Esempio n. 1
CAtomList *DecodeList( const string &x, unsigned long iStart )
	unsigned long i = iStart + 1;

	CAtomList *pList = new CAtomList( );

	while( i < x.size( ) && x[i] != 'e' )
		CAtom *pAtom = Decode( x, i );

		if( pAtom )
			i += pAtom->EncodedLength( );

			pList->addItem( pAtom );
			UTIL_LogPrint( "error decoding list - error decoding list item, discarding list\n" );

			delete pList;

			return NULL;

	return pList;
Esempio n. 2
static PyObject*
CAtom_new( PyTypeObject* type, PyObject* args, PyObject* kwargs )
    PyDictPtr membersptr( PyObject_GetAttr( pyobject_cast( type ), atom_members ) );
    if( !membersptr )
        return 0;
    if( !membersptr.check_exact() )
        return py_bad_internal_call( "atom members" );
    PyObjectPtr selfptr( PyType_GenericNew( type, args, kwargs ) );
    if( !selfptr )
        return 0;
    CAtom* atom = catom_cast( selfptr.get() );
    uint32_t count = static_cast<uint32_t>( membersptr.size() );
    if( count > 0 )
        if( count > MAX_MEMBER_COUNT )
            return py_type_fail( "too many members" );
        size_t size = sizeof( PyObject* ) * count;
        void* slots = PyObject_MALLOC( size );
        if( !slots )
            return PyErr_NoMemory();
        memset( slots, 0, size );
        atom->slots = reinterpret_cast<PyObject**>( slots );
        atom->set_slot_count( count );
    atom->set_notifications_enabled( true );
    return selfptr.release();
Esempio n. 3
static PyObject*
Member_del_slot( Member* self, PyObject* object )
    if( !CAtom::TypeCheck( object ) )
        return py_expected_type_fail( object, "CAtom" );
    CAtom* atom = catom_cast( object );
    if( self->index >= atom->get_slot_count() )
        return py_no_attr_fail( object, PyString_AsString( self->name ) );
    atom->set_slot( self->index, 0 );
Esempio n. 4
CAtomDicti *DecodeDicti( const string &x, unsigned long iStart )
	unsigned long i = iStart + 1;

	CAtomDicti *pDicti = new CAtomDicti( );

	while( i < x.size( ) && x[i] != 'e' )
		CAtom *pKey = Decode( x, i );

		if( pKey && dynamic_cast<CAtomString *>( pKey ) )
			i += pKey->EncodedLength( );

			string strKey = pKey->toString( );

			delete pKey;

			if( i < x.size( ) )
				CAtom *pValue = Decode( x, i );

				if( pValue )
					i += pValue->EncodedLength( );

					pDicti->setItem( strKey, pValue );
					UTIL_LogPrint( "error decoding dictionary - error decoding value, discarding dictionary\n" );

					delete pDicti;

					return NULL;
			UTIL_LogPrint( "error decoding dictionary - error decoding key, discarding dictionary\n" );

			delete pDicti;

			return NULL;

	return pDicti;
Esempio n. 5
static PyObject*
Member_set_slot( Member* self, PyObject* args )
    if( PyTuple_GET_SIZE( args ) != 2 )
        return py_type_fail( "set_slot() takes exactly 2 arguments" );
    PyObject* object = PyTuple_GET_ITEM( args, 0 );
    PyObject* value = PyTuple_GET_ITEM( args, 1 );
    if( !CAtom::TypeCheck( object ) )
        return py_expected_type_fail( object, "CAtom" );
    CAtom* atom = catom_cast( object );
    if( self->index >= atom->get_slot_count() )
        return py_no_attr_fail( object, PyString_AsString( self->name ) );
    atom->set_slot( self->index, value );
Esempio n. 6
void CState::fillBoxes()
    cout << "CState::fillBoxes()" << endl;

    vec3 atomPosition;
    ivec3 boxIndex;
    CAtom* atomptr;

    for (int i = 0; i < nAtoms; i++)
        atomptr = atoms[i];
        atomPosition = atomptr->getPosition();
        for (int j = 0; j < 3; j++)
            boxIndex(j) = int(floor(atomPosition(j)/boxDimensions(j)));
        boxes[calculate_box_number(boxIndex, NBoxes)]->addAtom(atomptr);

