Esempio n. 1
//--------- Begin of function FirmHarbor::put_det ---------//
void FirmHarbor::put_det(int refreshFlag)
	if( refreshFlag == INFO_REPAINT )
		vga_util.d3_panel_up( SHIP_DET_X1, SHIP_DET_Y1, SHIP_DET_X2, SHIP_DET_Y2 );
		vga_util.blt_buf( SHIP_DET_X1, SHIP_DET_Y1, SHIP_DET_X2, SHIP_DET_Y2, 0 );

	if( browse_ship.none_record )

	refreshFlag = INFO_REPAINT;		// for calling disp_ship_units() and disp_ship_goods()

	//------- display info of the ship --------//

	UnitMarine* shipUnitPtr  = (UnitMarine*) unit_array[ ship_recno_array[browse_ship.recno()-1] ];
	UnitInfo*   shipUnitInfo = unit_res[shipUnitPtr->unit_id];

	//----- if the ship can carry both goods and units, display mode selection button ---//

	if( shipUnitInfo->carry_goods_capacity > 0 &&
		 shipUnitInfo->carry_unit_capacity > 0 )
		button_mode[0].create_text( SHIP_DET_X1+10, SHIP_DET_Y1+3, SHIP_DET_X1+80, SHIP_DET_Y1+19, "Units" );
		button_mode[1].create_text( SHIP_DET_X1+90, SHIP_DET_Y1+3, SHIP_DET_X2-10, SHIP_DET_Y1+19, "Goods" );

		if( ship_disp_mode == SHIP_MENU_UNIT )
			disp_ship_units(shipUnitPtr, SHIP_DET_Y1+22, refreshFlag);
			disp_ship_goods(shipUnitPtr, SHIP_DET_Y1+22, refreshFlag);
	else if( shipUnitInfo->carry_goods_capacity > 0 )
		disp_ship_goods(shipUnitPtr, SHIP_DET_Y1+22, refreshFlag);
	else if( shipUnitInfo->carry_unit_capacity > 0 )
		disp_ship_units(shipUnitPtr, SHIP_DET_Y1+22, refreshFlag);
Esempio n. 2
// ----- begin of function ScenarioEditor::disp_monster_main ------//
void ScenarioEditor::disp_monster_main(int refreshFlag)
	String str;

	// unit or structure button group

	button_unit_or_struct[0].create_text( INFO_X1+15, INFO_Y1+5, INFO_X1+110, INFO_Y1+25,
		text_editor.str_unit(), 0 ); // "Unit", 0 );
	button_unit_or_struct[1].create_text( INFO_X1+115, INFO_Y1+5, INFO_X1+210, INFO_Y1+25,
		text_editor.str_structure(), 0 ); //"Structure", 0 );

	font_zoom.put( INFO_X1+10, INFO_Y2-28, text_editor.str_double_left_add(), 0, INFO_X2-5);
	font_zoom.put( INFO_X1+10, INFO_Y2-14, text_editor.str_double_right_del(), 0, INFO_X2-5);


		// player number button group

		for( int nationRecno = 0; nationRecno <= MAX_NATION; ++nationRecno )
			button_player_recno[nationRecno].create( INFO_X1+16+nationRecno*25, INFO_Y1+30,
				INFO_X1+16+(nationRecno+1)*25-2, INFO_Y1+57, i_disp_nation_button,
				ButtonCustomPara(NULL, nationRecno), 0 );
			button_player_recno[nationRecno].visible_flag = 
				button_player_recno[nationRecno].enable_flag =
				!nationRecno || !nation_array.is_deleted(nationRecno);		// nation 0 always enable

	if( brush_player_recno && nation_array.is_deleted(brush_player_recno) )
		brush_player_recno = 0;			// set to nation 0 if that nation is deleted

