// 初始化命令行参数 BOOL CUpdaterApp::_InitCmdline(int argc, LPTSTR* args) { BOOL bReturn(FALSE); CCmdLine cmder; if (cmder.SplitLine(__argc, __targv) >= 2) { if (cmder.HasSwitch(_T("-PID")) && cmder.HasSwitch(_T("-H"))) { m_dwProcessId = (DWORD)_ttoi(cmder.GetSafeArgument(_T("-PID"), 0, _T("0"))); m_hWindowCtrl = (HWND)_ttoi(cmder.GetSafeArgument(_T("-H"), 0, _T("0"))); bReturn = TRUE; } else { LOG(_T("命令行参数错误!")); } } else { LOG(_T("未指定命令行参数")); } return bReturn; }
void GameComponent::ParseCommandLine( LPTSTR lpCmdLine ) { m_CmdLineParse.clear(); if( _tcscmp( "", lpCmdLine ) != 0 ) { CCmdLine CmdLine; CmdLine.SplitLine( lpCmdLine ); if( CmdLine.HasSwitch( "-multiplier" ) ) { m_iMultiplier = _ttoi( CmdLine.GetSafeArgument( "-multiplier", 0, DEFAULT_Multiplier.c_str() ).c_str() ); StdString parseLine = _T("Cmd line argument: multiplier\n"); m_CmdLineParse.push_back(parseLine); } if( CmdLine.HasSwitch( "-creditstart" ) ) { m_iCreditStart = _ttoi( CmdLine.GetSafeArgument( "-creditstart", 0, DEFAULT_CreditStart.c_str() ).c_str() ); StdString parseLine = _T("Cmd line argument: creditstart\n"); m_CmdLineParse.push_back(parseLine); } if( CmdLine.HasSwitch( "-creditcont" ) ) { m_iCreditCont = _ttoi( CmdLine.GetSafeArgument( "-creditcont", 0, DEFAULT_CreditCont.c_str() ).c_str() ); StdString parseLine = _T("Cmd line argument: creditcont\n"); m_CmdLineParse.push_back(parseLine); } if( CmdLine.HasSwitch( "-freeplay" ) ) { m_bFreeplay = !(DEFAULT_Freeplay); StdString parseLine = _T("Cmd line argument: freeplay\n"); m_CmdLineParse.push_back(parseLine); } else { m_bFreeplay = DEFAULT_Freeplay; } if( CmdLine.HasSwitch( "-time" ) ) { m_iPlayTime = _ttoi( CmdLine.GetSafeArgument( "-time", 0, DEFAULT_PlayTime.c_str() ).c_str() ); StdString parseLine = _T("Cmd line argument: time\n"); m_CmdLineParse.push_back(parseLine); } if( CmdLine.HasSwitch( "-contime" ) ) { m_iContTime = _ttoi( CmdLine.GetSafeArgument( "-contime", 0, DEFAULT_ContTime.c_str() ).c_str() ); StdString parseLine = _T("Cmd line argument: contime\n"); m_CmdLineParse.push_back(parseLine); } if( CmdLine.HasSwitch( "-language" ) ) { m_iLanguage = _ttoi( CmdLine.GetSafeArgument( "-language", 0, DEFAULT_ContTime.c_str() ).c_str() ); StdString parseLine = _T("Cmd line argument: language\n"); m_CmdLineParse.push_back(parseLine); } if( CmdLine.HasSwitch( "-violence" ) ) { m_iViolence = _ttoi( CmdLine.GetSafeArgument( "-violence", 0, DEFAULT_Violence.c_str() ).c_str() ); StdString parseLine = _T("Cmd line argument: violence\n"); m_CmdLineParse.push_back(parseLine); } // in free play mode some things need to be zeroed out if (m_bFreeplay) { m_iCreditStart = 0; m_iCreditCont = 0; m_iMultiplier = 0; } } }
int main(int argc, char**argv) #endif { #if defined WIN32 #ifndef _DEBUG CreateMutexA(0, FALSE, "Local\\Domoticz"); if(GetLastError() == ERROR_ALREADY_EXISTS) { MessageBox(HWND_DESKTOP,"Another instance of Domoticz is already running!","Domoticz",MB_OK); return 1; } #endif //_DEBUG bool bStartWebBrowser = true; RedirectIOToConsole(); #endif //WIN32 szStartupFolder = ""; szWWWFolder = ""; szWebRoot = ""; CCmdLine cmdLine; // parse argc,argv #if defined WIN32 cmdLine.SplitLine(__argc, __argv); #else cmdLine.SplitLine(argc, argv); //ignore pipe errors signal(SIGPIPE, SIG_IGN); #endif if (cmdLine.HasSwitch("-log")) { if (cmdLine.GetArgumentCount("-log") != 1) { _log.Log(LOG_ERROR, "Please specify an output log file"); return 1; } logfile = cmdLine.GetSafeArgument("-log", 0, "domoticz.log"); _log.SetOutputFile(logfile.c_str()); } if (cmdLine.HasSwitch("-loglevel")) { if (cmdLine.GetArgumentCount("-loglevel") != 1) { _log.Log(LOG_ERROR, "Please specify logfile output level (0=All, 1=Status+Error, 2=Error)"); return 1; } int Level = atoi(cmdLine.GetSafeArgument("-loglevel", 0, "").c_str()); _log.SetVerboseLevel((_eLogFileVerboseLevel)Level); } if (cmdLine.HasSwitch("-notimestamps")) { _log.EnableLogTimestamps(false); } if (cmdLine.HasSwitch("-approot")) { if (cmdLine.GetArgumentCount("-approot") != 1) { _log.Log(LOG_ERROR, "Please specify a APP root path"); return 1; } std::string szroot = cmdLine.GetSafeArgument("-approot", 0, ""); if (szroot.size() != 0) szStartupFolder = szroot; } if (szStartupFolder == "") { #if !defined WIN32 char szStartupPath[255]; getExecutablePathName((char*)&szStartupPath,255); szStartupFolder=szStartupPath; if (szStartupFolder.find_last_of('/')!=std::string::npos) szStartupFolder=szStartupFolder.substr(0,szStartupFolder.find_last_of('/')+1); #else #ifndef _DEBUG char szStartupPath[255]; char * p; GetModuleFileName(NULL, szStartupPath, sizeof(szStartupPath)); p = szStartupPath + strlen(szStartupPath); while (p >= szStartupPath && *p != '\\') p--; if (++p >= szStartupPath) *p = 0; szStartupFolder=szStartupPath; size_t start_pos = szStartupFolder.find("\\Release\\"); if(start_pos != std::string::npos) { szStartupFolder.replace(start_pos, 9, "\\domoticz\\"); _log.Log(LOG_STATUS,"%s",szStartupFolder.c_str()); } #endif #endif } GetAppVersion(); _log.Log(LOG_STATUS, "Domoticz V%s (c)2012-%d GizMoCuz", szAppVersion.c_str(), ActYear); _log.Log(LOG_STATUS, "Build Hash: %s, Date: %s", szAppHash.c_str(), szAppDate.c_str()); #if !defined WIN32 //Check if we are running on a RaspberryPi std::string sLine = ""; std::ifstream infile; infile.open("/proc/cpuinfo"); if (infile.is_open()) { while (!infile.eof()) { getline(infile, sLine); if ( (sLine.find("BCM2708")!=std::string::npos)|| (sLine.find("BCM2709")!