void OnAuthClicked(CCtrlButton*) { DWORD flags = CallProtoServiceInt(NULL, m_acs.szProto, PS_GETCAPS, PFLAGNUM_4, 0); if (flags & PF4_NOCUSTOMAUTH) m_authReq.Enable(false); else m_authReq.Enable(m_chkAuth.Enabled()); }
void OnRequestClick(CCtrlButton*) { if (IDYES != MessageBox(NULL, TranslateT(szAskSendSms), PRODUCT_NAME, MB_YESNO)) return; ptrA cc(m_cc.GetTextA()), number(m_login.GetTextA()); string password; if (m_proto->Register(REG_STATE_REQ_CODE, string(cc), string(number), string(), password)) { if (!password.empty()) { MessageBox(NULL, TranslateT(szPasswordSet), PRODUCT_NAME, MB_ICONWARNING); m_proto->setString(WHATSAPP_KEY_PASS, password.c_str()); } else { m_pw1.Enable(); // unblock sms code entry field m_pw2.Enable(); } } }
virtual void OnInitDialog() { // what, no plugins?! if (arDbPlugins.getCount() == 0) { m_driverList.Enable(false); m_profileName.Enable(false); ShowWindow(m_warning.GetHwnd(), TRUE); } else { for (int i = 0; i < arDbPlugins.getCount(); i++) { DATABASELINK *p = arDbPlugins[i]; m_driverList.AddString(TranslateTS(p->szFullName), (LPARAM)p); } } // default item m_driverList.SetCurSel(0); // subclass the profile name box mir_subclassWindow(m_profileName.GetHwnd(), ProfileNameValidate); // decide if there is a default profile name given in the INI and if it should be used if (m_pd->noProfiles || (shouldAutoCreate(m_pd->ptszProfile) && _taccess(m_pd->ptszProfile, 0))) { TCHAR *profile = _tcsrchr(m_pd->ptszProfile, '\\'); if (profile) ++profile; else profile = m_pd->ptszProfile; TCHAR *p = _tcsrchr(profile, '.'); TCHAR c = 0; if (p) { c = *p; *p = 0; } m_profileName.SetText(profile); if (c) *p = c; } // focus on the textbox PostMessage(m_hwnd, WM_FOCUSTEXTBOX, 0, 0); }
void OnInitDialog() { char szUin[10]; Window_SetSkinIcon_IcoLib(m_hwnd, SKINICON_OTHER_ADDCONTACT); if (m_acs.handleType == HANDLE_EVENT) { DWORD dwUin; DBEVENTINFO dbei = { sizeof(dbei) }; dbei.cbBlob = sizeof(DWORD); dbei.pBlob = (PBYTE)&dwUin; db_event_get(m_acs.hDbEvent, &dbei); _ltoa(dwUin, szUin, 10); m_acs.szProto = dbei.szModule; } MCONTACT hContact; TCHAR *szName = NULL, *tmpStr = NULL; if (m_acs.handleType == HANDLE_CONTACT) szName = cli.pfnGetContactDisplayName(hContact = m_acs.hContact, 0); else { int isSet = 0; hContact = 0; if (m_acs.handleType == HANDLE_EVENT) { DBEVENTINFO dbei = { sizeof(dbei) }; dbei.cbBlob = db_event_getBlobSize(m_acs.hDbEvent); dbei.pBlob = (PBYTE)mir_alloc(dbei.cbBlob); db_event_get(m_acs.hDbEvent, &dbei); hContact = *(MCONTACT*)(dbei.pBlob + sizeof(DWORD)); mir_free(dbei.pBlob); if (hContact != INVALID_CONTACT_ID) { szName = cli.pfnGetContactDisplayName(hContact, 0); isSet = 1; } } if (!isSet) { if (m_acs.handleType == HANDLE_EVENT) szName = mir_a2t(szUin); else { szName = sttDecodeString(m_acs.psr->flags, m_acs.psr->id); if (!szName) szName = sttDecodeString(m_acs.psr->flags, m_acs.psr->nick); } } } if (szName && szName[0]) SetCaption(CMString(FORMAT, TranslateT("Add %s"), szName)); else SetCaption(TranslateT("Add contact")); mir_free(tmpStr); if (m_acs.handleType == HANDLE_CONTACT && m_acs.hContact) if (m_acs.szProto == NULL || (m_acs.szProto != NULL && *m_acs.szProto == 0)) m_acs.szProto = GetContactProto(m_acs.hContact); int groupSel = 0; ptrT tszGroup(db_get_tsa(hContact, "CList", "Group")); TCHAR *grpName; for (int groupId = 1; (grpName = Clist_GroupGetName(groupId, NULL)) != NULL; groupId++) { int id = m_group.AddString(grpName, groupId); if (!mir_tstrcmpi(tszGroup, grpName)) groupSel = id; } m_group.InsertString(TranslateT("None"), 0); m_group.SetCurSel(groupSel); // By default check both checkboxes m_chkAdded.SetState(true); m_chkAuth.SetState(true); // Set last choice if (db_get_b(NULL, "Miranda", "AuthOpenWindow", 1)) m_chkOpen.SetState(true); DWORD flags = (m_acs.szProto) ? CallProtoServiceInt(NULL, m_acs.szProto, PS_GETCAPS, PFLAGNUM_4, 0) : 0; if (flags & PF4_FORCEADDED) // force you were added requests for this protocol m_chkAdded.Enable(false); if (flags & PF4_FORCEAUTH) // force auth requests for this protocol m_chkAuth.Enable(false); if (flags & PF4_NOCUSTOMAUTH) m_authReq.Enable(false); else { m_authReq.Enable(m_chkAuth.Enabled()); m_authReq.SetText(TranslateT("Please authorize my request and add me to your contact list.")); } }
virtual void OnInitDialog() { m_pw1.SendMsg(EM_LIMITTEXT, 3, 0); m_pw1.Enable(false); m_pw2.SendMsg(EM_LIMITTEXT, 3, 0); m_pw2.Enable(false); }