Esempio n. 1
* Encode two BigInt, with leading 0s if needed, and concatenate
secure_vector<uint8_t> BigInt::encode_fixed_length_int_pair(const BigInt& n1, const BigInt& n2, size_t bytes)
   if(n1.bytes() > bytes || n2.bytes() > bytes)
      throw Encoding_Error("encode_fixed_length_int_pair: values too large to encode properly");
   secure_vector<uint8_t> output(2 * bytes);
   n1.binary_encode(        , bytes);
   n2.binary_encode( + bytes, bytes);
   return output;
Esempio n. 2
* Encode a BigInt                                *
void BigInt::encode(byte output[], const BigInt& n, Base base)
    if(base == Binary)
    else if(base == Hexadecimal)
        SecureVector<byte> binary(n.encoded_size(Binary));
        for(u32bit j = 0; j != binary.size(); ++j)
            Hex_Encoder::encode(binary[j], output + 2*j);
    else if(base == Octal)
        BigInt copy = n;
        const u32bit output_size = n.encoded_size(Octal);
        for(u32bit j = 0; j != output_size; ++j)
            output[output_size - 1 - j] = Charset::digit2char(copy % 8);
            copy /= 8;
    else if(base == Decimal)
        BigInt copy = n;
        BigInt remainder;
        const u32bit output_size = n.encoded_size(Decimal);
        for(u32bit j = 0; j != output_size; ++j)
            divide(copy, 10, copy, remainder);
            output[output_size - 1 - j] =
                if(j < output_size - 1)
                    int extra = output_size - 1 - j;
                    memmove(output, output + extra, output_size - extra);
                    memset(output + output_size - extra, 0, extra);
        throw Invalid_Argument("Unknown BigInt encoding method");
Esempio n. 3
* Default ElGamal Encrypt Operation
SecureVector<byte> Default_ELG_Op::encrypt(const byte in[], u32bit length,
                                           const BigInt& k) const
   BigInt m(in, length);
   if(m >= p)
      throw Invalid_Argument("Default_ELG_Op::encrypt: Input is too large");

   BigInt a = powermod_g_p(k);
   BigInt b = mod_p.multiply(m, powermod_y_p(k));

   SecureVector<byte> output(2*p.bytes());
   a.binary_encode(output + (p.bytes() - a.bytes()));
   b.binary_encode(output + output.size() / 2 + (p.bytes() - b.bytes()));
   return output;
Esempio n. 4
void BigInt::encode_1363(uint8_t output[], size_t bytes, const BigInt& n)
   if(n.bytes() > bytes)
      throw Encoding_Error("encode_1363: n is too large to encode properly");

   n.binary_encode(output, bytes);
Esempio n. 5
DSA_Signature_Operation::sign(const byte msg[], size_t msg_len,
                              RandomNumberGenerator& rng)
   rng.add_entropy(msg, msg_len);

   BigInt i(msg, msg_len);
   BigInt r = 0, s = 0;

   while(r == 0 || s == 0)
      BigInt k;
         k.randomize(rng, q.bits());
      while(k >= q);

      r = mod_q.reduce(powermod_g_p(k));
      s = mod_q.multiply(inverse_mod(k, q), mul_add(x, r, i));

   SecureVector<byte> output(2*q.bytes());
   r.binary_encode(&output[output.size() / 2 - r.bytes()]);
   s.binary_encode(&output[output.size() - s.bytes()]);
   return output;
Esempio n. 6
ECDSA_Signature_Operation::sign(const byte msg[], size_t msg_len,
                                RandomNumberGenerator& rng)
   rng.add_entropy(msg, msg_len);

   BigInt m(msg, msg_len);

   BigInt r = 0, s = 0;

   while(r == 0 || s == 0)
      // This contortion is necessary for the tests
      BigInt k;
      k.randomize(rng, order.bits());

      while(k >= order)
         k.randomize(rng, order.bits() - 1);

      PointGFp k_times_P = base_point * k;
      r = mod_order.reduce(k_times_P.get_affine_x());
      s = mod_order.multiply(inverse_mod(k, order), mul_add(x, r, m));

   SecureVector<byte> output(2*order.bytes());
   r.binary_encode(&output[output.size() / 2 - r.bytes()]);
   s.binary_encode(&output[output.size() - s.bytes()]);
   return output;
Esempio n. 7
* Encode a BigInt, with leading 0s if needed
secure_vector<uint8_t> BigInt::encode_1363(const BigInt& n, size_t bytes)
   if(n.bytes() > bytes)
      throw Encoding_Error("encode_1363: n is too large to encode properly");

   secure_vector<uint8_t> output(bytes);
   n.binary_encode(, output.size());
   return output;
Esempio n. 8
std::vector<byte> GOST_3410_PublicKey::x509_subject_public_key() const
   const BigInt x = public_point().get_affine_x();
   const BigInt y = public_point().get_affine_y();

   size_t part_size = std::max(x.bytes(), y.bytes());

   std::vector<byte> bits(2*part_size);

   x.binary_encode(&bits[part_size - x.bytes()]);
   y.binary_encode(&bits[2*part_size - y.bytes()]);

   // Keys are stored in little endian format (WTF)
   for(size_t i = 0; i != part_size / 2; ++i)
      std::swap(bits[i], bits[part_size-1-i]);
      std::swap(bits[part_size+i], bits[2*part_size-1-i]);

   return DER_Encoder().encode(bits, OCTET_STRING).get_contents_unlocked();