=std::string::npos) ) { //Core temperature of BCM2835 SoC _log.Log(LOG_STATUS,"System: Raspberry Pi"); szInternalTemperatureCommand="/opt/vc/bin/vcgencmd measure_temp"; bHasInternalTemperature=true; break; } } infile.close(); } if (!bHasInternalTemperature) { if (file_exist("/sys/devices/platform/sunxi-i2c.0/i2c-0/0-0034/temp1_input")) { _log.Log(LOG_STATUS,"System: Cubieboard/Cubietruck"); szInternalTemperatureCommand="cat /sys/devices/platform/sunxi-i2c.0/i2c-0/0-0034/temp1_input | awk '{ printf (\"temp=%0.2f\\n\",$1/1000); }'"; bHasInternalTemperature = true; } else if (file_exist("/sys/devices/virtual/thermal/thermal_zone0/temp")) { //_log.Log(LOG_STATUS,"System: ODroid"); szInternalTemperatureCommand="cat /sys/devices/virtual/thermal/thermal_zone0/temp | awk '{ printf (\"temp=%0.2f\\n\",$1/1000); }'"; bHasInternalTemperature = true; } } if (file_exist("/sys/class/power_supply/ac/voltage_now")) { szInternalVoltageCommand = "cat /sys/class/power_supply/ac/voltage_now | awk '{ printf (\"volt=%0.2f\\n\",$1/1000000); }'"; bHasInternalVoltage = true; } if (file_exist("/sys/class/power_supply/ac/current_now")) { szInternalCurrentCommand = "cat /sys/class/power_supply/ac/current_now | awk '{ printf (\"curr=%0.2f\\n\",$1/1000000); }'"; bHasInternalCurrent = true; } _log.Log(LOG_STATUS,"Startup Path: %s", szStartupFolder.c_str()); #endif szWWWFolder = szStartupFolder + "www"; if ((cmdLine.HasSwitch("-h")) || (cmdLine.HasSwitch("--help")) || (cmdLine.HasSwitch("/?"))) { _log.Log(LOG_NORM, szHelp); return 0; } szUserDataFolder=szStartupFolder; if (cmdLine.HasSwitch("-userdata")) { if (cmdLine.GetArgumentCount("-userdata") != 1) { _log.Log(LOG_ERROR, "Please specify a path for user data to be stored"); return 1; } std::string szroot = cmdLine.GetSafeArgument("-userdata", 0, ""); if (szroot.size() != 0) szUserDataFolder = szroot; } if (cmdLine.HasSwitch("-startupdelay")) { if (cmdLine.GetArgumentCount("-startupdelay") != 1) { _log.Log(LOG_ERROR, "Please specify a startupdelay"); return 1; } int DelaySeconds = atoi(cmdLine.GetSafeArgument("-startupdelay", 0, "").c_str()); _log.Log(LOG_STATUS, "Startup delay... waiting %d seconds...", DelaySeconds); sleep_seconds(DelaySeconds); } if (cmdLine.HasSwitch("-wwwbind")) { if (cmdLine.GetArgumentCount("-wwwbind") != 1) { _log.Log(LOG_ERROR, "Please specify an address"); return 1; } std::string wwwbind = cmdLine.GetSafeArgument("-wwwbind", 0, ""); m_mainworker.SetWebserverAddress(wwwbind); } if (cmdLine.HasSwitch("-www")) { if (cmdLine.GetArgumentCount("-www") != 1) { _log.Log(LOG_ERROR, "Please specify a port"); return 1; } std::string wwwport = cmdLine.GetSafeArgument("-www", 0, "8080"); if (wwwport == "0") wwwport.clear();//HTTP server disabled m_mainworker.SetWebserverPort(wwwport); } #ifdef NS_ENABLE_SSL if (cmdLine.HasSwitch("-sslwww")) { if (cmdLine.GetArgumentCount("-sslwww") != 1) { _log.Log(LOG_ERROR, "Please specify a port"); return 1; } std::string wwwport = cmdLine.GetSafeArgument("-sslwww", 0, "443"); if (wwwport == "0") wwwport.clear();//HTTPS server disabled m_mainworker.SetSecureWebserverPort(wwwport); } if (cmdLine.HasSwitch("-sslcert")) { if (cmdLine.GetArgumentCount("-sslcert") != 1) { _log.Log(LOG_ERROR, "Please specify the file path"); return 1; } std::string ca_cert = cmdLine.GetSafeArgument("-sslcert", 0, "./server_cert.pem"); m_mainworker.SetSecureWebserverCert(ca_cert); } if (cmdLine.HasSwitch("-sslpass")) { if (cmdLine.GetArgumentCount("-sslpass") != 1) { _log.Log(LOG_ERROR, "Please specify a passphrase for your certificate file"); return 1; } std::string ca_passphrase = cmdLine.GetSafeArgument("-sslpass", 0, ""); m_mainworker.SetSecureWebserverPass(ca_passphrase); } #endif if (cmdLine.HasSwitch("-nowwwpwd")) { m_mainworker.m_bIgnoreUsernamePassword = true; } if (cmdLine.HasSwitch("-nocache")) { g_bDontCacheWWW = true; } std::string dbasefile = szUserDataFolder + "domoticz.db"; #ifdef WIN32 #ifndef _DEBUG if (!IsUserAnAdmin()) { char szPath[MAX_PATH]; HRESULT hr = SHGetFolderPath(NULL, CSIDL_COMMON_APPDATA, NULL, 0, szPath); if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { std::string sPath = szPath; sPath += "\\Domoticz"; DWORD dwAttr = GetFileAttributes(sPath.c_str()); BOOL bDirExists = (dwAttr != 0xffffffff && (dwAttr & FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY)); if (!bDirExists) { BOOL bRet = CreateDirectory(sPath.c_str(), NULL); if (bRet == FALSE) { MessageBox(0, "Error creating Domoticz directory in program data folder (%ProgramData%)!!", "Error:", MB_OK); } } sPath += "\\domoticz.db"; dbasefile = sPath; } } #endif #endif if (cmdLine.HasSwitch("-dbase")) { if (cmdLine.GetArgumentCount("-dbase") != 1) { _log.Log(LOG_ERROR, "Please specify a Database Name"); return 1; } dbasefile = cmdLine.GetSafeArgument("-dbase", 0, "domoticz.db"); } m_sql.SetDatabaseName(dbasefile); if (cmdLine.HasSwitch("-wwwroot")) { if (cmdLine.GetArgumentCount("-wwwroot") != 1) { _log.Log(LOG_ERROR, "Please specify a WWW root path"); return 1; } std::string szroot = cmdLine.GetSafeArgument("-wwwroot", 0, ""); if (szroot.size() != 0) szWWWFolder = szroot; } if (cmdLine.HasSwitch("-webroot")) { if (cmdLine.GetArgumentCount("-webroot") != 1) { _log.Log(LOG_ERROR, "Please specify a web root path"); return 1; } std::string szroot = cmdLine.GetSafeArgument("-webroot", 0, ""); if (szroot.size() != 0) szWebRoot = szroot; } if (cmdLine.HasSwitch("-verbose")) { if (cmdLine.GetArgumentCount("-verbose") != 1) { _log.Log(LOG_ERROR, "Please specify a verbose