Esempio n. 1
BOOL C4ComponentHost::LoadEx(const char *szName, C4Group &hGroup,
                             const char *szFilename, const char *szLanguage) {
  // Load from a group set containing the provided group and
  // alternative groups for cross-loading from a language pack
  C4GroupSet hGroups;
      hGroup, false, 1000,
      C4GSCnt_Component);  // Provided group gets highest priority
  // Load from group set
  return Load(szName, hGroups, szFilename, szLanguage);
Esempio n. 2
BOOL C4ComponentHost::Load(const char *szName, C4GroupSet &hGroupSet,
                           const char *szFilename, const char *szLanguage) {
  // Clear any old stuff
  // Store name & filename
  SCopy(szName, Name);
  SCopy(szFilename, Filename);
  // Load component - try all segmented filenames
  char strEntry[_MAX_FNAME + 1], strEntryWithLanguage[_MAX_FNAME + 1];
  for (int iFilename = 0;
       SCopySegment(Filename, iFilename, strEntry, '|', _MAX_FNAME);
       iFilename++) {
    // Try to insert all language codes provided into the filename
    char strCode[3] = "";
    for (int iLang = 0;
         SCopySegment(szLanguage ? szLanguage : "", iLang, strCode, ',', 2);
         iLang++) {
      // Insert language code
      sprintf(strEntryWithLanguage, strEntry, strCode);
      if (hGroupSet.LoadEntryString(strEntryWithLanguage, Data)) {
        if (pConfig->General.fUTF8) Data.EnsureUnicode();
        // Store actual filename
        C4Group *pGroup = hGroupSet.FindEntry(strEntryWithLanguage);
        pGroup->FindEntry(strEntryWithLanguage, Filename);
        // Got it
        return TRUE;
      // Couldn't insert language code anyway - no point in trying other
      // languages
      if (!SSearch(strEntry, "%s")) break;
  // Truncate any additional segments from stored filename
  SReplaceChar(Filename, '|', 0);
  // skip full path (unknown)
  FilePath[0] = 0;
  // Not loaded
  return FALSE;
Esempio n. 3
C4GroupSet C4Language::GetPackGroups(C4Group & hGroup)
	// Build a group set containing the provided group and
	// alternative groups for cross-loading from a language pack
	char strRelativePath[_MAX_PATH + 1];
	char strTargetLocation[_MAX_PATH + 1];
	char strPackPath[_MAX_PATH + 1];
	char strPackGroupLocation[_MAX_PATH + 1];
	char strAdvance[_MAX_PATH + 1];

	// Store wanted target location
	SCopy(Config.AtRelativePath(hGroup.GetFullName().getData()), strRelativePath, _MAX_PATH);
	SCopy(strRelativePath, strTargetLocation, _MAX_PATH);

	// Adjust location by scenario origin
	if (Game.C4S.Head.Origin.getLength() && SEqualNoCase(GetExtension(Game.C4S.Head.Origin.getData()), "ocs"))
		const char *szScenarioRelativePath = GetRelativePathS(strRelativePath, Config.AtRelativePath(Game.ScenarioFilename));
		if (szScenarioRelativePath != strRelativePath)
			// this is a path within the scenario! Change to origin.
			size_t iRestPathLen = SLen(szScenarioRelativePath);
			if (Game.C4S.Head.Origin.getLength() + 1 + iRestPathLen <= _MAX_PATH)
				SCopy(Game.C4S.Head.Origin.getData(), strTargetLocation);
				if (iRestPathLen)
					SAppendChar(DirectorySeparator, strTargetLocation);
					SAppend(szScenarioRelativePath, strTargetLocation);

	// Process all language packs (and their respective pack groups)
	C4Group *pPack, *pPackGroup;
	for (int iPack = 0; (pPack = Packs.GetGroup(iPack)) && (pPackGroup = PackGroups.GetGroup(iPack)); iPack++)
		// Get current pack group position within pack
		SCopy(pPack->GetFullName().getData(), strPackPath, _MAX_PATH);
		GetRelativePath(pPackGroup->GetFullName().getData(), strPackPath, strPackGroupLocation);

		// Pack group is at correct position within pack: continue with next pack
		if (SEqualNoCase(strPackGroupLocation, strTargetLocation))

		// Try to backtrack until we can reach the target location as a relative child
		while ( strPackGroupLocation[0]
		        && !GetRelativePath(strTargetLocation, strPackGroupLocation, strAdvance)
		        && pPackGroup->OpenMother() )
			// Update pack group location
			GetRelativePath(pPackGroup->GetFullName().getData(), strPackPath, strPackGroupLocation);

		// We can reach the target location as a relative child
		if (strPackGroupLocation[0] && GetRelativePath(strTargetLocation, strPackGroupLocation, strAdvance))
			// Advance pack group to relative child

		// Cannot reach by advancing: need to close and reopen (rewinding group file)
			// Close pack group (if it is open at all)
			// Reopen pack group to relative position in language pack if possible
			pPackGroup->OpenAsChild(pPack, strTargetLocation);


	// Store new target location
	SCopy(strTargetLocation, PackGroupLocation, _MAX_FNAME);

	C4GroupSet r;
	// Provided group gets highest priority
	r.RegisterGroup(hGroup, false, 1000, C4GSCnt_Component);
	// register currently open pack groups
	r.RegisterGroups(PackGroups, C4GSCnt_Language);
	return r;