    cout << "Exiting CState::fillBoxes()" << endl << endl;
Esempio n. 7
void CState::makeAtoms(ivec3 N, vec3 L, mat r, double sites_per_cell, string atomType)
    cout << "CState::makeAtoms" << endl;

    vec3 cellPos;

    atoms = vector<CAtom*>();
    atoms.reserve(nAtoms); // don't want resize, since we're using "push_back" to add item
    for (int ix = 0; ix < N(0); ix++)
        for (int iy = 0; iy < N(1); iy++)
            for (int iz = 0; iz < N(2); iz++)
                for (int i = 0; i < sites_per_cell; i++)
                    CAtom* atom = new CAtom;
                    cellPos << L(0)*ix << L(1)*iy << L(2)*iz;
                    atom->setPosition(cellPos + r.row(i).t());
                    if (atom->matrixAtom)

    cout << "Exiting CState::makeAtoms" << endl;
void CTracker :: serverResponseSignupLilyPOST( struct request_t *pRequest, struct response_t *pResponse, CAtomList *pPost )
    // Set the start time
    const struct bnbttv btv( UTIL_CurrentTime( ) );

    // Verify that the IP is permitted to access the tracker
    if( m_ucIPBanMode != 0 )
        if( IsIPBanned( pRequest, pResponse, btv, gmapLANG_CFG["signup_page"], string( CSS_SIGNUP ), NOT_INDEX ) )

    string cstrLogin = string( );
    string cstrLilyID = string( );

    if( pPost )
        // Initialise segment dictionary
        CAtomDicti *pSegment = 0;
        CAtom *pDisposition = 0;
        CAtom *pData = 0;
        CAtom *pName = 0;
        CAtom *pFile = 0;
        // Get the segments from the post
        vector<CAtom *> vecSegments = pPost->getValue( );

        // Loop through the segments
        for( unsigned long ulCount = 0; ulCount < vecSegments.size( ); ulCount++ )
            // Is the segment a dictionary?
            if( vecSegments[ulCount]->isDicti( ) )
                // Get the segment dictionary
                pSegment = (CAtomDicti *)vecSegments[ulCount];
                // Get the disposition and the data from the segment dictionary
                pDisposition = pSegment->getItem( "disposition" );
                pData = pSegment->getItem( "data" );

                // Did we get a disposition that is a dictionary and has data?
                if( pDisposition && pDisposition->isDicti( ) && pData )
                    // Get the content name from the disposition
                    pName = ( (CAtomDicti *)pDisposition )->getItem( "name" );

                    // Did we get a content name?
                    if( pName )
                        // What is the content name to be tested?
                        string strName = pName->toString( );

                        if( strName == "us_login")
                            cstrLogin = pData->toString( );
                        else if( strName == "us_lilyid")
                            cstrLilyID = UTIL_ToLower( pData->toString( ) );
                        // Output common HTML head
                        HTML_Common_Begin(  pRequest, pResponse, gmapLANG_CFG["signup_page"], string( CSS_SIGNUP ), string( ), NOT_INDEX, CODE_400 );

                        // failed
                        pResponse->strContent += "<p class=\"failed\">" + gmapLANG_CFG["failed"] + "</p>\n";
                        // Signal a bad request
                        pResponse->strContent += "<p class=\"body_upload\">400 " + gmapLANG_CFG["server_response_400"] + "</p>\n";

                        // Output common HTML tail
                        HTML_Common_End( pRequest, pResponse, btv, NOT_INDEX, string( CSS_SIGNUP ) );

                        if( gbDebug )
                            UTIL_LogPrint( "Login Warning - Bad request (no users name)\n" );

        // Output common HTML head
        HTML_Common_Begin(  pRequest, pResponse, gmapLANG_CFG["signup_page"], string( CSS_SIGNUP ), string( ), NOT_INDEX, CODE_400 );

        // failed
        pResponse->strContent += "<p class=\"failed\">" + gmapLANG_CFG["failed"] + "</p>\n";
        // Signal a bad request
        pResponse->strContent += "<p class=\"body_upload\">400 " + gmapLANG_CFG["server_response_400"] + "</p>\n";

