Esempio n. 1
int CLuaPlayerDefs::GetPlayerNametagColor(lua_State* luaVM)
    //  int, int, int getPlayerNametagColor ( player thePlayer )
    CClientPlayer* pPlayer;

    CScriptArgReader argStream(luaVM);

    if (!argStream.HasErrors())
        // Grab his nametag color and return it
        unsigned char ucR, ucG, ucB;
        pPlayer->GetNametagColor(ucR, ucG, ucB);

        lua_pushnumber(luaVM, ucR);
        lua_pushnumber(luaVM, ucG);
        lua_pushnumber(luaVM, ucB);
        return 3;
        m_pScriptDebugging->LogCustom(luaVM, argStream.GetFullErrorMessage());

    // Failed
    lua_pushboolean(luaVM, false);
    return 1;
Esempio n. 2
int CLuaPlayerDefs::GetPlayerNametagText(lua_State* luaVM)
    //  string getPlayerNametagText ( player thePlayer )
    CClientPlayer* pPlayer;

    CScriptArgReader argStream(luaVM);

    if (!argStream.HasErrors())
        // Grab his nametag text and return it
        const char* szName = pPlayer->GetNametagText();
        if (szName)
            lua_pushstring(luaVM, szName);
            return 1;
        m_pScriptDebugging->LogCustom(luaVM, argStream.GetFullErrorMessage());

    // Failed
    lua_pushboolean(luaVM, false);
    return 1;
Esempio n. 3
void CCameraRPCs::SetCameraTarget ( NetBitStreamInterface& bitStream )
    ElementID targetID;
    if ( bitStream.Read ( targetID ) )
        CClientEntity * pEntity = CElementIDs::GetElement ( targetID );
        if ( pEntity )
            // Save our current target for later
            CClientEntity * pPreviousTarget = m_pCamera->GetTargetEntity ();

            switch ( pEntity->GetType () )
                case CCLIENTPLAYER:
                    CClientPlayer* pPlayer = static_cast < CClientPlayer* > ( pEntity );
                    if ( pPlayer->IsLocalPlayer () )
                        // Return the focus to the local player
                        m_pCamera->SetFocusToLocalPlayer ();
                        // Put the focus on that player
                        m_pCamera->SetFocus ( pPlayer, MODE_BEHINDCAR, false );
void CClientPacketRecorder::ReadLocalData(FILE* pFile)
    // Grab the local player
    CClientPlayer* pPlayer = m_pManager->GetPlayerManager()->GetLocalPlayer();
    if (pPlayer)
        // Grab the vehicle
        CClientVehicle* pVehicle = pPlayer->GetOccupiedVehicle();
        if (pVehicle)
            // Temp vars
            CMatrix matVehicle;
            CVector vecMoveSpeed;
            CVector vecTurnSpeed;
            float   fHealth;

            // Read it out
            fread(&matVehicle.vRight.fX, sizeof(float), 1, pFile);
            fread(&matVehicle.vRight.fY, sizeof(float), 1, pFile);
            fread(&matVehicle.vRight.fZ, sizeof(float), 1, pFile);

            fread(&matVehicle.vFront.fX, sizeof(float), 1, pFile);
            fread(&matVehicle.vFront.fY, sizeof(float), 1, pFile);
            fread(&matVehicle.vFront.fZ, sizeof(float), 1, pFile);

            fread(&matVehicle.vUp.fX, sizeof(float), 1, pFile);
            fread(&matVehicle.vUp.fY, sizeof(float), 1, pFile);
            fread(&matVehicle.vUp.fZ, sizeof(float), 1, pFile);

            fread(&matVehicle.vPos.fX, sizeof(float), 1, pFile);
            fread(&matVehicle.vPos.fY, sizeof(float), 1, pFile);
            fread(&matVehicle.vPos.fZ, sizeof(float), 1, pFile);

            fread(&vecMoveSpeed.fX, sizeof(float), 1, pFile);
            fread(&vecMoveSpeed.fY, sizeof(float), 1, pFile);
            fread(&vecMoveSpeed.fZ, sizeof(float), 1, pFile);

            fread(&vecTurnSpeed.fX, sizeof(float), 1, pFile);
            fread(&vecTurnSpeed.fY, sizeof(float), 1, pFile);
            fread(&vecTurnSpeed.fZ, sizeof(float), 1, pFile);
            fread(&fHealth, sizeof(float), 1, pFile);

            CControllerState cs;
            fread(&cs, sizeof(CControllerState), 1, pFile);

            // Set the data

            // Set the controller state
            CControllerState csLast;
Esempio n. 5
int CLuaTeamDefs::GetPlayersInTeam ( lua_State* luaVM )
    CClientTeam* pTeam = NULL;
    CScriptArgReader argStream ( luaVM );
    argStream.ReadUserData ( pTeam );

    if ( !argStream.HasErrors () )
        lua_newtable ( luaVM );

        unsigned int uiIndex = 0;

        list < CClientPlayer* > ::const_iterator iter = pTeam->IterBegin ();
        for ( ; iter != pTeam->IterEnd (); iter++ )
            CClientPlayer* pPlayer = *iter;
            if ( !pPlayer->IsBeingDeleted () )
                lua_pushnumber ( luaVM, ++uiIndex );
                lua_pushelement ( luaVM, pPlayer );
                lua_settable ( luaVM, -3 );

        return 1;
        m_pScriptDebugging->LogCustom ( luaVM, argStream.GetFullErrorMessage () );

    lua_pushboolean ( luaVM, false );
    return 1;
Esempio n. 6
void CClientCamera::ToggleCameraFixedMode ( bool bEnabled )
    if ( bEnabled )
        CClientPlayer* pLocalPlayer = m_pManager->GetPlayerManager()->GetLocalPlayer ();
        CClientVehicle* pLocalVehicle = NULL;

        // Get the local vehicle, if any
        if ( pLocalPlayer )
            pLocalVehicle = pLocalPlayer->GetOccupiedVehicle ();

        // Use the local vehicle, otherwise use the local player
        if ( pLocalVehicle )
            SetFocus ( pLocalVehicle, MODE_FIXED, false );
            SetFocus ( pLocalPlayer, MODE_FIXED, false );

        // Set the target position
        SetFocus ( &m_vecFixedPosition, false );
        g_pMultiplayer->SetCenterOfWorld ( NULL, NULL, NULL );

        m_fRoll = 0.0f;
        m_fFOV = 70.0f;
Esempio n. 7
int CLuaPlayerDefs::GetPlayerTeam(lua_State* luaVM)
    //  team getPlayerTeam ( player thePlayer )
    CClientPlayer* pPlayer;

