Esempio n. 1
void testTiming(Blackbox & A)
	typedef typename Blackbox::MatrixDomain Dom;
	typedef typename Dom::Block Block;

	Dom MD = A.domain();
	size_t m = A.rowdim(), n = A.coldim();
	size_t k = (m + n)/2;

	LinBox::UserTimer timer;

	Block B(n,k), C(m,k), D(k,m), E(k,n), F(k,k);
	MD.random(B); MD.random(D);

	vector<typename Dom::Element> v1, v2(m);
	typename Dom::RandIter r(MD);
	typename Dom::Element x;
	for(size_t i = 0; i != n; ++i){

	cout << "Timing tests:" << endl << endl;

	timer.clear(); timer.start();
	for(size_t j = 0; j != m; ++j) A.apply(v2,v1);
	cout << "apply using vectors time: " << timer << endl;

	timer.clear(); timer.start();
	cout << "apply using row addin time: " << timer << endl;

	timer.clear(); timer.start();
	cout << "apply using block axpy time: " << timer << endl;

	timer.clear(); timer.start();
	MD.mul(F, D, C);
	cout << "Matrix Domain mul time: " << timer << endl;

	cout << "End of timing tests" << endl << endl;

} // testTiming
Esempio n. 2
static bool testTransposeBlackbox(Blackbox & A)
	typedef typename Blackbox::Field Field;
	commentator().start ("Testing Transpose", "testTranspose", 1);

	Transpose<Blackbox> B(A);

	bool ret = true, ret1;

	size_t m = A.rowdim(), n = A.coldim();
	const Field & F = A.field();
	VectorDomain<Field> VD (F);
	BlasVector<Field> x(F,n), y(F,m), z(F,n), w(F,m);

	A.apply(y, x);
	B.applyTranspose(w, x);
	ret1 = VD.areEqual(y, w);
	if (not ret1) commentator().report() << "A and B^T disagree, FAIL" << std::endl;
	ret = ret and ret1;

	A.applyTranspose(x, y);
	B.apply(z, y);
	ret1 = VD.areEqual(x, z);
	if (not ret1) commentator().report() << "A^T and B disagree, FAIL" << std::endl;
	ret = ret and ret1;

	ret1 = testBlackboxNoRW(B);
	if (not ret1) commentator().report() << "testBlackbox A^T FAIL" << std::endl;
	ret = ret and ret1;

	commentator().stop (MSG_STATUS (ret), (const char *) 0, "testTranspose");

	return ret;
Esempio n. 3
static bool testSingularInconsistentSolve (const Field          &F,
					   VectorStream<Vector> &stream1,
					   VectorStream<Vector> &stream2,
					   const char           *text,
					   MethodTraits          method)
	typedef Diagonal <Field, Vector> Blackbox;

	ostringstream str;
	str << "Testing singular inconsistent solve (" << text << ")";

	commentator().start (str.str ().c_str (), "testSingularInconsistentSolve", stream1.m ());

	VectorDomain<Field> VD (F);

	typename WiedemannSolver<Field>::ReturnStatus status;
	bool ret = true;

	Vector d1, d, b, x, y, u;
	typename Field::Element uTb;

	VectorWrapper::ensureDim (d, stream2.dim ());
	VectorWrapper::ensureDim (b, stream2.dim ());
	VectorWrapper::ensureDim (x, stream2.dim ());
	VectorWrapper::ensureDim (y, stream2.dim ());
	VectorWrapper::ensureDim (d1, stream1.dim ());

	MethodTraits traits (method);
	traits.preconditioner (MethodTraits::NONE);

	while (stream1 && stream2) {
		commentator().startIteration ((unsigned)stream1.j ()); (d1); (b);

		VD.copy (d, d1);

		ostream &report = commentator().report (Commentator::LEVEL_IMPORTANT, INTERNAL_DESCRIPTION);
		report << "Diagonal entries: ";
		VD.write (report, d);
		report << endl;

		report << "Right-hand side:  ";
		VD.write (report, b);
		report << endl;

		BlasVector<Field> dd(F,d);
		Blackbox D (dd);
		//Blackbox D (d);

		status = solve (D, x, b, u, F, traits);

		if (status == WiedemannSolver<Field>::INCONSISTENT) {
			D.applyTranspose (y, u);

			report << "Certificate of inconsistency found." << endl;

			report << "Certificate is: ";
			VD.write (report, u) << endl;

			report << "u^T A = ";
			VD.write (report, y) << endl; (uTb, u, b);

			report << "u^T b = ";
			F.write (report, uTb) << endl;

			if (!VD.isZero (y)) {
				commentator().report (Commentator::LEVEL_IMPORTANT, INTERNAL_ERROR)
					<< "ERROR: u is not in the right nullspace of D" << endl;
				ret = false;

			if (F.isZero (uTb)) {
				commentator().report (Commentator::LEVEL_IMPORTANT, INTERNAL_ERROR)
					<< "ERROR: u^T b = 0" << endl;
				ret = false;
		else if (status == WiedemannSolver<Field>::FAILED) {
			commentator().report (Commentator::LEVEL_IMPORTANT, INTERNAL_ERROR)
				<< "ERROR: Solver refused to certify inconsistency" << endl;
			ret = false;
		else {
			commentator().report (Commentator::LEVEL_IMPORTANT, INTERNAL_ERROR)
				<< "ERROR: Solver gave solution even though system is inconsistent" << endl;
			ret = false;

		commentator().stop ("done");
		commentator().progress ();

	stream1.reset ();
	stream2.reset ();

	commentator().stop (MSG_STATUS (ret), (const char *) 0, "testSingularInconsistentSolve");

	return ret;