	// display browser


	// display browser 

	if( !unit_or_struct )
		// init unit browser
		vbrowse_unit_id.init( INFO_X1+5, INFO_Y1+80, INFO_X2-5, INFO_Y2-30,
			-1, 20, monster_unit_id_count, disp_monster_unit_id );;
		browse_unit_width = vbrowse_unit_id.ix2 - vbrowse_unit_id.ix1 + 1;
		// init firm browser
		vbrowse_firm_build.init( INFO_X1+5, INFO_Y1+80, INFO_X2-5, INFO_Y2-30,
			-1, 20, monster_firm_group_count, disp_monster_firm_group );;
		browse_firm_width = vbrowse_firm_build.ix2 - vbrowse_firm_build.ix1 + 1;

	// init race filter button

//	int raceLength = ((INFO_X2-4) - (INFO_X1+5) + 1) / (1+MAX_MONSTER_TYPE);
//	char raceAbbr[2] = " ";
//	for( int r = 0; r <= MAX_MONSTER_TYPE; ++r )
//	{
//		if( r > 0 ) 
//			raceAbbr[0] = monster_res[r]->name[0];
//		button_race_group[r].create_text( INFO_X1+5+r*raceLength, INFO_Y1+58,
//			INFO_X1+5+(r+1)*raceLength-1, INFO_Y1+78, raceAbbr );
//	}
	spinner_race_group.create( INFO_X1+80, INFO_Y1+58, INFO_X1+210, INFO_Y1+78, 200,//146,
		0, 1+MAX_MONSTER_TYPE, i_disp_race_spinner, -monster_race_filter );
	// button_race_group.paint(-monster_race_filter);

Esempio n. 3
//--------- Begin of static function disp_nation_info ---------//
static void disp_nation_info()
	vga_util.d3_panel_down( REPORT_DET_X1, REPORT_DET_Y1, REPORT_DET_X2, REPORT_DET_Y2 );

	//----------- display info ------------//

	int	  nationRecno  = info.nation_filter(browse_nation.recno());
	Nation* nationPtr    = nation_array[nationRecno];
	Nation* viewingNation = nation_array[info.viewing_nation_recno];
	NationRelation* nationRelation = viewingNation->get_relation(nationRecno);

	int x1=REPORT_DET_X1+6, x2=REPORT_DET_X1+380, x3=REPORT_DET_X2-10;
	int y=REPORT_DET_Y1+6;
	const int lineSpacing = 19;

	//---- display the nationality of the king ----//

	if( nationPtr->is_human() )
		font_bld.put_field( x1, y, text_reports.str_king_race(nationPtr->race_id), x2, 
		nationPtr->is_human() ? race_res[nationPtr->race_id]->name : monster_res[nationPtr->monster_id()]->name );

	y += lineSpacing;

		//-------- display economic data ----------//

	String str;

	if( nationRecno == info.viewing_nation_recno )
		// font_bld.put_field( x1, y, "Your Food", x2, nationPtr->food_str() );
		font_bld.put_field( x1, y, text_reports.str_your_food(), x2, nationPtr->food_str() );

		str  = "$";
		str += nationPtr->cash_str();

		font_bld.put_field( x1, y+=lineSpacing, text_reports.str_your_treasure(), x2, str );

		if( nationPtr->is_monster() )
			font_bld.put_field( x1, y+=lineSpacing, text_reports.str_your_live_points(), x2, (int) nationPtr->live_points );

		font_bld.field( x1, y+=lineSpacing, text_reports.str_your_peace_time(), x2, nationPtr->peace_duration_str(), x3, INFO_REPAINT, "PEACE" );
		//str  = translate.process("Your Yearly Import from ");
		//str += nationPtr->nation_name();
		// font_bld.field( x1, y    , str, x2, (int) viewingNation->get_relation(nationRecno)->import_365days(IMPORT_TOTAL), 2, x3, INFO_REPAINT, "IMPORT" );
		font_bld.field( x1, y    , text_reports.str_enemy_import_from(nationPtr->nation_name()),
			x2, (int) viewingNation->get_relation(nationRecno)->import_365days(IMPORT_TOTAL), 2, x3, INFO_REPAINT, "IMPORT" );

