Esempio n. 1
static void DoThreadedSignalProcessing( 
	OptArgs &opts, 
	CommandLineOpts &inception_state, 
    const ComplexMask &from_beadfind_mask,  
    const char *chipType,
    const ImageSpecClass &my_image_spec, 
    SlicedPrequel &my_prequel_setup,
    const SeqListClass &my_keys, 
    const bool pass_tau,
		const BkgFitterTracker *bkg_fitter_tracker
  // This is the main routine, more or less, as far as the background model goes.
  // Our job is to wait for the ImageLoader to load everything necessary,
  // and then apply the background model to flow blocks.

  // So... Let's start with the monitoring tools, for gathering statistics on these runs.
  MemUsage ( "StartingBackground" );
  time_t init_start;
  time ( &init_start );
  bool restart = not inception_state.bkg_control.signal_chunks.restart_from.empty();
  const std::string wellsFile = string(inception_state.sys_context.wellsFilePath) + "/" + 

  const FlowBlockSequence & flow_block_sequence = 

  // shut off gpu multi flow fit if starting flow is not in first 20
  if ( ! flow_block_sequence.HasFlowInFirstFlowBlock( inception_state.flow_context.startingFlow ) )
    inception_state.bkg_control.gpuControl.gpuMultiFlowFit = 0;
  Json::Value json_params;
  bool regional_sampling_def = false;
  string sChipType = chipType;
	regional_sampling_def = true;
  bool regional_sampling = RetrieveParameterBool(opts, json_params, '-', "regional-sampling", regional_sampling_def);
  // shut off gpu multifit if regional sampling is not enabled
    inception_state.bkg_control.gpuControl.gpuMultiFlowFit = 0;

  bool convert = RetrieveParameterBool(opts, json_params, '-', "wells-save-as-ushort", false);
  float lower = RetrieveParameterFloat(opts, json_params, '-', "wells-convert-low", -5.0);
  float upper = RetrieveParameterFloat(opts, json_params, '-', "wells-convert-high", 28.0);

  // Make a BkgFitterTracker object, and then either load its state from above,
  // or build it fresh.
  BkgFitterTracker GlobalFitter ( my_prequel_setup.num_regions );
  if( restart ){
    // Get the object that came from serialization.
    GlobalFitter = *bkg_fitter_tracker;
  else {
    GlobalFitter.global_defaults.flow_global.SetFlowOrder ( inception_state.flow_context.flowOrder ); // @TODO: 2nd duplicated code instance
    // Build everything
    json_params["chipType"] = chipType;
    json_params["results_folder"] = inception_state.sys_context.GetResultsFolder();
    GlobalFitter.global_defaults.SetOpts(opts, json_params);
	// >does not open wells file<
    fprintf(stdout, "Opening wells file %s ... ", wellsFile.c_str());
    RawWells preWells ( inception_state.sys_context.wellsFilePath, inception_state.sys_context.wellsFileName, convert, lower, upper );
    fprintf(stdout, "done\n");
    CreateWellsFileForWriting ( preWells,from_beadfind_mask.my_mask, inception_state, 
                              my_image_spec.rows, my_image_spec.cols, chipType );
    // build trace tracking
    GlobalFitter.SetUpTraceTracking ( my_prequel_setup, inception_state, my_image_spec, 
                                      flow_block_sequence.MaxFlowsInAnyFlowBlock() );
    GlobalFitter.AllocateRegionData(my_prequel_setup.region_list.size(), & inception_state );

  // One way (fresh creation) or the other (serialization), we need to allocate scratch space,
  // now that the GlobalFitter has been built.
  GlobalFitter.AllocateSlicedChipScratchSpace( flow_block_sequence.MaxFlowsInAnyFlowBlock() );
  // plan (this happens whether we're from-disk or not):
  GlobalFitter.PlanComputation ( inception_state.bkg_control);

  // tweaking global defaults for bkg model if GPU is used
  if (GlobalFitter.IsGpuAccelerationUsed()) {
      GlobalFitter.global_defaults.signal_process_control.amp_guess_on_gpu = 
          (inception_state.bkg_control.gpuControl.gpuSingleFlowFit & 

  // do we have a wells file?
  ION_ASSERT( isFile(wellsFile.c_str()), "Wells file "+ wellsFile + " does not exist" );

  ChunkyWells rawWells ( inception_state.sys_context.wellsFilePath, 

  // Image Loading thread setup to grab flows in the background

  // ImageTracker constructed to load flows
  // must contact the GlobalFitter data that it will be associated with