        // Output common HTML tail
        HTML_Common_End( pRequest, pResponse, btv, NOT_INDEX, string( CSS_SIGNUP ) );

        if( gbDebug )
            UTIL_LogPrint( "Upload Warning - Bad request (no post received)\n" );


    if( pRequest->user.ucAccess & ACCESS_SIGNUP )
        HTML_Common_Begin(  pRequest, pResponse, gmapLANG_CFG["signup_page"], string( CSS_SIGNUP ), string( ), NOT_INDEX, CODE_200 );

        if(  !cstrLogin.empty( ) && !cstrLilyID.empty( ) )
// 			if( cstrLogin[0] == ' ' || cstrLogin[cstrLogin.size( ) - 1] == ' ' || cstrLogin.size( ) > m_uiNameLength )
            if( cstrLogin.find( ' ' ) != string :: npos || cstrLogin.find( '.' ) != string :: npos || cstrLogin.find( '%' ) != string :: npos || cstrLogin.find( '&' ) != string :: npos || cstrLilyID.find( ' ' ) != string :: npos || cstrLilyID.find( '.' ) != string :: npos || cstrLilyID.find( '%' ) != string :: npos || cstrLilyID.find( '&' ) != string :: npos || cstrLogin.size( ) > m_uiNameLength )
                // Unable to signup. Your name must be less than " + CAtomInt( m_uiNameLength ).toString( ) + " characters long and it must not start or end with spaces.
                pResponse->strContent += "<p class=\"signup_failed\">" + UTIL_Xsprintf( gmapLANG_CFG["signup_name_error"].c_str( ), CAtomInt( m_uiNameLength ).toString( ).c_str( ), string( "<a title=\"" + gmapLANG_CFG["navbar_signup"] + "\" href=\"" + RESPONSE_STR_SIGNUP_LILY_HTML + "\">" ).c_str( ), "</a>" ) + "</p>\n\n";

                // Output common HTML tail
                HTML_Common_End( pRequest, pResponse, btv, NOT_INDEX, string( CSS_SIGNUP ) );

            time_t tNow = time( 0 );
            char pTime[256];
            memset( pTime, 0, sizeof( pTime ) / sizeof( char ) );
            strftime( pTime, sizeof( pTime ) / sizeof( char ), "%Y %m/%d %H:%M:%S", localtime( &tNow ) );

            const string cstrA1( cstrLogin + ":" + gstrRealm + ":" + pTime );

            unsigned char szMD5[16];
            memset( szMD5, 0, sizeof( szMD5 ) / sizeof( unsigned char ) );

            MD5_CTX md5;

            MD5Init( &md5 );
            MD5Update( &md5, (const unsigned char *)cstrA1.c_str( ), (unsigned int)cstrA1.size( ) );
            MD5Final( szMD5, &md5 );

            const string cstrPass = UTIL_HashToString( string( (char *)szMD5, sizeof( szMD5 ) / sizeof( unsigned char ) ) ).substr( 0, 8 );
            const string cstrMail = cstrLilyID + "";

            if( !getUser( cstrLogin, m_ucGuestAccess ).strLogin.empty( ) )
                // Unable to signup. The user \"" + UTIL_RemoveHTML( cstrLogin ) + "\" already exists.
                pResponse->strContent += "<p class=\"signup_failed\">" + UTIL_Xsprintf( gmapLANG_CFG["signup_exists_error"].c_str( ), UTIL_RemoveHTML( cstrLogin ).c_str( ), string( "<a title=\"" + gmapLANG_CFG["navbar_signup"] + "\" href=\"" + RESPONSE_STR_SIGNUP_LILY_HTML + "\">" ).c_str( ), "</a>" ) + "</p>\n\n";
                CMySQLQuery *pQuery = new CMySQLQuery( "SELECT blilyid FROM lily WHERE blilyid=\'" + UTIL_StringToMySQL( cstrLilyID ) + "\'" );

                if( pQuery->nextRow( ).size( ) == 1 )
                    pResponse->strContent += "<p class=\"signup_failed\">" + UTIL_Xsprintf( gmapLANG_CFG["signup_exists_error_lily"].c_str( ), UTIL_RemoveHTML( cstrLogin ).c_str( ), UTIL_RemoveHTML( cstrLilyID ).c_str( ), string( "<a title=\"" + gmapLANG_CFG["navbar_signup"] + "\" href=\"" + RESPONSE_STR_SIGNUP_LILY_HTML + "\">" ).c_str( ), "</a>" ) + "</p>\n\n";
                    if( addUser( cstrLogin, cstrPass, m_ucMemberAccess, cstrMail ) )
                        CMySQLQuery mq01( "INSERT INTO lily (blilyid,busername,bpassword) VALUES(\'" + UTIL_StringToMySQL( cstrLilyID ) + "\',\'" + UTIL_StringToMySQL( cstrLogin ) + "\',\'" + UTIL_StringToMySQL( cstrPass ) + "\')" );

