Esempio n. 1
Ray Quaternion::applyRotation(const Ray& ray) const
	Quaternion origin = (*this) * Quaternion(ray.m_Origin) * (conjugate());
	Quaternion dir = (*this) * Quaternion(ray.m_Dir) * (conjugate());
	return Ray(Vector(origin[1], origin[2], origin[3], ray.m_Origin[3]),
			   Vector(dir[1], dir[2], dir[3], ray.m_Dir[3]));
Esempio n. 2
Vector Vector::operator-(const Vector vec) const
	return Vector(
Esempio n. 3
Vector Vector::operator+(const Vector vec) const
	return Vector(
Esempio n. 4
Vector Vector::cross(const Vector& vec) const
	return Vector(
		p[1]*vec[2] - p[2]*vec[1],
		p[2]*vec[0] - p[0]*vec[2],
		p[0]*vec[1] - p[1]*vec[0],		
Esempio n. 5
Vector Vector::badVector()
	return Vector(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f);
Esempio n. 6
Vector Vector::operator-() const
	return Vector(-p[0], -p[1], -p[2], p[3]);
Esempio n. 7
Vector Vector::operator*(float scalar) const
	return Vector(p[0]*scalar, p[1]*scalar, p[2]*scalar, p[3]);
Esempio n. 8
Vector Quaternion::applyRotation(const Vector& vec) const
	Quaternion result = (*this) * Quaternion(vec) * (conjugate());
	return Vector(result[1], result[2], result[3], vec[3]);
Esempio n. 9
bool LinearAlgebra::getCylinderFit( int n, double* x, double* y, double* z, Vector* p1, Vector* p2, double* radius )
	// 1: Get the best fit Lxy on xy projection of points
	// 2: Get the best fit Lxz on xz projection of points
	// 3: Combine Lxy, Lxz to get the axis of cylinder
	// 4. Define the centroid to be a point on the axis
	// 5. Let radius of cyinder be average of radii of above two fits
	// 6. Some how get the extent of the axis

	double m1, m2, c1, c2, radius1, radius2;
	// step 1:
	if( !leastSquares( n, x, y, &m1, &c1, &radius1 ) ) return false;
	// step 2:
	if( !leastSquares( n, x, z, &m2, &c2, &radius2 ) ) return false;

	// step 3:
	// sin t = sqrt( m^2 / ( 1 + m^2 ) )
	// cos t = sqrt( 1 / ( 1 + m^2 ) )
	// The dcs of line 1 are norm( cos t1, sin t1,	0,		0 )
	// The dcs of line 2 are norm( cos t2, 0,		sin t2, 0 )
	// The DCs are norm( cost1+cos t2, sint1, sin t2, 0 )
	double sin_t1 = sqrt( m1*m1 / ( 1.0 + m1*m1) );
	double cos_t1 = sqrt( 1 / ( 1.0 + m1*m1 ) );
	if( m1 < 0 ) sin_t1 = -1* sin_t1;

	double sin_t2 = sqrt( m2*m2 / ( 1.0 + m2*m2) );
	double cos_t2 = sqrt( 1 / ( 1.0 + m2*m2 ) );
	if( m2 < 0 ) sin_t2 = -1*sin_t2;

	Vector DCs = Vector( (float)(cos_t1+cos_t2), (float)sin_t1, (float)sin_t2, 0 );
	// step 4:
	double x0, y0, z0;	// point on axis ( say centroid )
	if( !mean( x, n, &x0 ) ) return false;
	if( !mean( y, n, &y0 ) ) return false;
	if( !mean( z, n, &z0 ) ) return false;

	// step 5: 
	*radius = ( radius1 + radius2 ) * 0.5;

	// step 6:
	// minLen = maxLen = 0
	// for each point P
	//		get norm ( p-p0 )
	//		compute cos t = dot prod ( axis dcs with prev result )
	//		len = len( ( p-p0 ) * cos t )
	//		update minLen, maxLen with len and sign of cos t
	//	end
	// Endpoints are center + max Len, center - minLen
	double minLen = 0, maxLen = 0;
	int i;
	for( i=0; i<n; i++ )
		Vector diff( (float)(x[i] - x0), (float)(y[i] - y0), (float)(z[i] - z0), 0);
		Vector normdiff = diff;
		double cos_t =;
		Vector proj( diff*(float)cos_t );
		double len = proj.norm();
		if( cos_t < 0 ) len *= -1;
		if( len < minLen ) minLen = len;
		if( len > maxLen ) maxLen = len;
	// Endpoints are center + max Len, center - minLen
	p1->set((float)(x0+minLen*DCs[0]), (float)(y0+minLen*DCs[1]), (float)(z0+minLen*DCs[2]), 1);
	p2->set((float)(x0+maxLen*DCs[0]), (float)(y0+maxLen*DCs[1]), (float)(z0+maxLen*DCs[2]), 1);
	return true;