Esempio n. 1
// CCompressorJobQueueImpl::RemoveUnwantedResults
// Check result queue items for match with ignore list items.
// * Must be called from inside a locked section *
void CCompressorJobQueueImpl::RemoveUnwantedResults ( void )
    if ( m_IgnoreResultList.empty () )

    for ( std::list < CCompressJobData* >::iterator iter = shared.m_ResultQueue.begin () ; iter != shared.m_ResultQueue.end () ; )
        CCompressJobData* pJobData = *iter;
        if ( MapContains ( m_IgnoreResultList, pJobData ) )
            // Found result to ignore, remove from result and ignore lists, add to finished list
            iter = shared.m_ResultQueue.erase ( iter );
            MapRemove ( m_IgnoreResultList, pJobData );
            pJobData->stage = EJobStage::FINISHED;
            MapInsert ( m_FinishedList, pJobData );

            // Do callback incase any cleanup is needed
            if ( pJobData->HasCallback () )
                shared.m_Mutex.Unlock ();
                pJobData->ProcessCallback ();
                shared.m_Mutex.Lock ();
                goto again;
Esempio n. 2
// CCompressorJobQueueImpl::DoPulse
// Check if any callback functions are due
void CCompressorJobQueueImpl::DoPulse ( void )
    shared.m_Mutex.Lock ();

    // Delete finished
    for ( std::set < CCompressJobData* >::iterator iter = m_FinishedList.begin () ; iter != m_FinishedList.end () ; )
        CCompressJobData* pJobData = *iter;
        m_FinishedList.erase ( iter++ );
        // Check not refed
        assert ( !ListContains ( shared.m_CommandQueue, pJobData ) );
        assert ( !ListContains ( shared.m_ResultQueue, pJobData ) );
        assert ( !MapContains ( m_IgnoreResultList, pJobData ) );
        assert ( !MapContains ( m_FinishedList, pJobData ) );

        assert ( !pJobData->HasCallback () );
        SAFE_DELETE( pJobData );

    // Remove ignored
    RemoveUnwantedResults ();

    // Do pending callbacks
    for ( std::list < CCompressJobData* >::iterator iter = shared.m_ResultQueue.begin () ; iter != shared.m_ResultQueue.end () ; ++iter )
        CCompressJobData* pJobData = *iter;

        if ( pJobData->HasCallback () )
            shared.m_Mutex.Unlock ();
            pJobData->ProcessCallback ();
            shared.m_Mutex.Lock ();

            // Redo from the top to ensure everything is consistent
            goto again;

    shared.m_Mutex.Unlock ();
Esempio n. 3
// CScreenGrabber::ProcessScreenShotQueue
// Process queued requests
void CScreenGrabber::ProcessScreenShotQueue ( void )
    // Check if busy
    if ( m_pCompressJobData )
        // Previous job complete?
        if ( !m_pCompressorJobQueue->PollCommand ( m_pCompressJobData, 0 ) )

        // Compression done
        if ( m_pCompressJobData->HasCallback () )
            m_pCompressJobData->ProcessCallback ();
        m_pCompressJobData = NULL;

    // Anything new?
    if ( m_ScreenShotQueue.empty ()  )

    // Limit queue size
    while( m_ScreenShotQueue.size() >= 20 )
        SScreenShotQueueItem item = m_ScreenShotQueue.front ();
        m_ScreenShotQueue.pop_front ();
        item.pfnScreenShotCallback( NULL, 0, "Too many queued screenshots" );

    // Get new args
    SScreenShotQueueItem item = m_ScreenShotQueue.front ();
    uint uiSizeX = item.uiSizeX;
    uint uiSizeY = item.uiSizeY;
    uint uiQuality = item.uiQuality;
    uint uiTimeSpentInQueue = GetTickCount32 () - item.uiTimeQueued;
    PFN_SCREENSHOT_CALLBACK pfnScreenShotCallback = item.pfnScreenShotCallback;
    m_ScreenShotQueue.pop_front ();

    CBuffer buffer;
    SString strError;
    if ( GetBackBufferPixels ( uiSizeX, uiSizeY, buffer, strError ) )
        // Start compression
        m_pCompressJobData = m_pCompressorJobQueue->AddCommand ( uiSizeX, uiSizeY, uiQuality, uiTimeSpentInQueue, pfnScreenShotCallback, buffer );
        // Pass on error
        pfnScreenShotCallback( NULL, 0, strError );