CContact *CRoutingBin::GetContact(uint32_t ip, uint16_t port, bool tcpPort) const throw() { for (ContactList::const_iterator it = m_entries.begin(); it != m_entries.end(); ++it) { CContact *contact = *it; if ((contact->GetIPAddress() == ip) && ((!tcpPort && port == contact->GetUDPPort()) || (tcpPort && port == contact->GetTCPPort()) || port == 0)) { return contact; } } return NULL; }
TInt Compare(TInt aLeft, TInt aRight) const { CContact* left = arr[aLeft]; CContact* right = arr[aRight]; left->Name(name1, last_name_first); right->Name(name2, last_name_first); //TCollationMethod m = *Mem::CollationMethodByIndex(0); // get the standard method //m.iFlags |= TCollationMethod::EIgnoreNone; // dont ignore punctuation and spaces return name1->CompareC(*name2, 3 /* string level */, NULL); }
void CRoutingBin::SetAlive(CContact *contact) { wxASSERT(contact != NULL); // Check if we already have a contact with this ID in the list. CContact *test = GetContact(contact->GetClientID()); wxASSERT(contact == test); if (test) { // Mark contact as being alive. test->UpdateType(); // Move to the end of the list PushToBottom(test); } }
bool CKademlia::FindNodeIDByIP(CKadClientSearcher& requester, uint32_t ip, uint16_t tcpPort, uint16_t udpPort) { wxCHECK(IsRunning() && instance && GetUDPListener() && GetRoutingZone(), false); // first search our known contacts if we can deliver a result without asking, otherwise forward the request CContact* contact; if ((contact = GetRoutingZone()->GetContact(wxUINT32_SWAP_ALWAYS(ip), tcpPort, true)) != NULL) { uint8_t nodeID[16]; contact->GetClientID().ToByteArray(nodeID); requester.KadSearchNodeIDByIPResult(KCSR_SUCCEEDED, nodeID); return true; } else { return GetUDPListener()->FindNodeIDByIP(&requester, wxUINT32_SWAP_ALWAYS(ip), tcpPort, udpPort); } }
void CRoutingBin::SetTCPPort(uint32_t ip, uint16_t port, uint16_t tcpPort) { // Find contact with IP/Port for (ContactList::iterator it = m_entries.begin(); it != m_entries.end(); ++it) { CContact *c = *it; if ((ip == c->GetIPAddress()) && (port == c->GetUDPPort())) { // Set TCPPort and mark as alive. c->SetTCPPort(tcpPort); c->UpdateType(); // Move to the end of the list PushToBottom(c); break; } } }
bool CKademlia::FindIPByNodeID(CKadClientSearcher& requester, const uint8_t* nodeID) { wxCHECK(IsRunning() && instance && GetUDPListener(), false); // first search our known contacts if we can deliver a result without asking, otherwise forward the request CContact* contact; if ((contact = GetRoutingZone()->GetContact(CUInt128(nodeID))) != NULL) { // make sure that this entry is not too old, otherwise just do a search to be sure if (contact->GetLastSeen() != 0 && time(NULL) - contact->GetLastSeen() < 1800) { requester.KadSearchIPByNodeIDResult(KCSR_SUCCEEDED, wxUINT32_SWAP_ALWAYS(contact->GetIPAddress()), contact->GetTCPPort()); return true; } } return CSearchManager::FindNodeSpecial(CUInt128(nodeID), &requester); }
bool CRoutingZone::Add(CContact* pContact, bool bUpdate) { // If we are not a leaf, call add on the correct branch. if (!IsLeaf()) return m_pSubZones[pContact->GetDistance().GetBitNumber(m_uLevel)]->Add(pContact, bUpdate); else { // Do we already have a contact with this KadID? CContact* pContactUpdate = m_pBin->GetContact(pContact->GetClientID()); if (pContactUpdate) { if(bUpdate) { pContactUpdate->SetIPAddress(pContact->GetIPAddress()); pContactUpdate->SetUDPPort(pContact->GetUDPPort()); pContactUpdate->SetTCPPort(pContact->GetTCPPort()); pContactUpdate->SetVersion(pContact->GetVersion()); m_pBin->SetAlive(pContactUpdate); //------> xt theApp.emuledlg->kademliawnd->ContactRef(pContactUpdate); CKademlia::GetListCtrl()->ContactRef(pContactUpdate); } return false; } else if (m_pBin->GetRemaining()) { // This bin is not full, so add the new contact. if(m_pBin->AddContact(pContact)) { // Add was successful, add to the GUI and let contact know it's listed in the gui. //------> xt if (theApp.emuledlg->kademliawnd->ContactAdd(pContact)) if (CKademlia::GetListCtrl()->ContactAdd(pContact) && CKademlia::GetHistogramCtrl()->ContactAdd(pContact)) { pContact->SetGuiRefs(true); } return true; } return false; } else if (CanSplit()) { // This bin was full and split, call add on the correct branch. Split(); return m_pSubZones[pContact->GetDistance().GetBitNumber(m_uLevel)]->Add(pContact, bUpdate); } else return false; } }
bool CKademlia::FindIPByNodeID(CKadClientSearcher& rRequester, const uchar* pachNodeID){ if (!IsRunning() || m_pInstance == NULL || GetUDPListener() == NULL){ ASSERT( false ); return false; } // first search our known contacts if we can deliver a result without asking, otherwise forward the request CContact* pContact; if ((pContact = GetRoutingZone()->GetContact(CUInt128(pachNodeID))) != NULL){ // make sure that this entry is not too old, otherwise just do a search to be sure if (pContact->GetLastSeen() != 0 && time(NULL) - pContact->GetLastSeen() < 1800){ rRequester.KadSearchIPByNodeIDResult(KCSR_SUCCEEDED, ntohl(pContact->GetIPAddress()), pContact->GetTCPPort()); return true; } } return CSearchManager::FindNodeSpecial(CUInt128(pachNodeID), &rRequester); }