		// str  = translate.process("Your Yearly Export to ");
		// str += nationPtr->nation_name();
		// font_bld.field( x1, y+=lineSpacing, str, x2, (int) nationPtr->get_relation(info.viewing_nation_recno)->import_365days(IMPORT_TOTAL), 2, x3, INFO_REPAINT, "EXPORT" );
		font_bld.field( x1, y+=lineSpacing, text_reports.str_enemy_export_to(nationPtr->nation_name()),
			x2, (int) nationPtr->get_relation(info.viewing_nation_recno)->import_365days(IMPORT_TOTAL), 2, x3, INFO_REPAINT, "EXPORT" );

		// str  = translate.process("Continuous Peace Time of ");
		// str += nationPtr->nation_name();
		// font_bld.field( x1, y+=lineSpacing, str, x2, nationPtr->peace_duration_str(), x3, INFO_REPAINT, "PEACE" );
		font_bld.field( x1, y+=lineSpacing, text_reports.str_enemy_peace_time(nationPtr->nation_name()),
			x2, nationPtr->peace_duration_str(), x3, INFO_REPAINT, "PEACE" );

		//--------- duration of current status ----------//

//		str  = translate.process("Duration of ");
//		str += translate.process(nationRelation->status_str());
//		str += " Status";
//		font_bld.field( x1, y+=lineSpacing, str, x2, nationRelation->status_duration_str(), x3, INFO_REPAINT, "STATTIME" );
		font_bld.field( x1, y+=lineSpacing, text_reports.str_enemy_status_duration(nationRelation->status_str()),
			x2, nationRelation->status_duration_str(), x3, INFO_REPAINT, "STATTIME" );

		//------- display the allow_attack field --------//

		// str  = "Allow Your Units to Attack ";
		// str += nationPtr->nation_name();
		// font_bld.field( x1, y+=lineSpacing, str, x2, "", x3, INFO_REPAINT, "ALLOWATK" );
		font_bld.field( x1, y+=lineSpacing, text_reports.str_enemy_allow_attack(nationPtr->nation_name()),
			x2, "", x3, INFO_REPAINT, "ALLOWATK" );

//		button_allow_attack[0].set_font( &font_bld );
//		button_allow_attack[1].set_font( &font_bld );
		button_allow_attack[1].create_text( x2+6 , y, x2+50 , y+lineSpacing-1, text_reports.str_no_yes(1)); // "Yes" );
		button_allow_attack[0].create_text( x2+54, y, x2+100, y+lineSpacing-1, text_reports.str_no_yes(0)); // "No"  );

		button_allow_attack.paint( viewingNation->get_relation(nationRecno)->should_attack );

		//---- if this nation is our ally, display its cash and food ----//

		if( viewingNation->get_relation(nationRecno)->status == RELATION_ALLIANCE )
			// str  = nationPtr->nation_name();
			// str += " 's Treasure";
			// font_bld.field( x1, y+=lineSpacing, str, x2, nationPtr->cash, 2, x3, INFO_REPAINT );
			font_bld.field( x1, y+=lineSpacing, text_reports.str_ally_cash(nationPtr->nation_name()),
				x2, nationPtr->cash, 2, x3, INFO_REPAINT );

			// str  = nationPtr->nation_name();
			// str += " 's Food";
			// font_bld.field( x1, y+=lineSpacing, str, x2, nationPtr->food, 1, x3, INFO_REPAINT );
			font_bld.field( x1, y+=lineSpacing, text_reports.str_ally_food(nationPtr->nation_name()),
				x2, nationPtr->food, 1, x3, INFO_REPAINT );