  // from thin air each time:
  ImageTracker my_img_set ( inception_state.flow_context.getFlowSpan(),
                            inception_state.img_control.total_timeout );
  my_img_set.SetUpImageLoaderInfo ( inception_state, from_beadfind_mask, my_image_spec,
                                    flow_block_sequence );

  master_fit_type_table *LevMarSparseMatrices = 0;
  // The number of flow blocks here is going to the hdf5 writer,
  // which needs to build structures containing all the flow blocks,
  // not just the ones that might be part of this run.
  int num_flow_blocks = flow_block_sequence.FlowBlockCount( 0, inception_state.flow_context.endingFlow );

  GlobalFitter.ThreadedInitialization ( rawWells, inception_state, from_beadfind_mask, 
                                        my_prequel_setup.region_timing, my_keys, restart,
                                        num_flow_blocks );

  // need to have initialized the regions for this
  GlobalFitter.SetRegionProcessOrder (inception_state);

  // init trace-output for the --bkg-debug-trace-sse/xyflow/rcflow options

  // Get the GPU ready, if we're using it.
  if (GlobalFitter.IsGpuAccelerationUsed()) {
    GlobalFitter.DetermineAndSetGPUAllocationAndKernelParams( inception_state.bkg_control, KEY_LEN,
                                              flow_block_sequence.MaxFlowsInAnyFlowBlock() );

  float washoutThreshold = RetrieveParameterFloat(opts, json_params, '-', "bkg-washout-threshold", WASHOUT_THRESHOLD);

  int washoutFlowDetection = RetrieveParameterInt(opts, json_params, '-', "bkg-washout-flow-detection", WASHOUT_FLOW_DETECTION);

  MemUsage ( "AfterBgInitialization" );
  time_t init_end;
  time ( &init_end );

  fprintf ( stdout, "InitModel: %0.3lf sec.\n", difftime ( init_end,init_start ) );
  // JZ start flow data writer thread
  pthread_t flowDataWriterThread;
  SemQueue packQueue;
  SemQueue writeQueue;

  int saveQueueSize = RetrieveParameterInt(opts, json_params, '-', "wells-save-queue-size", 0);
  if(saveQueueSize > 0) {
    unsigned int queueSize = (unsigned int)saveQueueSize;
    size_t stepSize = rawWells.GetStepSize();
    size_t flowDepth = inception_state.bkg_control.signal_chunks.save_wells_flow;
    unsigned int spaceSize = my_image_spec.rows * my_image_spec.cols;
    unsigned int bufferSize = stepSize * stepSize * flowDepth;
    for(int item = 0; item < saveQueueSize; ++item) {
      ChunkFlowData* chunkData = new ChunkFlowData(spaceSize, flowDepth, bufferSize);

    writeFlowDataFuncArg writerArg;
    writerArg.filePath = rawWells.GetHdf5FilePath();
    writerArg.numCols = my_image_spec.cols;
    writerArg.stepSize = stepSize;
    writerArg.packQueuePtr = &packQueue;
    writerArg.writeQueuePtr = &writeQueue;

    pthread_create(&flowDataWriterThread, NULL, WriteFlowDataFunc, &writerArg);

  bool saveCopies = RetrieveParameterBool(opts, json_params, '-', "wells-save-number-copies", false);

  // process all flows...
  // using actual flow values
  Timer flow_block_timer;
  Timer signal_proc_timer;
  for ( int flow = inception_state.flow_context.startingFlow; 
            flow < (int)inception_state.flow_context.endingFlow; flow++ )
    FlowBlockSequence::const_iterator flow_block = flow_block_sequence.BlockAtFlow( flow );

    if ( flow == flow_block->begin() || flow == inception_state.flow_context.startingFlow ) {

      // Build some matrices to work with.
      LevMarSparseMatrices = new master_fit_type_table( GlobalFitter.global_defaults.flow_global, 
                                                        flow_block->begin(), max( KEY_LEN - flow_block->begin() , 0), 
                                                        flow_block->size() );

    // coordinate with the ImageLoader threads for this flow to be read in
    // WaitForFlowToLoad guarantees all flows up this one have been read in
    my_img_set.WaitForFlowToLoad ( flow );

    // ----- handle set up for processing this flow before we do anything needing
    bool last_flow = ( ( flow ) == ( inception_state.flow_context.GetNumFlows()- 1 ) ); // actually the literal >last< flow, not just the flow in a chunk, so we can handle not having a full chunk.