bool CKademlia::FindNodeIDByIP(CKadClientSearcher& rRequester, uint32_t dwIP, uint16_t nTCPPort, uint16_t nUDPPort) { if (!IsRunning() || m_pInstance == NULL || GetUDPListener() == NULL || GetRoutingZone() == NULL){ ASSERT( false ); return false; } // first search our known contacts if we can deliver a result without asking, otherwise forward the request CContact* pContact; if ((pContact = GetRoutingZone()->GetContact(ntohl(dwIP), nTCPPort, true)) != NULL){ uchar uchID[16]; pContact->GetClientID().ToByteArray(uchID); rRequester.KadSearchNodeIDByIPResult(KCSR_SUCCEEDED, uchID); return true; } else return GetUDPListener()->FindNodeIDByIP(&rRequester, ntohl(dwIP), nTCPPort, nUDPPort); }
bool CRoutingZone::VerifyContact(const CUInt128& id, uint32_t ip) { CContact* contact = GetContact(id); if (contact == NULL) { return false; } else if (ip != contact->GetIPAddress()) { return false; } else { if (contact->IsIPVerified()) { LogKadLine(LOG_DEBUG /*logKadRouting*/, L"Sender already verified (sender: %s)", IPToStr(ip).c_str()); } else { contact->SetIPVerified(true); } return true; } }
TInt CPhoneBkEngine::compareName(const CContact& aFirst, const CContact& aSecond) { HBufC* name1 = HBufC::NewL(128); CleanupStack::PushL(name1); HBufC* name2 = HBufC::NewL(128); CleanupStack::PushL(name2); aFirst.Name(name1, false); aSecond.Name(name2, false); TInt comparison = name1->CompareC(*name2, 3 /* string level */, NULL); CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(2); return comparison; }
void CRoutingZone::DbgWriteBootstrapFile() { DebugLogWarning(_T("Writing special bootstrap nodes.dat - not intended for normal use")); try { // Write a saved contact list. CUInt128 uID; CSafeBufferedFile file; CFileException fexp; if (file.Open(m_sFilename, CFile::modeWrite | CFile::modeCreate | CFile::typeBinary|CFile::shareDenyWrite, &fexp)) { setvbuf(file.m_pStream, NULL, _IOFBF, 32768); // The bootstrap method gets a very nice sample of contacts to save. ContactMap mapContacts; CUInt128 uRandom(CUInt128((ULONG)0), 0); CUInt128 uDistance = uRandom; uDistance.Xor(uMe); GetClosestTo(2, uRandom, uDistance, 1200, &mapContacts, false, false); // filter out Kad1 nodes for (ContactMap::iterator itContactMap = mapContacts.begin(); itContactMap != mapContacts.end(); ) { ContactMap::iterator itCurContactMap = itContactMap; ++itContactMap; CContact* pContact = itCurContactMap->second; if (pContact->GetVersion() <= 1) mapContacts.erase(itCurContactMap); } // Start file with 0 to prevent older clients from reading it. file.WriteUInt32(0); // Now tag it with a version which happens to be 2 (1 till 0.48a). file.WriteUInt32(3); file.WriteUInt32(1); // if we would use version >=3, this would mean that this is not a normal nodes.dat file.WriteUInt32((uint32_t)mapContacts.size()); for (ContactMap::const_iterator itContactMap = mapContacts.begin(); itContactMap != mapContacts.end(); ++itContactMap) { CContact* pContact = itContactMap->second; pContact->GetClientID(&uID); file.WriteUInt128(&uID); file.WriteUInt32(pContact->GetIPAddress()); file.WriteUInt16(pContact->GetUDPPort()); file.WriteUInt16(pContact->GetTCPPort()); file.WriteUInt8(pContact->GetVersion()); } file.Close(); AddDebugLogLine( false, _T("Wrote %ld contact to bootstrap file."), mapContacts.size()); } else DebugLogError(_T("Unable to store Kad file: %s"), m_sFilename); } catch (CFileException* e) { e->Delete(); AddDebugLogLine(false, _T("CFileException in CRoutingZone::writeFile")); } }
// Returns true if a contact was added or updated, false if the routing table was not touched. bool CRoutingZone::AddUnfiltered(const CUInt128& id, uint32_t ip, uint16_t port, uint16_t tport, uint8_t version, const CKadUDPKey& key, bool& ipVerified, bool update, bool fromHello) { if (id != me) { CContact *contact = new CContact(id, ip, port, tport, version, key, ipVerified); if (fromHello) { contact->SetReceivedHelloPacket(); } if (Add(contact, update, ipVerified)) { ASSERT(!update); return true; } else { delete contact; return update; } } return false; }
bool CRoutingZone::VerifyContact(const CUInt128 &uID, uint32_t uIP){ CContact* pContact = GetContact(uID); if (pContact == NULL){ return false; } else if (uIP != pContact->GetIPAddress()) return false; else { if (pContact->IsIpVerified()) DebugLogWarning(_T("Kad: VerifyContact: Sender already verified (sender: %s)"), ipstr(ntohl(uIP))); else{ pContact->SetIpVerified(true); theApp.emuledlg->kademliawnd->ContactRef(pContact); } return true; } }
void CRoutingBin::setAlive(uint32 ip, uint16 port) { if (m_entries.empty()) return; CContact *c; ContactList::iterator it; for (it = m_entries.begin(); it != m_entries.end(); it++) { c = *it; if ((ip == c->getIPAddress()) && (port == c->getUDPPort())) { c->updateType(); break; } } }