	//----- display its relation status with other nations -----//

	if( info.viewing_nation_recno != nationRecno )
		// String str;

		nationPtr->disp_nation_color(x1, y+1);
		font_bld.put(x1+20, y, text_reports.str_enemy_relation(nationPtr->nation_name()));

		for( int i=1 ; i<=nation_array.size() ; i++ )
			if( nation_array.is_deleted(i) ||
				 i == nationRecno ||
				 i == info.viewing_nation_recno )

			nation_array[i]->disp_nation_color(x1, y+1);

			font_bld.put( x1+20, y, nation_array[i]->nation_name() );
			font_bld.put( x1+240, y, nationPtr->get_relation(i)->status_str() );

			if( nationPtr->get_relation(i)->trade_treaty )
				int x2 = font_bld.put( x1+330, y, text_talk.str_trade_treaty()); // "Trade Treaty" );
				// font_bld.put( x1+450, y, misc.format((int)nationPtr->total_year_trade(i),2) );
				font_bld.put( x2+10, y, misc.format((int)nationPtr->total_year_trade(i),2) );

			if( config.show_debug_info )
				font_bld.put( x1+500, y, nationPtr->get_relation(i)->ai_relation_level );
				font_bld.put( x1+530, y, (int) nationPtr->get_relation(i)->good_relation_duration_rating );

Esempio n. 4
//--------- Begin of static function disp_nation_info ---------//
static void disp_nation_info()
	vga.d3_panel_down( REPORT_DET_X1, REPORT_DET_Y1, REPORT_DET_X2, REPORT_DET_Y2 );

	//----------- display info ------------//

	int	  nationRecno  = nation_filter(browse_nation.recno());
	Nation* nationPtr    = nation_array[nationRecno];
	Nation* viewingNation = nation_array[info.viewing_nation_recno];
	NationRelation* nationRelation = viewingNation->get_relation(nationRecno);

	int x1=REPORT_DET_X1+6, x2=REPORT_DET_X1+340, x3=REPORT_DET_X2-10;
	int y=REPORT_DET_Y1+6;

	//-------- display economic data ----------//

	String str;

	if( nationRecno == info.viewing_nation_recno )
		font_san.put_field( x1, y, "Your Food", x2, nationPtr->food_str() );

		str  = "$";
		str += nationPtr->cash_str();

		font_san.put_field( x1, y+=16, "Your Treasure", x2, str );

		font_san.field( x1, y+=16, "Your Continuous Peace Time", x2, nationPtr->peace_duration_str(), x3, INFO_REPAINT, "PEACE" );
		str  = translate.process("Your Yearly Import from ");
		str += nationPtr->nation_name();

		font_san.field( x1, y    , str, x2, (int) viewingNation->get_relation(nationRecno)->import_365days(IMPORT_TOTAL), 2, x3, INFO_REPAINT, "IMPORT" );

		str  = translate.process("Your Yearly Export to ");
		str += nationPtr->nation_name();

		font_san.field( x1, y+=16, str, x2, (int) nationPtr->get_relation(info.viewing_nation_recno)->import_365days(IMPORT_TOTAL), 2, x3, INFO_REPAINT, "EXPORT" );

		str  = translate.process("Continuous Peace Time of ");
		str += nationPtr->nation_name();

		font_san.field( x1, y+=16, str, x2, nationPtr->peace_duration_str(), x3, INFO_REPAINT, "PEACE" );

		//--------- duration of current status ----------//

		str  = "Duración del estado de ";
		str += translate.process(nationRelation->status_str());
		str  = "Duration of ";
		str += nationRelation->status_str();
		str += " Status";
		str  = translate.process(str);
		// GERMAN and US
		str  = translate.process("Duration of ");
		str += translate.process(nationRelation->status_str());
		str += " Status";

		font_san.field( x1, y+=16, str, x2, nationRelation->status_duration_str(), x3, INFO_REPAINT, "STATTIME" );