level"); return 1; } int Level = atoi(cmdLine.GetSafeArgument("-verbose", 0, "").c_str()); m_mainworker.SetVerboseLevel((eVerboseLevel)Level); } #if defined WIN32 if (cmdLine.HasSwitch("-nobrowser")) { bStartWebBrowser = false; } //Init WinSock WSADATA data; WORD version; version = (MAKEWORD(2, 2)); int ret = WSAStartup(version, &data); if (ret != 0) { ret = WSAGetLastError(); if (ret == WSANOTINITIALISED) { _log.Log(LOG_ERROR, "Error: Winsock could not be initialized!"); } } CoInitializeEx(0, COINIT_MULTITHREADED); CoInitializeSecurity(NULL, -1, NULL, NULL, RPC_C_AUTHN_LEVEL_DEFAULT, RPC_C_IMP_LEVEL_IMPERSONATE, NULL, EOAC_NONE, NULL); #endif #ifndef WIN32 if (cmdLine.HasSwitch("-daemon")) { g_bRunAsDaemon = true; } std::string daemonname = DAEMON_NAME; if (cmdLine.HasSwitch("-daemonname")) { daemonname = cmdLine.GetSafeArgument("-daemonname", 0, DAEMON_NAME); } std::string pidfile = PID_FILE; if (cmdLine.HasSwitch("-pidfile")) { pidfile = cmdLine.GetSafeArgument("-pidfile", 0, PID_FILE); } if ((g_bRunAsDaemon)||(g_bUseSyslog)) { setlogmask(LOG_UPTO(LOG_INFO)); openlog(daemonname.c_str(), LOG_CONS | LOG_PERROR, LOG_USER); syslog(LOG_INFO, "Domoticz is starting up...."); } if (g_bRunAsDaemon) { /* Deamonize */ daemonize(szStartupFolder.c_str(), pidfile.c_str()); } if ((g_bRunAsDaemon) || (g_bUseSyslog)) { syslog(LOG_INFO, "Domoticz running..."); } #endif if (!g_bRunAsDaemon) { signal(SIGINT, signal_handler); signal(SIGTERM, signal_handler); } if (!m_mainworker.Start()) { return 1; } m_StartTime = time(NULL); /* now, lets get into an infinite loop of doing nothing. */ #if defined WIN32 #ifndef _DEBUG RedirectIOToConsole(); //hide console #endif InitWindowsHelper(hInstance, hPrevInstance, nShowCmd, m_mainworker.GetWebserverAddress(), atoi(m_mainworker.GetWebserverPort().c_str()), bStartWebBrowser); MSG Msg; while (!g_bStopApplication) { if (PeekMessage(&Msg, NULL, 0, 0, PM_NOREMOVE)) { if (GetMessage(&Msg, NULL, 0, 0) > 0) { TranslateMessage(&Msg); DispatchMessage(&Msg); } } else sleep_milliseconds(100); } TrayMessage(NIM_DELETE, NULL); #else while ( !g_bStopApplication ) { sleep_seconds(1); } #endif _log.Log(LOG_STATUS, "Closing application!..."); fflush(stdout); _log.Log(LOG_STATUS, "Stopping worker..."); try { m_mainworker.Stop(); } catch (...) { } #ifndef WIN32 if (g_bRunAsDaemon) { syslog(LOG_INFO, "Domoticz stopped..."); daemonShutdown(); // Delete PID file remove(pidfile.c_str()); } #else // Release WinSock WSACleanup(); CoUninitialize(); #endif return 0; }
/*! The main entrance to the program. */ int main(int argc, char * argv[]) { try { // Parse the command line arguments. CCmdLine cmdLine; if (cmdLine.SplitLine(argc, argv) < 1) { show_help(); exit(-1); } string execId = cmdLine.GetArgument("-execid", 0); string celFile = cmdLine.GetSafeArgument("-cel", 0, ""); string inFile = cmdLine.GetArgument("-in", 0); string outFile = cmdLine.GetArgument("-out", 0); string arrayType = cmdLine.GetArgument("-arrayType", 0); string algName = cmdLine.GetArgument("-algName", 0); string algVersion = cmdLine.GetArgument("-algVersion", 0); string programName = cmdLine.GetArgument("-programName", 0); string programVersion = cmdLine.GetArgument("-programVersion", 0); string programCompany = cmdLine.GetArgument("-programCompany", 0); vector<string> paramNames; int n = cmdLine.GetArgumentCount("-paramNames"); for (int i=0; i<n; i++) paramNames.push_back(cmdLine.GetArgument("-paramNames", i)); vector<string> paramValues; n = cmdLine.GetArgumentCount("-paramValues"); for (int i=0; i<n; i++) paramValues.push_back(cmdLine.GetArgument("-paramValues", i)); vector<string> sumNames; n = cmdLine.GetArgumentCount("-sumNames"); for (int i=0; i<n; i++) sumNames.push_back(cmdLine.GetArgument("-sumNames", i)); vector<string> sumValues; n = cmdLine.GetArgumentCount("-sumValues"); for (int i=0; i<n; i++) sumValues.push_back(cmdLine.GetArgument("-sumValues", i)); // Read the TSV input file list<string> names; list<float> quantifications; ReadData(inFile, names, quantifications); // Create the CHP file. CreateFileWithHeader(execId, celFile, outFile, names, algName, algVersion, arrayType, programName, programVersion, programCompany, paramNames, paramValues, sumNames, sumValues); UpdateQuantifications(outFile, quantifications); } catch (string s) { cout << s << endl; show_help(); } catch (int e) { cout << "Invalid argument" << endl; show_help(); } catch (...) { cout << "Unknown error" << endl; show_help(); } return 0; }
int main(int argc, char**argv) #endif { #if defined WIN32 CreateMutexA(0, FALSE, "Local\\Domoticz"); if(GetLastError() == ERROR_ALREADY_EXISTS) { MessageBox(HWND_DESKTOP,"Another instance of Domoticz is already running!","Domoticz",MB_OK); return -1; } bool bStartWebBrowser=true; RedirectIOToConsole(); #endif szStartupFolder=""; szWWWFolder=""; #if !defined WIN32 char szStartupPath[255]; getExecutablePathName((char*)&szStartupPath,255); szStartupFolder=szStartupPath; if (szStartupFolder.find_last_of('/')!=std::string::npos) szStartupFolder=szStartupFolder.substr(0,szStartupFolder.find_last_of('/')+1); #else #ifndef _DEBUG char szStartupPath[255]; char * p; GetModuleFileName(NULL, szStartupPath, sizeof(szStartupPath)); p = szStartupPath + strlen(szStartupPath); while(p >= szStartupPath && *p != '\\') p--; if(++p >= szStartupPath) *p = 0; szStartupFolder=szStartupPath; size_t start_pos = szStartupFolder.find("\\Release\\"); if(start_pos != std::string::npos) { szStartupFolder.replace(start_pos, 9, "\\domoticz\\"); _log.Log(LOG_NORM,"%s",szStartupFolder.c_str()); } #endif #endif GetAppVersion(); _log.Log(LOG_NORM,"Domoticz V%s (c)2012-2014 GizMoCuz",szAppVersion.c_str()); #if !defined WIN32 //Check if we are running on a RaspberryPi std::string sLine = ""; std::ifstream infile; infile.open("/proc/cpuinfo"); if (infile.is_open()) { while (!infile.eof()) { getline(infile, sLine); if (sLine.find("BCM2708")!