Esempio n. 1
bool Bounds::inside(const Bounds& bounds) const {
    tgtAssert(       isDefined(), "This Box ist not defined.");
    tgtAssert(bounds.isDefined(), "Box b ist not defined.");

    vec3 llfb = bounds.getLLF();
    vec3 urbb = bounds.getURB();

    float r0x = min(llf_[0], urb_[0]);
    float r1x = max(llf_[0], urb_[0]);
    float r0y = min(llf_[1], urb_[1]);
    float r1y = max(llf_[1], urb_[1]);
    float r0z = min(llf_[2], urb_[2]);
    float r1z = max(llf_[2], urb_[2]);

    float r2x = min(llfb[0], urbb[0]);
    float r3x = max(llfb[0], urbb[0]);
    float r2y = min(llfb[1], urbb[1]);
    float r3y = max(llfb[1], urbb[1]);
    float r2z = min(llfb[2], urbb[2]);
    float r3z = max(llfb[2], urbb[2]);

    return (r0x >= r2x) && (r1x <= r3x)
        && (r0y >= r2y) && (r1y <= r3y)
        && (r0z >= r2z) && (r1z <= r3z);
Esempio n. 2
void Image<T>::resize(const Bounds<int>& new_bounds) 
    if (!new_bounds.isDefined()) {
        // Then this is really a deallocation.  Clear out the existing memory.
        this->_data = 0;
        this->_stride = 0;
    } else if (this->_bounds.isDefined() && 
               this->_bounds.area() <= new_bounds.area() && 
               this->_owner.unique()) {
        // Then safe to keep existing memory allocation.
        // Just redefine the bounds and stride.
        this->_stride = new_bounds.getXMax() - new_bounds.getXMin() + 1;
    } else {
        // Then we want to do the reallocation.
        this->_bounds = new_bounds;
Esempio n. 3
    double PhotonArray::addTo(ImageView<T> target) const
        Bounds<int> b = target.getBounds();

        if (!b.isDefined())
            throw std::runtime_error("Attempting to PhotonArray::addTo an Image with"
                                     " undefined Bounds");

        // Factor to turn flux into surface brightness in an Image pixel
        dbg<<"In PhotonArray::addTo\n";
        dbg<<"bounds = "<<b<<std::endl;

        double addedFlux = 0.;
        double totalFlux = 0.;
        double lostFlux = 0.;
        int nx = target.getXMax()-target.getXMin()+1;
        int ny = target.getYMax()-target.getYMin()+1;
        std::vector<std::vector<double> > posFlux(nx,std::vector<double>(ny,0.));
        std::vector<std::vector<double> > negFlux(nx,std::vector<double>(ny,0.));
        for (int i=0; i<int(size()); i++) {
            int ix = int(floor(_x[i] + 0.5));
            int iy = int(floor(_y[i] + 0.5));
            totalFlux += _flux[i];
            xdbg<<"  photon: ("<<_x[i]<<','<<_y[i]<<")  f = "<<_flux[i]<<std::endl;
            if (b.includes(ix,iy)) {
                if (_flux[i] > 0.) posFlux[ix-target.getXMin()][iy-target.getXMin()] += _flux[i];
                else negFlux[ix-target.getXMin()][iy-target.getXMin()] -= _flux[i];
                target(ix,iy) += _flux[i];
                addedFlux += _flux[i];
            } else {
                xdbg<<"lost flux at ix = "<<ix<<", iy = "<<iy<<" with flux = "<<_flux[i]<<std::endl;
                lostFlux += _flux[i];
        dbg<<"totalFlux = "<<totalFlux<<std::endl;
        dbg<<"addedlFlux = "<<addedFlux<<std::endl;
        dbg<<"lostFlux = "<<lostFlux<<std::endl;
        for(int ix=0;ix<nx;++ix) {
            for(int iy=0;iy<ny;++iy) {
                double pos = posFlux[ix][iy];
                double neg = negFlux[ix][iy];
                double tot = pos + neg;
                if (tot > 0.) {
                    xdbg<<"eta("<<ix+target.getXMin()<<','<<iy+target.getXMin()<<") = "<<
                        neg<<" / "<<tot<<" = "<<neg/tot<<std::endl;

        return addedFlux;