Esempio n. 1
// Return true if we send a block on the downlink.
bool PDCHL1Downlink::send1DataFrame(  //SVGDBG
	RLCDownEngine *engdown,
	RLCDownlinkDataBlock *block,	// block to send.
	int makeres,					// 0 = no res, 1 = optional res, 2 = required res.
	MsgTransactionType mttype,	// Type of reservation
	unsigned *pcounter)
	//ScopedLock lock(testlock);
	TBF *tbf = engdown->getTBF();
	if (! setMACFields(block,mchParent,tbf,makeres,mttype,pcounter)) { return false; }
	// The rest of the RLC header is already set, but we did not know the tfi
	// when we created the RLCDownlinkDataBlocks (because tbf not yet attached)
	// so set tfi now that we know.  Update 8-2012: Above comment is stale because we
	// make the RLCDownlinkBlocks on the fly now.
	block->mTFI = tbf->mtTFI;
	// block->mPR = 1;	// DEBUG test; made no diff.


	BitVector tobits = block->getBitVector(); // tobits deallocated when this function exits.
	if (block->mChannelCoding == 0) { devassert(tobits.size() == 184); }
	if (GPRSDebug & 1) {
		RLCBlockReservation *res = mchParent->getReservation(gBSNNext);
		std::ostringstream sshdr;
		block->text(sshdr,false); //block->RLCDownlinkDataBlockHeader::text(sshdr);
		ByteVector content(tobits);
		GPRSLOG(1) << "send1DataFrame "<<parent()<<" "<<tbf<<LOGVAR(tbf->mtExpectedAckBSN)
			<< " "<<sshdr.str()
			<<" "<<(res ? res->str() : "")
			<< LOGVAR2("content",content);
		//<< " enc="<<tbf->mtChannelCoding <<" "<<os.str() << "\nbits:" <<bits.str();
		//<<" " <<block->str() <<"\nbits:" <<tobits.hexstr();
	BitVector copybits; copybits.clone(tobits);
	BitVector *result = debugDecoder.getResult();
	devassert(copybits == tobits);
	if (result && !(*result == tobits)) {
		int diffbit = -1;
		char thing[500];
		for (int i = 0; i < (int)result->size(); i++) {
			thing[i] = '-';
			if (result->bit(i) != tobits.bit(i)) {
				if (diffbit == -1) diffbit = i;
				thing[i] = '0' + result->bit(i);
		thing[result->size()] = 0;
		GPRSLOG(1) <<"encoding error" <<LOGVAR2("cs",(int)debugDecoder.getCS())
			<<LOGVAR2("in:size",tobits.size()) <<LOGVAR2("out:size",result->size())
	} else {
		//GPRSLOG(1) <<"encoding ok" <<LOGVAR2("cs",(int)debugDecoder.getCS());
	return true;