                        system( string( "echo \"ID: " + cstrLogin + " Password: "******"\" | mutt -s \"ZiJingBT\" " + cstrMail ).c_str( ) );

                        // Thanks! You've successfully signed up!
                        pResponse->strContent += "<p class=\"signup_ok\">" + UTIL_Xsprintf( gmapLANG_CFG["signup_success_lily"].c_str( ), UTIL_RemoveHTML( cstrLilyID ).c_str( ), string( "<a title=\"" + gmapLANG_CFG["navbar_signup"] + "\" href=\"" + RESPONSE_STR_LOGIN_HTML + "\">" ).c_str( ), "</a>" ) + "</p>\n\n";
                        pResponse->strContent += "<p class=\"signup_failed\">" + UTIL_Xsprintf( gmapLANG_CFG["users_max_create_fail"].c_str( ), string( "<a title=\"" + gmapLANG_CFG["navbar_users"] + "\" href=\"" + RESPONSE_STR_USERS_HTML + "\">" ).c_str( ), "</a>" ) + "</p>\n";
                delete pQuery;

            HTML_Common_End( pRequest, pResponse, btv, NOT_INDEX, string( CSS_SIGNUP ) );
        //Unable to signup. You must fill in all the fields.
        pResponse->strContent += "<p class=\"signup_failed\">" + UTIL_Xsprintf( gmapLANG_CFG["signup_fields_error"].c_str( ), string( "<a title=\"" + gmapLANG_CFG["navbar_signup"] + "\" href=\"" + RESPONSE_STR_SIGNUP_LILY_HTML + "\">" ).c_str( ), "</a>" ) + "</p>\n\n";

        // Output common HTML tail
        HTML_Common_End( pRequest, pResponse, btv, NOT_INDEX, string( CSS_SIGNUP ) );


Esempio n. 9
static Residue::eAtomClassification ClassifyAtom(const Residue *residue, const CAtom& atom)
    if (!atom.IsSetIupac_code()) return Residue::eUnknownAtom;
    string code = atom.GetIupac_code().front();
    CAtom::EElement element = atom.GetElement();

    if (residue->IsAminoAcid()) {

        // amino acid C-alpha
        if (element==CAtom::eElement_c && code==" CA ")
            return Residue::eAlphaBackboneAtom;

        // amino acid partial backbone
        if (
            (element==CAtom::eElement_c && code==" C  ") ||
            (element==CAtom::eElement_n && code==" N  ")
            return Residue::ePartialBackboneAtom;

        // amino acid complete backbone (all backbone that's not part of "partial")
        // including both GLY alpha hydrogens and terminal COOH and NH3+
        if (
            (element==CAtom::eElement_o &&
                (code==" O  " || code==" OXT")) ||
            (element==CAtom::eElement_h &&
                (code==" H  " || code==" HA " || code=="1HA " || code=="2HA " ||
                 code==" HXT" || code=="1H  " || code=="2H  " || code=="3H  "))
            return Residue::eCompleteBackboneAtom;

        // anything else is side chain
        return Residue::eSideChainAtom;

    } else if (residue->IsNucleotide()) {

        // nucleic acid Phosphorus
        if (element==CAtom::eElement_p && code==" P  ")
            return Residue::eAlphaBackboneAtom;

        // nucleic acid partial backbone
        if (
            (element==CAtom::eElement_c && (code==" C5*" || code==" C4*" || code==" C3*")) ||
            (element==CAtom::eElement_o && (code==" O5*" || code==" O3*")) ||
            (element==CAtom::eElement_h && (code==" H3T" || code==" H5T"))
            return Residue::ePartialBackboneAtom;

