Esempio n. 1
int main(){
    string myTake = "y";
    string authorSearch, titleSearch;
    int programState;
    vector<Books> listOfBooks;
    Books exampleBooks;
    listOfBooks = exampleBooks.sampleBooks();
    int i;
    for(i = 0; i < 10; i++){
        cout << "hello world" << endl;
    // Create a control system to start the book shop management system
    // cout << "Please press 1 continue and 0 to cancel";
    // give options the user can pick to run checks on the system
    // features include search ... specific book and update price
    cout << "Use the following controls to navigate through the system" << endl;
    cout << "1. SEARCH FOR BOOK >> 1" << endl ;
    cout << "2. UPDATE PRICE FOR SPECIFIC BOOK >> 2 " << endl;
    while(myTake == "y"){
        cout << "Enter (1) for search and (2) to update specific book price" << endl << endl;
        cin >> programState;
            case 1:
                cout << programState << endl;
                cout << "Please enter the author and the title for the book you want to search for..." << endl;
                cin >> authorSearch;
                cin >> titleSearch;
                authorSearch = findBook(listOfBooks, titleSearch, authorSearch);
                cout << authorSearch;
            case 2:
            int price;
            cout << "Enter the book you want to update and its update price";
            cin >> titleSearch;
            cin >> price;

             cout << "thank you your book has been updated";
        cout << "press (y) if you want to continue." << endl << " Press any other key to exit program" << endl;
        cin >> myTake;