    CScriptArgReader argStream(luaVM);

    if (!argStream.HasErrors())
        // Grab his team and return it
        CClientTeam* pTeam = pPlayer->GetTeam();
        if (pTeam)
            lua_pushelement(luaVM, pTeam);
            return 1;
        m_pScriptDebugging->LogCustom(luaVM, argStream.GetFullErrorMessage());

    // Failed
    lua_pushboolean(luaVM, false);
    return 1;
Esempio n. 8
void CFoo::DoPulse ( void )
    CClientManager* pManager = g_pClientGame->GetManager ();
    if ( pManager->IsGameLoaded () )
        CClientPlayerManager* pPlayerManager = pManager->GetPlayerManager ();
        CClientPlayer* pLocal = pManager->GetPlayerManager ()->GetLocalPlayer ();
        if ( !pLocal ) return;
        CVector vecLocal;
        pLocal->GetPosition ( vecLocal );
        CClientCamera* pCamera = pManager->GetCamera ();

        CClientVehicle* pVehicle = pLocal->GetOccupiedVehicle ();
        if ( pVehicle )
            unsigned char ucGear = pVehicle->GetGameVehicle ()->GetCurrentGear ();
            g_pCore->GetGraphics ()->DrawText ( 200, 200, 0xFFFFFFFF, 1.0f, "Gear = %u", ucGear );

        // ChrML: Reproduces issue #2741
        if ( bFoo_PlayerLimitCrash )
            static CClientPed* pPed = NULL;
            if ( !pPed )
                pPed = new CClientPlayer ( pManager, 50 );

                CVector vecLocal;
                pPlayerManager->GetLocalPlayer ()->GetPosition ( vecLocal );
                vecLocal.fX += 10;
                pPed->SetPosition ( vecLocal );

            static unsigned long ulTestTime = 0;
            if ( ulTestTime == 0 )
                ulTestTime = CClientTime::GetTime () + 50;

            if ( CClientTime::GetTime () > ulTestTime )
                ulTestTime = CClientTime::GetTime () + 50;

                static unsigned int uiIndex = 0;

                pPed->SetModel ( uiIndex );

                if ( uiIndex > 290 )
                    uiIndex = 0;
Esempio n. 9
void CElementRPCs::SetElementPosition ( NetBitStreamInterface& bitStream )
    // Read out the entity id and the position
    ElementID ID;
    CVector vecPosition;
    unsigned char ucTimeContext;
    if ( bitStream.Read ( ID ) &&
         bitStream.Read ( vecPosition.fX ) &&
         bitStream.Read ( vecPosition.fY ) &&
         bitStream.Read ( vecPosition.fZ ) &&
         bitStream.Read ( ucTimeContext ) )
        // Grab the entity
        CClientEntity* pEntity = CElementIDs::GetElement ( ID );
        if ( pEntity )
            // Update the sync context to the new one
            pEntity->SetSyncTimeContext ( ucTimeContext );

            // If it's a player, use Teleport
            if ( pEntity->GetType () == CCLIENTPLAYER )
                unsigned char ucWarp = 1;
                bitStream.Read ( ucWarp );

                CClientPlayer* pPlayer = static_cast < CClientPlayer* > ( pEntity );

                if ( ucWarp )
                    pPlayer->Teleport ( vecPosition );
                    pPlayer->ResetInterpolation ();
                    pPlayer->SetPosition ( vecPosition );

                // If local player, reset return position (so we can't warp back if connection fails)
                if ( pPlayer->IsLocalPlayer () )
                    m_pClientGame->GetNetAPI ()->ResetReturnPosition ();
            else if ( pEntity->GetType () == CCLIENTVEHICLE ) 
                CClientVehicle* pVehicle = static_cast < CClientVehicle* > ( pEntity );
                pVehicle->RemoveTargetPosition ();
                pVehicle->SetPosition ( vecPosition );
                // Set its position
                pEntity->SetPosition ( vecPosition );
Esempio n. 10
void CPlayerRPCs::SetPlayerNametagColor(CClientEntity* pSource, NetBitStreamInterface& bitStream)
    unsigned char ucR, ucG, ucB;
    if (bitStream.Read(ucR) && bitStream.Read(ucG) && bitStream.Read(ucB))
        CClientPlayer* pPlayer = m_pPlayerManager->Get(pSource->GetID());
        if (pPlayer)
            pPlayer->SetNametagOverrideColor(ucR, ucG, ucB);
Esempio n. 11
void COMMAND_RadioPrevious ( const char* szCmdLine )
    if ( g_pClientGame )
        CClientPlayer* pPlayer = g_pClientGame->GetPlayerManager ()->GetLocalPlayer ();
        if ( pPlayer )
            pPlayer->PreviousRadioChannel ();
Esempio n. 12
void CPlayerRPCs::SetPlayerNametagShowing ( CClientEntity* pSource, NetBitStreamInterface& bitStream )
    unsigned char ucShowing;
    if ( bitStream.Read ( ucShowing ) )
        CClientPlayer* pPlayer = m_pPlayerManager->Get ( pSource->GetID () );
        if ( pPlayer )
            pPlayer->SetNametagShowing ( ( ucShowing == 1 ) );
void CClientPlayerManager::ResetAll ( void )
    vector < CClientPlayer* > ::const_iterator iter = m_Players.begin ();
    for ( ; iter != m_Players.end (); iter++ )
        CClientPlayer * pPlayer = *iter;
        if ( pPlayer )
            pPlayer->Reset ();
int CLuaFunctionDefs::GetSoundEffects ( lua_State* luaVM )
    CClientPlayer* pPlayer = NULL;
    CClientSound* pSound = NULL;
    CScriptArgReader argStream ( luaVM );
    if ( argStream.NextIsUserDataOfType < CClientSound > ( ) )
        argStream.ReadUserData ( pSound );
    else if ( argStream.NextIsUserDataOfType < CClientPlayer > ( ) )
        argStream.ReadUserData ( pPlayer );
        m_pScriptDebugging->LogBadPointer ( luaVM, "sound/player", 1 );
        lua_pushboolean ( luaVM, false );
        return false;

    if ( !argStream.HasErrors() )
        if ( pSound )
            std::map < std::string, int > iFxEffects = m_pManager->GetSoundManager()->GetFxEffects();
            lua_newtable ( luaVM );
            for ( std::map < std::string, int >::const_iterator iter = iFxEffects.begin(); iter != iFxEffects.end(); ++iter )
                lua_pushboolean ( luaVM, pSound->IsFxEffectEnabled ( (*iter).second ) );
                lua_setfield ( luaVM, -2, (*iter).first.c_str () );
            return 1;
        else if ( pPlayer )
            CClientPlayerVoice * pPlayerVoice = pPlayer->GetVoice ( );
            std::map < std::string, int > iFxEffects = m_pManager->GetSoundManager()->GetFxEffects();
            lua_newtable ( luaVM );
            for ( std::map < std::string, int >::const_iterator iter = iFxEffects.begin(); iter != iFxEffects.end(); ++iter )
                lua_pushboolean ( luaVM, pPlayerVoice->IsFxEffectEnabled ( (*iter).second ) );
                lua_setfield ( luaVM, -2, (*iter).first.c_str () );
            return 1;
        m_pScriptDebugging->LogCustom ( luaVM, argStream.GetFullErrorMessage() );