=std::string::npos) { _log.Log(LOG_NORM,"System: Raspberry Pi"); bIsRaspberryPi=true; break; } } infile.close(); } _log.Log(LOG_NORM,"Startup Path: %s", szStartupFolder.c_str()); #endif szWWWFolder=szStartupFolder+"www"; CCmdLine cmdLine; // parse argc,argv #if defined WIN32 cmdLine.SplitLine(__argc, __argv); #else cmdLine.SplitLine(argc, argv); #endif if ((cmdLine.HasSwitch("-h"))||(cmdLine.HasSwitch("--help"))||(cmdLine.HasSwitch("/?"))) { _log.Log(LOG_NORM,szHelp); return 0; } if (cmdLine.HasSwitch("-startupdelay")) { if (cmdLine.GetArgumentCount("-startupdelay")!=1) { _log.Log(LOG_ERROR,"Please specify a startupdelay"); return 0; } int DelaySeconds=atoi(cmdLine.GetSafeArgument("-startupdelay",0,"").c_str()); _log.Log(LOG_NORM,"Startup delay... waiting %d seconds...",DelaySeconds); sleep_seconds(DelaySeconds); } if (cmdLine.HasSwitch("-www")) { if (cmdLine.GetArgumentCount("-www")!=1) { _log.Log(LOG_ERROR,"Please specify a port"); return 0; } std::string wwwport=cmdLine.GetSafeArgument("-www",0,"8080"); _mainworker.SetWebserverPort(wwwport); } if (cmdLine.HasSwitch("-nowwwpwd")) { _mainworker.m_bIgnoreUsernamePassword=true; } std::string dbasefile=szStartupFolder + "domoticz.db"; #ifdef WIN32 if (!IsUserAnAdmin()) { char szPath[MAX_PATH]; HRESULT hr = SHGetFolderPath(NULL, CSIDL_COMMON_APPDATA, NULL, 0, szPath); if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { std::string sPath=szPath; sPath+="\\Domoticz"; DWORD dwAttr = GetFileAttributes(sPath.c_str()); BOOL bDirExists=(dwAttr != 0xffffffff && (dwAttr & FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY)); if (!bDirExists) { BOOL bRet=CreateDirectory(sPath.c_str(),NULL); if (bRet==FALSE) { MessageBox(0,"Error creating Domoticz directory in program data folder (%ProgramData%)!!","Error:",MB_OK); } } sPath+="\\domoticz.db"; dbasefile=sPath; } } #endif if (cmdLine.HasSwitch("-dbase")) { if (cmdLine.GetArgumentCount("-dbase")!=1) { _log.Log(LOG_ERROR,"Please specify a Database Name"); return 0; } dbasefile=cmdLine.GetSafeArgument("-dbase",0,"domoticz.db"); } _mainworker.m_sql.SetDatabaseName(dbasefile); if (cmdLine.HasSwitch("-wwwroot")) { if (cmdLine.GetArgumentCount("-wwwroot")!=1) { _log.Log(LOG_ERROR,"Please specify a WWW root path"); return 0; } std::string szroot=cmdLine.GetSafeArgument("-wwwroot",0,""); if (szroot.size()!=0) szWWWFolder=szroot; } if (cmdLine.HasSwitch("-verbose")) { if (cmdLine.GetArgumentCount("-verbose")!=1) { _log.Log(LOG_ERROR,"Please specify a verbose level"); return 0; } int Level=atoi(cmdLine.GetSafeArgument("-verbose",0,"").c_str()); _mainworker.SetVerboseLevel((eVerboseLevel)Level); } #if defined WIN32 if (cmdLine.HasSwitch("-nobrowser")) { bStartWebBrowser=false; } #endif if (cmdLine.HasSwitch("-log")) { if (cmdLine.GetArgumentCount("-log")!=1) { _log.Log(LOG_ERROR,"Please specify an output log file"); return 0; } std::string logfile=cmdLine.GetSafeArgument("-log",0,"domoticz.log"); _log.SetOutputFile(logfile.c_str()); } if (!_mainworker.Start()) { return 0; } signal(SIGINT, catch_intterm); signal(SIGTERM,catch_intterm); /* now, lets get into an infinite loop of doing nothing. */ #if defined WIN32 #ifndef _DEBUG RedirectIOToConsole(); //hide console #endif InitWindowsHelper(hInstance,hPrevInstance,nShowCmd,DQuitFunction,atoi(_mainworker.GetWebserverPort().c_str()),bStartWebBrowser); MSG Msg; while(GetMessage(&Msg, NULL, 0, 0) > 0) { TranslateMessage(&Msg); DispatchMessage(&Msg); } #else for ( ;; ) sleep_seconds(1); #endif return 0; }
/*! The main entrance to the program. */ int main(int argc, char * argv[]) { try { // Parse the command line arguments. CCmdLine cmdLine; if (cmdLine.SplitLine(argc, argv) < 1) { show_help(); exit(-1); } string execId = cmdLine.GetArgument("-execid", 0); string celFile = cmdLine.GetSafeArgument("-cel", 0, ""); string inFile = cmdLine.GetArgument("-in", 0); string outFile = cmdLine.GetArgument("-out", 0); string arrayType = cmdLine.GetArgument("-arrayType", 0); string algName = cmdLine.GetArgument("-algName", 0); string algVersion = cmdLine.GetArgument("-algVersion", 0); string programName = cmdLine.GetArgument("-programName", 0); string programVersion = cmdLine.GetArgument("-programVersion", 0); string programCompany = cmdLine.GetArgument("-programCompany", 0); vector<string> colNames; int n = cmdLine.GetArgumentCount("-colNames"); for (int i=0; i<n; i++) colNames.push_back(cmdLine.GetArgument("-colNames", i)); vector<string> colTypes; n = cmdLine.GetArgumentCount("-colTypes"); for (int i=0; i<n; i++) colTypes.push_back(cmdLine.GetArgument("-colTypes", i)); vector<string> paramNames; n = cmdLine.GetArgumentCount("-paramNames"); for (int i=0; i<n; i++) paramNames.push_back(cmdLine.GetArgument("-paramNames", i)); vector<string> paramValues; n = cmdLine.GetArgumentCount("-paramValues"); for (int i=0; i<n; i++) paramValues.push_back(cmdLine.GetArgument("-paramValues", i)); vector<string> sumNames; n = cmdLine.GetArgumentCount("-sumNames"); for (int i=0; i<n; i++) sumNames.push_back(cmdLine.GetArgument("-sumNames", i)); vector<string> sumValues; n = cmdLine.GetArgumentCount("-sumValues"); for (int i=0; i<n; i++) sumValues.push_back(cmdLine.GetArgument("-sumValues", i)); vector<string> extraNames; n = cmdLine.GetArgumentCount("-extraNames"); for (int i=0; i<n; i++) extraNames.push_back(cmdLine.GetArgument("-extraNames", i)); vector<string> extraValues; n = cmdLine.GetArgumentCount("-extraValues"); for (int i=0; i<n; i++) extraValues.push_back(cmdLine.GetArgument("-extraValues", i)); // Read the TSV input file int maxProbeSetNameLength = 0; // data collection is no longer used, so we have ReadData return the row count so that we can pass it into // CreateFileWithHeader call unsigned long rowCount = ReadData(inFile, maxProbeSetNameLength); // Create the CHP file. // Creates the header CreateFileWithHeader(execId, celFile, outFile, colNames, colTypes, rowCount, maxProbeSetNameLength, algName, algVersion, arrayType, programName, programVersion, programCompany, paramNames, paramValues, sumNames, sumValues, extraNames, extraValues); // add the body (data) AddFileBody(inFile,outFile, maxProbeSetNameLength, colTypes); } catch (string s) { cout << s << endl; show_help(); } catch (int e) { cout << "Invalid argument" << endl; show_help(); } catch (...) { cout << "Unknown error" << endl; show_help(); } return 0; }
int main(int argc, char* argv[]) { // Read in parameters from command line. CCmdLine cmdLine; if(cmdLine.SplitLine(argc, argv) < 3) { cerr << "Usage: ./gittar -m consensus_motif -e log_ratio_file -s promoter_sequence" << endl; cerr << "Additional parameters:" << endl; cerr << "[-mis] mismatches to consensus motif(Default=1)" << endl; cerr << "[-a] annotation file" << endl; cerr << "[-o] output(gene_and_other_info PSFM)" << endl; cerr << "[-v] verbose mode" << endl; cerr << "[-h] hyperprio parameters(hyper_samples=50 mu=2.0 sigma^2=1.0 flanking_length=7" << endl; cerr << "[-n] DO NOT use prio information(overide hyperprio parameters)" << endl; cerr << "[-g] Gibbs sampler parameters(starting_point=10 burn-in=100 window=100)" << endl; cerr << "[-misc] Miscellaneous parameters(stds_of_intial_target=4 skip_core_region=0 random_background=0 threshold_for_target=0.5 stds_enfore=1)" << endl; return 1; } string m, e, s; try { m = cmdLine.GetArgument("-m", 0); e = cmdLine.GetArgument("-e", 0); s = cmdLine.GetArgument("-s", 0); } catch(int) { cerr << "Wrong arguments!" << endl; return 1; } string mis = cmdLine.GetSafeArgument("-mis", 0, "1"); // mismatches. unsigned misallow = atoi(mis.data()); string a = cmdLine.GetSafeArgument("-a", 0, ""); // gene annotation file. string o1 = cmdLine.GetSafeArgument("-o", 0, ""); // output gene and other information. string o2 = cmdLine.GetSafeArgument("-o", 1, ""); // output PSFM. // Hyper-prio parameters. HypePrio hypePrio; string v = cmdLine.GetSafeArgument("-h", 0, "50"); hypePrio.V = atoi(v.data()); string mu = cmdLine.GetSafeArgument("-h", 1, "2.0"); hypePrio.MU = atof(mu.data()); string sigma2 = cmdLine.GetSafeArgument("-h", 2, "1.0"); hypePrio.SIGMA_2 = atof(sigma2.data()); string flanking = cmdLine.GetSafeArgument("-h", 3, "7"); hypePrio.FLANKING = atoi(flanking.data()); // DO NOT use prior information? if(cmdLine.HasSwitch("-n")) hypePrio.V = 1; // Gibbs-sampler parameters. string sta_pnt = cmdLine.GetSafeArgument("-g", 0, "10"); STA_PNT = atoi(sta_pnt.data()); string burn_in = cmdLine.GetSafeArgument("-g", 1, "100"); BURN_IN = atoi(burn_in.data()); string window = cmdLine.GetSafeArgument("-g", 2, "100"); WINDOW = atoi(window.data()); // Miscellaneous parameters. string iniv = cmdLine.GetSafeArgument("-misc", 0, "4"); INIV = atoi(iniv.data()); string skipcore = cmdLine.GetSafeArgument("-misc", 1, "0"); SKIPCORE = atoi(skipcore.data()); string randbg = cmdLine.GetSafeArgument("-misc", 2, "0"); RANDBG = atoi(randbg.data()); VERBOSE = cmdLine.HasSwitch("-v"); // verbose mode switch. // Load data into memory. string motifSeq; // string of motif sequence. Expr expr; // hash table of expression values. Seq seq; // hash table of sequences. GeneAnno geneAnno; // hash table of gene annotation info. if(VERBOSE) cout << "Loading...motif...expression...sequence..." << endl; if(load_data(m, e, s, a, motifSeq, expr, seq, geneAnno)) // load data. { cerr << "Error occurs during data loading!" << endl; return 1; } if(VERBOSE) cout << "Data load complete!" << endl; // Normalize expression levels. double bkm = mean(expr); double bkstd = stnd(expr, bkm); if(VERBOSE) cout << "All gene mean: " << bkm << ", standard deviation: " << bkstd << endl; // Find all genes containing the motif with mismatch. VGene vGene; motifgene(motifSeq, hypePrio.FLANKING, expr, seq, misallow, vGene); if(VERBOSE) cout << "Total genes identified: " << vGene.size() << endl; // Calculate pseudo-count for DNA bases among all sequences. double dnaPor[4]; sudocnt(seq, dnaPor); if(VERBOSE) { cout << "DNA bases portion in all sequences." << endl; cout << "A: " << dnaPor[0] << endl; cout << "C: " << dnaPor[1] << endl; cout << "G: " << dnaPor[2] << endl; cout << "T: " << dnaPor[3] << endl; } // Gibbs sampler starts from here... double tPSFM[4][40], nPSFM[4][40]; // target and non-target PSFM. double mTarget, s2Target; SST eLen = motifSeq.length() + 2*hypePrio.FLANKING; setzero(tPSFM, 4, (unsigned)eLen); setzero(nPSFM, 4, (unsigned)eLen); mTarget = s2Target = 0.0; for(unsigned i = 0; i < STA_PNT; i++) { // Generate candidate genes' initial labels. genlbl(vGene, bkm, bkstd); // Use Gibbs Sampler to calculate the estimated