ' ' );
				DrawColoredText( m_hNameFont, x + gap, y + m_nSubPicHeight - m_nNameFontHeight/2, textColor, m_GameModeInfos[iGameMode].m_NameText );

	// draw arrows
	if ( m_nSubPics )
		// pc always shows the arrows because mouse can move over them at any time
		// xbox hides the arrows when the control does not have focus
		if ( IsPC() || ( IsX360() && bHasFocus && !bIsOpen ) )
			// xbox highlight when scroll active
			bool bLeftHighlight = IsX360() && m_startScrollTime && !m_bLeftScroll;
			bool bRightHightlight = IsX360() && m_startScrollTime && m_bLeftScroll;

			// pc highlights when mouse over
			if ( IsPC() && !m_startScrollTime )
				int iPosX;
				int iPosY;
				input()->GetCursorPos( iPosX, iPosY );
				ScreenToLocal( iPosX, iPosY );

				if ( ( iPosX >= m_nLeftArrowX && iPosX <= m_nLeftArrowX + m_nArrowWidth ) &&
					( iPosY >= m_nLeftArrowY && iPosY <= m_nLeftArrowY + m_nArrowHeight ) )
					bLeftHighlight = true;
				else if ( ( iPosX >= m_nRightArrowX && iPosX <= m_nRightArrowX + m_nArrowWidth ) &&
					( iPosY >= m_nRightArrowY && iPosY <= m_nRightArrowY + m_nArrowHeight ) )
					bRightHightlight = true;

			Color leftArrowColor;
			leftArrowColor.SetColor( 125, 125, 125, 255 );
			if ( bLeftHighlight )
				leftArrowColor.SetColor( 255, 255, 255, 255 );
			vgui::surface()->DrawSetColor( leftArrowColor );
			vgui::surface()->DrawSetTexture( m_nLeftArrowId );
			vgui::surface()->DrawTexturedRect( m_nLeftArrowX, m_nLeftArrowY, m_nLeftArrowX + m_nArrowWidth, m_nLeftArrowY + m_nArrowHeight );

			Color rightArrowColor;
			rightArrowColor.SetColor( 125, 125, 125, 255 );
			if ( bRightHightlight )
				rightArrowColor.SetColor( 255, 255, 255, 255 );
			vgui::surface()->DrawSetColor( rightArrowColor );
			vgui::surface()->DrawSetTexture( m_nRightArrowId );
			vgui::surface()->DrawTexturedRect( m_nRightArrowX, m_nRightArrowY, m_nRightArrowX + m_nArrowWidth, m_nRightArrowY + m_nArrowHeight );