    lua_pushboolean ( luaVM, false );
    return 1;
Esempio n. 15
void CPlayerRPCs::SetPlayerTeam ( CClientEntity* pSource, NetBitStreamInterface& bitStream )
    ElementID TeamID;
    if ( bitStream.Read ( TeamID ) )
        CClientTeam* pTeam = m_pTeamManager->GetTeam ( TeamID );
        CClientPlayer* pPlayer = m_pPlayerManager->Get ( pSource->GetID () );
        if ( pPlayer )
            pPlayer->SetTeam ( pTeam, true );
Esempio n. 16
bool CClientProjectileManager::Hook_ProjectileAllow ( CEntity * pGameCreator, eWeaponType weaponType, CVector * origin, float fForce, CVector * target, CEntity * targetEntity )
    // Called before projectile creation, we need to decide to allow or cancel it here

    // Is this a local projectile?
    CClientPlayer * pLocalPlayer = m_pManager->GetPlayerManager ()->GetLocalPlayer ();

    // Store the creator/local variables for the next stage
    m_pCreator = m_pManager->FindEntity ( pGameCreator, true );
    m_bIsLocal = ( m_pCreator == pLocalPlayer || ( pLocalPlayer->GetOccupiedVehicleSeat () == 0 && m_pCreator == pLocalPlayer->GetOccupiedVehicle () ) ); 

    return ( m_bCreating || m_bIsLocal );
Esempio n. 17
void CClient::GetPlayerNames(std::vector<SString>& vPlayerNames)
    if (g_pClientGame)
        for (std::vector<CClientPlayer*>::const_iterator iter = g_pClientGame->GetPlayerManager()->IterBegin();
             iter != g_pClientGame->GetPlayerManager()->IterEnd(); ++iter)
            CClientPlayer* pClient = *iter;
            SString        strPlayerName = pClient->GetNametagText();
Esempio n. 18
void COMMAND_MessageTarget ( const char* szCmdLine )
    if ( !(szCmdLine || szCmdLine[0]) )

    CClientPlayer* pTarget = g_pClientGame->GetTargetedPlayer ();
    if ( pTarget )
        const char * szNick = pTarget->GetNick ();
        if ( !szNick )
        SString strParameters ( "%s %s", pTarget->GetNick (), szCmdLine );
        g_pCore->GetCommands ()->Execute ( "msg", strParameters );
        g_pCore->ChatEchoColor ( "Error: no player target found", 255, 168, 0 );
Esempio n. 19
CPed* CClientTask::GetParameterPed ( const char* szKey )
    // Grab the parameter, is it userdata?
    CLuaArgument* pArgument = GetParameter ( szKey );
    if ( pArgument && pArgument->GetType () == LUA_TLIGHTUSERDATA )
        // Grab the player and verify it
        CClientPlayer* pPlayer = reinterpret_cast < CClientPlayer* > ( pArgument->GetLightUserData () );
        if ( VERIFY_PLAYER ( pPlayer ) )
            // Return his game player
            return pPlayer->GetGamePlayer ();

    // Non-existing
    return NULL;
Esempio n. 20
CClientPlayer * CStreamer::GetPlayerFromGamePlayerPed(IVPlayerPed * pGamePlayerPed)
	// Get the streamed in players list
	std::list <CStreamableEntity *> * m_streamedVehicles = &m_streamedElements[ENTITY_TYPE_PLAYER];

	// Loop through the streamed in players list
	for(std::list<CStreamableEntity *>::iterator iter = m_streamedVehicles->begin(); iter != m_streamedVehicles->end(); iter++)
		// Get the player pointer
		CClientPlayer * pTestPlayer = reinterpret_cast<CClientPlayer *>(*iter);

		// Is this the player we are looking for?
		if(pTestPlayer->GetGamePlayerPed()->GetPlayerPed() == pGamePlayerPed)
			return pTestPlayer;

	// No player found
	return NULL;
Esempio n. 21
void CElementRPCs::SetElementDimension ( NetBitStreamInterface& bitStream )
    ElementID ID;
    unsigned short usDimension;
    if ( bitStream.Read ( ID ) && bitStream.Read ( usDimension ) )
        CClientEntity* pEntity = CElementIDs::GetElement ( ID );
        if ( pEntity )
            if ( pEntity->GetType () == CCLIENTTEAM )
                CClientTeam* pTeam = static_cast < CClientTeam* > ( pEntity );
                list < CClientPlayer* > ::const_iterator iter = pTeam->IterBegin ();
                for ( ; iter != pTeam->IterEnd () ; iter++ )
                    CClientPlayer* pPlayer = *iter;
                    if ( pPlayer->IsLocalPlayer () )
                        // Update all of our streamers/managers to the local player's dimension
                        m_pClientGame->SetAllDimensions ( usDimension );

                    pPlayer->SetDimension ( usDimension );
                if ( pEntity->GetType () == CCLIENTPLAYER )
                    CClientPlayer* pPlayer = static_cast < CClientPlayer* > ( pEntity );
                    if ( pPlayer->IsLocalPlayer () )
                        // Update all of our streamers/managers to the local player's dimension
                        m_pClientGame->SetAllDimensions ( usDimension );
                pEntity->SetDimension ( usDimension );
Esempio n. 22
int CLuaPlayerDefs::IsPlayerNametagShowing(lua_State* luaVM)
    //  bool isPlayerNametagShowing ( player thePlayer )
    CClientPlayer* pPlayer;

    CScriptArgReader argStream(luaVM);

    if (!argStream.HasErrors())
        bool bIsNametagShowing = pPlayer->IsNametagShowing();
        lua_pushboolean(luaVM, bIsNametagShowing);
        return 1;
        m_pScriptDebugging->LogCustom(luaVM, argStream.GetFullErrorMessage());

    lua_pushboolean(luaVM, false);
    return 1;
Esempio n. 23
void COMMAND_EnterPassenger ( const char* szCmdLine )
    // HACK: we don't want them to enter a vehicle if they're in cursor mode
    if ( g_pClientGame && !g_pCore->IsCursorForcedVisible() )
        // Disable passenger entry while reloading so it doesen't abort the animation
        CClientPlayer* pPlayer = g_pClientGame->GetPlayerManager ()->GetLocalPlayer ();
        if ( pPlayer )
            CWeapon* pWeapon = pPlayer->GetWeapon ();
            if ( pWeapon )
                if ( pWeapon->GetState() != WEAPONSTATE_RELOADING )
                    g_pClientGame->ProcessVehicleInOutKey ( true );
Esempio n. 24
int CLuaPlayerDefs::GetPlayerPing(lua_State* luaVM)
    //  int getPlayerPing ( player thePlayer )
    CClientPlayer* pPlayer;

