bool BanIPMgr_Impl::ReadBans( ) { CButeMgr banBute; banBute.Parse( "BanList.txt" ); char szBanKey[128] = ""; char szClientIP[16] = ""; int nBanIndex = 0; // Read in the current set of bans. while( 1 ) { // Read the next banned IP. sprintf( szBanKey, "Ban%d", nBanIndex ); banBute.GetString( "Bans", szBanKey, "", szClientIP, ARRAY_LEN( szClientIP )); // If we didn't find one, the stop looking. if( !banBute.Success( )) break; // Add the ban. AddBan( szClientIP ); nBanIndex++; } return true; }
LTBOOL SOUNDFILTER::Init(CButeMgr & buteMgr, char* aTagName) { if (!aTagName) return LTFALSE; buteMgr.GetString(aTagName, SFM_NAME, szName, ARRAY_LEN(szName)); buteMgr.GetString(aTagName, SFM_FILTERNAME, szFilterName, ARRAY_LEN(szFilterName)); int i; for (i=0; i < SFM_MAX_VARIABLES; i++) { sprintf(s_aAttName, "%s%d", SFM_VARIABLE, i); buteMgr.GetString(aTagName, s_aAttName, "", szVars[i], ARRAY_LEN(szVars[i])); if (buteMgr.Success( )) { nNumVars++; } } int nNumValues = 0; for (i=0; i < SFM_MAX_VARIABLES; i++) { sprintf(s_aAttName, "%s%d", SFM_VALUE, i); fValues[i] = (LTFLOAT) buteMgr.GetDouble(aTagName, s_aAttName, 0.0 ); if (buteMgr.Success( )) { nNumValues++; } } if (nNumVars != nNumValues) { _ASSERT(LTFALSE); return LTFALSE; } return LTTRUE; }