labels. if(VERBOSE) cout << "Gibbs sampler starting..." << endl; double mTarget_, s2Target_; double tPSFM_[4][40], nPSFM_[4][40]; /* Here go the parameters information: vGene: Information about all genes that contain motif. dnaPor: DNA pseudo-count. seq: Promoter sequences for all genes. mVal: background expression mean. sVal: background expression std. */ int iter; iter = gsamp(vGene, mTarget_, s2Target_, tPSFM_, nPSFM_, misallow, dnaPor, motifSeq, seq, bkm, bkstd, hypePrio); if(VERBOSE) cout << "Gibbs sampler stops with " << iter << " iterations." << endl; mTarget += mTarget_; s2Target += s2Target_; add2mat(tPSFM, tPSFM, tPSFM_, (unsigned)eLen); add2mat(nPSFM, nPSFM, nPSFM_, (unsigned)eLen); if(VERBOSE) { cout << "Target genes in last iteration: " << ntar(vGene) << endl; cout << "Non-target genes in last iteration: " << nnon(vGene) << endl; } sum_iter(i, vGene); } // Summarize the results from different starting points. avg_iter(vGene); unsigned nTar = ntar(vGene, true); unsigned nNon = nnon(vGene, true); mTarget /= STA_PNT; s2Target /= STA_PNT; normat(tPSFM, (unsigned)eLen, STA_PNT); normat(nPSFM, (unsigned)eLen, STA_PNT); // Write results into files. if(VERBOSE) cout << "Writing results into files..." << endl; time_t time_tag = time(NULL); if(o2 == "") { ostringstream logstream; logstream << time_tag << "_" << motifSeq << "_mis" << misallow << ".log"; o2 = logstream.str(); } // PSFMs and profile ratios. if(write_log(o2, (unsigned)eLen, tPSFM, nPSFM) != 0) cerr << "Writing matrices information failed!" << endl; else if(VERBOSE) cout << "PSFMs and profile ratios write complete!" << endl; // Re-calculate binding site according to the averaged PSFM. map<string, string> mbindloc; // A map to store all binding sites of each gene. for(unsigned i = 0; i < vGene.size(); i++) mbindloc[vGene[i].name] = bindsite(vGene[i], vGene[i].target, seq[vGene[i].name], tPSFM, nPSFM, hypePrio.FLANKING); // Write genes information. // Sort genes according to their probabilities and expression values. sort(vGene.begin(), vGene.end(), cmp); if(o1 == "") { ostringstream infostream; infostream << time_tag << "_" << motifSeq << "_mis" << misallow << ".info"; o1 = infostream.str(); } if(write_info(o1, vGene, geneAnno, mTarget, sqrt(s2Target), bkm, bkstd, (unsigned)seq.size(), nTar, nNon, hypePrio, motifSeq, mbindloc) != 0) cerr << "Writing genes information failed!" << endl; else if(VERBOSE) { cout << "Genes information write complete!" << endl; cout << "Finished!" << endl; } return 0; }
int P300ClassifierMain( int argc, char **argv, QApplication& app ) { ConfigDialog dialog; CCmdLine cmdLine; QString arg_TrainingDataFiles; QString arg_TestingDataFiles; QString arg_inicfg; QStringList arg_TrainingDataFilesList; QStringList arg_TestingDataFilesList; bool barg_TrainingDataFiles; bool barg_TestingDataFiles; bool barg_inicfg; cmdLine.SplitLine(argc, argv); barg_TrainingDataFiles =cmdLine.HasSwitch("-TrainingDataFiles"); barg_TestingDataFiles =cmdLine.HasSwitch("-TestingDataFiles"); barg_inicfg =cmdLine.HasSwitch("-inicfg"); //int co = cmdLine.GetArgumentCount("-TrainingDataFiles"); if (barg_TrainingDataFiles) { for (int i=0; i<cmdLine.GetArgumentCount("-TrainingDataFiles"); i++) { arg_TrainingDataFiles = arg_TrainingDataFiles.fromStdString(cmdLine.GetArgument("-TrainingDataFiles",i)); arg_TrainingDataFilesList.insert(i, arg_TrainingDataFiles); } } else { arg_TrainingDataFiles = ""; } if (barg_TestingDataFiles) { for (int i=0; i<cmdLine.GetArgumentCount("-TestingDataFiles"); i++) { arg_TestingDataFiles = arg_TestingDataFiles.fromStdString(cmdLine.GetArgument("-TestingDataFiles",i)); arg_TestingDataFilesList.insert(i, arg_TestingDataFiles); } } else { arg_TestingDataFiles = ""; } if (barg_inicfg) { arg_inicfg = arg_inicfg.fromStdString(cmdLine.GetArgument("-inicfg",0)); } else { arg_inicfg = ""; } QString classifierOutputFile = cmdLine.GetSafeArgument( "-ClassifierOutputFile", 0, "" ).c_str(); dialog.SetFiles(arg_TrainingDataFilesList, arg_TestingDataFilesList, arg_inicfg, classifierOutputFile); return dialog.exec(); }
BOOL COngTVApp::InitInstance() { // customisation des barres d'outils non autorisée CMFCToolBar::SetCustomizeMode(FALSE); #ifdef SCINTILLA_DLL // Chargement de la DLL Scintilla : on va la chercher dans le repertoire de l'exe et nul part ailleurs // recuperation du path de l'exe char lpFilename[255]; memset(lpFilename,0,255); GetModuleFileName(NULL ,lpFilename, 255); std::string strSciLexerDllName = CPathMgr::ExtractPath(lpFilename); strSciLexerDllName = strSciLexerDllName + "\\SciLexer.dll"; m_hSciDLL = LoadLibrary(strSciLexerDllName.c_str()); if (NULL == m_hSciDLL) { // DLL scintilla non disponible => on ne pourra pas editer de scrip LUA } else { CVersion versionSciDLL(strSciLexerDllName); if (versionSciDLL.GetProductVersion() < std::string(EXPECTED_SCINTILLA_VERSION)) { // version de la DLL inferieur a la version attendue => on ne pourra pas editer de scrip LUA FreeLibrary(m_hSciDLL); m_hSciDLL = NULL; std::string strMsgError = "Dll min expected version : "EXPECTED_SCINTILLA_VERSION" obtained : "; strMsgError += versionSciDLL.GetProductVersion(); MessageBox(NULL, strMsgError.c_str(), "Unable to load SciLexer.dll", MB_ICONEXCLAMATION); } } #endif #ifdef TEST_ENGLISH // Pour forcer une langue ::SetThreadLocale(MAKELCID(MAKELANGID(LANG_ENGLISH, SUBLANG_DEFAULT),SORT_DEFAULT)); #endif // nettoyage des clefs de registres de la version precedente // si la version qui s'execute n'est pas