    CScriptArgReader argStream(luaVM);

    if (!argStream.HasErrors())
        // Grab his ping
        unsigned int uiPing = pPlayer->GetPing();
        lua_pushnumber(luaVM, uiPing);
        return 1;
        m_pScriptDebugging->LogCustom(luaVM, argStream.GetFullErrorMessage());

    // Failed
    lua_pushboolean(luaVM, false);
    return 1;
Esempio n. 25
void CPlayerRPCs::SetPlayerNametagText ( CClientEntity* pSource, NetBitStreamInterface& bitStream )
    unsigned short usTextLength;
    if ( bitStream.Read ( usTextLength ) )
        CClientPlayer* pPlayer = m_pPlayerManager->Get ( pSource->GetID () );
        if ( pPlayer )
            char* szText = NULL;
            if ( usTextLength > 0 )
                szText = new char [ usTextLength + 1 ];                
                szText [ usTextLength ] = NULL;
                if ( bitStream.Read ( szText, usTextLength ) )
                    pPlayer->SetNametagText ( szText );
                delete [] szText;
                pPlayer->SetNametagText ( NULL );
Esempio n. 26
void CFoo::Test ( const char* szString )
    CClientManager* pManager = g_pClientGame->GetManager ();
    CClientPlayer* pLocal = pManager->GetPlayerManager ()->GetLocalPlayer ();
    CClientVehicleManager* pVehicleManager = pManager->GetVehicleManager ();
    CVector vecLocal;
    pLocal->GetPosition ( vecLocal );
    CClientCamera* pCamera = pManager->GetCamera ();

    // ChrML: Trying to reproduce mantis issue #2760
    if ( stricmp ( szString, "2760" ) == 0 )
        vecLocal = CVector ( 0.0f, 0.0f, 5.0f );

        for ( int i = 0; i < 20; i++ )
            vecLocal.fX += 5.0f;
            CClientPlayer* pPlayer = new CClientPlayer ( pManager, i + 50 );
            pPlayer->SetDeadOnNetwork ( false );
            pPlayer->SetModel ( 168 + i );
            pPlayer->AttachTo ( NULL );
            pPlayer->SetFrozen ( false );
            pPlayer->RemoveAllWeapons ();
            pPlayer->Teleport ( vecLocal );
            pPlayer->SetCameraRotation ( 0 );
            pPlayer->ResetInterpolation ();
            pPlayer->SetMoveSpeed ( CVector () );
            pPlayer->SetHealth ( 100.0f );
            pPlayer->SetArmor ( 0 );
            pPlayer->SetCurrentRotation ( 0 );
            pPlayer->SetInterior ( 0 );
            pPlayer->SetDimension ( 0 );

        pLocal->SetDeadOnNetwork ( false );
        pLocal->SetModel ( 145 );
        pLocal->AttachTo ( NULL );
        pLocal->SetFrozen ( false );
        pLocal->RemoveAllWeapons ();
        pLocal->Teleport ( vecLocal );
        pLocal->SetCameraRotation ( 0 );
        pLocal->ResetInterpolation ();
        pLocal->SetMoveSpeed ( CVector () );
        pLocal->SetHealth ( 100.0f );
        pLocal->SetArmor ( 0 );
        pLocal->SetCurrentRotation ( 0 );
        pLocal->SetInterior ( 0 );
        pLocal->SetDimension ( 0 );
        g_pClientGame->SetAllDimensions ( 0 );

        // Reset return position so we can't warp back to where we were if local player
        g_pClientGame->GetNetAPI ()->ResetReturnPosition ();

        // Make sure the camera is normal
        pCamera->SetFocusToLocalPlayer ();
        pCamera->FadeIn ( 0.0f );

    // Player load crash
    else if ( stricmp ( szString, "2741" ) == 0 )
        bFoo_PlayerLimitCrash = true;

    else if ( strnicmp ( szString, "interp", 6 ) == 0 )
        if ( pVehicleManager->Count () > 0 )
            CClientVehicle* pVehicle = *pVehicleManager->IterBegin ();

            float fdelta = atof ( szString + 7 );

            CVector vecT;
            pVehicle->GetPosition ( vecT );
            vecT.fZ = fdelta;
            pVehicle->SetTargetPosition ( vecT, TICK_RATE );

            g_pCore->ChatPrintf ( "Done %f", false, fdelta );

            static_cast < CDeathmatchVehicle* > ( pVehicle )->SetIsSyncing ( false );

    else if ( strnicmp ( szString, "interr", 6 ) == 0 )
        if ( pVehicleManager->Count () > 0 )
            CClientVehicle* pVehicle = *pVehicleManager->IterBegin ();

            CVector vecT;
            pVehicle->GetRotationDegrees ( vecT );
            vecT.fZ = atof ( szString + 7 );
            pVehicle->SetTargetRotation ( vecT, TICK_RATE );

            g_pCore->ChatPrintf ( "Done %f", false, atof ( szString + 7 ) );

            static_cast < CDeathmatchVehicle* > ( pVehicle )->SetIsSyncing ( false );

    else if ( stricmp ( szString, "choke" ) == 0 )
        g_pClientGame->GetLocalPlayer ()->SetChoking ( true );

    else if ( strnicmp ( szString, "static", 6 ) == 0 )
        if ( pVehicleManager->Count () > 0 )
            CClientVehicle* pVehicle = *pVehicleManager->IterBegin ();

            pVehicle->GetGameVehicle ()->SetRemap ( atoi ( szString + 7 ) );
            g_pCore->ChatPrintf ( "Set %i", false, atoi ( szString + 7 ) );

    else if ( strnicmp ( szString, "getmass", 7 ) == 0 )
        CClientVehicle* pVehicle = pLocal->GetOccupiedVehicle ();
        if ( pVehicle )
            g_pCore->ChatPrintf ( "Mass == %f", false, pVehicle->GetGameVehicle ()->GetMass () );

    else if ( strnicmp ( szString, "setmass", 7 ) == 0 )
        CClientVehicle* pVehicle = pLocal->GetOccupiedVehicle ();
        if ( pVehicle )
            pVehicle->GetGameVehicle ()->SetMass ( atof ( szString + 8 ) );
            g_pCore->ChatPrintf ( "Set mass to %f", false, pVehicle->GetGameVehicle ()->GetMass () );

