Esempio n. 1
// Apply object movement to contacting peds
void CDeathmatchObject::UpdateContacting(const CVector& vecCenterOfRotation, const CVector& vecFrameTranslation, const CVector& vecFrameRotation)
    bool bHasRotation = (vecFrameRotation.fX != 0 || vecFrameRotation.fY != 0 || vecFrameRotation.fZ != 0);
    bool bHasTranslation = (vecFrameTranslation.fX != 0 || vecFrameTranslation.fY != 0 || vecFrameTranslation.fZ != 0);

    // Early out if no orientation change here
    if (!bHasRotation && !bHasTranslation)

    // Step through each contacting ped
    list<CClientPed*>::iterator iter = m_Contacts.begin();
    for (; iter != m_Contacts.end(); ++iter)
        CClientPed* pPed = *iter;

        // Do not move the ped if it is frozen
        if (pPed->IsFrozen())

        // Get ped start position
        CVector vecPlayerPosition;

        // Apply rotation effect on position
        if (bHasRotation)
            vecPlayerPosition -= vecCenterOfRotation;
            RotateVector(vecPlayerPosition, CVector(-vecFrameRotation.fX, -vecFrameRotation.fY, -vecFrameRotation.fZ));
            vecPlayerPosition += vecCenterOfRotation;

        // Apply translation
        vecPlayerPosition += vecFrameTranslation;

        // Also change ped facing direction
        if (vecFrameRotation.fZ != 0)
            float fRotationZ = pPed->GetCurrentRotation();
            pPed->SetCurrentRotation(fRotationZ + vecFrameRotation.fZ);

    // Look in attached objects for more ped contacts
    for (uint i = 0; i < m_AttachedEntities.size(); ++i)
        CClientEntity* pEntity = m_AttachedEntities[i];
        if (IS_OBJECT(pEntity))
            CDeathmatchObject* pObject = static_cast<CDeathmatchObject*>(pEntity);
            pObject->UpdateContacting(vecCenterOfRotation, vecFrameTranslation, vecFrameRotation);