bool CRoutingZone::IsAcceptableContact(const CContact *toCheck) const { // Check if we know a contact with the same ID or IP but notmatching IP/ID and other limitations, similar checks like when adding a node to the table except allowing duplicates // we use this to check KADEMLIA_RES routing answers on searches if (toCheck->GetVersion() <= 1) { // No Kad1 contacts allowed return false; } CContact *duplicate = GetContact(toCheck->GetClientID()); if (duplicate != NULL) { if ((duplicate->IsIPVerified() && duplicate->GetIPAddress() != toCheck->GetIPAddress()) || duplicate->GetUDPPort() != toCheck->GetUDPPort()) { // already existing verified node with different IP return false; } else { // node exists already in our routing table, that's fine return true; } } // if the node is not yet known, check if our IP limitations would hit return CRoutingBin::CheckGlobalIPLimits(toCheck->GetIPAddress(), toCheck->GetUDPPort()); }
void CRoutingBin::setTCPPort(uint32 ip, uint16 port, uint16 tcpPort) { if (m_entries.empty()) return; CContact *c; ContactList::iterator it; for (it = m_entries.begin(); it != m_entries.end(); it++) { c = *it; if ((ip == c->getIPAddress()) && (port == c->getUDPPort())) { c->setTCPPort(tcpPort); c->updateType(); // Move to the end of the list remove(c); m_entries.push_back(c); break; } } }
void CRoutingZone::WriteFile() { // don't overwrite a bootstrap nodes.dat with an empty one, if we didn't finished probing if (!CKademlia::s_liBootstapList.IsEmpty() && GetNumContacts() == 0){ DebugLogWarning(_T("Skipped storing nodes.dat, because we have an unfinished bootstrap of the nodes.dat version and no contacts in our routing table")); return; } try { // Write a saved contact list. CUInt128 uID; CSafeBufferedFile file; CFileException fexp; if (file.Open(m_sFilename, CFile::modeWrite | CFile::modeCreate | CFile::typeBinary|CFile::shareDenyWrite, &fexp)) { setvbuf(file.m_pStream, NULL, _IOFBF, 32768); // The bootstrap method gets a very nice sample of contacts to save. ContactList listContacts; GetBootstrapContacts(&listContacts, 200); // Start file with 0 to prevent older clients from reading it. file.WriteUInt32(0); // Now tag it with a version which happens to be 2 (1 till 0.48a). file.WriteUInt32(2); // file.WriteUInt32(0) // if we would use version >=3, this would mean that this is a normal nodes.dat file.WriteUInt32((uint32_t)listContacts.size()); for (ContactList::const_iterator itContactList = listContacts.begin(); itContactList != listContacts.end(); ++itContactList) { CContact* pContact = *itContactList; pContact->GetClientID(&uID); file.WriteUInt128(&uID); file.WriteUInt32(pContact->GetIPAddress()); file.WriteUInt16(pContact->GetUDPPort()); file.WriteUInt16(pContact->GetTCPPort()); file.WriteUInt8(pContact->GetVersion()); pContact->GetUDPKey().StoreToFile(file); file.WriteUInt8(pContact->IsIpVerified() ? 1 : 0); } file.Close(); AddDebugLogLine( false, _T("Wrote %ld contact%s to file."), listContacts.size(), ((listContacts.size() == 1) ? _T("") : _T("s"))); } else DebugLogError(_T("Unable to store Kad file: %s"), m_sFilename); } catch (CFileException* e) { e->Delete(); AddDebugLogLine(false, _T("CFileException in CRoutingZone::writeFile")); } }
void CMainApp::OnResolverResponse(wxThreadEvent& event) { unsigned key = event.GetInt(); unsigned data = event.GetExtraLong(); CContact c = event.GetPayload<CContact>(); CJournalEntry *pE = findActiveEntry(key); if (pE != NULL) { if (data == RESOLVE_CALLER) { pE->setCallerName(c.getSN()); if (pE->getType() == CJournalEntry::J_INCOMING) { pE->setImage(c.getImage()); } } else if (data == RESOLVE_CALLED) { pE->setCalledName(c.getSN()); if (pE->getType() == CJournalEntry::J_OUTGOING) { pE->setImage(c.getImage()); } } m_pJournalModel->insertUpdateEntry(*pE); } else { CJournalEntry e; if (findJournalEntry(key, e)) { if (data == RESOLVE_CALLER) e.setCallerName(c.getSN()); if (data == RESOLVE_CALLED) e.setCalledName(c.getSN()); m_pJournalModel->insertUpdateEntry(e); } } }
// Returns true if a contact was added or updated, false if the routing table was not touched bool CRoutingZone::AddUnfiltered(const CUInt128 &uID, uint32_t uIP, uint16_t uUDPPort, uint16_t uTCPPort, uint8_t uVersion, CKadUDPKey cUDPKey, bool& bIPVerified, bool bUpdate, bool bFromNodesDat, bool bFromHello) { if (uID != uMe) { // JOHNTODO -- How do these end up leaking at times? CContact* pContact = new CContact(uID, uIP, uUDPPort, uTCPPort, uVersion, cUDPKey, bIPVerified); if (bFromNodesDat) pContact->CheckIfKad2(); // do not test nodes which we loaded from our nodes.dat for Kad2 again else if (bFromHello) pContact->SetReceivedHelloPacket(); if (Add(pContact, bUpdate, bIPVerified)){ ASSERT( !bUpdate ); return true; } else{ delete pContact; return bUpdate; } } return false; }