    else if ( strnicmp ( szString, "setmm", 5 ) == 0 )
        CClientVehicle* pVehicle = pLocal->GetOccupiedVehicle ();
        if ( pVehicle )
            float fVal = atof ( szString + 6);
            szString += 4;
            float* fMass = (float*) atoi ( szString + 6 );
            *fMass = fVal;
            g_pCore->ChatPrintf ( "Set %X to %f", false, fMass, fVal );

    else if ( stricmp ( szString, "getmm" ) == 0 )
        CClientVehicle* pVehicle = pLocal->GetOccupiedVehicle ();
        if ( pVehicle )
            float* fMass = (float*) atoi ( szString );
            g_pCore->ChatPrintf ( "Get %f", false, *fMass );

    else if ( stricmp ( szString, "dump" ) == 0 )
        FILE* poo = fopen ( "vehs.txt", "w+" );
        if ( poo )
            tHandlingData* pHandling = (tHandlingData*) 0xC2B9E0;
            unsigned int uiIndex = 0;
            for ( ; uiIndex < 219; uiIndex++ )
                fprintf ( poo, "\n\n\n\n####### VEHICLE ID %u #######\n", uiIndex );

                fprintf ( poo, "fMass = %f\n", pHandling->fMass );
                fprintf ( poo, "fUnknown1 = %f\n", pHandling->fUnknown1 );
                fprintf ( poo, "fTurnMass = %f\n", pHandling->fTurnMass );

                fprintf ( poo, "fDragCoeff = %f\n", pHandling->fDragCoeff );
                fprintf ( poo, "vecCenterOfMass = %f, %f, %f\n", pHandling->vecCenterOfMass.fX, pHandling->vecCenterOfMass.fY, pHandling->vecCenterOfMass.fZ );
                fprintf ( poo, "uiPercentSubmerged = %u\n", pHandling->uiPercentSubmerged );

                fprintf ( poo, "fUnknown2 = %f\n", pHandling->fUnknown2 );

                fprintf ( poo, "fTractionMultiplier = %f\n", pHandling->fTractionMultiplier );

                fprintf ( poo, "Transmission.fUnknown [0] = %f\n", pHandling->Transmission.fUnknown [0] );
                fprintf ( poo, "Transmission.fUnknown [1] = %f\n", pHandling->Transmission.fUnknown [1] );
                fprintf ( poo, "Transmission.fUnknown [2] = %f\n", pHandling->Transmission.fUnknown [2] );
                fprintf ( poo, "Transmission.fUnknown [3] = %f\n", pHandling->Transmission.fUnknown [3] );
                fprintf ( poo, "Transmission.fUnknown [4] = %f\n", pHandling->Transmission.fUnknown [4] );
                fprintf ( poo, "Transmission.fUnknown [5] = %f\n", pHandling->Transmission.fUnknown [5] );
                fprintf ( poo, "Transmission.fUnknown [6] = %f\n", pHandling->Transmission.fUnknown [6] );
                fprintf ( poo, "Transmission.fUnknown [7] = %f\n", pHandling->Transmission.fUnknown [7] );
                fprintf ( poo, "Transmission.fUnknown [8] = %f\n", pHandling->Transmission.fUnknown [8] );
                fprintf ( poo, "Transmission.fUnknown [9] = %f\n", pHandling->Transmission.fUnknown [9] );
                fprintf ( poo, "Transmission.fUnknown [10] = %f\n", pHandling->Transmission.fUnknown [10] );
                fprintf ( poo, "Transmission.fUnknown [11] = %f\n", pHandling->Transmission.fUnknown [11] );
                fprintf ( poo, "Transmission.fUnknown [12] = %f\n", pHandling->Transmission.fUnknown [12] );
                fprintf ( poo, "Transmission.fUnknown [13] = %f\n", pHandling->Transmission.fUnknown [13] );
                fprintf ( poo, "Transmission.fUnknown [14] = %f\n", pHandling->Transmission.fUnknown [14] );
                fprintf ( poo, "Transmission.fUnknown [15] = %f\n", pHandling->Transmission.fUnknown [15] );
                fprintf ( poo, "Transmission.fUnknown [16] = %f\n", pHandling->Transmission.fUnknown [16] );
                fprintf ( poo, "Transmission.fUnknown [17] = %f\n", pHandling->Transmission.fUnknown [17]  );

                fprintf ( poo, "Transmission.ucDriveType = %c\n", pHandling->Transmission.ucDriveType );
                fprintf ( poo, "Transmission.ucEngineType = %c\n", pHandling->Transmission.ucEngineType );
                fprintf ( poo, "Transmission.ucNumberOfGears = %u\n", pHandling->Transmission.ucNumberOfGears );
                fprintf ( poo, "Transmission.ucUnknown = %u\n", pHandling->Transmission.ucUnknown );

                fprintf ( poo, "Transmission.uiHandlingFlags = 0x%X\n", pHandling->Transmission.uiHandlingFlags );

                fprintf ( poo, "Transmission.fEngineAccelleration = %f\n", pHandling->Transmission.fEngineAccelleration );
                fprintf ( poo, "Transmission.fEngineInertia = %f\n", pHandling->Transmission.fEngineInertia );
                fprintf ( poo, "Transmission.fMaxVelocity = %f\n", pHandling->Transmission.fMaxVelocity );

                fprintf ( poo, "Transmission.fUnknown2 [0] = %f\n", pHandling->Transmission.fUnknown2 [0]  );
                fprintf ( poo, "Transmission.fUnknown2 [1] = %f\n", pHandling->Transmission.fUnknown2 [1]  );
                fprintf ( poo, "Transmission.fUnknown2 [2] = %f\n", pHandling->Transmission.fUnknown2 [2]  );

                fprintf ( poo, "fBrakeDecelleration = %f\n", pHandling->fBrakeDecelleration );
                fprintf ( poo, "fBrakeBias = %f\n", pHandling->fBrakeBias );
                fprintf ( poo, "bABS = %u\n", pHandling->bABS );

                fprintf ( poo, "fSteeringLock = %f\n", pHandling->fSteeringLock );
                fprintf ( poo, "fTractionLoss = %f\n", pHandling->fTractionLoss );
                fprintf ( poo, "fTractionBias = %f\n", pHandling->fTractionBias );

                fprintf ( poo, "fSuspensionForceLevel = %f\n", pHandling->fSuspensionForceLevel );
                fprintf ( poo, "fSuspensionDamping = %f\n", pHandling->fSuspensionDamping );
                fprintf ( poo, "fSuspensionHighSpdDamping = %f\n", pHandling->fSuspensionHighSpdDamping );
                fprintf ( poo, "fSuspensionUpperLimit = %f\n", pHandling->fSuspensionUpperLimit );
                fprintf ( poo, "fSuspensionLowerLimit = %f\n", pHandling->fSuspensionLowerLimit );
                fprintf ( poo, "fSuspensionFrontRearBias = %f\n", pHandling->fSuspensionFrontRearBias );
                fprintf ( poo, "fSuspensionAntidiveMultiplier = %f\n", pHandling->fSuspensionAntidiveMultiplier );