		//------- display the allow_attack field --------//

			// str  = "Permitir que tus Unidades ataquen al ";
			str  = "Permitir atacar al ";
			str += nationPtr->nation_name();
			str  = "Autoriser attaque contre le ";
			str += nationPtr->nation_name();
			str  = "Angriffe auf ";
			str += nationPtr->nation_name();
			str += " erlauben";
			str  = "Allow Your Units to Attack ";
			str += nationPtr->nation_name();

		font_san.field( x1, y+=16, str, x2, "", x3, INFO_REPAINT, "ALLOWATK" );

		button_allow_attack[1].create_text( x2+6 , y, x2+50 , y+15, "Yes" );
		button_allow_attack[0].create_text( x2+54, y, x2+100, y+15, "No"  );

		button_allow_attack.paint( viewingNation->get_relation(nationRecno)->should_attack );

		//---- if this nation is our ally, display its cash and food ----//

		if( viewingNation->get_relation(nationRecno)->status == NATION_ALLIANCE )
			str  = "Tesoro del ";
			str += nationPtr->nation_name();
			str  = "Trésor du ";
			str += nationPtr->nation_name();
			// GERMAN and US
			str  = nationPtr->nation_name();
			str += " 's Treasure";

			font_san.field( x1, y+=16, str, x2, nationPtr->cash, 2, x3, INFO_REPAINT );

			str = "Alimentos del ";
			str += nationPtr->nation_name();
			str = "Réserves de nourriture du ";
			str += nationPtr->nation_name();
			// GERMAN and US
			str  = nationPtr->nation_name();
			str += " 's Food";

			font_san.field( x1, y+=16, str, x2, nationPtr->food, 2, x3, INFO_REPAINT );


	//----- display its relation status with other nations -----//

	if( info.viewing_nation_recno != nationRecno )
		String str;

		str  = "Estado Diplomático del ";
		str += nationPtr->nation_name();
		str += " con otros Reinos:";
		str  = "Relations diplomatiques de ";
		str += nationPtr->nation_name();
		str += " avec les autres royaumes:";
		// GERMAN and US
		str  = nationPtr->nation_name();
		str += "'s ";
		str += translate.process( "Diplomatic Status with Other Kingdoms:" );

		nationPtr->disp_nation_color(x1, y+1);
		font_san.put(x1+20, y, str);

		for( int i=1 ; i<=nation_array.size() ; i++ )
			if( nation_array.is_deleted(i) ||
				 i == nationRecno ||
				 i == info.viewing_nation_recno )

			nation_array[i]->disp_nation_color(x1, y+1);

			font_san.put( x1+20, y, nation_array[i]->nation_name() );
			font_san.put( x1+240, y, nationPtr->get_relation(i)->status_str() );

			if( nationPtr->get_relation(i)->trade_treaty )
				font_san.put( x1+330, y, "Trade Treaty" );
				font_san.put( x1+460, y, m.format((int)nationPtr->total_year_trade(i),2) );
				// German and US
				font_san.put( x1+450, y, m.format((int)nationPtr->total_year_trade(i),2) );

			if( config.show_ai_info )
				font_san.put( x1+500, y, nationPtr->get_relation(i)->ai_relation_level );
				font_san.put( x1+530, y, (int) nationPtr->get_relation(i)->good_relation_duration_rating );

Esempio n. 5
// ----- begin of function ScenarioEditor::disp_players_main ------//
void ScenarioEditor::disp_players_main(int refreshFlag)
	// ------- display scroll area ----------//

	browse_nation.init( INFO_X1, INFO_Y1, INFO_X2, INFO_Y1+168,
		-1, 32, MAX_NATION, disp_nation_rec );;
	// ######## begin Gilbert 22/2 #######//
	// browse_nation.refresh(brush_player_recno);
	// ######## end Gilbert 22/2 #######//

	// ------ display king name -------//

	int y = INFO_Y1+170;

//	if( !nation_array.is_deleted(brush_player_recno) )
//		font_whbl.put( font_whbl.put( INFO_X1+20, y, text_editor.str_king_name()) // "King Name" )
//		+10, y, nation_array[brush_player_recno]->king_name() ) ;

	if( !nation_array.is_deleted(brush_player_recno) )
		vga_buffer.d3_panel_up( INFO_X1+5, y, INFO_X2-5, y+8+font_cara_w.max_font_height );
		font_cara_w.center_put( INFO_X1+5, y, INFO_X2-5, y+8+font_cara_w.max_font_height,
			nation_array[brush_player_recno]->nation_name() );