bool CRoutingZone::IsAcceptableContact(const CContact* pToCheck) const { // Check if we know a conact with the same ID or IP but notmatching IP/ID and other limitations, similar checks like when adding a node to the table except allowing duplicates // we use this to check KADEMLIA_RES routing answers on searches CContact* pDuplicate = GetContact(pToCheck->GetClientID()); if (pDuplicate != NULL) { if (pDuplicate->IsIpVerified() && (pDuplicate->GetIPAddress() != pToCheck->GetIPAddress() || pDuplicate->GetUDPPort() != pToCheck->GetUDPPort())) { // already existing verfied node with different IP return false; } else return true; // node exists already in our routing table, thats fine } // if the node is not yet know, check if we out IP limitations would hit #ifdef _DEBUG return CRoutingBin::CheckGlobalIPLimits(pToCheck->GetIPAddress(), pToCheck->GetUDPPort(), true); #else return CRoutingBin::CheckGlobalIPLimits(pToCheck->GetIPAddress(), pToCheck->GetUDPPort(), false); #endif }
void CSQLiteAddressbook::deleteEntry(const CContact& c) { if (isOk()) { soci::session session(m_conn_pool); int contactkey = (int) c.getDbKey(); try { if (contactkey != 0) { session.begin(); session << "delete from contacts " "where id = :id", use(contactkey); session.commit(); } } catch (const std::exception& e) { m_strLastError = e.what(); session.rollback(); wxMessageBox(wxString::FromUTF8(, m_strLastError.length()), wxT("SQLite Plugin"), wxOK|wxICON_ERROR); } } }
void CRoutingZone::WriteFile() { try { // Write a saved contact list. CUInt128 uID; //CSafeBufferedFile file; CBufferedFileIO file; CFileException fexp; if (file.Open(m_sFilename, CFile::modeWrite | CFile::modeCreate | CFile::typeBinary|CFile::shareDenyWrite, &fexp)) { setvbuf(file.m_pStream, NULL, _IOFBF, 32768); // The bootstrap method gets a very nice sample of contacts to save. ContactList listContacts; GetBootstrapContacts(&listContacts, 200); // Start file with 0 to prevent older clients from reading it. file.WriteUInt32(0); // Now tag it with a version which happens to be 1. file.WriteUInt32(1); file.WriteUInt32((uint32)listContacts.size()); for (ContactList::const_iterator itContactList = listContacts.begin(); itContactList != listContacts.end(); ++itContactList) { CContact* pContact = *itContactList; pContact->GetClientID(&uID); file.WriteUInt128(&uID); file.WriteUInt32(pContact->GetIPAddress()); file.WriteUInt16(pContact->GetUDPPort()); file.WriteUInt16(pContact->GetTCPPort()); file.WriteUInt8(pContact->GetVersion()); } file.Close(); //AddDebugLogLine( false, _T("Wrote %ld contact%s to file."), listContacts.size(), ((listContacts.size() == 1) ? _T("") : _T("s"))); TRACE(_T("Wrote %ld contact%s to file.\n"), listContacts.size(), ((listContacts.size() == 1) ? _T("") : _T("s"))); } } catch (CFileException* e) { e->Delete(); AddDebugLogLine(false, _T("CFileException in CRoutingZone::writeFile")); } }
void CUDPFirewallTester::QueryNextClient(){ // try the next available client for the firewallcheck if (!IsFWCheckUDPRunning() || !GetUDPCheckClientsNeeded() || CKademlia::GetPrefs()->GetExternalKadPort() == 0) return; // check if more tests are needed and wait till we know our extern port if (!CKademlia::IsRunning() || CKademlia::GetRoutingZone() == NULL){ ASSERT( false ); return; } while (!m_liPossibleTestClients.IsEmpty()){ CContact curContact = m_liPossibleTestClients.RemoveHead(); // udp firewallchecks are not supported by clients with kadversion < 6 if (curContact.GetVersion() <= KADEMLIA_VERSION5_48a) continue; // sanitize - do not test ourself if (ntohl(curContact.GetIPAddress()) == theApp.GetPublicIP() || curContact.GetClientID().CompareTo(CKademlia::GetPrefs()->GetKadID()) == 0) continue; // check if we actually requested a firewallcheck from this client at some point bool bAlreadyRequested = false; for (POSITION pos = m_liUsedTestClients.GetHeadPosition(); pos != NULL;){ if (m_liUsedTestClients.GetNext(pos).contact.GetIPAddress() == curContact.GetIPAddress()){ bAlreadyRequested = true; break; } } // check if we know itsIP already from kademlia - we need an IP which was never used for UDP yet if (!bAlreadyRequested && CKademlia::GetRoutingZone()->GetContact(curContact.GetIPAddress(), 0, false) == NULL){ // ok, tell the clientlist to do the same search and start the check if ok if (theApp.clientlist->DoRequestFirewallCheckUDP(curContact)){ UsedClient_Struct sAdd = { curContact, false }; m_liUsedTestClients.AddHead(sAdd); m_byFWChecksRunningUDP++; break; } } } }
LPMAPIFOLDER CExMapi::GetContacts(LPMAPIFOLDER pFolder,LONG& folderCount,LONG& contactCount,LONG& skipCount,LONG& contactIndex,CObArray& contactArray,BOOL doLog) { __recursionCount++; wchar_t buffer[5]; _itow(__recursionCount,buffer,10); if(doLog) { if(__recursionCount > 1) m_logHelper.LogPAB(L"-------------------------------------"); m_logHelper.LogPAB(L"Recursive Call No: "+CString(buffer)); m_logHelper.LogPAB(L"-------------------------------------"); } CString strFilterBy = m_pCtrl->GetPABSerachBy(); CString strStartWith = m_pCtrl->GetPABSerachStartWith(); strStartWith = strStartWith.MakeLower(); ULONG pageSize; m_pCtrl->get_PABPageSize(&pageSize); LONG pageNumber = m_pCtrl->GetPABPageNumber(); LONG startIndex = -1; if(pageSize>0) { startIndex = (pageSize * pageNumber) - pageSize; } LPMAPIFOLDER pSubFolder=NULL; LPMAPITABLE pHierarchy; CString strFolder; try { if(doLog) m_logHelper.LogPAB(L"RELEASE(m_pHierarchy); START"); RELEASE(m_pHierarchy); if(doLog) m_logHelper.LogPAB(L"RELEASE(m_pHierarchy); END"); if(doLog) m_logHelper.LogPAB(L"pHierarchy = GetHierarchy(pFolder); START"); pHierarchy = GetHierarchy(pFolder); if(doLog) m_logHelper.LogPAB(L"pHierarchy = GetHierarchy(pFolder); END"); if(pHierarchy) { LPMAPIFOLDER pRecurse = NULL; do { RELEASE(pSubFolder); m_pHierarchy = pHierarchy; if(doLog) m_logHelper.LogPAB(L"pSubFolder = GetNextSubFolder(strFolder,pFolder); START"); pSubFolder = GetNextSubFolder(strFolder,pFolder); if(doLog) m_logHelper.LogPAB(L"pSubFolder = GetNextSubFolder(strFolder,pFolder); END"); if(pSubFolder) { //if(strFolder == L"Deleted Items") // continue; if(IsContactFolder(pSubFolder)) { folderCount++; if(doLog) m_logHelper.LogPAB(L"if(GetContents(pSubFolder)) START"); if(GetContents(pSubFolder)) { if(doLog) m_logHelper.LogPAB(L"if(GetContents(pSubFolder)) END"); SortContents(TABLE_SORT_ASCEND,PR_DISPLAY_NAME); //SortContents(TABLE_SORT_ASCEND,PR_SUBJECT); CString strText; CExMapiContact mapiContact; CString name; CString email; BOOL mustFilter = FALSE; mustFilter = strStartWith != ""; if(doLog) m_logHelper.LogPAB(L"Start Reading Contact properties"); while(GetNextContact(mapiContact) && !m_pCtrl->IsPABSearchAbort()) { if(pageSize > 0) { if(contactCount == pageSize) { break; } } contactIndex++; if(mustFilter) { if(strFilterBy == "Name") { mapiContact.GetName(name,PR_GIVEN_NAME); name = name.MakeLower(); if(name.Find(strStartWith) != 0) { continue; } } if(strFilterBy == "Email") { mapiContact.GetEmail(email); email = email.MakeLower(); if(email.Find(strStartWith) != 0) { continue; } } } if(startIndex > 0 && skipCount < startIndex) { skipCount++; continue; } CContact* pContact = new CContact(); pContact->SetId(contactIndex); pContact->SetFolderName(strFolder); mapiContact.GetName(strText); pContact->SetFullName(strText); mapiContact.GetCompany(strText); pContact->SetCompany(strText); mapiContact.GetIMAddress(strText); pContact->SetIMAddress(strText); mapiContact.GetName(strText,PR_GIVEN_NAME); pContact->SetFirstName(strText); mapiContact.GetName(strText,PR_MIDDLE_NAME); pContact->SetMiddleName(strText); mapiContact.GetName(strText,PR_SURNAME); pContact->SetLastName(strText); mapiContact.GetEmail(strText); pContact->SetEmail(strText); mapiContact.GetEmail(strText,2);//Email 2 pContact->SetEmail2(strText); mapiContact.GetEmail(strText,3);//Email 3 pContact->SetEmail3(strText); mapiContact.GetPhoneNumber(strText,PR_BUSINESS_TELEPHONE_NUMBER); pContact->SetBusinessPhone(strText); mapiContact.GetPhoneNumber(strText,PR_COMPANY_MAIN_PHONE_NUMBER); pContact->SetCompanyPhone(strText); mapiContact.GetPhoneNumber(strText,PR_BUSINESS_FAX_NUMBER); pContact->SetFax(strText); mapiContact.GetPhoneNumber(strText,PR_MOBILE_TELEPHONE_NUMBER); pContact->SetMobilePhone(strText); mapiContact.GetPhoneNumber(strText,PR_HOME_TELEPHONE_NUMBER); pContact->SetHomePhone(strText); if(m_pCtrl->FetchUnique()) { BOOL isContactExist = FALSE; for(int i=0;i<contactArray.GetCount();i++) { CContact* pTemp = (CContact*)contactArray.GetAt(i); if(pContact->GetEmail() != "" && pTemp->GetEmail() == pContact->GetEmail()) { isContactExist = TRUE; break; } else if(pContact->GetFullName() != "" && pTemp->GetFullName() == pContact->GetFullName()) { isContactExist = TRUE; break; } else if(pContact->GetMobilePhone() != "" && pTemp->GetMobilePhone() == pContact->GetMobilePhone()) { isContactExist = TRUE; break; } else if(pContact->GetHomePhone() != "" && pTemp->GetHomePhone() == pContact->GetHomePhone()) { isContactExist = TRUE; break; } else if(pContact->GetBusinessPhone() != "" && pTemp->GetBusinessPhone() == pContact->GetBusinessPhone()) { isContactExist = TRUE; break; } } if(isContactExist) { continue; } } contactArray.Add(pContact); contactCount++; } } } m_pHierarchy = NULL; // so we don't release it in subsequent drilldown if(pageSize > 0) { if(contactCount == pageSize) break; } if(__recursionCount < m_pCtrl->GetSubFOlderLevel()) { pRecurse = GetContacts(pSubFolder,folderCount,contactCount,skipCount,contactIndex,contactArray,doLog); } if(pRecurse) { RELEASE(pSubFolder); pSubFolder = pRecurse; break; } } else { __recursionCount = 1; } if(pageSize > 0) { if(contactCount == pageSize) break; } } while(pSubFolder && !m_pCtrl->IsPABSearchAbort()); RELEASE(pHierarchy); m_pHierarchy=NULL; } // this may occur many times depending on how deep the recursion is; make sure we haven't already assigned m_pFolder if(pSubFolder && m_pFolder!=pSubFolder) { RELEASE(m_pFolder); m_pFolder=pSubFolder; } } catch(_com_error &e) { if(doLog) { m_logHelper.LogPAB(L"GetContactFolderCount Exception Catch START:"); m_logHelper.LogPAB(L"FolderName: " + strFolder ); m_logHelper.LogPAB(e.ErrorMessage()); m_logHelper.LogPAB(L"GetContactFolderCount Exception Catch END:"); } } return pSubFolder; }