                fprintf ( poo, "fCollisionDamageMultiplier = %f\n", pHandling->fCollisionDamageMultiplier );

                fprintf ( poo, "uiModelFlags = %X\n", pHandling->uiModelFlags );
                fprintf ( poo, "uiHandlingFlags = %X\n", pHandling->uiHandlingFlags );
                fprintf ( poo, "fSeatOffsetDistance = %f\n", pHandling->fSeatOffsetDistance );
                fprintf ( poo, "uiMonetary = %u\n", pHandling->uiMonetary );

                fprintf ( poo, "ucHeadLight = 0x%X\n", pHandling->ucHeadLight );
                fprintf ( poo, "ucTailLight = 0x%X\n", pHandling->ucTailLight );
                fprintf ( poo, "ucAnimGroup = 0x%X\n", pHandling->ucAnimGroup );
                fprintf ( poo, "ucUnused = 0x%X\n", pHandling->ucUnused );

                fprintf ( poo, "iUnknown7 = %f, %X\n", pHandling->iUnknown7, pHandling->iUnknown7 );

                pHandling += 1;

            g_pCore->ChatPrintf ( "Dumped", false );
            fclose ( poo );

    else if ( strnicmp ( szString, "moveug", 6 ) == 0 )
        if ( pVehicleManager->Count () > 0 )
            CClientVehicle* pVehicle = *pVehicleManager->IterBegin ();

            CClientPed* pModel = pVehicle->GetOccupant ( 0 );
            if ( !pModel )
                CClientPlayer* pPlayer = new CClientPlayer ( g_pClientGame->GetManager (), 50 );
                pModel = pPlayer->LoadModel ( 0 );
                pModel->WarpIntoVehicle ( pVehicle );


            pVehicle->RemoveTargetPosition ();
            pVehicle->RemoveTargetRotation ();

            CVector vecT;
            pVehicle->GetPosition ( vecT );
            vecT.fZ = atof ( szString + 7 );
            pVehicle->SetPosition ( vecT );

            g_pCore->ChatPrintf ( "Done", false );

    else if ( strnicmp ( szString, "nocol", 5 ) == 0 )
        if ( pVehicleManager->Count () > 0 )
            CClientVehicle* pVehicle = *pVehicleManager->IterBegin ();
            pVehicle->SetCollisionEnabled ( false );

            g_pCore->ChatPrintf ( "Done", false );

    else if ( stricmp ( szString, "resetdamage" ) == 0 )
        g_pClientGame->GetPlayerManager ()->GetLocalPlayer ()->GetGamePlayer ()->ResetLastDamage ();

    else if ( strnicmp ( szString, "fuckveh", 7 ) == 0 )
        CClientVehicle* pVehicle = pLocal->GetOccupiedVehicle ();
        if ( pVehicle )
            pVehicle->SetTargetPosition ( CVector ( 0, 0, 0 ), TICK_RATE );
            pVehicle->SetTargetRotation ( CVector ( 0, 0, 0 ), TICK_RATE );

            g_pCore->ChatPrintf ( "Done", false );

    else if ( stricmp ( szString, "ped" ) == 0 )
        CClientPed* pPed = new CClientPed ( g_pClientGame->GetManager (), INVALID_ELEMENT_ID, 9 );
        vecLocal.fX += 5.0f;
        pPed->SetPosition ( vecLocal );

    else if ( strnicmp ( szString, "callit", 6 ) == 0 )
        FILE* pFile = fopen ( "C:/dump.txt", "w+" );

        for ( int i = 0; i < 400; i++ )
            int iIndex = i;
            const char* szName = NULL;
                mov     eax, 0x4D3A30
                push    iIndex
                call    eax
                mov     szName, eax
                add     esp, 4

            fprintf ( pFile, "%i: %s\n", iIndex, szName );

        fclose ( pFile );

    else if ( strnicmp ( szString, "veh", 3 ) == 0 )
        int i = 600;
        FILE* p = fopen ( "C:/dump.txt", "w+" );

        for ( int a = 0; a < 13; a++ )
            g_pGame->GetModelInfo ( i )->AddRef ( true );

            CVehicle* pVehicle = g_pGame->GetPools ()->AddVehicle ( (eVehicleTypes)i );
            DWORD* dw2 = (DWORD*)(((DWORD)pVehicle->GetVehicleInterface ()) + 0xE1 * 4 );
            DWORD dw = *dw2;
            dw = dw + 4;
            dw = dw - 0xC2B9E0;
            dw = dw / 224;
            fprintf ( p, "Array [%u] = %u;\n", i, dw );

            g_pGame->GetPools ()->RemoveVehicle ( pVehicle );

            fflush ( p );

            g_pGame->GetModelInfo ( i )->RemoveRef ( );


        fclose ( p );

    else if ( strnicmp ( szString, "groups", 6 ) == 0 )
        FILE* pFile = fopen ( "C:/dump.txt", "w+" );

        int i = 0;
        for ( ; i < 139; i++ )
            fprintf ( pFile, "==%s [%s] (%i)==\n", pGroups [i].szGroupName, pGroups [i].szSomething, i );
            int i2 = 0;
            for ( ; i2 < pGroups [i].ulAnimCount; i2++ )
                const char* szAnimName = pGroups [i].pAnimNames [i2];
                if ( szAnimName [0] )
                    fprintf ( pFile, "''%i'': %s<br>\n", i2, szAnimName );

            fprintf ( pFile, "\n" );

        fclose ( pFile );

    else if ( strnicmp ( szString, "getshot", 7 ) == 0 )
        if ( pLocal->GetGamePlayer ()->GetCanBeShotInVehicle () )
            g_pCore->ChatEcho ( "true" );
            g_pCore->ChatEcho ( "false" );

    else if ( strnicmp ( szString, "gettest", 7 ) == 0 )
        if ( pLocal->GetGamePlayer ()->GetTestForShotInVehicle () )
            g_pCore->ChatEcho ( "true" );
            g_pCore->ChatEcho ( "false" );

    else if ( strnicmp ( szString, "setshot", 7 ) == 0 )
        pLocal->GetGamePlayer ()->SetCanBeShotInVehicle ( true );

    else if ( strnicmp ( szString, "settest", 8 ) == 0 )
        pLocal->GetGamePlayer ()->SetTestForShotInVehicle ( true );

    else if ( stricmp ( szString, "applytest" ) == 0 )
        DWORD oldProt, oldProt2;

