Esempio n. 1
void CGraphTouchgraphLayoutImpl::moveNodes() 
    lastMaxMotion = maxMotion;
    float maxMotionA;

    PointF pos;
    for(CComPtr<IGraphItemIterator> itr = m_graph->GetChildren(new MetaVisibleSkipper(m_meta)); itr->IsValidItem(); itr->NextItem())
        IGraphItem* item=itr->Get();	

        float dx = m_dv[item->GetID()].x;
        float dy = m_dv[item->GetID()].y;
        dx*=damper;  //The damper slows things down.  It cuts down jiggling at the last moment, and optimizes
        dy*=damper;  //layout.  As an experiment, get rid of the damper in these lines, and make a
        //long straight line of nodes.  It wiggles too much and doesn't straighten out.

        m_dv[item->GetID()].x = dx/2;   //Slow down, but don't stop.  Nodes in motion store momentum.  This helps when the force
        m_dv[item->GetID()].y = dy/2;   //on a node is very low, but you still want to get optimal layout.

        float distMoved = sqrt(dx*dx+dy*dy); //how far did the node actually move?
        //ATLTRACE(_T("Node Moved %f\n"), distMoved);

        CComQIPtr<ILegacyRenderer> lr = m_canvas->GetRenderer(item);
        if(lr && !lr->GetPinned() && !lr->GetDragging())
            pos.x += std::max<float>(-30, std::min<float>(30, dx)); //don't move faster then 30 units at a time.
            pos.y += std::max<float>(-30, std::min<float>(30, dy)); //I forget when this is important.  Stopping severed nodes from flying away?
            CComQIPtr<ILegacySubgraphRenderer> lsgr = m_canvas->GetRenderer(item);
            if(lsgr && !lsgr->GetPinned())
                pos.x += std::max<float>(-30, std::min<float>(30, dx)); //don't move faster then 30 units at a time.
                pos.y += std::max<float>(-30, std::min<float>(30, dy)); //I forget when this is important.  Stopping severed nodes from flying away?

        maxMotionA=std::max<float>(distMoved, maxMotionA);

    maxMotion = maxMotionA;
    if (maxMotion>0) 
        motionRatio = lastMaxMotion/maxMotion-1; //subtract 1 to make a m_positive value mean that
        motionRatio = 0;                         //things are moving faster