identique a celle enregistree dans la base de registres // MFCFP = MFC Feature Pack => pour pouvoir faire cohabiter sur un même PC des versions antérieures à la 1.6.0 et des versions postérieures // a la 1.6.0 // avant la 1.6.0 => IHM basée sur UltimateToolbox et sauvegarde des caractéristiques des fenêtres à plat dans la base de registre // à partir de 1.6.0 => IHM basée sur MFC Feature Pack et sauvegarde des caractéristiques des fenêtres dans une arborescence de clefs // dans la base de registres // le nettoyage de la base de registres plantait si on essaiyait de revenir à une version < 1.6.0 => on différencie la clef de base std::string strReg = "\\CurrentUser\\Software\\" + m_versionInfos.GetCompanyName() + "\\" + m_versionInfos.GetProductName() + "MFCFP\\"; g_Registry.SetFullRegistryItem(strReg.c_str()); CString sVersion=g_Registry.GetStringValue(REGISTRY_KEY_VERSION); CString sProductVersion(m_versionInfos.GetProductVersion().c_str()); if (sVersion != sProductVersion) { DeleteRegTree(&g_Registry); } g_Registry.Close(); // Pour utilisation de RichEditCtrl AfxEnableControlContainer(); AfxInitRichEdit(); // InitCommonControlsEx() est requis sur Windows XP si le manifeste de l'application // spécifie l'utilisation de ComCtl32.dll version 6 ou ultérieure pour activer les // styles visuels. Dans le cas contraire, la création de fenêtres échouera. INITCOMMONCONTROLSEX InitCtrls; InitCtrls.dwSize = sizeof(InitCtrls); // À définir pour inclure toutes les classes de contrôles communs à utiliser // dans votre application. InitCtrls.dwICC = ICC_WIN95_CLASSES; InitCommonControlsEx(&InitCtrls); InitContextMenuManager(); InitShellManager(); InitKeyboardManager(); InitTooltipManager(); CMFCToolTipInfo ttParams; ttParams.m_bVislManagerTheme = TRUE; GetTooltipManager()->SetTooltipParams(AFX_TOOLTIP_TYPE_ALL, RUNTIME_CLASS(CMFCToolTipCtrl), &ttParams); // enregistrement Scintilla #ifndef SCINTILLA_DLL Scintilla_RegisterClasses(AfxGetInstanceHandle()); Scintilla_LinkLexers(); #endif // Supprime pour la gestion multi-lingues // CWinAppEx::InitInstance(); // Initialisation standard // Si vous n'utilisez pas ces fonctionnalités et que vous souhaitez réduire la taille // de votre exécutable final, vous devez supprimer ci-dessous // les routines d'initialisation spécifiques dont vous n'avez pas besoin. // Changez la clé de Registre sous laquelle nos paramètres sont enregistrés // TODO : modifiez cette chaîne avec des informations appropriées, // telles que le nom de votre société ou organisation SetRegistryKey(m_versionInfos.GetCompanyName().c_str()); //First free the string allocated by MFC at CWinApp startup. //The string is allocated before InitInstance is called. free((void*)m_pszProfileName); //Change the name of the .INI file. //The CWinApp destructor will free the memory. // Ce nom est utilise pour la sauvegarde des parametres strReg = m_versionInfos.GetProductName() + "MFCFP"; m_pszProfileName = _tcsdup(strReg.c_str()); LoadStdProfileSettings(4); // Charge les options de fichier INI standard (y compris les derniers fichiers utilisés) // Inscrire les modèles de document de l'application. Ces modèles // lient les documents, fenêtres frame et vues entre eux // creation du manager de doc specifique afin de gerer specifiquement les repertoires // de sauvegarde des diffents documents. // cf http://www.codeguru.com/cpp/w-d/dislog/commondialogs/article.php/c1967 m_pDocManager = new COngTVDocManager; // Creation doc template pour les scripts LUA (uniquement si DLL scintilla disponible) if (NULL != m_hSciDLL) { m_pNewLuaDocTemplate = new CMultiDocTemplate( IDR_LUATYPE , RUNTIME_CLASS(CLuaDoc) , RUNTIME_CLASS(CLuaChildFrame) , RUNTIME_CLASS(CLuaView) ); if (!m_pNewLuaDocTemplate) return FALSE; AddDocTemplate(m_pNewLuaDocTemplate); } // Installe la police DINA HRSRC hRes = FindResource(NULL, MAKEINTRESOURCE(IDR_DINA), _T("DINA")); PVOID lpFont = LockResource(LoadResource(NULL, hRes)); DWORD dwSize = SizeofResource(NULL, hRes), cFonts = 0; m_hDinaFont = AddFontMemResourceEx(lpFont, dwSize, NULL, &cFonts); ASSERT(cFonts > 0); // crée la fenêtre frame MDI principale CMainFrame* pMainFrame = new CMainFrame; // On parse la ligne de commande CCmdLine cmdLine; cmdLine.SplitLine(__argc, __argv); // On indique le fichier de configuration ("" par defaut) std::string configFileName = cmdLine.GetSafeArgument("-cnx", 0, ""); pMainFrame->SetConfigFile(configFileName); m_pMainWnd = pMainFrame; if (!pMainFrame || !pMainFrame->LoadFrame(IDR_MAINFRAME)) { delete pMainFrame; return FALSE; } // La fenêtre principale a été initialisée et peut donc être affichée et mise à jour pMainFrame->ShowWindow(m_nCmdShow); pMainFrame->UpdateWindow(); return TRUE; }