        *(unsigned char*) (0x5E8FFB ) = 0x90;
        *(unsigned char*) (0x5E8FFC ) = 0x90;
        *(unsigned char*) (0x5E8FFD ) = 0x90;
        *(unsigned char*) (0x5E8FFE ) = 0x90;
        *(unsigned char*) (0x5E8FFF ) = 0x90;
        *(unsigned char*) (0x5E9000 ) = 0x90;

Esempio n. 27
void CClientStreamer::Restream ( bool bMovedFar )
    // Limit distance stream in/out rate
    // Vehicles might have to ignore this to reduce blocking loads elsewhere.
    int iMaxOut = 6;
    int iMaxIn = 6;
    if ( bMovedFar )
        iMaxOut = 1000;
        iMaxIn = 1000;

    // Do we have any elements waiting to be streamed out?
    while ( !m_ToStreamOut.empty () )
        CClientStreamElement* pElement = m_ToStreamOut.front ();
        // Make sure we have no stream-references
        if ( pElement->GetTotalStreamReferences () == 0 )
            // Stream out 1 of them per frame
            pElement->InternalStreamOut ();
        m_ToStreamOut.remove ( pElement );

        if ( iMaxOut <= 0 )

    static std::vector < CClientStreamElement* > ClosestStreamedOutList;
    static std::vector < CClientStreamElement* > FurthestStreamedInList;

    bool bReachedLimit = ReachedLimit ();
    // Loop through our active elements list (they should be ordered closest to furthest)
    list < CClientStreamElement* > ::iterator iter = m_ActiveElements.begin ();
    for ( ; iter != m_ActiveElements.end (); iter++ )
        CClientStreamElement* pElement = *iter;
        float fElementDistanceExp = pElement->GetExpDistance ();
        // Is this element streamed in?
        if ( pElement->IsStreamedIn () )
            if ( IS_VEHICLE ( pElement ) )
                CClientVehicle* pVehicle = DynamicCast < CClientVehicle > ( pElement );
                if ( pVehicle )
                    if ( pVehicle->GetOccupant ( ) && IS_PLAYER ( pVehicle->GetOccupant ( ) ) )
                        CClientPlayer* pPlayer = DynamicCast < CClientPlayer > ( pVehicle->GetOccupant ( ) );
                        if ( pPlayer->GetLastPuresyncType ( ) == PURESYNC_TYPE_LIGHTSYNC )
                            // if the last packet was ls he shouldn't be streamed in
                            m_ToStreamOut.push_back ( pElement );

                    // Is this a trailer?
                    if ( pVehicle->GetTowedByVehicle ( ) != NULL )
                        // Don't stream it out (this is handled by the towing vehicle)
            if ( IS_PLAYER ( pElement ) )
                CClientPlayer* pPlayer = DynamicCast < CClientPlayer > ( pElement );
                if ( pPlayer->GetLastPuresyncType ( ) == PURESYNC_TYPE_LIGHTSYNC )
                    // if the last packet was ls he isn't/shouldn't be streamed in
                    m_ToStreamOut.push_back ( pElement );
            // Too far away? Use the threshold so we won't flicker load it if it's on the border moving.
            if ( fElementDistanceExp > m_fMaxDistanceThreshold )
                // Unstream it now?
                if ( iMaxOut > 0 )
                    // Make sure we have no stream-references
                    if ( pElement->GetTotalStreamReferences () == 0 )
                        // Stream out now
                        pElement->InternalStreamOut ();
                    m_ToStreamOut.remove ( pElement );
                    // or later
                    m_ToStreamOut.push_back ( pElement );
                FurthestStreamedInList.push_back( pElement );
            // Same dimension as us?
            if ( pElement->GetDimension () == m_usDimension )
                // Too far away? Stop here.
                if ( fElementDistanceExp > m_fMaxDistanceExp )

                if ( IS_VEHICLE ( pElement ) )
                    CClientVehicle* pVehicle = DynamicCast < CClientVehicle > ( pElement );
                    if ( pVehicle && pVehicle->GetOccupant ( ) && IS_PLAYER ( pVehicle->GetOccupant ( ) ))
                        CClientPlayer* pPlayer = DynamicCast < CClientPlayer > ( pVehicle->GetOccupant ( ) );
                        if ( pPlayer->GetLastPuresyncType ( ) == PURESYNC_TYPE_LIGHTSYNC )
                            // if the last packet was ls he isn't streaming in soon.

                    if ( pVehicle && pVehicle->GetTowedByVehicle ( ) )
                        // Streaming in of towed vehicles is done in CClientVehicle::StreamIn by the towing vehicle
                if ( IS_PLAYER ( pElement ) )
                    CClientPlayer* pPlayer = DynamicCast < CClientPlayer > ( pElement );
                    if ( pPlayer->GetLastPuresyncType ( ) == PURESYNC_TYPE_LIGHTSYNC )
                        // if the last packet was ls he isn't streaming in soon.
                // If attached and attached-to is streamed out, don't consider for streaming in
                CClientStreamElement* pAttachedTo = DynamicCast< CClientStreamElement >( pElement->GetAttachedTo() );
                if ( pAttachedTo && !pAttachedTo->IsStreamedIn() )
                    // ...unless attached to low LOD version
                    CClientObject* pAttachedToObject = DynamicCast < CClientObject > ( pAttachedTo );
                    CClientObject* pObject = DynamicCast < CClientObject > ( pElement );
                    if ( !pObject || !pAttachedToObject || pObject->IsLowLod () == pAttachedToObject->IsLowLod () )

                // Not room to stream in more elements?
                if ( bReachedLimit )
                    // Add to the list that might be streamed in during the final phase
                    if ( (int)ClosestStreamedOutList.size() < iMaxIn )     // (only add if there is a chance it will be used)
                        ClosestStreamedOutList.push_back( pElement );
                    // Stream in the new element. Don't do it instantly unless moved from far away.
                    pElement->InternalStreamIn ( bMovedFar );
                    bReachedLimit = ReachedLimit ();

                    if ( !bReachedLimit )
                        if ( iMaxIn <= 0 )

    // Complex code of doom:
    //      ClosestStreamedOutList is {nearest to furthest} list of streamed out elements within streaming distance
    //      FurthestStreamedInList is {nearest to furthest} list of streamed in elements
    if ( bReachedLimit )
        // Check 'furthest streamed in' against 'closest streamed out' to see if the state can be swapped
        int iFurthestStreamedInIndex = FurthestStreamedInList.size() - 1;
        uint uiClosestStreamedOutIndex = 0;
        for( uint i = 0 ; i < 10 ; i++ )
            // Check limits for this frame
            if ( iMaxIn <= 0 || iMaxOut <= 0 )

            // Check indicies are valid
            if ( iFurthestStreamedInIndex < 0 )
            if ( uiClosestStreamedOutIndex >= ClosestStreamedOutList.size() )