	// ------- treasure, food, reputation --------//
	button_cash_up.create_text(    INFO_X1+140, y,    INFO_X1+150, y+9,  "+" );
	button_cash_down.create_text(  INFO_X1+140, y+10, INFO_X1+150, y+19, "-" );
	button_food_up.create_text(    INFO_X1+140, y+22, INFO_X1+150, y+31, "+" );
	button_food_down.create_text(  INFO_X1+140, y+32, INFO_X1+150, y+41, "-" );
	button_reput_up.create_text(   INFO_X1+140, y+44, INFO_X1+150, y+53, "+" );
	button_reput_down.create_text( INFO_X1+140, y+54, INFO_X1+150, y+63, "-" );
	button_live_up.create_text(    INFO_X1+140, y+66, INFO_X1+150, y+75, "+" );
	button_live_down.create_text(  INFO_X1+140, y+76, INFO_X1+150, y+85, "-" );

//	button_adjustment[0].create_text( INFO_X1+152, y, INFO_X1+214, y+18, text_editor.str_fine_coarse(0) ); // "Fine" );
//	button_adjustment[1].create_text( INFO_X1+152, y+20, INFO_X1+214, y+38, text_editor.str_fine_coarse(1) ); // "Medium" );
//	button_adjustment[2].create_text( INFO_X1+152, y+40, INFO_X1+214, y+58, text_editor.str_fine_coarse(2) ); // "Coarse" );

	if( !nation_array.is_deleted(brush_player_recno) )
	{ INFO_X1+15, y, INFO_X2-10, y+66, V_BLACK );

		Nation *nationPtr = nation_array[brush_player_recno];

		// -------- treasure --------//

		font_whbl.put( INFO_X1+15, y, text_editor.str_player_treasure() ); //"Treasure" );
		font_whbl.right_put( INFO_X1+140-4, y, m.format( (int)nationPtr->cash, 2) );

		// --------- food ----------//

		font_whbl.put( INFO_X1+15, y+22, text_editor.str_player_food() ); // "Food" );
		font_whbl.right_put( INFO_X1+140-4, y+22, m.format((int)nationPtr->food) );

		// --------- reputation -------//

		font_whbl.put( INFO_X1+15, y+44, text_editor.str_player_reputation() ); // "Reputation" );
		font_whbl.right_put( INFO_X1+140-4, y+44, m.format( (int)nationPtr->reputation) );

		// --------- live points ---------//

		font_whbl.put( INFO_X1+15, y+66, text_editor.str_player_live_points() ); // "Life Points" );
		font_whbl.right_put( INFO_X1+140-4, y+66, m.format( (int)nationPtr->live_points) );

	y += 87;
	button_adjustment[0].create_text( INFO_X1+147, y+18, INFO_X1+216, y+38, text_editor.str_fine_coarse(0) ); // "Fine" );
	button_adjustment[1].create_text( INFO_X1+76, y+18, INFO_X1+145, y+38, text_editor.str_fine_coarse(1) ); // "Medium" );
	button_adjustment[2].create_text( INFO_X1+5, y+18, INFO_X1+74, y+38, text_editor.str_fine_coarse(2) ); // "Coarse" );
	font_whbl.put( INFO_X1+15, y, text_editor.str_adjustment() );

	// ------- player type --------//

//	button_player_type[0].create_text( INFO_X1+50, y, INFO_X1+100, y+18, "Either" );
//	button_player_type[1].create_text( INFO_X1+50, y, INFO_X1+100, y+18, "Computer" );
	if( !nation_array.is_deleted(brush_player_recno) )
//		button_player_type.paint( nation_array[brush_player_recno]->is_ai() );