    // done with set up for anything this flow needs   

    // computation that modifies data
    // isolate this object so it can carry out actions in any order it chooses.
    GlobalFitter.ExecuteFitForFlow ( flow, my_img_set, last_flow, 
                                     max( KEY_LEN - flow_block->begin(), 0 ),
                                     LevMarSparseMatrices, & inception_state );

    // Find the flow that's the last runnable flow in the "mixed_last_flow" block.
    int applyFlow = flow_block_sequence.BlockAtFlow(
        inception_state.bkg_control.polyclonal_filter.mixed_last_flow - 1 )->end() - 1;

    if ( flow == applyFlow and inception_state.bkg_control.polyclonal_filter.enable )
      ApplyClonalFilter ( *from_beadfind_mask.my_mask, 
                          GlobalFitter.sliced_chip, inception_state.bkg_control.polyclonal_filter );

    // no more computation
    printf ( "SigProc: pure compute time for flow %d: %.1f sec.\n", 
             flow, signal_proc_timer.elapsed());
    MemUsage ( "Memory_Flow: " + ToStr ( flow ) );

    if (inception_state.bkg_control.pest_control.bkg_debug_files) {
      GlobalFitter.DumpBkgModelRegionInfo ( inception_state.sys_context.GetResultsFolder(),
                                            flow, last_flow, flow_block );
      GlobalFitter.DumpBkgModelBeadInfo( inception_state.sys_context.GetResultsFolder(),
                                         inception_state.bkg_control.pest_control.debug_bead_only>0, flow_block );

    // hdf5 dump of bead and regional parameters in bkgmodel
    if (inception_state.bkg_control.pest_control.bkg_debug_files)
      GlobalFitter.all_params_hdf.IncrementalWrite ( flow, last_flow, flow_block,
                                                     flow_block_sequence.FlowBlockIndex( flow ) );

    // done capturing parameters, close out this flow

    // Needed for 318 chips. Decide how many DATs to read ahead for every flow block
    // also report timing for block of 20 flows from reading dat to writing 1.wells for this block 
    if ( flow == flow_block->end() - 1 )

    // End of block cleanup.
    if ( (flow == flow_block->end() - 1 ) || last_flow) {
      // Make sure that we've written everything.
      if(saveQueueSize > 0) {
        rawWells.DoneUpThroughFlow( flow, &packQueue, &writeQueue );
      else {
        rawWells.DoneUpThroughFlow( flow );

      // report timing for block of 20 flows from reading dat to writing 1.wells for this block 
      fprintf ( stdout, "Flow Block compute time for flow %d to %d: %.1f sec.\n",
              flow_block->begin(), flow, flow_block_timer.elapsed());

      // Cleanup.
      delete LevMarSparseMatrices;
      LevMarSparseMatrices = 0;

    // coordinate with the ImageLoader threads that this flow is done with
    // and release resources associated with this image
    // my_img_set knows what buffer is associated with the absolute flow
    my_img_set.FinishFlow ( flow );


  if(saveQueueSize > 0) {
    pthread_join(flowDataWriterThread, NULL);

  if ( not inception_state.bkg_control.signal_chunks.restart_next.empty() ){
    string filePath = inception_state.sys_context.analysisLocation + inception_state.bkg_control.signal_chunks.restart_next;
    ofstream outStream(filePath.c_str(), ios_base::trunc);
    //boost::archive::text_oarchive outArchive(outStream);
    boost::archive::binary_oarchive outArchive(outStream);

    // get region associated objects on disk first

    time_t begin_save_time;
    time ( &begin_save_time );

    const ComplexMask *from_beadfind_mask_ptr = &from_beadfind_mask;
    BkgFitterTracker *GlobalFitter_ptr = &GlobalFitter;
    string git_hash = IonVersion::GetGitHash();
      << git_hash
      << my_prequel_setup
      << from_beadfind_mask_ptr
      << GlobalFitter_ptr;    

    time_t finish_save_time;
    time ( &finish_save_time );
    fprintf ( stdout, "Writing restart state to archive %s took %0.1f secs",
	      filePath.c_str(), difftime ( finish_save_time, begin_save_time ));
  rawWells.GetWriteTimer().PrintMilliSeconds(std::cout, "Timer: Wells total writing time:");

  GlobalFitter.UnSpinGPUThreads ();

  if ( inception_state.bkg_control.signal_chunks.updateMaskAfterBkgModel )
    from_beadfind_mask.pinnedInFlow->UpdateMaskWithPinned ( from_beadfind_mask.my_mask ); //update maskPtr

  from_beadfind_mask.pinnedInFlow->DumpSummaryPinsPerFlow ( inception_state.sys_context.GetResultsFolder() );
Esempio n. 2
void DoThreadedSignalProcessing ( CommandLineOpts &inception_state, ComplexMask &from_beadfind_mask,  char *chipType,
                                  ImageSpecClass &my_image_spec, SlicedPrequel &my_prequel_setup,SeqListClass &my_keys, bool pass_tau,
				  BkgFitterTracker *bkg_fitter_tracker)