BOOL CExMapi::GetContacts(CObArray& contactArray,CTRError& error) { BOOL doLog = m_pCtrl->IsEnableLog(); if(doLog) { m_logHelper.LogPAB(L"------------------------------------"); m_logHelper.LogPAB(L"Function GetPABCotacts START:"); m_logHelper.LogPAB(L"------------------------------------"); } CString strFilterBy = m_pCtrl->GetPABSerachBy(); CString strStartWith = m_pCtrl->GetPABSerachStartWith(); strStartWith = strStartWith.MakeLower(); ULONG pageSize; m_pCtrl->get_PABPageSize(&pageSize); ULONG pageNumber = m_pCtrl->GetPABPageNumber(); LONG contactCount = 0; LONG skipCount = 0; LONG startIndex = -1; LONG contactIndex = 0; LONG folderCount = 0; if(pageSize>0) { startIndex = (pageSize * pageNumber) - pageSize; } CString strFolder; int msgStoreCount = 0; wchar_t buffer[5]; LPMAPIFOLDER pSubFolder=NULL; LPMAPITABLE lpMsgStoreTable = NULL; lpMsgStoreTable = GetMessageStoresTable(); if(lpMsgStoreTable) { while(OpenNextMessageStore(lpMsgStoreTable)) { //GetContacts(OpenRootFolder(),folderCount,contactCount,skipCount,contactIndex,contactArray); msgStoreCount++; _itow(msgStoreCount,buffer,10); if(doLog) { if(msgStoreCount > 1) m_logHelper.LogPAB(L"-------------------------------------"); m_logHelper.LogPAB(L"Message Store No : "+CString(buffer)); m_logHelper.LogPAB(L"-------------------------------------"); } pSubFolder = OpenContacts(); if(pSubFolder && IsContactFolder(pSubFolder)) { if(doLog) m_logHelper.LogPAB(L"Open Main Contacts Folder"); strFolder = GetFolderName(pSubFolder); folderCount++; if(GetContents(pSubFolder)) { SortContents(TABLE_SORT_ASCEND,PR_DISPLAY_NAME); //SortContents(TABLE_SORT_ASCEND,PR_SUBJECT); CString strText; CExMapiContact mapiContact; CString name; CString email; BOOL mustFilter = FALSE; mustFilter = strStartWith != ""; if(doLog) m_logHelper.LogPAB(L"Start reading contacts from main contact fodler"); while(GetNextContact(mapiContact) && !m_pCtrl->IsPABSearchAbort()) { if(pageSize > 0) { if(contactCount == pageSize) { break; } } contactIndex++; if(mustFilter) { if(strFilterBy == "Name") { mapiContact.GetName(name,PR_GIVEN_NAME); name = name.MakeLower(); if(name.Find(strStartWith) != 0) { continue; } } if(strFilterBy == "Email") { mapiContact.GetEmail(email); email = email.MakeLower(); if(email.Find(strStartWith) != 0) { continue; } } } if(startIndex > 0 && skipCount < startIndex) { skipCount++; continue; } CContact* pContact = new CContact(); pContact->SetId(contactIndex); pContact->SetFolderName(strFolder); mapiContact.GetName(strText); pContact->SetFullName(strText); mapiContact.GetCompany(strText); pContact->SetCompany(strText); mapiContact.GetIMAddress(strText); pContact->SetIMAddress(strText); mapiContact.GetName(strText,PR_GIVEN_NAME); pContact->SetFirstName(strText); mapiContact.GetName(strText,PR_MIDDLE_NAME); pContact->SetMiddleName(strText); mapiContact.GetName(strText,PR_SURNAME); pContact->SetLastName(strText); mapiContact.GetEmail(strText); pContact->SetEmail(strText); mapiContact.GetEmail(strText,2);//Email 2 pContact->SetEmail2(strText); mapiContact.GetEmail(strText,3);//Email 3 pContact->SetEmail3(strText); mapiContact.GetPhoneNumber(strText,PR_BUSINESS_TELEPHONE_NUMBER); pContact->SetBusinessPhone(strText); mapiContact.GetPhoneNumber(strText,PR_COMPANY_MAIN_PHONE_NUMBER); pContact->SetCompanyPhone(strText); mapiContact.GetPhoneNumber(strText,PR_BUSINESS_FAX_NUMBER); pContact->SetFax(strText); mapiContact.GetPhoneNumber(strText,PR_MOBILE_TELEPHONE_NUMBER); pContact->SetMobilePhone(strText); mapiContact.GetPhoneNumber(strText,PR_HOME_TELEPHONE_NUMBER); pContact->SetHomePhone(strText); if(m_pCtrl->FetchUnique()) { BOOL isContactExist = FALSE; for(int i=0;i<contactArray.GetCount();i++) { CContact* pTemp = (CContact*)contactArray.GetAt(i); if(pContact->GetEmail() != "" && pTemp->GetEmail() == pContact->GetEmail()) { isContactExist = TRUE; break; } else if(pContact->GetFullName() != "" && pTemp->GetFullName() == pContact->GetFullName()) { isContactExist = TRUE; break; } else if(pContact->GetMobilePhone() != "" && pTemp->GetMobilePhone() == pContact->GetMobilePhone()) { isContactExist = TRUE; break; } else if(pContact->GetHomePhone() != "" && pTemp->GetHomePhone() == pContact->GetHomePhone()) { isContactExist = TRUE; break; } else if(pContact->GetBusinessPhone() != "" && pTemp->GetBusinessPhone() == pContact->GetBusinessPhone()) { isContactExist = TRUE; break; } } if(isContactExist) { continue; } } contactArray.Add(pContact); contactCount++; } } if(doLog) m_logHelper.LogPAB(L"Open Sub Contacts Folder"); GetContacts(pSubFolder,folderCount,contactCount,skipCount,contactIndex,contactArray,doLog); } if(pageSize > 0) { if(contactCount == pageSize) break; } if(m_pCtrl->IsPABSearchAbort()) break; __recursionCount = 0; } } if(doLog) { m_logHelper.LogPAB(L"------------------------------------"); m_logHelper.LogPAB(L"Function GetPABCotacts END:"); m_logHelper.LogPAB(L"------------------------------------"); m_logHelper.ClosePABLog(); } __recursionCount = 0; RELEASE(lpMsgStoreTable); if(folderCount == 0 && !m_pCtrl->IsPABSearchAbort()) { error.code = 107; error.err = "TRContactFinder Cannot find private folders."; return FALSE; } return TRUE; }