int main(int argc, char* argv[]) { // Read parameters from console. CCmdLine cmdLine; if(cmdLine.SplitLine(argc, argv) < 5) { cerr << "Usage: ./bbnet -s score_file -n node -b bkg -f func_depth -o output" << endl; cerr << endl << "Additional parameter:" << endl; cerr << "-k\tPenalty parameter(logK, Default = 5.0)" << endl; cerr << "-c\tnumber of candidate motifs (Default=50)" << endl; cerr << "-d\tpositive negative (for prediction using BN)" << endl; cerr << "-l\toutput of all training samples' information." << endl; cerr << "-t\ttranslational(transcriptional) start sites.(Default = right end)" << endl; cerr << "-rb\tbit-string to determine which rules to include.(Default = 111110)" << endl; cerr << "-i\tUse mutual information instead of Bayesian score" << endl; cerr << endl << "Contact: \"Li Shen\"<*****@*****.**>" << endl; return 1; } string s, n, b, f, o; try { s = cmdLine.GetArgument("-s", 0); // score file. n = cmdLine.GetArgument("-n", 0); // node gene list file. b = cmdLine.GetArgument("-b", 0); // bkg gene list file. f = cmdLine.GetArgument("-f", 0); // func depth folder. o = cmdLine.GetArgument("-o", 0); // results output file. } catch(int) { cerr << "Wrong arguments!" << endl; return 1; } if(cmdLine.HasSwitch("-i")) itag = true; //itag = true; //string s = "../gbnet/data/Beer/scor_test.list"; //string n = "../gbnet/data/Beer/node.list"; //string b = "../gbnet/data/Beer/bkg.list"; //string f = "../gbnet/data/Beer/func"; //string k = "0.015"; //logK = atof(k.data()); //string o = "../gbnet/data/Beer/bb_res_test2.txt"; string k; // Penalty parameter; logK value. if(!itag) k = cmdLine.GetSafeArgument("-k", 0, "5.0"); else k = cmdLine.GetSafeArgument("-k", 0, "0.015"); logK = atof(k.data()); string c = cmdLine.GetSafeArgument("-c", 0, "50"); // number of candidate motifs. default = 50. motifcand = atoi(c.data()); // Use prior counts for some motifs if specified. string p = cmdLine.GetSafeArgument("-p", 0, "0"); // prior counts. pricnt = atoi(p.data()); if(pricnt > 0) // read preferred motifs list from file. { prior = 1; string fPrim = cmdLine.GetSafeArgument("-p", 1, "primot.txt"); vector<string> primv; if(get1stcol(fPrim, primv) < 0) return 1; for(size_t i = 0; i < primv.size(); i++) primo.insert(primv[i]); } // File names for positive, negative and left-out testing lists. string pos = cmdLine.GetSafeArgument("-d", 0, ""); // positive testing cases. string neg = cmdLine.GetSafeArgument("-d", 1, ""); // negative testing cases. string res = cmdLine.GetSafeArgument("-d", 2, ""); // left-out testing cases. vector<string> plst, nlst, rlst; // positive, negative and left-out lists. if(pos != "" && neg != "") { if(get1stcol(pos, plst) < 0) return 1; if(get1stcol(neg, nlst) < 0) return 1; } if(res != "") { if(get1stcol(res, rlst) < 0) return 1; } // File for output of all training samples' information. string finfo = cmdLine.GetSafeArgument("-l", 0, ""); // File to store all genes' translational/transcriptional start sites. string ftss = cmdLine.GetSafeArgument("-t", 0, ""); if(ftss != "") loadtss(ftss, mtss); // A bit-string to determine which rules to include. rb = cmdLine.GetSafeArgument("-rb", 0, "111110"); string bp = cmdLine.GetSafeArgument("-bp", 0, ""); // Output each gene's probability like in Beer's prediction. // Load motif Bayesian score file. if(loadscor(mscor, s) != 0) { cerr << "Load motif scores eror!" << endl; return 1; } else { #ifdef VERBOSE cout << "Display candidate motifs that are loaded:" << endl; dispscor(mscor); #endif } vector<MotifScore> oscor = mscor; // Save an original copy of motif scores. // Load gene list. vector<Case> tlst, blst, genlst; set<string> genset; if(loadgene(tlst, blst, n, b) != 0) { cerr << "Load gene lists error!" << endl; return 1; } else { genlst.insert(genlst.end(), tlst.begin(), tlst.end()); genlst.insert(genlst.end(), blst.begin(), blst.end()); #ifdef VERBOSE cout << "Load gene list completed!" << endl; #endif // All training and testing gene names are put into genmap. for(size_t i = 0; i < genlst.size(); i++) genset.insert(genlst[i].name); for(size_t i = 0; i < plst.size(); i++) genset.insert(plst[i]); for(size_t i = 0; i < nlst.size(); i++) genset.insert(nlst[i]); for(size_t i = 0; i < rlst.size(); i++) genset.insert(rlst[i]); } // Load motif binding information of genes in genmap. if(loadbind(allbind, mscor, genset, f) != 0) { cerr << "Load binding information error!" << endl; return 1; } else { #ifdef VERBOSE cout << "Load binding information completed!" << endl; #endif } // File for output. ofstream hOut(o.data()); if(!hOut) { cerr << "Can't open " << o << endl; return 1; } hOut << "Number of genes in category 1: " << tlst.size() << endl; hOut << "Number of genes in category 0: " << blst.size() << endl << endl; #ifdef VERBOSE cout << endl << "Running on original data." << endl; #endif vector<Constraint> cons; vector<CPTRow> cpt; clock_t start = clock(); double scor = bbnet(cons, cpt, genlst); clock_t finish = clock(); if(outbayes(hOut, scor, cons, cpt, oscor, tlst.size(), blst.size()) != 0) { cerr << "Output Bayesian network results error!" << endl; return 1; } if(finfo != "") { if(outgene(finfo, tlst, blst, cons) != 0) cerr << "Output training samples' information error!" << endl; return 1; } if(pos != "" && neg != "") { Pred d = predict(cons, cpt, plst, nlst); outpred(hOut, d, n, b, pos, neg); if(bp != "") // output each gene's probability being in this cluster if output file is specified. { ofstream hbp(bp.data()); if(!hbp) { cerr << "Can't open " << bp << endl; return 1; } vector<BPred> trnbp = predict(cons, cpt, genlst, 0); // probabilities for training genes. outpred(hbp, trnbp); vector<string> tstlst; // probabilities for testing genes. tstlst.insert(tstlst.end(), plst.begin(), plst.end()); // positive testings. tstlst.insert(tstlst.end(), nlst.begin(), nlst.end()); // negative testings. vector<BPred> tstbp = predict(cons, cpt, tstlst, 1); outpred(hbp, tstbp); if(res != "") // probabilities for left-out genes if the left-out file is specified. { vector<BPred> lefbp = predict(cons, cpt, rlst, -1); outpred(hbp, lefbp); } hbp.close(); } } hOut << endl << "Bayesian network occupied CPU " << (double)(finish-start)/CLOCKS_PER_SEC << " seconds." << endl; hOut.close(); return 0; }