  MemUsage ( "StartingBackground" );
  time_t init_start;
  time ( &init_start );

  bool restart = not inception_state.bkg_control.restart_from.empty();
  BkgFitterTracker GlobalFitter ( my_prequel_setup.num_regions );
  const std::string wellsFile = string(inception_state.sys_context.wellsFilePath) + "/" + inception_state.sys_context.wellsFileName;


  if( restart ){
    GlobalFitter = *bkg_fitter_tracker;
  else {
    GlobalFitter.global_defaults.flow_global.SetFlowOrder ( inception_state.flow_context.flowOrder ); // @TODO: 2nd duplicated code instance
    // Build everything
    SetBkgModelGlobalDefaults ( GlobalFitter.global_defaults, inception_state.bkg_control,chipType,inception_state.sys_context.GetResultsFolder() );
    // >does not open wells file<
    fprintf(stdout, "Opening wells file %s ... ", wellsFile.c_str());
    RawWells preWells ( inception_state.sys_context.wellsFilePath, inception_state.sys_context.wellsFileName );
    fprintf(stdout, "done\n");
    CreateWellsFileForWriting ( preWells,from_beadfind_mask.my_mask, inception_state, NUMFB,
                              inception_state.flow_context.GetNumFlows(), my_image_spec.rows, my_image_spec.cols, chipType );
    // build trace tracking
    GlobalFitter.SetUpTraceTracking ( my_prequel_setup, inception_state, my_image_spec, from_beadfind_mask );

  TinyInitializeUglyStaticForSignalProcessing ( GlobalFitter.global_defaults , inception_state);

  // plan (this happens whether we're from-disk or not):
  GlobalFitter.PlanComputation ( inception_state.bkg_control );

  // do we have a wells file?
  ION_ASSERT( isFile(wellsFile.c_str()), "Wells file "+ wellsFile + " does not exist" );

  RawWells rawWells ( inception_state.sys_context.wellsFilePath, inception_state.sys_context.wellsFileName );
  // plan (this happens whether we're from-disk or not):
  GlobalFitter.ThreadedInitialization ( rawWells, inception_state, from_beadfind_mask, inception_state.sys_context.GetResultsFolder(), my_image_spec,
					my_prequel_setup.smooth_t0_est,my_prequel_setup.region_list, my_prequel_setup.region_timing, my_keys, restart);

  MemUsage ( "AfterBgInitialization" );
  time_t init_end;
  time ( &init_end );

  fprintf ( stdout, "InitModel: %0.3lf sec.\n", difftime ( init_end,init_start ) );
  // Image Loading thread setup to grab flows in the background

  // ImageTracker constructed to load flows
  // must contact the GlobalFitter data that it will be associated with

  // from thin air each time:
  ImageTracker my_img_set ( inception_state.flow_context.getFlowSpan(),inception_state.img_control.ignoreChecksumErrors,inception_state.img_control.doSdat,inception_state.img_control.total_timeout );
  my_img_set.SetUpImageLoaderInfo ( inception_state, from_beadfind_mask, my_image_spec );

  // Now do threaded solving, going through all the flows

  // need to have initialized the regions for this
  GlobalFitter.SetRegionProcessOrder ();

  // determine maximum beads in a region for gpu memory allocations

  // ideally these are part of the rawWells object itself
  int write_well_flow_interval = inception_state.bkg_control.saveWellsFrequency*NUMFB; // goes with rawWells
  int flow_to_write_wells = -1000; // never happens unless we set it to happen
  // process all flows...
  // using actual flow values
  Timer flow_block_timer;
  Timer signal_proc_timer;
  for ( int flow = inception_state.flow_context.startingFlow; flow < (int)inception_state.flow_context.endingFlow; flow++ )
    if ((flow % NUMFB) == 0)

    // coordinate with the ImageLoader threads for this flow to be read in
    // WaitForFlowToLoad guarantees all flows up this one have been read in
    my_img_set.WaitForFlowToLoad ( flow );

    // ----- handle set up for processing this flow before we do anything needing
    bool last_flow = ( ( flow ) == ( inception_state.flow_context.GetNumFlows()- 1 ) ); // actually the literal >last< flow, not just the flow in a chunk, so we can handle not having a full chunk.

