bool CDAVDirectory::GetDirectory(const CStdString& strPath, CFileItemList &items) { CCurlFile dav; CURL url(strPath); CStdString strRequest = "PROPFIND"; dav.SetCustomRequest(strRequest); dav.SetMimeType("text/xml; charset=\"utf-8\""); dav.SetRequestHeader("depth", 1); dav.SetPostData( "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"utf-8\" ?>" " <D:propfind xmlns:D=\"DAV:\">" " <D:prop>" " <D:resourcetype/>" " <D:getcontentlength/>" " <D:getlastmodified/>" " <D:creationdate/>" " <D:displayname/>" " </D:prop>" " </D:propfind>"); if (!dav.Open(url)) { CLog::Log(LOGERROR, "%s - Unable to get dav directory (%s)", __FUNCTION__, strPath.c_str()); return false; } CStdString strResponse; dav.ReadData(strResponse); CXBMCTinyXML davResponse; davResponse.Parse(strResponse.c_str()); if (!davResponse.Parse(strResponse)) { CLog::Log(LOGERROR, "%s - Unable to process dav directory (%s)", __FUNCTION__, strPath.c_str()); dav.Close(); return false; } TiXmlNode *pChild; // Iterate over all responses for (pChild = davResponse.RootElement()->FirstChild(); pChild != 0; pChild = pChild->NextSibling()) { if (CDAVCommon::ValueWithoutNamespace(pChild, "response")) { CFileItem item; ParseResponse(pChild->ToElement(), item); CURL url2(strPath); CURL url3(item.GetPath()); CStdString itemPath(URIUtils::AddFileToFolder(url2.GetWithoutFilename(), url3.GetFileName())); if (item.GetLabel().IsEmpty()) { CStdString name(itemPath); URIUtils::RemoveSlashAtEnd(name); CURL::Decode(name); item.SetLabel(URIUtils::GetFileName(name)); } if (item.m_bIsFolder) URIUtils::AddSlashAtEnd(itemPath); // Add back protocol options if (!url2.GetProtocolOptions().IsEmpty()) itemPath += "|" + url2.GetProtocolOptions(); item.SetPath(itemPath); if (!item.GetPath().Equals(strPath)) { CFileItemPtr pItem(new CFileItem(item)); items.Add(pItem); } } } dav.Close(); return true; }
CStdString *ThumbStore::getFanart(const char *artistName) { if (!Settings::getInstance()->getUseHTFanarts()) return m_stdFanart; //Logger::printOut("Looking for fanart"); //check if we got the fanart string artistNameString = artistName; stringMap::iterator it = m_fanarts.find(artistNameString); if (it == m_fanarts.end()) { //we dont have it so we need to to a search for it CCurlFile http; CStdString artistString = artistName; artistString.Replace(' ', '+'); CStdString urlString; urlString.Format( ",keywords,caption,mb_name,mb_alias&inc=keywords,caption,mb_name,mb_aliases&limit=1", artistString); CURL url(urlString); if (http.Open(url)) { Logger::printOut("Looking for fanart, need to fetch a new address"); Logger::printOut(artistNameString); //try to parse the resulting file for a fanart image CStdString data; http.ReadData(data); TiXmlDocument xmlDoc; xmlDoc.Parse(data); TiXmlNode* element = xmlDoc.RootElement(); //get the images child element = element->FirstChild("images"); if (element) { //get the first image child, (should only be one) element = element->FirstChild(); if (element) { //get the id TiXmlNode* idElement = element->FirstChild("id"); CStdString id = idElement->ToElement()->GetText(); //get the filename TiXmlNode* fileNameElement = element->FirstChild("filename"); CStdString name = fileNameElement->ToElement()->GetText(); CStdString *fanartUrl = new CStdString(); fanartUrl->Format( "", id, name); //Logger::printOut("Adding online fanart"); m_fanarts.insert( stringMap::value_type(artistNameString, fanartUrl)); //save the fanart url to the cachefile string path = Settings::getInstance()->getCachePath() + "fanarts.txt"; Logger::printOut("saving fanart list"); ofstream file(path.c_str(), ios::app); if (file.is_open()) { file << artistNameString << "\n" << *fanartUrl << "\n"; } file.close(); return fanartUrl; } } } //Logger::printOut("Adding standard fanart"); m_fanarts.insert(stringMap::value_type(artistNameString, m_stdFanart)); //save the fanart url to the cachefile string path = Settings::getInstance()->getCachePath() + "fanarts.txt"; Logger::printOut("saving fanart list"); ofstream file(path.c_str(), ios::app); if (file.is_open()) { file << artistNameString << "\n" << *m_stdFanart << "\n"; } file.close(); return m_stdFanart; } //Logger::printOut("Returning cached fanart"); return it->second; }