TBool CVoIPForm::SaveFormDataL() { CVoIPAppUi* iAppUi = static_cast<CVoIPAppUi*> (iEikonEnv->EikAppUi()); CVoIPDocument* iDocument = static_cast<CVoIPDocument*> (iAppUi->Document()); TInt iModifyIndex = iDocument->ModifyIndex(); RPointerArray<CContact> contacts = iAppUi->GetPhoneBook()->GetContactsL(); if (iModifyIndex >= 0) { CContact* contact = contacts[iModifyIndex]; if (contact) { iAppUi->GetPhoneBook()->DeleteContactItem(contact->GetEntryId()); TContactItemId contactItemId = iAppUi->GetPhoneBook()->CreateDefaultContactItem(); contact->SetEntryId(contactItemId); CPbkContactItem* contactItem = iAppUi->GetPhoneBook()->OpenContactItemLCX(contactItemId); TInt pageId = ActivePageId(); RArray<CEikCaptionedControl*> aControls; ControlsOnPage(aControls, pageId); for (TInt i = 0; i < aControls.Count(); i++) { CEikCaptionedControl* control = ((CEikCaptionedControl*) aControls[i]); TPbkContactItemField* field = contactItem->FindField( control->iId); if (field == NULL) { CPbkFieldInfo* fieldInfo = iAppUi->GetPhoneBook()->GetFieldsInfo().Find( control->iId); contactItem->AddFieldL(*fieldInfo); field = contactItem->FindField(control->iId); } field->SetLabelL(control->GetFullCaptionText()); CPbkFieldInfo& fieldInfo = field->FieldInfo(); if (fieldInfo.CtrlType() == EPbkFieldCtrlTypeDateEditor) { CEikDateEditor* nEditor = static_cast<CEikDateEditor*> (ControlOrNull( control->iId)); TTime time = nEditor->Date(); field->DateTimeStorage()->SetTime(time); } else { CEikEdwin* nEditor = static_cast<CEikEdwin*> (ControlOrNull( control->iId)); HBufC* text = nEditor->GetTextInHBufL(); field->TextStorage()->SetText(text); } } aControls.Reset(); iAppUi->GetPhoneBook()->CommitContactItem(contactItem); CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(2); //OpenContactItemLCX } } return ETrue; }
void CVoIPForm::LoadFormValuesFromDataL() { TInt pageId = ActivePageId(); // Delete all controls not saved. RArray<CEikCaptionedControl*> aControls; ControlsOnPage(aControls, pageId); for (TInt i = 0; i < aControls.Count(); i++) { CEikCaptionedControl* control = ((CEikCaptionedControl*) aControls[i]); DeleteLine(control->iId, EFalse); } aControls.Reset(); // Create controls based on PhoneBook contact item. CVoIPAppUi* iAppUi = static_cast<CVoIPAppUi*> (iEikonEnv->EikAppUi()); CVoIPDocument* iDocument = static_cast<CVoIPDocument*> (iAppUi->Document()); TInt iModifyIndex = iDocument->ModifyIndex(); RPointerArray<CContact> contacts = iAppUi->GetPhoneBook()->GetContactsL(); if (iModifyIndex >= 0) { CContact* contact = contacts[iModifyIndex]; if (contact) { CPbkContactItem* contactItem = iAppUi->GetPhoneBook()->ReadContactItemLC( contact->GetEntryId()); CPbkFieldArray& fieldArray = contactItem->CardFields(); for (TInt i = 0; i < fieldArray.Count(); i++) { TPbkContactItemField field = fieldArray[i]; if (field.IsEmpty() == EFalse) { CPbkFieldInfo& fieldInfo = field.FieldInfo(); TInt id = fieldInfo.FieldId(); TAny* unused = 0; if (fieldInfo.CtrlType() == EPbkFieldCtrlTypeTextEditor) { TInt type = EEikCtEdwin; CEikEdwin * nEditor = static_cast<CEikEdwin*> (ControlOrNull(id)); if (!nEditor) { CEikEdwin* edwin = (CEikEdwin*) CreateLineByTypeL( field.Label(), pageId, id, type, unused); edwin->ConstructL(EEikEdwinNoHorizScrolling | EEikEdwinResizable, 10, 100, 1); edwin->SetTextL(&(field.Text())); } } else if (fieldInfo.CtrlType() == EPbkFieldCtrlTypeNumberEditor) { TInt type = EAknCtIntegerEdwin; CAknNumericEdwin * nEditor = static_cast<CAknNumericEdwin*> (ControlOrNull( id)); if (!nEditor) { CAknNumericEdwin* edwin = (CAknNumericEdwin*) CreateLineByTypeL( field.Label(), pageId, id, type, unused); edwin->ConstructL(EEikEdwinNoHorizScrolling | EEikEdwinResizable, 10, 100, 1); edwin->SetTextL(&(field.Text())); } } else if (fieldInfo.CtrlType() == EPbkFieldCtrlTypeDateEditor) { TInt type = EEikCtDateEditor; CEikDateEditor * nEditor = static_cast<CEikDateEditor*> (ControlOrNull( id)); if (!nEditor) { CEikDateEditor* editor = (CEikDateEditor*) CreateLineByTypeL( field.Label(), pageId, id, type, unused); editor->ConstructL(TTime(mindateTime), TTime( maxdateTime), field.DateTimeStorage()->Time(), ETrue); } Line(id)->ActivateL(); } } } SetChangesPending(ETrue); UpdatePageL(ETrue); CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(); //contactItem } } }
bool CSQLiteAddressbook::resolve(const wxString& strNumber, CContact& resolvedContact) { bool rc = false; if (isOk()) { CPhone phoneNr(CPhone::NT_GENERAL); phoneNr.setNumber(strNumber); stringstream ss; if (!phoneNr.isInternal()) { std::string toSearch = strNumber.Right(6).ToUTF8().data(); ss << "select cref, canonical from numbers where " "replace(replace(replace(replace(replace(canonical," "'+', '')," "'(', '')," "')', '')," "'-', '')," "' ', '')" " like '%" << toSearch << "%'"; } else { std::string toSearch = strNumber.ToUTF8().data(); ss << "select cref, canonical from numbers where " "cast(canonical as integer) = " << toSearch; } soci::session session(m_conn_pool); try { int contactref; std::string canonical; indicator i_ref, i_canonical; statement phones = ( session.prepare << ss.str(), into(contactref, i_ref), into(canonical, i_canonical) ); phones.execute(); while(!rc && phones.fetch()) { rc = phoneNr.isMatch(canonical); wxLogMessage(wxT("Found %s -> %smatch"), wxString::From8BitData(canonical.c_str()), !rc ? wxT("no ") : wxEmptyString); } if (rc) { wxString str; std::string strFN,strMN,strLN,strNN,strSN,strTitle,strOrg,strMail,strPicture; indicator i_fn, i_mn, i_ln, i_nn, i_sn, i_title, i_org, i_mail, i_pic; session << "select fn,mn,ln,nn,sn,title,org,email,picture from contacts where id = :cref", into(strFN, i_fn), into(strMN, i_mn), into(strLN, i_ln), into(strNN, i_nn), into(strSN, i_sn), into(strTitle, i_title), into(strOrg, i_org), into(strMail, i_mail), into(strPicture, i_pic), use(contactref); resolvedContact.setDbKey(contactref); str.Clear(); if (i_fn == i_ok) str = wxString::FromUTF8(strFN.c_str(), strFN.length()); resolvedContact.setFN(str); str.Clear(); if (i_mn == i_ok) str = wxString::FromUTF8(strMN.c_str(), strMN.length()); resolvedContact.setMN(str); str.Clear(); if (i_ln == i_ok) str = wxString::FromUTF8(strLN.c_str(), strLN.length()); resolvedContact.setLN(str); str.Clear(); if (i_nn == i_ok) str = wxString::FromUTF8(strNN.c_str(), strNN.length()); resolvedContact.setNN(str); str.Clear(); if (i_sn == i_ok) str = wxString::FromUTF8(strSN.c_str(), strSN.length()); resolvedContact.setSN(str); str.Clear(); if (i_title == i_ok) str = wxString::FromUTF8(strTitle.c_str(), strTitle.length()); resolvedContact.setTitle(str); str.Clear(); if (i_org == i_ok) str = wxString::FromUTF8(strOrg.c_str(), strOrg.length()); resolvedContact.setOrganization(str); str.Clear(); if (i_mail == i_ok) str = wxString::FromUTF8(strMail.c_str(), strMail.length()); resolvedContact.setEmail(str); str.Clear(); if (i_pic == i_ok) str = wxString::FromUTF8(strPicture.c_str(), strPicture.length()); resolvedContact.setImage(str); wxLogMessage(wxT("Resolved to: %s"), resolvedContact.getSN()); } } catch (const std::exception& e) { m_strLastError = e.what(); wxLogError(wxString::FromUTF8(, m_strLastError.length())); } } return rc; }
void CSQLiteAddressbook::insertUpdateEntry(CContact& c) { if (c.isDirty()) { if (isOk()) { int contactkey = (int) c.getDbKey(); std::string strFN = c.getFN().ToUTF8().data(); std::string strMN = c.getMN().ToUTF8().data(); std::string strLN = c.getLN().ToUTF8().data(); std::string strNN = c.getNN().ToUTF8().data(); std::string strSN = c.getSN().ToUTF8().data(); std::string strTitle= c.getTitle().ToUTF8().data(); std::string strOrg = c.getOrganization().ToUTF8().data(); std::string strMail = c.getEmail().ToUTF8().data(); std::string strPic = c.getImage().ToAscii().data(); soci::session session(m_conn_pool); try { session.begin(); // Save Contact if (contactkey == 0) { session << "select value from config where kind='nxtcid' limit 1", into(contactkey); size_t next_id = contactkey + 1; session << "update config set value = :val where kind='nxtcid'", use(next_id); session << "insert into contacts (id,fn,mn,ln,nn,sn,title,org,email,picture) " "values (:id,:fn,:mn,:ln,:nn,:sn,:title,:org,:email,:pic)", use(contactkey), use(strFN), use(strMN), use(strLN), use(strNN), use(strSN), use(strTitle), use(strOrg), use(strMail), use(strPic); c.setDbKey(contactkey); } else { session << "update contacts set fn=:fn,mn=:mn,ln=:ln,nn=:nn," "sn=:sn,title=:title,org=:org,email=:email,picture=:pic " "where id = :id", use(strFN), use(strMN), use(strLN), use(strNN), use(strSN), use(strTitle), use(strOrg), use(strMail), use(strPic), use(contactkey); } // Save Numbers stringstream ssKeys; TPhoneList& lPhones = c.getPhones(); if (lPhones.size()) { ssKeys << "delete from numbers where cref = :cref and id not in ("; for (int pidx = 0; pidx < lPhones.size(); ++pidx) { long long phonekey = lPhones[pidx].getDbKey(); int phoneType = lPhones[pidx].getType(); std::string strCanonical = lPhones[pidx].getNumber().ToAscii().data(); std::string strNote = lPhones[pidx].getNote().ToUTF8().data(); if (phonekey == 0) { session << "select value from config where kind='nxtnid' limit 1", into(phonekey); size_t next_id = phonekey + 1; session << "update config set value = :val where kind='nxtnid'", use(next_id); session << "insert into numbers (id,cref,type,canonical,note) " "values (:id,:cref,:type,:can,:note)", use(phonekey), use(contactkey), use(phoneType), use(strCanonical), use(strNote); lPhones[pidx].setDbKey(phonekey); } else { session << "update numbers set type=:type,canonical=:can,note=:note " "where id = :id", use(phoneType), use(strCanonical), use(strNote), use(phonekey); } if (pidx > 0) ssKeys << ","; ssKeys << lPhones[pidx].getDbKey(); lPhones[pidx].setDirty(false); } ssKeys << ")"; session << ssKeys.str(), use(contactkey); } else { session << "delete from numbers where cref = :cref", use(contactkey); } session.commit(); c.setDirty(false); // notifyListeners(); } catch (const std::exception& e) { m_strLastError = e.what(); session.rollback(); wxMessageBox(wxString::FromUTF8(, m_strLastError.length()), wxT("SQLite Plugin"), wxOK|wxICON_ERROR); } } else { c.setDirty(false); } } }