    // always write intervals starting at wherever we are starting
    // logic here:  open wells file at startingFlow, tell at what flow we need to write things out.
    if (NeedToOpenWellChunk(flow-inception_state.flow_context.startingFlow, write_well_flow_interval))
      // chunk size is flow interval unless we run out of things to do in this interval
      int chunk_depth = FigureChunkDepth(flow,inception_state.flow_context.endingFlow,write_well_flow_interval);
      OpenExistingWellsForOneChunk(rawWells,flow,chunk_depth); // start
      flow_to_write_wells = flow+chunk_depth-1; 
    // done with set up for anything this flow needs   

    // computation that modifies data
    GlobalFitter.ExecuteFitForFlow ( flow,my_img_set,last_flow ); // isolate this object so it can carry out actions in any order it chooses.
    ApplyClonalFilter ( *from_beadfind_mask.my_mask, inception_state.sys_context.GetResultsFolder(), GlobalFitter.sliced_chip,inception_state.bkg_control.enableBkgModelClonalFilter, flow );

    // no more computation
    fprintf ( stdout, "SigProc: pure compute time for flow %d: %.1f sec.\n", flow, signal_proc_timer.elapsed());
    MemUsage ( "Memory_Flow: " + ToStr ( flow ) );

    // capture the regional parameters every 20 flows, plus one bead per region at "random"
    // @TODO replace with clean hdf5 interface for sampling beads and region parameters
    GlobalFitter.DumpBkgModelRegionInfo ( inception_state.sys_context.GetResultsFolder(),flow,last_flow );
    GlobalFitter.DumpBkgModelBeadInfo ( inception_state.sys_context.GetResultsFolder(),flow,last_flow, inception_state.bkg_control.debug_bead_only>0 );
    WriteSampleRegion(inception_state.sys_context.GetResultsFolder(), GlobalFitter, flow, inception_state.bkg_control.region_vfrc_debug);

    // variables should be >captured< at the end of fitting
    //  and then the hdf5 dump happens across all threads as we synchronize
    GlobalFitter.all_params_hdf.IncrementalWrite (  flow,  last_flow );

    // done capturing parameters, close out this flow

    // logic here: wells file knows when it needs to write something out
    if (flow==flow_to_write_wells)

    // Needed for 318 chips. Decide how many DATs to read ahead for every block of NUMFB flows
    // also report timing for block of 20 flows from reading dat to writing 1.wells for this block 
    if ((flow % NUMFB) == (NUMFB - 1))

    // report timing for block of 20 flows from reading dat to writing 1.wells for this block 
    if (((flow % NUMFB) == (NUMFB - 1)) || last_flow)
      fprintf ( stdout, "Flow Block compute time for flow %d to %d: %.1f sec.\n",
              ((flow + 1) - NUMFB), flow, flow_block_timer.elapsed());

    // coordinate with the ImageLoader threads that this flow is done with
    // and release resources associated with this image
    // my_img_set knows what buffer is associated with the absolute flow
    my_img_set.FinishFlow ( flow );

    // stop GPU thread computing doing fitting of first block of flows
    if (flow == (NUMFB - 1))
  if ( not inception_state.bkg_control.restart_next.empty() ){
    string filePath = inception_state.sys_context.analysisLocation + inception_state.bkg_control.restart_next;
    ofstream outStream(filePath.c_str(), ios_base::trunc);
    //boost::archive::text_oarchive outArchive(outStream);
    boost::archive::binary_oarchive outArchive(outStream);

    // get region associated objects on disk first

    time_t begin_save_time;
    time ( &begin_save_time );

    ComplexMask *from_beadfind_mask_ptr = &from_beadfind_mask;
    BkgFitterTracker *GlobalFitter_ptr = &GlobalFitter;
    string svn_rev = IonVersion::GetSvnRev();
      << svn_rev
      << my_prequel_setup
      << from_beadfind_mask_ptr
      << GlobalFitter_ptr;    

    time_t finish_save_time;
    time ( &finish_save_time );
    fprintf ( stdout, "Writing restart state to archive %s took %0.1f secs",
	      filePath.c_str(), difftime ( finish_save_time, begin_save_time ));

  GlobalFitter.UnSpinSingleFlowFitGpuThreads ();


  if ( inception_state.bkg_control.updateMaskAfterBkgModel )
    from_beadfind_mask.pinnedInFlow->UpdateMaskWithPinned ( from_beadfind_mask.my_mask ); //update maskPtr

  from_beadfind_mask.pinnedInFlow->DumpSummaryPinsPerFlow ( inception_state.sys_context.GetResultsFolder() );