            // See if ClosestStreamedOut is nearer than FurthestStreamedIn
            CClientStreamElement* pFurthestStreamedIn = FurthestStreamedInList[ iFurthestStreamedInIndex ];
            CClientStreamElement* pClosestStreamedOut = ClosestStreamedOutList[ uiClosestStreamedOutIndex ];
            if ( pClosestStreamedOut->GetExpDistance () >= pFurthestStreamedIn->GetExpDistance () )

            // Stream out FurthestStreamedIn candidate if possible
            if ( pFurthestStreamedIn->GetTotalStreamReferences () == 0 )
                // Stream out now
                pFurthestStreamedIn->InternalStreamOut ();
            m_ToStreamOut.remove ( pFurthestStreamedIn );
            iFurthestStreamedInIndex--;     // Always advance to the next candidate

            // Stream in ClosestStreamedOut candidate if possible
            if ( !ReachedLimit () )
                // Stream in the new element. No need to do it instantly unless moved from far away.
                pClosestStreamedOut->InternalStreamIn ( bMovedFar );
Esempio n. 28
CClientPlayer::CClientPlayer ( CClientManager* pManager, ElementID ID, bool bIsLocalPlayer ) : ClassInit ( this ), CClientPed ( pManager, 0, ID, bIsLocalPlayer )
    // Initialize
    m_pManager = pManager;
    m_bIsLocalPlayer = bIsLocalPlayer;

    SetTypeName ( "player" );

    m_bNametagColorOverridden = false;
    m_uiPing = 0;

    m_usLatency = 0;

    m_uiPlayerSyncCount = 0;
    m_uiKeySyncCount = 0;
    m_uiVehicleSyncCount = 0;

    m_ulLastPuresyncTime = 0;
    m_bHasConnectionTrouble = false;    

    m_bForce = false;
    m_bDoExtrapolatingAim = false;

    m_bNetworkDead = false;

    m_voice = NULL;

    // If it's the local player, add the model
    if ( m_bIsLocalPlayer )
        // Set us as the local player in the player manager
        if ( !pManager->GetPlayerManager ()->GetLocalPlayer () )
            pManager->GetPlayerManager ()->SetLocalPlayer ( this );

        CClientPlayer * pLocalPlayer = this;
        // Enable voice playback for local player
        if ( pLocalPlayer->GetVoice() == NULL )
            //If voice is enabled
            CClientPlayerVoice * pVoice = new CClientPlayerVoice ( this, g_pClientGame->GetVoiceRecorder() );
            pLocalPlayer->SetPlayerVoice ( pVoice );
        // Enable weapon processing for players
        m_remoteDataStorage->SetProcessPlayerWeapon ( true );

        // Enable voice playback for remote players
        if ( g_pClientGame->GetVoiceRecorder()->IsEnabled() ) //If voice is enabled
            m_voice = new CClientPlayerVoice ( this, g_pClientGame->GetVoiceRecorder() );

    // Set all our default stats
    m_pTeam = NULL;

    m_bNametagShowing = true;
    m_ucNametagColorR = 255;
    m_ucNametagColorG = 255;
    m_ucNametagColorB = 255;
    m_ulLastNametagShow = 0;
    SetNametagText ( m_strNick );

    // Add us to the player list
    m_pManager->GetPlayerManager ()->AddToList ( this );

#ifdef MTA_DEBUG
    m_bShowingWepdata = false;
    m_LastPuresyncType = PURESYNC_TYPE_NONE;
bool CClientExplosionManager::Hook_ExplosionCreation ( CEntity* pGameExplodingEntity, CEntity* pGameCreator, const CVector& vecPosition, eExplosionType explosionType )
    CClientPlayer * pLocalPlayer = m_pManager->GetPlayerManager ()->GetLocalPlayer ();

    // Grab the entity responsible
    CClientEntity * pResponsible = NULL;
    CEntity* pResponsibleGameEntity = ( pGameExplodingEntity ) ? pGameExplodingEntity : pGameCreator;
    if ( pResponsibleGameEntity )
        pResponsible = m_pManager->FindEntity ( pResponsibleGameEntity, false );

    eWeaponType explosionWeaponType;
    switch ( explosionType )
        case EXP_TYPE_GRENADE:
            // Grenade type explosions from vehicles should only be freefall bombs
            // TODO: need a way to check if its a freefall bomb if creator is a ped
            if ( pGameCreator && pGameCreator->GetEntityType () == ENTITY_TYPE_VEHICLE )
                explosionWeaponType = WEAPONTYPE_FREEFALL_BOMB;
                explosionWeaponType = WEAPONTYPE_GRENADE;
        case EXP_TYPE_MOLOTOV:
            explosionWeaponType = WEAPONTYPE_MOLOTOV;
        case EXP_TYPE_ROCKET:
        case EXP_TYPE_ROCKET_WEAK:
            explosionWeaponType = WEAPONTYPE_ROCKET;
            explosionWeaponType = WEAPONTYPE_TANK_GRENADE;
            explosionWeaponType = WEAPONTYPE_EXPLOSION;

    // Got a responsible entity?
    if ( pResponsible )
        // Is the local player responsible for this?
        bool bLocal = ( ( pResponsible == pLocalPlayer ) ||
                      ( pResponsible == pLocalPlayer->GetOccupiedVehicle () ) ||
                      ( g_pClientGame->GetUnoccupiedVehicleSync ()->Exists ( static_cast < CDeathmatchVehicle * > ( pResponsible ) ) ) );

        if ( bLocal )
            CClientEntity * pOriginSource = NULL;

            // Is this an exploding vehicle?
            if ( pGameExplodingEntity && pGameExplodingEntity->GetEntityType () == ENTITY_TYPE_VEHICLE )
                // Set our origin-source to the vehicle
                pOriginSource = m_pManager->FindEntity ( pGameExplodingEntity, false );
            // If theres other players, sync it relative to the closest (lag compensation)
            else if ( m_pManager->GetPlayerManager ()->Count () > 1 )
                switch ( explosionWeaponType )
                    case WEAPONTYPE_ROCKET:
                    case WEAPONTYPE_ROCKET_HS:
                        CClientPlayer * pPlayer = g_pClientGame->GetClosestRemotePlayer ( vecPosition, 200.0f );
                        if ( pPlayer )
                            pOriginSource = pPlayer;
            // Request a new explosion
            g_pClientGame->SendExplosionSync ( vecPosition, explosionType, pOriginSource );

    // All explosions are handled server side
    return false;
Esempio n. 30
void CPlayerRPCs::RemovePlayerNametagColor ( CClientEntity* pSource, NetBitStreamInterface& bitStream )
    CClientPlayer* pPlayer = m_pPlayerManager->Get ( pSource->GetID () );
    if ( pPlayer )
        pPlayer->RemoveNametagOverrideColor ();