        // nucleic acid complete backbone (all backbone that's not part of "partial")
        if (
            (element==CAtom::eElement_o &&
                (code==" O1P" || code==" O2P" || code==" O4*" || code==" O2*")) ||
            (element==CAtom::eElement_c && (code==" C2*" || code==" C1*")) ||
            (element==CAtom::eElement_h &&
                (code=="1H5*" || code=="2H5*" || code==" H4*" || code==" H3*" ||
                 code==" H2*" || code==" H1*" || code==" H1P" || code==" H2P" ||
                 code==" HO2" || code=="1H2*" || code=="2H2*"))
            return Residue::eCompleteBackboneAtom;

        // anything else is side chain
        return Residue::eSideChainAtom;

    return Residue::eUnknownAtom;
Esempio n. 10
void CInventory::Update()
	// add an atom to the beaker when selected from the inventory
	int touchX = 0;
	int touchY = 0;
	if (g_Game.getGameState() == GS_Playing && s3ePointerGetState(S3E_POINTER_BUTTON_SELECT) & S3E_POINTER_STATE_PRESSED)
		touchX = s3ePointerGetX();
		touchY = s3ePointerGetY();

		for (int i = 0; i < inventoryCount; i++)
			if (atomObjs[i]->isTouched(touchX, touchY))
				if (g_Beaker.getAtomSymbol() != NULL && !strcmp(atomObjs[i]->getSymbol(), g_Beaker.getAtomSymbol()))
					// Early-terminate because the same inventory item was clicked more than once & can be ignored

				if (atomCount[i] == 1)
					// hide atom to indicate zero are left
					// HASAN - new to display the inventory count image

				// create new CAtom object to be held in the beaker, so inventory atom can remain unchanged
				CAtom* newAtom = new CAtom();

				CAtom* prevAtom = g_Beaker.setAtom(newAtom);
				if (prevAtom != NULL)
					// replacing previously selected atom in the beaker, so moving previous one back into this inventory
					// 1 - find previous atom slot in inventory
					// 2 - if previously zero count, then set back to visible
					// 3 - increment the atom counter
					for (int j = 0; j < inventoryCount; j++)
						if (!strcmp(prevAtom->getSymbol(), atomObjs[j]->getSymbol()))
							// match found
							if (atomCount[j] <= 0)


							// This was a clone of the object in the inventory, need to delete it (happens inside the sprite manager) when it's being replaced and not shot into the environment


Esempio n. 11
void CInventory::AddAtoms(char* i_strAtomSymbol, int i_nCount)
	bool bMatchFound = false;
	int matchIndex = -1;

	if (inventoryCount == 0)
		// HASAN - debug
		//s3eDebugOutputString("Adding inventory sprite to sprite manager.");

		// add the inventory to the sprite manager when the first atom is added

	if (inventoryCount > 0)
		for (int i = 0; i < MAX_COUNT; i++)
			if (!strcmp(atoms[i], i_strAtomSymbol))
				bMatchFound = true;
				matchIndex = i;

	if (!bMatchFound)
		// match
		strcpy(atoms[inventoryCount], i_strAtomSymbol);
		atomCount[inventoryCount] += i_nCount;

		CAtom* atom = new CAtom();

		// horizontal center, same as inventory graphic
		int posX = (Iw2DGetSurfaceWidth() / 2) - (IMAGE_SIZE_WIDTH / 2);
		int posY = Iw2DGetSurfaceHeight() - (IMAGE_SIZE_HEIGHT / 2);

		// offset inventory horizontally to fit in the container
		posX = posX + (10 + (64 / 2));  // NOTE: 64 = atom size, 10 = border + spacing
		if (inventoryCount > 0)
			posX = posX + (inventoryCount * (64 + 15));  // NOTE: 64 = atom size, 15 = spacing + border + spacing

		atom->setPosAngScale(posX, posY, 0, IW_GEOM_ONE);

		// HASAN - new to create/show the inventory count images
		CIw2DImage* inventoryCountImage = Iw2DCreateImageResource("inventory_number");
		CSprite* inventoryCountSprite = new CSprite();
		inventoryCountSprite->setImage(inventoryCountImage, "inventory_number");
		// NOTE: image width & height = 25 & font width & height = 30
		inventoryCountSprite->setPosition(posX + 13 + (30 / 2), posY + (30 / 2) + 3);
		inventoryCountSprite->setDestSize(30, 30);  // make larger than source to fit behind the text properly
		atomCountImages[inventoryCount] = inventoryCountSprite;

		atomObjs[inventoryCount] = atom;

		atomCount[matchIndex] += i_nCount;